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Ambra Blu 13 Jul 2005 13:39

am ris la comentariul lui cinemania

gionloc 13 Jul 2005 13:47

Originally Posted by Pitbull:

Bäi Cinemaniacule, MA OMORI!!!
:lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol:

dupa ce m-am adunat de sub masa calculatorului, subscriu! era cat pe ce sa....

cinemania is 8)

Cinemania 13 Jul 2005 13:52

mea culpa :D

nume 13 Jul 2005 16:02

Originally Posted by Cinemania:

Cred ca e record mondial de injuraturi pt 5 minute

S-o crezi tu !

Cinemania 13 Jul 2005 16:05

Originally Posted by nume:

Originally Posted by Cinemania:

Cred ca e record mondial de injuraturi pt 5 minute

S-o crezi tu !

hm...cine l-a luat?! :happy:

Cinemania 14 Jul 2005 20:21


Cinemania 16 Jul 2005 00:46

sa moara dusmanii...

Cinemania 16 Jul 2005 01:03

cea mai emotionanta scrisoare sau:


Dragã fiule,
Iþi scriu aceste rânduri ca sã ºtii cã iþi scriu. Dacã primeºti aceastã scrisoare înseamnã cã a ajuns cu bine. Dacã nu o primeºti,atunci sã mã anunþi pentru a þi-o mai timite o datã.

Iþi scriu încet pentru cã ºtiu cã tu nu citeºti prea repede.
Acum câteva zile tatãl tãu a citit cã marea majoritate a accidentelor se petrec la o distanþã de un kilometru de casã. De aceea ne-am hotãrât sã ne mutãm mai departe.

Noua casã este minunatã; are ºi maºinã de spãlat, dar nu ºtiu sigur dacã merge. Ieri, am bãgat lenjeria în ea, am tras de manetã, ºi de-atunci n-am mai vãzut-o.

Vremea pe aici nu e foarte rea. Sãptãmâna trecutã n-a plouat decât de douã ori.Prima datã, ploaia a þinut 3 zile, a doua oarã 4 zile.

A propos de vesta pe care o voiai, unchiul Petre mi-a spus cã dacã o trimitem cu nasturi, cum sunt ei grei, o sã coste mai mult; atunci am tãiat nasturii ºi i-am pus în buzunar.

În sfârºit, l-am îngropat pe bunicu'; l-am gãsit când ne-am mutat. Era în dulap din ziua în care a câºtigat la 'De-a v-aþi ascunselea'.

Sã-þi mai zic cã alaltãieri, a explodat bucãtãria ºi tatãl tãu ºi cu mine am 'zburat' din casã. Ce emoþie! A fost pentru prima datã dupã mulþi ani când tatãl tãu ºi cu mine ieºim împreunã undeva.

A venit doctorul sã vadã dacã suntem în regulã, ºi mi-a pus un tub din sticlã în gurã. Mi-a zis sã nu vorbesc 10 minute. Tatãl tãu s-a oferit sã cumpere tubul acela.

ªi dacã tot vorbim de taicã'tu, te anunþ cã ºi-a gãsit de lucru, e foarte mândru de asta. Lucreazã peste aproape 500 de oameni. L-au angajat sã tundã iarba în cimitir.

Sora ta Julia, cea care s-a cãsãtorit cu soþul ei, a nãscut în sfârºit, da' nu ºtim încã sexul copilului. N-aº putea încã sã-þi spun dacã eºti unchi sau mãtuºã.

Taicã'tu a întrebat-o pe sorã-ta Lucia dacã mai este însãrcinatã. Lucia i-a zis cã da, în 5 cinci luni de-acum; atunci taicã'tu a întrebat-o dacã era sigurã cã era al ei. Ea i-a spus sigurã cã da. Ce fatã sigurã, câtã mândrie! Aºa fatã, aºa tatã!

Vãrul tãu Paul s-a cãsãtorit ºi se roagã în fiecare zi în faþa soþiei lui. E fecioarã!
Dimpotrivã, nu l-am mai vãzut pe unchiul Vasile, ãla care a murit anul trecut...
Cel mai rãu e fratetu' ãla' mic, Ionuþ. A încuiat maºina ºi a lãsat cheile înãuntru. A trebuit sã se ducã pânã acasã sã aducã dublura ca sã ne scoatã pe toþi de acolo.

Bine, fiule. Nu pot sã-þi trec adresa pe plic pentru cã n-o ºtiu. De fapt, ultima familie care a locuit aici, a plecat cu numerele pentru a le pune la noua adresã.

Daca o vezi pe Margareta, transmite-i salutarile noastre. Dacã n-o vezi, nu-i spune nimic.
Mama ta care te adorã,
P.S. Aveam de gând sã-þi pun ºi niºte bani, dar deja am închis plicul.

Pitbull 16 Jul 2005 01:17

Multe-s clasice.
Da', oricum, drägut. :)

silver_boy 18 Jul 2005 12:55

M0n0 18 Jul 2005 14:02
deci am vazut niciodata asa ceva...

