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Kriss_Kringle 31 Jan 2013 14:07

Top 10 Released

1.The Dark Knight Rises
2.Life of Pi
3.The avengers
4.We need to talk about Kevin
6.The descendants
7.Le gamin au velo
9.The angels' share

A mai ramas de vazut Dupa dealuri,care nu cred ca apuc sa-l vizionez pana diseara.Daca reusesc,atunci e posibil sa editez lista.dar in mare parte asta ramane topul final.
Cu cel unreleased revin peste cateva saptamani,cand termin de vazut restul filmelor de pe watchlist.

mvpsebi 31 Jan 2013 14:32

TOP - Released:

1. Holy Motors
2. Cloud Atlas
3. Dupa dealuri
4. Oslo, 31. august
5. Le gamin au velo
6. Killer Joe
7. Diaz: Don't Clean Up This Blood
8. The Artist
9. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
10. Hodejegerne

For more INFO...

Liviu- 31 Jan 2013 17:58


1. Oslo, August 31st
2. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
3. Dupa Dealuri
4. We Need to Talk About Kevin
5. Holy Motors
6. Seven Psychopaths
7. A Royal Affair
8. Le Havre
9. Looper
10. Carnage

contlacinemagicieni 01 Feb 2013 07:14

Top 10 & Top 3
Top Released
Holy Motors
După dealuri
Seven Psychopaths
The Iron Lady
The Artist
The Dark Knight Rises
The Descendants
The Ides of March

Top Unreleased
The Millionaire Tour
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Moonrise Kingdom

... tot ce-am putut scoate din 17 filme 2012 vazute
Django Unchained, Silver Linings Playbook, Tabu, Amour, Life of Pi deocamdata sunt sigurile prod 2012 planificate (dar pe undeva in vara) ... deci vor completa topul unreleased - intr-o indiferenta ordine

Chambord 01 Feb 2013 11:39

Cinemagia 2012 Top 10 Released

1. După dealuri 125
2. Oslo, August 31st 114
3. Holy Motors 111
4. We Need to Talk About Kevin 85
5. Argo 71
6. The Artist 70
7. The Dark Knight Rises 54
8. Cloud Atlas 52
9. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 43
10. Seven Psychopaths 41

Victorie surprinzatoare dar meritata pt După dealuri. Ca si in ceilalti ani, cel mai aprig discutat film ajunge sa triumfe pana la urma. Faptul ca nu arata cu degetul si nu picteaza in alb si negru a functionat (desi, personal, aveam dubii inainte de vizionare). Ma bucura si recunoasterea lui Oslo, un film "mic", aparut de nicaieri, dar onest si emotionant. Holy Motors e si el acolo sus, unde era de asteptat sa fie. La un moment dat chiar aveam senzatia ca va castiga si n-ar fi fost nimic in neregula daca ar fi facut-o. E cel mai next level dintre toate desi de multe ori balanseaza pe marginea prapastiei style over substance. Celelalte sunt si ele popular heroes, de asteptat sa figureze.

Au participat 24 useri (record de participare la Released):

contlacinemagicieni Liviu- mvpsebi Kriss_Kringle florryinn MichaeI Cmd93 omudindulap faraimaginatie c0nt marcusARCUS grotesQue Pepper florianzy aniela07 Windom Redy sergiuseling MinRep Chambord manu212 crin3l varu Mr.J

Chambord 01 Feb 2013 11:45

Cinemagia Hall Of Fame - Film Of The Year


2009 Inglorious Basterds (Quentin Tarantino)
2010 Inception (Cristopher Nolan)
2011 Drive (Nicolas Winding Refn)
2012 Dupa Dealuri (Cristian Mungiu)

c0nt 01 Feb 2013 19:50

Top 10 Unreleased

1.Beasts of the Southern Wild
3.Moonrise Kingdom
4.Once Upon a Time in Anatolia
5.A Simple Life
6.Wreck-It Ralph
9.Silver Linings Playbook
10.The Perks of Being a Wallflower

