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Old 26 Nov 2004, 02:59   #1
Mala Portugal
Mala Portugal
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Fetisuri animate - Betty Boop

"What this country is in need of
Is a lot of hi-de-ho,
Boop-a-doop and chocolate ice cream."
O clasica intre clasici - pana la urma Miss Boop are ceva mai mult de 70 de ani :shock: Yet again , rochita ei curat minimalista , jartiera la vedere si decolteul frumos scos la inaintare, toate combinate cu o adorabila doza de naivitate, fac din ea cea mai apetisanta domnisoara animata ever (ma contrazice cineva?). Poate chiar prea apetisanta pentru vremurile in care s-a nascut -cenzura i-a lungit fusta si a incheiat-o pana la ultimul nasture pentru o scurta perioada.
Dar tot n-au reusit sa-i ia boop-boop-a-doop-ul. Care boop-boop-a-doop si care hi-de-ho ? - cele din jazzul anilor 30 , scurtele cu Betty Boop fiind frecventate de mai marii genului , daca e sa amintesc doar de Louis Armstrong sau Cab Calloway.
"Someone has to kick the Mickey Mouse out of our heads"
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Old 26 Nov 2004, 06:24   #2
the mithbuster
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Mie mi se pare ca are capul cam mare :shock: si se incadreaza la animatie, in rest e o.k.
Pt. ca-ti plac desenele animate de pe vremea lui bunicu' ai mai putea adauga aici : donald; alba ca zapada ; pinocchio ; olive ; popeye marinarul si sa nu uitam de mihaela .
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Old 26 Nov 2004, 12:24   #3
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Studios must obey production code

Los Angeles, 6 March 1933

It is exaclty three years since the American film companies agreed to a new code of self-censorship. They have now recognized that a stricter enforcement of its provisions has become necessary, although it is not yet certain at precisely what date in the near future this will come into effect. It is likely that the new rules will have an adverse effect on movie-making, and there is very little doubt which films and stars the crackdown is aiming at. The release of "Scarface" a yer ago had been delayed many months due to a censorship dispute, and during the past several months there have been a few raised eye-brows over MGM's "Red Dust". Jean Harlow has developed into that studio's sexiest star, while Mae West has had a spectacular succes with her first starring film, "She Done Him Wrong", which opened a month ago. Even that delightful cartoon character, Betty Boop, who singlehandedly introduced "sex" into the animated film, may not be spared by the new and stricter monitoring. "Film Daily" recently published a letter from a film theater owner in Georgia complaining about "Smut in cartoons", and it is not difficult to guess who he had in mind. At this rate, even "King Kong" may not be spared censor's cuts over his provocative pawning of Fay Wray.

Cinema Year by Year, pagina 243

Imi cer scuze daca mai apar typos dar nu am stat sa recitesc ce am scris ca mi-era lene .

Oricum...ma distra Betty Boop cand eram mai mic...dar niciodata nu mi s-a parut "hot"...
Switched On Lotus
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Old 26 Nov 2004, 13:01   #4
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Originally Posted by nume:
Mie mi se pare ca are capul cam mare :shock: si se incadreaza la animatie, in rest e o.k.


wow... nume... Ce profund!
apocalypse please
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Old 26 Nov 2004, 21:05   #5
the mithbuster
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Da , din putul gandirii, vreo problema ?
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Old 28 Nov 2004, 02:49   #6
Mala Portugal
Mala Portugal
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Originally Posted by nume:
Mie mi se pare ca are capul cam mare :shock:
Pt. ca-ti plac desenele animate de pe vremea lui bunicu' ai mai putea adauga aici : donald; alba ca zapada ; pinocchio ; olive ; popeye marinarul si sa nu uitam de mihaela .
Olive si Popeye au acceptul meu . After all sunt tot creatiile lui Max Fleischer, tatal lui BB.Se si intersecteaza episodic. Dar Mihaela nu! E doar o Betty Boop varianta romaneasca , curat epigon , inca un argument ca Betty Boop isi merita locul la clasici.
Iar capul e mare fiindca d'acolo ii vin toate ideile alea funny si usor tampe . Corpul in schimb e conturat dupa cel al lui Mae West, ochii banuiesc ca i-a furat de la Pola Negri si, in general, in aparitiile ei sunt o multime de trimiteri la lumea filmului de la Laurel si Hardy la Boris Karloff.
"Someone has to kick the Mickey Mouse out of our heads"
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Old 28 Nov 2004, 03:02   #7
the mithbuster
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mihaela era Miss Boop a lu' nea nicu , austera , sexoasa ca o croitoreasa de la APACA . Cand eram mic de-abia asteptam sa le dea sambata si miercurea , ceea ce de cele mai multe ori nu se intampla. Rezulta o tragedie in cartier, compensata cu eugenii de-ti rupeai dintii in ele si ceva mentosane..... Intre timp americanii trimisesera deja oameni pe luna.
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Old 28 Nov 2004, 03:33   #8
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Originally Posted by nume:
Intre timp americanii trimisesera deja oameni pe luna.

Esti sigur ??
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