Cinemania 18 Jul 2005 14:15

Originally Posted by silver_boy:

it's a hot tricky motherf... :lol:

Pitbull 18 Jul 2005 17:39

Originally Posted by silver_boy:

Asta nu-i "for men", îi "pentru BOI". Cä numa' on bou sä chioambä la tâtoancele unei fätuci, când sh-o pus banii la bätaie sî tzîgänocu' zice: "Ni bila, nu-i bila, un'e-i bila?"

Apropo, Silver, AM CASTIGAT testul! :D Ce primesc? ;)

Cinemania 18 Jul 2005 18:01

Originally Posted by Pitbull:

Originally Posted by silver_boy:

Asta nu-i "for men", îi "pentru BOI". Cä numa' on bou sä chioambä la tâtoancele unei fätuci, când sh-o pus banii la bätaie sî tzîgänocu' zice: "Ni bila, nu-i bila, un'e-i bila?"

Apropo, Silver, AM CASTIGAT testul! :D Ce primesc? ;)

tipa aia :P

Pitbull 18 Jul 2005 18:05

Unde se depun contestatiile? :sick:

Cinemania 18 Jul 2005 18:07

:lol: :lol: :lol:

too late...

Bogie 19 Jul 2005 15:17

"Pentru a veni în ajutorul omului modern, tot mai grãbit, care nu mai are timp sã petreacã ore întregi în fotoliu, editorii i-au pus la dispoziþie cartea care nu se mai citeºte, ci se ascultã."

:o :( :((

cherryblossom 19 Jul 2005 15:23

Originally Posted by Bogie:

"Pentru a veni în ajutorul omului modern, tot mai grãbit, care nu mai are timp sã petreacã ore întregi în fotoliu, editorii i-au pus la dispoziþie cartea care nu se mai citeºte, ci se ascultã."

:o :( :((

asta mi se pare o chestie cam trista.. bebe mihaescu sa zica saru'mina..

M0n0 19 Jul 2005 15:58

In sfarsit o inventie inteligenta :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

Cinemania 19 Jul 2005 16:05

niste expirati, d'le

M0n0 19 Jul 2005 18:15

Si daca prin absurd au succes?
Eu ce sa fac? Raman la cititul din cele cateva carti care se mai tiparesc in loc sa se transforme in format audio?

EgoN 08 Aug 2005 12:52

cat purtati la papuci? :P!/15997/Marimea-piciorului-o-arata-pe-cea-a-penisului

Gaandalf 09 Aug 2005 16:26

tare ... 36:2 - :lol:

Nightwane 09 Aug 2005 16:35

penisul meu ajunge pana in brooklyn.

Gaandalf 09 Aug 2005 16:46

Originally Posted by Nightwane:

penisul meu ajunge pana in brooklyn.

mi-a mai spus cineva de tine ... 50:2 :P

Cinemania 10 Aug 2005 12:19

saracu' George

"Iubita mea Maria,

stiu ca psihologul mi-a zis ca nu ar trebui sa mai iau legatura cu tine, ca sa pot sa te uit mai repede, dar nu mai rezist.
In ziua cand m-ai parasit m-am jurat sa nu mai vorbesc cu tine niciodata. Dar era doar ego-ul meu ranit care dicta. Nu am vrut sa fiu cel care sa lase de la el si sa se impace. In fanteziile mele intotdeauna tu te intorceai cu coada intre picioare la mine. Cred ca mandria mea avea nevoie cu disperare de asta. Dar acum vad ca mandria m-a costat o groaza de lucruri. Am obosit tot pretinzand ca nu mi-e dor de tine. Nu mai imi pasa ca voi fi considerat un prost. Nu mai imi pasa cine face prima tentativa de impacare atata vreme cat unul din noi o face. Poate e timpul sa lasam inima sa vorbeasca, si nu creierul. Pentru ca inima mea spune: "Nu e nici una ca tine, Maria"

Te caut in ochii si sanii fiecarei femei pe care o intalnesc, dar ele nu sunt tu. Nici pe-aproape macar.

Acum doua saptamani am intalnit o fata in club si am adus-o acasa. Nu vreau sa iti spun asta ca sa te ranesc, ci ca sa iti arat disperarea mea. Era tanara, probabil pe la 19-20 de ani, cu un corp perfect pe care numai tineretea si probabil vreo 10 ani de dansuri artistice pot sa il ofere. Vreau sa spun, doar un corp perfect. Sani cum nu vezi nici in prezentarile de moda si un fund rotund pentru care merita sa si omori.
Visul oricarui barbat, nu? Dar in timp ce stateam pe canapea si ea imi oferea partida perfecta de sex oral, m-am gandit la acest lucru, care este atat de important in viata. Sa fi ajuns atat de superficial? Ce daca are un corp perfect? O face mai buna la pat?
Ma rog, in cazul ei da, dar nu asta e important. O face asta o persoana mai buna? Are un suflet mai bun decat tine, care nu mai ai fermitatea corporala de odinioara? Ma indoiesc. Si nu ma gandisem la asta niciodata pana atunci. Asta inseamna ca m-am mai maturizat un pic, nu? Dupa ce i-am servit o portie de iaurt barbatesc, m-am surprins gandindu-ma, "de ce ma simt atat de gol pe dinauntru?". Nu era doar tehnica ei perfecta de oral, era altceva. Si atunci am avut o revelatie.
Nu era la fel pentru ca tu nu erai acolo.
Stii ce inseamna asta? Nimic nu mai e la fel fara tine. Doamne, Maria, innebunesc fara tine. Si tot ce fac imi aduce aminte de tine.

