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Nae 05 Feb 2006 00:56

Originally Posted by obvious:

whaddya mean?

(absolut genial, da...)

meaning, daca merita filmate... ceva, scurt-metraje de genu asta...

(ya know, have to at some point.... soon)

Leonard 05 Feb 2006 01:14

Originally Posted by Pitbull:

Eu regula cu multiplii lui 9 n-o stiam (karma mea vrea sä fiu clei la mate), asa cä am procedat empiric, si pânä la urmä am väzut numerele de pe listä unde apare simbolul "magic". Dar dacä te uiti bine, vezi cä toti multiplii lui 9 sunt printre ele. Deci, pe lângä ei, el a pus si 8, 21, 38, 64, 94, la derutä.
Parshivache, bäiatu'!

ba nu. ºi 8, 21, 26 38, 64, 94 au semne constante, independent de cele care se schimbã (multipli de 9).
oricum, amicei cãreia i-am dat linkul i-a luat 7 minute sã-ºi dea seama ºi sã-mi explice pe loc, dupã ce la 4 minute îmi zisese 'what the fuck?'.

obvious 05 Feb 2006 12:30

right-o...pai da.DA! hehe.... 8)

Cinemania 09 Feb 2006 22:43

> One day an employee sends a letter to his boss asking for an
> increase in his salary!!
> Dear Bo$$
> In thi$ life, we all need $ome thing mo$t de$perately. I think you
> $hould be under$tanding of the need$ of u$ worker$ who have given $o
> $upport including $weat and $ervice to your company. I am $ure you
> gue$$ what I mean and re$pond $oon.
> Your$ $incerely,
> Norman $oh
> The next day, the employee received this letter of reply:
> Dear NOrman,
> I kNOw you have been working very hard. NOwadays, NOthing much has
> changed. You must have NOticed that our company is NOt doing
> well
> as yet.
> NOw the newspaper are saying the world`s leading ecoNOmists are NOt
> sure if the United States may go into aNOther recession. After the
> NOvember
> presidential elections things may turn bad.
> I have NOthing more to add NOw. You kNOw what I mean.
> Yours truly,
> Manager

Cinemania 11 Feb 2006 11:38


st3fan 11 Feb 2006 19:37

Cica vine sarbatoarea aia misto, SF Valentin.Daca va bucurati ca si mine, check this out

Bulumulu 13 Feb 2006 02:21

Originally Posted by Pitbull:

Gataaa, m-am prins! M-AM PRINS!!! :D

(A, si cu ocazia asta, väd c-am fäcut 2000 de mesaje. Asa cä särbätoriti-mä si pe mine, ce pielea mea!)

la mai multe mesaje, maestre... berea se serveste eventual cel mai devreme de pasti, sau pe-aici anytime :D wilkommen :happy:

Cinemania 13 Feb 2006 15:36

from the daily helpdesk work...

Helpdesk: What kind of computer do you have?
Customer: A white one...

Customer: Hi, this is Celine. I can't get my diskette out.
Helpdesk: Have you tried pushing the button?
Customer: Yes, sure, it's really stuck.
Helpdesk: That doesn't sound good; I'll make a note ."
Customer: No . wait a minute... I hadn't inserted it yet..

it's still on my desk... Sorry...


Helpdesk: Click on the 'my computer' icon on to the left of the screen.
Customer: Your left or my left?


Helpdesk: Good day. How may I help you?
Male customer: Hello... I can't print.
Helpdesk: Would you click on start for me and...
Customer: Listen pal; don't start getting technical on me!

I'm not Bill Gates darn it!


Customer: Hi, good afternoon, this is Martha, I can't print Every time I try,

it says 'Can't find printer'. I've even lifted the printer and placed it

in front of the monitor, but the computer still says it can't find it...


Customer: I have problems printing in red...
Helpdesk: Do you have a color printer?
Customer: Aaaah...................Thank you.


Helpdesk: What's on your monitor now ma'am?
Customer: A teddy bear my boyfriend bought for me in the supermarket.


Customer: My keyboard is not working anymore.
Helpdesk: Are you sure it's plugged into the computer?
Customer: No. I can't get behind the computer.
Helpdesk: Pick up your keyboard and walk 10 paces back.
Customer: Okay.
Helpdesk: Did the keyboard come with you?
Customer: Yes.
Helpdesk: That means the keyboard is not plugged in. Is there

another keyboard?
Customer: Yes, there's another one here. Ah...that one does work!


