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Old 07 Oct 2005, 09:54   #1
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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da savurati, nene, ce, v-am luat eu lollipop-ul din mina?? :o
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Old 07 Oct 2005, 10:10   #2
Ambra Blu
Ambra Blu
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N-ai cum, bre, degeaba ne inviti la o plimbare in parc, cu notorious in lesa.
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Old 07 Oct 2005, 11:58   #3
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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al dracu ambro, cum vrei tu sa ai intotdeauna ult. cuvint!...
hai ca ti-l las, bah, ca nu tin sa am 'le dernier mot' - seulement 'la bonne bouche'
PS si oricum, tinind cont de diferenta de virsta dintre noi (roughly, cam 20 de ani...), tu vei continua sa rostesti, cu ochii dati peste cap, 'sincity, sincity...' pe cind eu voi fi fiind de mult oale & ulcele...
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Old 07 Oct 2005, 13:51   #4
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Originally Posted by herbert:
notorious, esti cool!
ai enervat toti fanariotzii ORASULUI.

asa se pare. cand se trezeste benny sa ma injure in stilul sau revoltat-adolescentin, zic 'ma doare-n pula !', ca oricum e un habarnist. cand sare si ogto, zic 'ma doare de 2 x in pula !', pt ca e de 2x mai habarnist. cand sare si ambra blu, imi dau seama ca e un cerc social solidar. cand sare Jay, nu-l bag in seama, ca saracu' pare asa aiba probleme ca si un alt forumist 'veteran' - inauntru mare scula pe bascula, in afara domnisor fara pula.

cand sunt confirmat de doi indivizi non-isterici, non-adolescentini & non-protectori-afectuosi, imi dau seama ca avem , intr-adevar, un fan club iritat.

so, go home ! 'sin city' sucks.
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
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Old 07 Oct 2005, 13:55   #5
Ambra Blu
Ambra Blu
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Originally Posted by notorious:
cand sare si ambra blu, imi dau seama ca e un cerc social solidar.

Nu, mey, nu e cerc social, sintem doar noi care te asaltam cu comenzi, sa faci si tu un bacsis in plus. Stiu ca e greu sa traiesti doar din simbrie si de-aia am zis sa-ti dau o mina de ajutor, in bani marunti.
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Old 07 Oct 2005, 13:57   #6
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when u open ur mouth, you're so brutally full of shit. ies de pe acest topic, din motive evidente.
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
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Old 07 Oct 2005, 13:59   #7
Ambra Blu
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notorious, nu fi las: ce naiba, mai, doar nu e prima oara cind incerc sa le zic parintilor tai ca esti a waste of fuck. Ia de-aici un emoticon, stii ca le folosesc rar
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Old 07 Oct 2005, 16:12   #8
Gandhi's Big Gun
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Um, da, sigur. Daca asa spune noctius asa o fi.

Intre timp, tema de gandire: "pupincurism printre pute" (or the P.P.P. as I like to call it)

Hm, stiuatia lui nuturel imi auduce aminte de chestii dinalea de la circ cu un clovn care sta pe un pedestal si unii care arunca la tinta si daca nimeresti clovnul cade in apa. Noi aruncam cu pietre, ghici ce face nucturel.

You mess with Jay, you die. Everybody loves Jaymond.

Ah, si in mm (catre nut.), papagal trist, ai imprumutat habarnist de la AB.
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Old 08 Oct 2005, 01:43   #9
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Originally Posted by Alex Leo Serban:
al dracu ambro (...) tu vei continua sa rostesti, cu ochii dati peste cap, 'sincity, sincity...' pe cind eu voi fi fiind de mult oale & ulcele...

chiar mi-a placut aici! al dracu' artisti cu imaginatie!
"Nu te apleca decat pentru a iubi.
Daca mori, tu continui sa iubesti" - Rene Char
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Old 08 Oct 2005, 08:32   #10
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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Originally Posted by ogto:
Everybody loves Jaymond.

well, i don't!
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Old 08 Oct 2005, 10:13   #11
Gandhi's Big Gun
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You say that like it's a good thing.
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Old 08 Oct 2005, 13:35   #12
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Originally Posted by ogto:
Hm, stiuatia lui nuturel imi auduce aminte de chestii dinalea de la circ cu un clovn care sta pe un pedestal si unii care arunca la tinta si daca nimeresti clovnul cade in apa. Noi aruncam cu pietre, ghici ce face nucturel.

tipic adolescentin: la ofense te pricepi, la argumentat te prostesti ca baba la piata.

You mess with Jay, you die. Everybody loves Jaymond.

nu, nu. jay s-a isterizat ca o fetiscana de gimnaziu si nu e de bagat in seama. la urmatorul meeting sa vezi ce bine ne-ntelegem.

Ah, si in mm (catre nut.), papagal trist, ai imprumutat habarnist de la AB.

pula mea ! ca nu exista 'habarnist' decat in vocabularul lui ambra !... ce pana mea, iti place sa te prostesti in halu' asta ?!
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
(Woody Allen)
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Old 08 Oct 2005, 14:08   #13
Ambra Blu
Ambra Blu
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Originally Posted by notorious:

p*** mea ! ca nu exista 'habarnist' decat in vocabularul lui ambra !... ce pana mea, iti place sa te prostesti in halu' asta ?!

Auzi, notorele? Ii tot numesti pe ogto si BeNnY 'adolescenti' in acelasi mod in care nume il facea pe ALS 'homosexual'. Ma-ta nu ti-a zis acasa ca 'adolescent' nu are nimic jignitor in conotatie, decit pus in context notorious? (In fraza asta tocmai te-am jignit, depinde de tine sa descoperi unde; nu, nu e 'ma-ta').
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Old 08 Oct 2005, 14:13   #14
Gandhi's Big Gun
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Originally Posted by no:
la ofense te pricepi

F'ank you very much.

Originally Posted by to:
jay s-a isterizat ca o fetiscana de gimnaziu

You'd know.

Originally Posted by rius:
p*** mea etc...

Gata nutty, gata... A trecut. Gigea...

Si eu zic sa o lasi mai moale cu argumentele si lipsa altora de argumente ca ai vazut ce se intampla, superi lumea.
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Old 08 Oct 2005, 20:13   #15
The Space Cowboy
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@als .. .este o onoare pentru mine ca nu ma placi... si de fapt... parca nu mai vb cu tine... asa ca fuck off ...

bai notorious ... ai invatat cuvantul pula... bravo.. ce sa spun... esti cu adevarat un critic de film acum... asteptam cu nerabdare cronicile urmatoare... e bine ca mai avem pe cineva de care sa radem pe aici... keep the good job going...
"I'm gonna kill you untill you die from it"
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Old 09 Oct 2005, 08:16   #16
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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Originally Posted by Jay:
@als .. .este o onoare pentru mine ca nu ma placi... si de fapt... parca nu mai vb cu tine... asa ca f*** off ...

kindergarten stuff...
PD da baiatu asta, jay, vorbeste singur? isi spune 'fuck off' in oglinda, asa, 'r u talkin to me'-like?... jeez! supernashpa, unora forumu le cauzeaza rau, nene :lol:
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