Iti mai aduci aminte de Angela, vecina noastra de la 3 care isi creste singura copilul? A trecut saptamana trecuta pe la mine cu o cratita de friptura. A zis ca se vede ca nu mananc cum trebuie, acum cand nu mai e o femeie in casa.
Mi-am dat seama de ce a vrut sa spuna dupa masa, dar nu asta am vrut sa iti spun. Oricum, am baut cateva pahare de vin si ne-am trezit tragandu-ne-o ca iepurii in vechiul nostru dormitor, care inca te mai asteapta. Si vreau sa iti zic ca femeia asta stie ce vrea, ca orice femeie maritata care nu are rezerve vizavi de cum arata, de cariera ei sau daca ne aud copiii. Si dintr-o data a observat oglinda aia mare cu picior pe care ai mostenit-o de la bunica-ta. A asezat-o pe covor ca sa ne putem vedea in timp ce i-o trag pe la spate. Asta m-a excitat teribil, dar nu am putut sa nu ma intristez la gandul ca tie in 14 ani e trait impreuna nu ti-a trecut niciodata prin minte sa utilizam oglinda aia ca accesoriu sexual.

Sambata a trecut sora-ta Carmen sa imi lase o copie dupa sentinta de divort. Stiu ca nu are prea multa experienta de viata, dar sa stii ca pentru varsta ei e foarte matura si a fost un prieten de nadejde pentru mine in tot timpul asta. Mi-a dat o groaza de sfaturi bune despre tine si despre femei in general. A incercat si incearca din rasputeri sa ne impace. Asa ca eram in jacuzzi, cu o cupa de sampanie, amintindu-ne cu nostalgie de vremuri fericite. Are acelasi sange cu tine, si nu puteam sa nu observ cum seamana cu tine cand te-am cunoscut si aveai 18 ani.
Lucrul asta m-a facut sa plang (uite un lucru pe care inainte nu l-as fi recunoscut in ruptul capului). Carmen a incercat sa ma consoleze si am descoperit cu ocazia asta ca e pasionata de sexul anal, ceea ce m-a facut sa ma gandesc de cate ori ne-am certat cand iti ceream acelasi lucru, certuri care probabil au grabit despartirea noastra.Dar vezi, chiar si cand i-o dadeam sorei tale la ochiul maro, numai la tine ma gandeam.

Trebuie ca in adancul inimii tale sa simti acelasi lucru. Nu crezi ca am putea incepe totul de la inceput? Sa stergem cu buretele toate necazurile si sa o pornim cu dreptul intr-o noua si fericita relatie. Eu cred ca putem. Daca simti si tu la fel, te rog da-mi de stire.

Daca nu, macar da-mi un telefon si spune-mi unde mama dracu' ai ascuns telecomanda.

Al tau,

silver_boy 13 Aug 2005 16:26

lol..dap saracu George ...pun pariu ca atunci cand a fost mic semana cu baietelu asta

Cinemania 13 Aug 2005 17:10

saracu George!?

saraca pisica :lol:

Cinemania 13 Aug 2005 22:09

"Phoenix: Acþiuni în justiþie

Membrii trupei Phoenix l-ar putea chema în justiþie pe [...] regizorul Sergiu Nicolaescu, pentru a-ºi recupera drepturile de autor. Nicu Covaci, liderul trupei, a declarat cã, din toamnã, Phoenix va intenta 4-5 acþiuni judecãtoreºti. [...] primul proces va fi intentat regizorului Sergiu Nicolaescu, care a folosit muzica trupei de pe albumul “Mugur de fluier” în “'Nemuritorii”, film care s-a vândut în milioane de exemplare ºi difuzat ºi de televiziuni de afarã. [...]

La Jurnalul Antenei 3, Sergiu Nicolaescu a afirmat cã solicitãrile lui Nicu Covaci nu îl privesc pe el, ci Uniunea Compozitorilor. Regizorul s-a mai declarat dezamãgit cã Nicu Covaci a fãcut aceste declaraþii publice înainte de sta de vorbã cu el. [...]

sursa: Antena 3

hai bah Serge, da banu' ca ai de unde :lol:

Gaandalf 15 Aug 2005 08:54

Originally Posted by Cinemania:

"Phoenix: Acþiuni în justiþie
hai bah Serge, da banu' ca ai de unde :lol:

stirea a picat la topicul perfect ... :lol:
it's payback time serje! - mwuahahahaha!

Cinemania 15 Aug 2005 15:29

STAR WARS fans unite & ...

