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Old 29 Mar 2013, 10:27   #1
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Escobar. Baronul Raului

M-am gandit ca e mai bine sa deschid un topic separat pentru toti cei care urmaresc acest serial.

Mai jos va las si rezumatele la episoadele ce urmeaza in weekend!

Episode 19
Marcos is running from the police and asks for help to Paul but he has no immediate intention to do so because he has to solve other problems first. Marcos is upset by the answer. Regina tries to convince Paul to negotiate with the government because his trial before the authorities is imminent. Judge Zuluaga is assassinated by the Medellin cartel due to the process that led Paul to trial. In the commercial flights the cartel uses the compartments where the life jackets are stored to ship cocaine. From United States comes the arrest warrant and extradition of all members of the Medellin cartel, a situation that care enough to Paul and his partners. Paul hires a man dubbed the 'Coco' to murder Colonel Jairo Jimenez that was behind police lineup. The informant working for Colonel Pablo Jimenez tells that him that the cartel plans on murdering him.
Judge Zuluaga is killed at end of the criminal case against Paul. Paul sends cocaine in the seats of commercial flights. The U.S. activates extradition for members of the Medellin cartel.

Episode 20
Ramada one Paul's men is dealing with a Cuban military to transport the goods to the United States. All the judges whose responsibility is to vote in favor of theextradition law, are threatened by the cartel. In an operation mounted to catch an extortionist the police kills 'Coco' without knowing that he was contract work to kill the Colonel Jiménez. The judges of the Supreme Court did not approve the extradition law and so this process is no longer a problem for the cartel members. Paul seeks Regina and makes it clear that she should not leave or she will pay with his life. 'Marino' the new Escobar man realizes that George is telling the colonel about the movements of Paul, so he has him tortured. Yesenia the mistress of Paul comes to his farm uninvited so he gets upset, but the news that she brings is that she is pregnant.

Last edited by AndreeaPops : 29 Mar 2013 at 10:47.
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Old 02 Apr 2013, 13:32   #2
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"The Wit, agenţia suedeză ce analizează tendinţele din televiziunea globală, va prezenta lista în timpul ediţiei ce marchează cea de-a 50-a aniversare de la înfiinţarea MIPTV, şi va premia serialul Pablo Escobar – baronul răului ca fiind una dintre cele mai influente producţii din ultimii ani. Lista include producţii clasice precum: Roata Norocului (The Wheel of Fortune), serialele Columbo, Star Trek, Dallas şi Jeopardy care, chiar după foarte mulţi ani de la prima difuzare, continuă să influenţeze şi tinerele generaţii.

Serialul bazat pe fapte adevărate nedezvăluite până acum, foloseşte informaţii clasificate până nu demult şi cuprinde mărturiile nedenaturate ale unora dintre cei care au avut de-a face cu acest geniu al răului. Valoarea acestei producţii biografice este cu atât mai mare cu cât este o poveste spusă chiar de columbieni, aşa cum au trăit-o ei.

The Wit s-a referit la serial ca având un impact puternic în reţelele sociale din America Latină în 2012, iar difuzarea primului episod a fost unul dintre cele mai comentate evenimente din lume. "
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Old 05 Apr 2013, 10:08   #3
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Rezumatele pentru episoadele ce urmeaza Sambata si Duminica!

Ep 21
Pablo’s mother is upset with him having mistresses because she heard that Yesenia is pregnant. Pablo and his associates disclose a statement in which they call themselves Extraditables, to defend his position in witch the government does not continue with the extradition process and that they are judged by the Colombian justice system. He prefers a tomb in Colombia than a jail in the United States. 'Pablo is concerned about the problem that is looming, more precisely about Yesenia’s pregnancy, so he gives her some money for her to have an abortion. The Colonel wishes to talk to Pablo about. Pablo lets Jorge into believing that everything is solved but actually he does this to see if he communicates well with the colonel and keep track. Pablo deceives Yesenia promising that will help with your unborn baby, but what it does is top ut her to sleep in order to practice an abortion against her will. Pablo comes to Guaviare to visit one of his partners, Mr. Crisanto who is the foreman of that region.


Pablo is reunited with Crisanto and he ask for his help to solve an issue with a journalist . For safety Pablo asks Jorge to kill the journalist. The colonel allerts Niki anf Guillermo Cano that the cartel wants to murder the journalist. Chili and Topo are ready to kill the Colonel, but he is saved because of changing his daily route. Marino is in charge of taking care of Yesenia. Pablo is sick and tired of the behavior of Marcos so the tells the Mariachi to kill him. The journalist is killed.
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Old 18 Apr 2013, 15:18   #4
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Pablo ii ordona lui Marino să-l asasineze pe Jorge, pentru că știe că acesta este un informator al poliției. Herbert este nelinistit, deoarece banuieste ca Pablo planuieste sa-l ucida, așa că le propune "Mariachi-lor" să se unească și sa-l ucide-l ei intai. "Chili" și "Topo" și sunt pregatiti sa acționeze imediat in ceea ce-l priveste pe colonel. Un ofițer de poliție il avertizeaza insa pe acesta ca viata sa este in pericol, astfel incat decide sa se intoarca la Bogotá.

"Mariachi" il viziteaza pe Pablo si il anunta ca Herbert intentioneaza sa-l ucida, dar ii explica foarte clar că dacă face ceva împotriva lui Herbert va avea probleme cu "Mariachi".

"Chili" și "Mole" continua sa-l urmareasca pe colonel, scapa de escorta lui Jimenez și isi indeplinesc misiunea.

Jorge este îngrijorat pentru că el știe că i se planuieste asasinatul, asa ca încearcă să plece, dar Gonzalo ii spune ca trebuie sa ramana la muncă, astfel încât nu poate părăsi ferma.

"Chili" și "Topo" il ucid pe colonelul Jiménez, astfel încât Marco poate sta liniștit.

Jorge isi face griji pentru viața lui, pentru că este în pericol de moarte.
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Old 01 Mar 2014, 11:19   #5
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Posts: 104

am auzit ca se face un remake..cu benic del toro...in rolul principal..de abia astept
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Old 11 Aug 2018, 12:09   #6
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Un serial extraordinar de bun si care trebuie urmarit.
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