Helpdesk: Your password is the small letter a as in apple,

a capital letter V as in Victor, and the number 7.
Customer: Is that 7 in capital letters?


A customer couldn't get on the Internet:
Helpdesk: Are you sure you used the right password?
Customer: Yes I'm sure. I saw my colleague do it.
Helpdesk: Can you tell me what the password was?
Customer: Five stars.


Helpdesk: What anti-virus program do you use?
Customer: Netscape.
Helpdesk: That's not an anti-virus program.
Customer: Oh, sorry...Internet Explorer.


Customer: I have a huge problem. A friend has put a screensaver on my computer, but every time I move the mouse, it disappears!


Helpdesk: How may I help you?
Customer: I'm writing my first e-mail.
Helpdesk: OK, and, what seems to be the problem?
Customer: Well, I have the letter 'a' in the address,
but how do I get the circle around it?

Bulumulu 14 Feb 2006 03:55

a se vedea si view source;)

Bulumulu 14 Feb 2006 04:07

mai era un site cu clipuri din filme in asciii - printre care si scena treptelor din potemkin, da nu-l mai gasesc :((

Cinemania 14 Feb 2006 14:02

Leonard 14 Feb 2006 14:45

S-a ales guvernul japonez ! Guvernul reprezinta o coalitie formata din 3 partide politice: -KOYOSHI -WAKARI -FUTUTSHI cu urmatoarea componenta:
Ministru de razboi NAKOTORU KAOSU
Ministru apararii TUKUSULA MAOMORI
Ministru de interne FUTUSGURA TASHAMATI
Prim adj. Dept. Moravuri HOKUTATA YAKUBOTU
Secretar de Stat NABAG0 SHINDOSU
Ministru de Externe NAWAKURU SHIKUTOTU
Secretar de stat ODAGATA KUBAROSU
Ministrul Finantelor YASUTASHI NAONOCHI

Cinemania 14 Feb 2006 15:38

ai uitat de ministrul culturii: MICUTSO CEKURAI

silver_boy 14 Feb 2006 15:46

Din Ciclu " Fraþii lor sunt mai imbecili decât ai noºtrii"

Sper ca saracul little brother s-o fi rãzbunat pânã a way

GhitzaCartitza 14 Feb 2006 17:30

Jurnalul unui taliban

Luni: Mã bligdizezg.
Marti: A venid bãiadu vecinului la mine în gurde, mi-a vurad o vagã ji
mi-a omorâd gãdzelu.
Miercuri: Am omorâd eu bãiadu.
Joi: A venid dadãl bãiadului la mine gu doadã vamilia ji gu doade
rudele zã mã omoare.
Vineri: I-am omorâd eu be dodzi.
Sâmbãtã:* S-a adunad dod zadul în vadza gazei mele zã mã izgoneazgã din zad.
Duminicã: Am omorâd eu dod zadul.
Luni: Iar mã bligdizezg...

Gaandalf 14 Feb 2006 23:33

Fight Club Remake:

Gaandalf 15 Feb 2006 11:07

inca una geniala pentru toti boii care se apuca sa posteze la random:

Bulumulu 17 Feb 2006 19:29

It's actually a little disturbing to think that my life now includes a little
Japanese girl who will randomly teleport into a place, yell "breasts!" at me,
then teleport out as quickly as she came.

Nae 18 Feb 2006 00:35

Originally Posted by Bulumulu:

It's actually a little disturbing to think that my life now includes a little
Japanese girl who will randomly teleport into a place, yell "breasts!" at me,
then teleport out as quickly as she came.


Supastar 19 Feb 2006 22:19

Nu este important sa castigi...este important sa-l faci pe celalalt sa piarda.

Cel mai important nu este sa stii ... ma i important este sa ai telefonul celui care stie.

Este bine sa lasi bautura ... insa rau este sa uiti unde ai lasat-o.

Inteligenta ma urmareste ... dar eu sunt mai rapid.

Fugi de tentatii ... dar incet, sa te poata ajunge.

A studia inseamna a te indoi de inteligenta colegului de birou.

Alcoolul omoara incet incet ... nu conteaza, nu ma grabesc.

Exista doua cuvinte care i ti deschid multe usi ... trage si impinge.

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