M0n0 15 Aug 2005 16:57

Originally Posted by Cinemania:

Stai sa inteleg...filmul era dublat in chineza si un chinez s-a gandit sa traduca filmul? Cam asa vine? Ca daca nu atunci eu nu m-am prins ce s-a intamplat de au aparut greselile alea "minore" pe ecran pe dvd-ul lu ala...

Cinemania 15 Aug 2005 17:10

Originally Posted by M0n0:

Originally Posted by Cinemania:

Stai sa inteleg...filmul era dublat in chineza si un chinez s-a gandit sa traduca filmul? Cam asa vine? Ca daca nu atunci eu nu m-am prins ce s-a intamplat de au aparut greselile alea "minore" pe ecran pe dvd-ul lu ala...

dvd captions-"a direct english translation of the chinese interpretation of what the script was saying"

M0n0 15 Aug 2005 22:43

Aa...deci de tradus a tradus bine ala care a tradus din chineza in cel care a gresit e cel care a tradus din engleza in chineza si a dublat acolo doar ca sa fie mai simplist scenariu...asta e? :P :lol:

Cinemania 15 Aug 2005 22:52

da, d'le, cam pe acolo ne situam cu aceasta'nteleaga si talibanu' care-i spilu'

GhitzaCartitza 22 Aug 2005 15:04

Iete ce am primit pe Messenger:

*mass message* Cum sa nu mai fii manelist, in 10 pasi usor de aplicat: 1.Tunde-ti floacele de par gelate de pe frunte 2.Fa rost de o sticla de diluant sa iti cureti parul de gel 3.Scurteaza-ti ciocatele/pantofii cu cioc de ratza 4.Cheama echipa de descarcerare sa te scape de ghiuluri 5.Imbraca-te in haine nu in carpe sau macar incheie-ti camasa si coloreaza-ti blugii 6.Scapa de Dacia 1300 cu inimioara Maggi in geam 7.Nu mai fa comert cu telefoane 8.Scapa de dusmani 9.Pune mana pe un Abecedar si invata sa scrii si sa citesti corect 10.Da mai departe acest mesaj celor care crezi ca inca pot fi ajutati.

Cinemania 29 Aug 2005 11:39

FOR THE LOVE OF MA COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16mm 29 Aug 2005 12:54

degas-absinthul. cu 16mm tinand tigara intr-un colt de buze. ardem peliculaaaaaa. revolutie!!!!

do excuse me, though.

obvious 29 Aug 2005 12:58

prietenii erwin si gottfried.

nevermind odman. nevermind knight.

"draga 16".
latest edition to a great wall.

Ambra Blu 29 Aug 2005 14:28

Originally Posted by 16mm:

degas-absinthul. cu 16mm tinand tigara intr-un colt de buze. ardem peliculaaaaaa. revolutie!!!!

Tyler Durden: In the movie industry, we call them cigarette burns.
Narrator: That's the cue for a change-over. The movie keeps on going, and nobody in the audience has any clue.

Cam asa sta ne-cazul cu Marge Gunderson, the woman that won't take ANYTHING! FROM NOBODY! except for some sleeping pills from Administration. Or a leash, for that matter.

16mm 30 Aug 2005 10:48

Originally Posted by Ambra Blu:

Originally Posted by 16mm:

degas-absinthul. cu 16mm tinand tigara intr-un colt de buze. ardem peliculaaaaaa. revolutie!!!!

Tyler Durden: In the movie industry, we call them cigarette burns.
Narrator: That's the cue for a change-over. The movie keeps on going, and nobody in the audience has any clue.

Cam asa sta ne-cazul cu Marge Gunderson, the woman that won't take ANYTHING! FROM NOBODY! except for some sleeping pills from Administration. Or a leash, for that matter.

while we're at it...
devin pornografica, do excuse me, silly, me, i was only kudding... woman on the moon, ultima ora inainte de taiere. sa-mi traiti and stuff. ne vedem dincolo, oriunde/orice ar fi aia.

obvious 30 Aug 2005 10:51

que sea.

obvious 30 Aug 2005 10:56

si eterna, controversata, bla bla.
serrano. ( o fi predestinat? ;) )

Ambra Blu 30 Aug 2005 11:05

Ma mir cum tineri culturisti vizuali nu dau nici un link din O. Toscani.

M0n0 30 Aug 2005 12:24

Lord of the Rings: the forgotten diaries

Day One:
Ringwraiths killed: 4. V. good.
Met up with Hobbits. Walked forty miles. Skinned a squirrel and ate it.
Still not King.

Day Four:
Stuck on mountain with Hobbits. Boromir really annoying.
Not King yet.

Day Six:
Orcs killed: none. Disappointing. Stubble update: I look rugged and manly.
Keep wanting to drop-kick Gimli. Holding myself back.
Still not King.

Day Ten:
Sorry no entries lately. V. dark in Mines of Moria. Big Baelrog.
Not King today either.

Day Eleven:
Orcs killed: 7. V. good. Stubble update: Looking mangy.
Legolas may be hotter than me.
I wonder if he would like me if I was King?