varu 02 Feb 2013 14:40

It seems like "The Master" is out there, folks, ;) asa ca va puteti completa topul unreleased. Sau nu. Alegerea va apartine. (You can burn my message after reading it) :P

varu 06 Feb 2013 15:37

Top Unreleased

1. The Master
2. Beasts of the Southern Wild
3. Tabu
4. In another country
5. Moonrise kingdom
6. Like someone in love
7. Amour

faraimaginatie 06 Feb 2013 18:39

1. Amour (Haneke)
2. Living (Sigarev)
3. Shame (McQueen)
4. Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (Ceylan)
5. The Master (PTA)
6. The Hunt (Vinterberg)
7. Beasts of the Southern Wild (Zeitlin)
8. Moonrise Kingdom (Anderson)
9. Tabu (Gomes)
10.. Cosmopolis (Cronenberg)

grotesQue 07 Feb 2013 16:03


1. The Turin Horse (Bela Tarr)
2. Shame (Steve McQueen)
3. The Master (Paul Thomas Anderson)
4. Django Unchained (Quentin Tarantino)
5. Living (Vasili Sigarev)
6. Zero Dark Thirty (Kathryn Bigelow)
7. Amour (Michael Haneke)
8. Rust and Bone (Jacques Audiard)
9. No (Pablo Larrain)
10. Moonrise Kingdom (Wes Anderson)

Chambord 13 Feb 2013 14:40

1. The Master (Paul Thomas Anderson)
2. Tabu (Miguel Gomes)
3. Django Unchained (Quentin Tarantino)
4. Moonrise Kingdom (Wes Anderson)
5. Zero Dark Thirty (Kathryn Bigelow)
6. Amour (Michael Haneke)
7. This Is Not a Film (Jafar Panahi & Mojtaba Mirtahmasb)

varu 17 Feb 2013 11:55

Top Unreleased

1. The Master
2. Beasts of the Southern Wild
3. Tabu
4. In another country
5. Moonrise kingdom
6. Searching for Sugar Man
7. Like someone in love
8. Amour

omudindulap 18 Feb 2013 11:39

1. Living, Vasili Sigarev
2. Amour, Michael Haneke
3. Shame, Steve McQueen
4. The Master, PTA
5. Guilty of Romance, Shion Sono
6. This is not a film
7. Kriegerin, David Wnendt
8. Les neiges du Kilimandjaro, Robert Guédiguian
9. Code Blue, Urszula Antoniak
10.No, Pablo Larrain

.................................................. ..........................

Mentiuni onorabile:

Compliance, Rebelle, This is not a film, Samsara, Just the Wind, Barbara, Paradies: Liebe, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Laurence Anyways, Kauwboy, Rhinos Season, The Color Wheel..

Filme ce n-au fost croite intocmai pe asteptarile mele: In another Country (desi nu m-a plictisit, iar Isabelle o fost o dulcica, nu mi-a transmis mare lucru), Cosmopolis (eu ma asteptam la un SF in vechiul stil Cronenberg, m-a indus in eroare trailerul, mai exact, sobolanul acela, credeam ca-i real, nu mascota :))) Tabu (apreciez ideea, mi-a placut prima parte, dar povestea de dragoste.. ) Once Upon a Time in Anatolia :( (foarte fain filmat si ca atmosfera, dar m-o plictisit terbil, l-oi relua..)

Ar mai fi de vazut si cu sanse de a intra in top, dar nu stiu daca or sa apara in timp util: The Hunt, In the fog si Like someone in love

P.S. Malombra, Twinsen, hai si voi, is curios, sigur mi-a scapat ceva :P

Am mai modificat ceva, sper sa nu fie cu suparare.

MinRep 18 Feb 2013 12:34

Top Ten Unreleased
- actualizat pentru a face loc lui "The Master". Am decis sa elimin "Barbara", care ruleaza deja in cinematografe si mai mult ca sigur va avea its time to shine in topul din 2013.

