Box Office Romania

CmIDX: 735.488 EUR ( +0.46%)
Loc Sapt. prec Film (Distribuitor) Nr săpt Scr. Weekend Chg (%) Săptămâna Cumulativ
Spectatori RON Spectatori RON Spectatori RON USD
1. -- Hancock
InterComFilm Distribution
1 9 20.461 306.055,00 20.461 306.055,00 20.461 306.055,00 132.865,21
2. -- Kung Fu Panda
Kung Fu Panda
Ro Image 2000
1 10 7.939 144.863,70 7.939 144.863,70 7.939 144.863,70 62.888,52
3. 1 Wanted
Ro Image 2000
2 8 5.231 86.139,60 -60.40 15.704 224.176,80 28.840 441.679,00 191.615,66
4. 2 Sex and the City: The Movie
Totul despre sex
InterComFilm Distribution
5 7 4.885 55.267,00 -24.43 7.800 88.834,00 62.193 863.796,00 367.658,85
5. 3 The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Cronicile din Narnia: Prințul Caspian
Audio Visual Romania
3 10 2.927 35.196,00 -42.48 5.769 68.949,00 24.166 329.181,00 141.227,07
6. 4 What Happens in Vegas
Mariaj de Vegas
Odeon Cineplex
6 7 1.132 21.154,30 -32.19 2.925 43.989,70 46.601 677.141,66 288.849,79
7. 9 Indiana Jones and the The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones și regatul craniului de cristal
Ro Image 2000
7 10 567 10.565,10 -30.36 1.491 22.664,90 59.646 872.600,15 373.679,07
8. 8 Drillbit Taylor
Garda de corp
Ro Image 2000
3 4 475 7.969,50 -56.09 1.683 23.611,05 6.624 104.070,75 44.669,21
9. 6 The Happening
Odeon Cineplex
4 7 426 7.557,50 -64.48 1.712 22.427,35 16.062 218.984,99 93.350,24
10. 5 The Incredible Hulk
Incredibilul Hulk
Ro Image 2000
4 7 456 7.398,00 -75.83 2.983 34.162,55 21.878 291.115,45 124.207,14
11. 7 Superhero Movie
Comedie cu supereroi
Ro Image 2000 SPI International
3 5 398 6.493,70 -67.52 1.625 21.757,00 6.677 99.049,45 42.590,78
12. 11 Smother
Scăpați-mă de mama!
MediaPro Distribution
6 4 590 5.800,70 7.65 1.032 16.194,05 10.794 163.600,00 69.786,15
13. 23 Funny Games
Jocuri stranii
Ro Image 2000 Prorom
4 3 268 2.163,00 104.17 796 6.052,90 2.127 26.900,85 11.470,16
14. 10 Cassandra's Dream
Visul Cassandrei
Independența Film
3 2 99 1.872,00 -68.70 412 6.374,00 1.935 33.352,00 14.329,74
15. 20 Prom Night
Balul absolvenților
InterComFilm Distribution
5 2 205 1.559,00 -3.17 257 2.141,00 4.014 70.269,00 29.798,40
16. 13 Dreaming Lhasa
Întoarcere în Tibet
New Films Romania
2 1 63 1.221,00 -59.37 119 1.941,00 281 4.946,00 2.145,41
17. 12 21
21: Șansa vieții lui
InterComFilm Distribution
9 1 73 1.107,00 -68.47 197 2.844,00 30.935 479.534,00 204.197,07
18. 19 Never Back Down
Nu da înapoi
MediaPro Distribution
11 4 94 998,20 -42.92 292 2.511,60 6.306 89.010,29 38.331,06
19. 27 Scoop
Bomba zilei
New Films Romania
8 1 181 911,00 170.33 272 1.497,00 5.435 82.123,00 35.183,26
20. 21 Bratz: The Movie
MediaPro Distribution
4 4 95 734,48 -50.77 366 2.868,00 2.396 28.296,15 12.049,93
21. 17 My Blueberry Nights
Iubire cu gust de afine
Ro Image 2000 Prorom
6 4 76 455,00 -79.78 387 2.864,00 4.742 54.461,75 23.244,31
22. 18 Taken
Teroare în Paris
MediaPro Distribution
8 5 48 234,19 -88.02 72 532,69 20.781 303.924,24 130.157,77
23. -- Supraviețuitorul
MediaPro Distribution
10 6 22 220,00 266 1.976,00 26.038 333.082,00 144.968,29
24. 25 Leatherheads
Jocuri murdare
Ro Image 2000
9 4 13 132,30 -83.45 182 1.444,50 9.281 148.497,00 63.262,78
25. 22 Horton Hears a Who
Odeon Cineplex
13 7 7 83,30 -93.08 43 523,30 26.966 341.230,22 147.527,39
26. 24 Poveste de cartier
Poveste de cartier
MediaPro Distribution
9 2 11 77,00 -90.43 194 1.145,92 5.160 77.224,16 32.879,80
27. 15 Goya's Ghosts
Fantomele lui Goya
New Films Romania
4 2 0 0,00 -100.00 186 3.260,00 1.273 22.065,00 9.415,65
28. -- Juno
MediaPro Distribution
10 4 0 0,00 186 1.308,50 15.625 211.162,74 85.403,41
29. -- Step Up 2: The Streets
Dansul dragostei 2
MediaPro Distribution
11 4 0 0,00 185 1.159,50 20.609 286.388,58 121.114,27
30. 26 The Mist
Ro Image 2000 Prorom
10 4 0 0,00 -100.00 95 729,50 8.759 142.493,52 61.571,49
31. 16 Iron Man
Iron Man - Omul de oțel
Ro Image 2000
10 7 0 0,00 -100.00 45 548,50 41.911 571.617,75 242.988,55
32. 28 Severance
Reduceri de personal
Transilvania Film
8 1 0 0,00 -100.00 36 192,34 1.697 23.565,34 10.120,87
33. 29 Nim's Island
Insula din vis
MediaPro Distribution
14 5 0 0,00 -100.00 25 161,50 10.416 140.388,60 60.347,54
34. -- Restul e tăcere
Restul e tăcere
MediaPro Distribution
10 7 0 0,00 18 114,00 21.842 247.283,79 103.334,29
Total 46.742 706.227,57 75.755 1.059.874,85