Day 28:
Beginning to find Frodo disturbingly attractive. Have a feeling if I
make a move, Sam would kill me. Also, hairy feet kind of a turn-off.
Still not King.

Day 30:
In Lothlorien. Think Galadriel was hitting on me. Saucy wench.
Nice chat with Boromir. He's not so bad.
Took a shower. Yay!
But still not King.

Day 32:
Orcs killed: none. Stubble update: subtly hairy.
Legolas told me that a shadow and a threat had been growing in his mind.
I think Legolas might be kinda gay.
Nope, not King.

Day 33:
Orcs killed: Countless thousands. V. good.
Boromir killed by Orcs. Bummer. Though he died bravely in my arms, am
now quite sure that he was very definitely gay.
Not so sure about Gimli either.
RIP Boromir.
Still not King, but at least Boromir seemed to think I was. Might
however have been blood loss.

Day 34:
Frodo went to Mordor. Said he was going alone, but took Sam with him. Why?

My God, is everyone in this movie gay but me?
Not so sure about me either.
Still not King, goddammit.

The Very Secret Diary of Boromir of Gondor

Day One:
Went to Council of Elrond. Aragorn acting all superior as usual. He
thinks he's so great because he's shagging that bit of elf crumpet
on the side. I mean just because someone has a broad chest, firm,
defined muscles, an outdoorsy tan and loads of manly stubble doesn't
mean that....what?
Got distracted there for a bit.
Seem to have agreed to go on some sort of mission while distracted by
Aragorn's enormous...rudeness.


Day Three
Stupid Ring, stupid Quest, stupid Fellowship.

Day Four
Frodo dropped Ring today. Picked it up, but Aragorn made me give it back.
Arrogant bastard. Wonder how he'd feel with Horn of Gondor shoved
right up his...

Stupid Ring.

Day Four:
Is obvious that Aragorn is strangely attracted to Frodo.
Ha Ha! Ha!
Sam will kill him if he tries anything.

Day Six:
Aragorn still into Frodo. "Boromir, give the Ring back to Froooodoo."
"Boromir, let *me* carry Frodo up Caradhras." "Boromir, quit trying
to cut off Frodo's head while he's asleep so you can get at the Ring."
Blatant favoritism most annoying.

Day Ten:
Why isn't Aragorn into me ?

Day Eleven:
Carried Frodo out of Mines of Moria.
Kind of liked it, actually.
Hope am not turning into pervy hobbit-fancier like Uncle Windermir.
Not after what happened to *him.* Merry and Pippin are cute little
things, too...
In other news, Gandalf died.

Day 30:
In Lothlorien. Galadriel quite a babe. Feel sure she was attracted to
my rugged yet unwashed manliness.
Legolas took a bath in her fountain. Got in trouble. Ha. Ha. Big elfy
git. Am quite sure he dyes his hair. Also, he has spot on his nose.
Aragorn suggested we take baths as well. Only realized in nick of
time he did not mean with each other.
Stupid Aragorn.

Day 33 :

Frodo being all weird about the Ring. Won't even let me look at it. Must
admit I had a bit of a tussle with him trying to get a gander at it.
Rolled around on him till he went invisible. Resisted urge to have a little

cuddle (made easier when he punched me in the face.)
Aragorn would be jealous. Ha!

Day 35:
Killed by orcs.
Stupid orcs.


Day One:
Feeling much better in House of Elrond after nice long nap. Also, Sam
gave me fabulous backrub and bubble bath. Platonic, brotherly love so
Wasn't quite entirely sure why he needed to suck on my toes, but am
assured it has something to do with Elf medicine.

Day Three
Have agreed to carry Ring to Mordor. In hindsight, probably a bad

Day Four
Aragorn and Boromir had big fight over who got to carry me up Mount
Caradhras. Aragorn shoved Boromir into snowbank. Boromir bit Aragorn
on the ear. Ring must be affecting them more seriously than I thought.

Day Six:
Woke up to find Aragorn playing with buttons on my shirt.
He must be after the Ring. Damn its siren call.
Ah well, Sam will kill him if he tries anything.

Day Ten:
Today Legolas began stroking my inner thigh with his bow.
Was stunned. Had no idea Legolas wanted the Ring too.
It must truly be an object of awesome power.

Day Eleven:
Gandalf showed me very strange trick he can do. Apparently pointy
wizard hat not just for show.
Wonder if Ring is affecting him, or perhaps he is just v. peculiar.

Day 24 :
Finally feel rested. Is too dark in Mines of Moria for Aragorn to
find me and pinch me as he has been doing lately.
Gandalf fell into shadow. Was sad to see pointy hat go.

Day 27 :
Lothlorien so pretty. Galadriel pretty too. Offered her One Ring, but
she kept saying, "No, there's something else I'd rather have from you,
Frodo Baggins," and trying to slide foot up inside my breeches. So, gave
her my extra pair of breeches since she seemed fond of them. Maybe some kind of breeches shortage in Lothlorien.