1. Tabu (Miguel Gomes)
2. Into the Abyss (Werner Herzog)
3. Autrement, la Molussie (Nicolas Rey)
4. Beasts of the Southern Wild (Benh Zeitlin)
5. Cosmopolis (David Cronenberg)
6. The Master (Paul Thomas Anderson)
7. Moonrise Kingdom (Wes Anderson)
8. In Another Country (Hong Sang-soo)
9. Laurence Anyways (Xavier Dolan)
10. Donoma (Djinn Carrénard)

faraimaginatie 18 Feb 2013 12:45

1. Amour (Haneke)
2. Living (Sigarev)
3. Shame (McQueen)
4. Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (Ceylan)
5. The Master (PTA)
6. Caesar Must Die (Vittorio si Paolo Taviani)- cred ca filmul asta merita mai multa atentie. :)
7. The Hunt (Vinterberg)
8. Beasts of the Southern Wild (Zeitlin)
9. Moonrise Kingdom (Anderson)
10. Tabu (Gomes)

Malombra 18 Feb 2013 15:13

eu nu prea am văzut nimic din 2012.
autrement, la molussie (superb)
two years at sea (rivers)
swimmer al lui ramsay, dar acela are estetică de videoclip, e drăguţ aşa, alb-negru, contraste, o bomboană de filmuleţ, dar e mai mult tehnică acolo decît feeling.
cred că voi mai vedea student de darejan omirbaev, că tot îl am pe comp de ceva timp, dar dacă e un fel de chouga reloaded, mă mai gîndesc ce fac cu el.
eu aş vrea să văd leviathan, dar nu dau nicăieri de el.
night fishing de Park Chan-kyong & Park Chan-wook a fost la bieff, parcă, nu ştiu dacă să-l bag şi pe el aici, la released sau unreleased
la o mahmureală poate văd şi noul film de aventuri marca emigholz, film din ăla, cataleptic, unde numa stai cu prosopul pe frunte şi te uiţi printre gene, că e calm, voiceless. dar asta later. nu am veşti, omule, sorry 2 disappoint.

Twinsen 18 Feb 2013 17:17

Originally Posted by omudindulap:

P.S. Malombra, Twinsen, hai si voi, is curios, sigur mi-a scapat ceva :P

Daca 2011 a fost slab, 2012 a fost si mai si. Tot ce as putea as includ intr-un top 2012 ar fi:

1. Oslo, 31. August
2. Mama Illegal
3. Dupa dealuri
4. Michael
5. Doomsday Book

Daca vorbim de ce am *vazut* in 2012 si mi-a placut:

1. Ito - A Diary of an Urban Priest (foarte greu de gasit)
2. Doon School Quintet (foarte greu de gasit)
3. Shall we dansu?
4. Ohikkoshi (disponibil pe youtube)
5. Die weiße Rose (greu de gasit)

BenPC 21 Feb 2013 15:16

(chiar daca nu mai conteaza la clasamentul general)

1. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Tomas Alfredson)
2. The Artist (Michel Hazanavicius)
3. Life of Pi (Ang Lee)
4. Dupa dealuri (Cristian Mungiu)
5. The Avengers (Joss Whedon)
6. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Peter Jackson)
7. Skyfall (Sam Mendes)
8. ParaNorman (Chris Butler)
9. Oslo, 31. august (Joachim Trier)
10. Chronicle (Josh Trank)


1. Samsara (Pan Nalin)
2. Silver Linings Playbook (David O. Russell)
3. The Master (Paul Thomas Anderson)
4. Searching for Sugar Man (Malik Bendjelloul)
5. Django Unchained (Quentin Tarantino)
6. Moonrise Kingdom (Wes Anderson)
7. The Impossible (Juan Antonio Bayona)
8. Lincoln (Steven Spielberg)
9. Tabu (Miguel Gomes)
10. The Imposter (Bart Layton)

Federico 24 Feb 2013 00:50

[hai si eu la spartul targului, dar hei, mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata. nu-i asa, charles?]

1.Sissy, I have to be up and out by 7, get out of my room.
2.The Turin Horse
3.Once Upon a Time in Anatolia
4.The Master
6.Django Unchained
7.Moonrise Kingdom
10.Rust and Bone

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