Day 30 :
Rowed all day in boats. V. tired. Merry and Pippin offered to give me
a group massage. Nice to have such v. concerned friends. Glad Ring is
not affecting them. Although did not need back rubbed quite so much, nor
other parts.
Pippin does remember we're cousins, right?

Day 33 :
Boromir tried to take the Ring. Am not entirely certain, but am
fairly sure he also tried to have a little cuddle. Was most unnerving,
as Boromir quite huge.

Day 36 :
Everyone keeps hitting on me. Cannot cope. Off to Mordor.
Sam coming too. Good thing, as will enable me to have more of those
platonic, brotherly foot massages he's so good at.
Am sad to leave rest of Company though, as found myself quite
fancying the idea of shagging Gimli. Chunky braids and huge helmet
quite a turn-on.
Ah, well, he never would have liked me anyway.


Day One:
In Shire. Stunning vista of innocent and pastoral beauty. Is it me, or
was Frodo just hanging around in that field masturbating before I came

Day Two:
Bilbo's Birthday party improved by substantial amount of hobbit weed.
Everyone sho nice. Bilbo nice too. Lights sho pretty. Frodo not bad
either. Hobbits sho cuddly. Whups. Fellover.

Day Three:
Massive fecking hangover. Off to Minas Tirith for some aspirin.

Day Twelve:
Went to Saruman for advice about Ring but he had become evil. Nobody
tells me anything. Apparently there was a memo. Radagast the Brown
probably stealing paper out of my inbox again.

Day Thirteen :

Stuck on top of tower. Great view, but constant pelting sleet not good
for pointy hat. Am amusing self by spitting gum down on the Orcs.

Day Fourteen :
Visited again by Saruman who tried to grab a feel. As if!

Day Sixteen :
Am lonely. Saruman maybe not so unattractive after all. If only were
not for giantly flaring nostrils and huge clawlike fingernails...okay
you'd think I might have figured out he was evil before.

Day Nineteen :
Escaped. Am in Rivendell. Sam slightly out of control. Keeps giving
Frodo baths. Elves all out of strawberry-scented soap now. Elrond
getting annoyed.

Day Twenty :
Elrond has decided to send Frodo away as is tired of never being able
to get into the first-floor bathroom. Big folderol about Ring. Have
agreed to go with Fellowship in case Sam might decide to give ME a
bath. Could use one.

Day Twenty-One:
Aragorn obviously into Frodo. Sam will kill him if he tries anything.
Asked Sam to give me a bath. He said, "Ha ha, Mister Gandalf, you're
not serious." Useless git.

Day Twenty-Three :
V. cold on top of Caradhras. Aragorn won fight about who got to carry
Frodo up the mountain. Boromir sulking. If Legolas keeps nancing about
on top of the snow, may have to hit him with my staff.

Day Twenty-Five :
Do not want to go through Mines of Moria, as suspect Balrog still
angry about bad date we went on back in Second Age.

Day Twenty-Six:
In Mines of Moria. Yep, Balrog still angry.

Day Twenty-Seven:
Fell into shadow. Balrog such a prat. Had to do some quite unspeakable
things before he would let me leave the caverns. Have decided not to
tell the rest of Fellowship. Will make up story about having engaged
in huge battle instead. Off to see Elrond to get quite unpleasant
third degree burns in embarassing places treated. Hope Elrond does not
laugh at me. If he does, will tell everyone about his dirty weekend
with Sauron. Ha!



Grr. Argh.


Faffing about in Rivendell with stuck-up elves v. bad for my digestion. Have
asked Elrond to move me to second floor as cannot get into bathroom here without
being subjected to sight of hobbits bathing amongst scented candles. Is ridiculous.
Got splashed with strawberry bath foam yesterday. On plus side, beard now silky
and conditioned.


Elrond refuses to move my room. Walked in on hobbits again this morning. What
WERE they doing with that carrot? Inbred bunch of halfwits, no wonder they can't
even grow decent beards.


Suspect Aragorn son of Arathorn of being pervy hobbit-fancier. Completely ignoring
hottie elf fiancèe in favor of barging about with hairy-footed gnomes in leather
breeches. Fortunately I, Gimli son of Gloin, am here to take care of her loneli


Elf women just the right height to keep my ears warm. Go me!


Have agreed to go on Quest. Arwen getting awfully grabby. Gimli son of Gloin
will not be tied down. Would rather spend time with touchy-feely hobbits and
poncy elves than hang about Rivendell taking about 'our relationship.'


V. cold on top of Caradhras. Big fight over who got to carry hobbits up the
mountain. Did not participate as was busy showing Legolas how to get hair braided
just right. Fight ended when Aragorn picked up Ringbearer and stuffed him in
his trousers. That's right, Isildur's Heir. Suffocate the Ringbearer. Honestly,
these people.


In Mines of Moria. May have made slight miscalculation, as it seems that cousin
Balin has been dead for at least sixty years. Suppose it should have occurred
to me that has been a while since last got Christmas card from the Moria folks.
Still, cannot be expected to keep track of everything.


Gandalf fell into shadow. Hobbits used as excuse to have teary cuddlefest on
rocks. Suffered manly embrace from Boromir, although he kept jabbing Horn of
Gondor into my solar plexus. At least, hope that was the Horn of Gondor. Does
not bear thinking about if not.


Legolas told me Aragorn is way into Frodo. Sam will kill him if he tries anything.
Suggested to Legolas that we might want a leader who is less of a lech. Legolas
then asked if I wanted to take a bath with him. Beginning to suspect that all
that Elvish poetry about the glory of warrior-bonds between men just big cover-
up for illicit spanking games.


In Lothlorien. Galadriel quite the babe. While hobbits off power cuddling and
Boromir chasing Aragorn, had time to show her a few dwarf tricks. Nothing fancy
just a bit of Hide the Helmet and Delving In The Mines. V. satisfactory for
everyone, except possibly Celeborn. On second thought, maybe that was Celeborn.
Cannot much tell difference with elves.


Left Lothlorien. Have been paddling in boats for days. Am getting v. lonely.
Hobbits looking not so bad. Rather cute in fact, despite mullet haircuts. Cannot
get near Frodo without getting bitten on kneecaps by Sam, and Pippin dating
Boromir, so will see if perhaps Merry wants to take a nice moonlit stroll tonight.
Hurrah for warrior-bonds between men.

The Secret Diary of Legolas, son of Weenus

Day One:
Went to Council of Elrond. Was prettiest person there. Agreed to follow
some tiny little man to Mordor to throw ring into volcano. Very important
- gold ring so tacky.

Day Four:
Boromir so irritating. Why must he wear big shield like dinner plate
all the time? Climbed up Caradhras but wimpy humans who cannot walk on snow

insisted we climb back down.
Am definitely prettiest member of the Fellowship. Go me!

Day Six:
Far too dark in Mines of Moria to brush hair properly. Am very afraid
I am developing a tangle.
Orcs so silly.
Still the prettiest.

Day Ten:
Gandalf fell into shadow. In other news, I think I am developing a
spot on my nose. V. serious situation, as Elven spots likely to last for 500

years or more.
Still prettiest, despite blasted spot.

Day Eleven:
In Lothlorien. Suspect Galadriel may be prettier than me.
Also, am quite sure she copied my hairstyle. I was wearing that same
look at least 1,000 years ago. Silly bint. She was most annoyed that I used

her mirrored fountain to take a nice bubble bath.
I choose to ignore her claim that my hair clogged her drain. Not one
strand of my hair has fallen out in 800 years, why would it start now?
Still prettiest by far.

Day 30:
All this paddling about in boats is hell on my complexion.
Aragorn obviously starting to find Frodo strangely attractive. Sam
will kill him if he tries anything.
Still the prettiest.

Day 33 :
Boromir tempted by Ring. So tedious. Cannot be tempted myself, as
already have everything I want i.e. perfect hair and a butt like granite.
Have been getting very strange letters from someone calling herself
"Stacey" who wants to do obscene things to my elfhood. Fortunately have
super-duper elf vision so can run away if I see her coming.

Day 35:
Boromir dead. Very messy death, most unnecessary. Did get kissed by
Aragorn as he expired. Does a guy have to get shot full of arrows
around here to get any action? Boromir definitely not prettier than me.
Cannot understand it.
Am feeling a pout coming on.
Frodo off to Mordor with Sam. Tiny little men caring about each
other, rather cute really.
Am quite sure Gimli fancies me. So unfair. He is waist height, so can
see advantages there, but chunky braids and big helmet most offputting.
Forsee dark times ahead, very dark times.


Day One:
Frodo stabbed by Morgul blade. Oh no! Pippin cried. Told Pippin it
would be all right as Mr. Frodo far too hot to die.
Did I say that out loud?

Day Three:
Have followed Mr. Frodo to Rivendell where Elves will heal him.
Gandalf told me to help poor unconscious Mr. Frodo get out of dirty
clothes. So took clothes off him and gave him a bath. And another one.
Then gave him another bath. Gandalf came and told me six baths was quite
enough, Samwise Gamgee.
Poncy old git probably hasn't taken a bath since the Second Age.

Day Four:
Wonder if it is time for Mr. Frodo to have another bath yet.

Day Five:
Elf bubble bath v. colorful and pretty.
Gandalf no fun at all.

Day Six:
Mr. Frodo awake! Is doing well although also seems concerned as to
why his fingers are all wrinkled.
Decided not to tell him about all the baths.

Day Seven:
Snuck into Council of Elrond. Frodo offered to take Ring to Mordor.
Mr. Frodo is so brave, handsome, tall and wonderful!
Okay, so possibly isn't all that tall.

Day Eight:
Off to Mordor. Other members of Fellowship v. dodgy if you ask me.
Especially Boromir. "Teaching Merry and Pippin how to sword-fight" my
Aunt Lobelia. Obviously pervy hobbit-fancier who likes to roll around with

small men in shorts.

Day Nine:
Aragorn just as pervy as Boromir. Obviously fancies Mr. Frodo. Will
kill him if he tries anything.

Day Ten:
V. dark in Mines of Moria. Used flat edge of sword to whack Aragorn
every time he tried to pinch Mr. Frodo in the dark.
Gandalf fell into bottomless pit. Mr. Frodo said something later
about pointy wizard hat, but did not understand it as am innocent young
hobbit from Shire not versed in wordily ways.
Pippin says Legolas is shagging Gimli.

Day Fifteen:
Lothlorien v. pretty. Blonde elf lady absolutely hitting on poor Mr.
Frodo left, right and center. Pippin agrees. Told Pippin height difference

would make relationship impossible. Pippin said Mr. Frodo could stand on
Hate Pippin.

Day Twenty-Two:
Leaving Lothlorien. Bye-bye grabby elf lady.
Not sure where going exactly, but is obviously somewhere
water-related, as have been given boats. Do not care really as long as
get to share boat with Mr. Frodo.

Day Twenty-Three:
Boromir finally acted on pent-up lust for Mr. Frodo. Got shot down of
course (hurrah!) but not before made spectacle of himself. Claims was trying

to take Ring so as to rule world and bring down evil, but we all know
that's a big fib don't we.

Day Twenty-Four:
Boromir killed by orcs. Knew orcs good for something.
Frodo off to Mordor. Taking me along, hurrah! Mr. Frodo needs
cheering up as seems inexplicably sorry to say goodbye to Gimli, as well
as is depressed and claims is now sure he will die a virgin in the barren
wastelands of the Dark Lord's realm.
We will see about that.



Was out pilfering vegetables when bumped into Sam and Frodo. Had a
nice little roll around with Frodo in corn before was forcibly removed
by Sam. Must have word with Frodo about letting servants get overly
familiar and grabby.
Fell down hill. Merry v. disappointed that he broke his carrot. After
he found one that was just the right shape, too.

V. nice in Rivendell. Sick of rooming with Sam though. Constantly
sopping wet and reeking of strawberries. Also tired of elves mistaking
me for unusually lifelike lawn ornament.

Joined Fellowship of Ring for a lark. Everyone v. nice except Legolas
seems a bit testy. Yesterday held me upside down over crevasse until I
admitted he was the prettiest elf in the Fellowship. Did not feel like
pointing out he was only elf in Fellowship, as crevasse was very deep.

Has been twenty-five days since met Aragorn and he has not yet washed
his hair. Is really starting to bother me.

Sam all wrong about Boromir. Really very nice man. Invited me to go
for a walk with him tonight and said he would let me blow his Horn of
Gondor. Can't wait.

Later that night
Always thought blowing the Horn of Gondor was supposed to summon
armies of the West?
Apparently not.
V. educational, all the same.

V. dark in mines of Moria. Still sort of a relief as means Boromir
cannot corner me and complain how Aragorn is insensitive, stuck up git
with hobbit fixation. Pot calling kettle black if you ask me. Aragorn
obviously way into Frodo, however. Sam will kill him if he tries

Caught Legolas waxing soles of Aragorn's boots, thus explaining
why Aragorn keeps collapsing into his arms. Tricky elf.
Aragorn still hasn't washed his hair.

Gandalf dead. Everyone morose. In attempt to cheer up Fellowship,
Legolas took off all his clothes and performed scenes from
Silmarillion: The Musical. Everyone still morose. Legolas ponced off
to have 3,000-year-old elf prince sulk.

Lothlorien v. pretty. Accidentally walked in on Gimli taking a bath.
Now understand what Gandalf meant about there being scarier things
than Orcs. And was that Aragorn hiding under all the bubbles? May have
nightmares for weeks.

Aragorn washed his hair. Hurrah.
Maybe it really was him under all the bubbles.

Boromir wrote me a poem. Merry says I am leading him on. Of course,
Merry also says I cry like a girl. Merry a total bastard most of the
time, actually.
Poem not very good. Did not rhyme. Feel slighted.

Told Boromir I did not feel ready to commit, so he went and got
himself shot by Orcs. Honestly. Humans so oversensitive sometimes.
Have been kidnapped by Uruk-hai. Not very friendly types. Merry says
we may have to shag our way out of captivity. Suspect Merry looking
forward to it, useless wassock. Orcs v. smelly. Suddenly miss Boromir.

Cinemania 30 Aug 2005 13:16

a citit careva carnatul?

M0n0 30 Aug 2005 13:46

da, eu (dah, nu?) ... e un jurnal parodic a fiecarui personaj din Lord of the Rings mai pune in special accent pe relatia "platonica" dintre Sam si Frodo...oricum e un fel de banc...ce-i drept mai lung...

daca nu vrei sa il citesti tot citeste jurnalul numai de la personajul/personajele care te intereseaza...

Cinemania 30 Aug 2005 14:10

asa mai merge

Nae 31 Aug 2005 04:04

smthg i researched on:

indeed... there's nothing over Warner Bros.

Gaandalf 31 Aug 2005 08:20

Originally Posted by Nae:

se putea sa lipseasca cartman - no way ... :lol:
nae mi-ai prezentat o cu totu alta lume a desenelor animate ...
cateva dintre ele le-am prins in original dar nu toate ...

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