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Old 23 Jun 2009, 16:41   #1
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Joc - Film virtual

Sunteti producator, vreti sa faceti un film.
Aveti avantajul ca puteti face cam orice, puteti alege pe oricine. Sa zicem, pentru inceput, ca aveti buget nelimitat (putem juca mai tarziu si o varianta a jocului cu un buget limitat).

Alegeti subiectul - ca sa fie mai simplu, ecranizarea unei carti.

Alegeti echipa: scenarist, regizor, operator. Puteti lua pe oricare din numele mari ale lumii.

Faceti casting: cine joaca in rolul cui. La fel, puteti lua orice vedeta.

Alegeti locurile unde filmati.

... si asa mai departe, pana iese filmul.

Dupa care, va ocupati de promovarea lui: tagline, afise, trailere etc.

Apoi criticii va asteapta la colt sa va desfiinteze.

mai departe nu stiu, mai improvizam, mai inventam pe parcurs.

O data la cinci posturi sa zicem, careva are voie sa vina cu o problema care pune bete in roate productiei: actorul s-a imbolnavit, sau nu ati obtinut aprobarea sa filmati undeva, sau s-a terminat pelicula, s-a stricat aparatul. Inventati voi ceva.

Hai, faceti filmul ideal!

Cine se baga producator are dreptul sa-si aleaga alti 2 useri care sa-l ajute. Ceilalti dau sugestii, sustin o directie sau alta, fluiera, fac atmosfera. Asta va conta la succesul final al filmului (poate facem un poll).
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 16:52   #2
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Hai sa punem o restrictie: echipa sa poata fi alcatuita numai din forumisti. Avem voie sa aducem numai 3 extracomunitari.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 17:01   #3
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care echipa? regizor, operator, scenograf?
hm, ar fi cam ciudat.

sau poate nu inteleg eu despre ce echipa vorbesti: de cei 2 pe care-i iei sa te ajute? evident ca-s forumisti.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 17:02   #4
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lipsesc o vreme, dati-i bataie cu productia.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 17:03   #5
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Ce topic nimerit, chiar ieri ma gandeam cum ar fi un film despre Richey James Edwards In rolul principal Cillian Murphy, dar in rest nu m-am hotarat inca.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 17:05   #6
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Da, man, echipa, sefii de departamente. Si putem aduce numai 3 stranieri. Actorii pot fi oricare, romani sau straini, vedete sau nu, chiar si forumisti sau prieteni si cunostinte care ar accepta sa le fie postate mutrele pe forum.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 18:19   #7
Dancer in the Dark
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Originally Posted by miercuri:
Ce topic nimerit, chiar ieri ma gandeam cum ar fi un film despre Richey James Edwards In rolul principal Cillian Murphy, dar in rest nu m-am hotarat inca.

Culmea, si eu ma gandisem la ce ai spus tu atunci referitor la un film despre MSP, si chiar ma gandisem la Cillian, dar in rolul lui Nicky Wire. Parca seamana un pic... Mie Nicky imi place mai mult.
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 22:05   #8
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hai, mai cu curaj.

primul pas, alegeti subiectul: ce carte vreti sa ecranizati?

dupa aia vine de la sine
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 22:07   #9
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Orson Scott Card, Vorbitor in numele mortilor
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 22:09   #10
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catcher in the rye ca tot nu vrea salinger sa dea drepturile. sa-i facem in ciuda.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 22:14   #11
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eu votez cu salinger.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 22:24   #12
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Putem sa-l inviem pe River Phoenix si sa-l punem in rolul lui Holden?
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 22:32   #13
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Iata lista tuturor personajelor in ordinea aparitiei, pe capitole.

Apropo de capitole, il luam pe Lars Von Trier? Ca el are obiceiul sa isi structureze frumos filmele pe capitole.
Chapter One

Holden Caulfield
Sixteen years old. Six feet two with a shock of gray hair. Very immature but can act older than his age. (But no one notices.) Our narrator. Loves children. Hates phonys.

D.B. Caulfield
Holden's older brother. Served in the army. A writer. Author of "the Secret Goldfish". Now a prostitute for Hollywood (1).

Selma Thurmer
Daughter of Pency's headmaster. Sat next to Holden on the bus. Not very pretty. "She was a pretty nice girl, though" (3).

Robert Tichner and Paul Campbell
Holden's friends at Pency. Threw the football around until after dark. Didn't want to stop. But eventually, they had to (5).

Mr. Zambesi
Made Holden, Paul, and Robert stop throwing the football around (5).

Mrs. Spencer
Mr. Spencer's wife. She likes Holden, he thinks (7).

Chapter Two

Mr. Spencer
Holden's History teacher at Pency. Holden visits him before leaving school. He flunks Holden and reads his essay on "the Egyptians" aloud as an explanation. He smells like Vicks Nose Drops and is a bad throw. "Life is a game, boy" (8).

Mr. & Mrs. Caulfield
Holden's parents. Mr. Caulfield is a businessman. Mrs. Caulfield doesn't sleep well. She's still traumatized over Allie. "They're grand people" (9).

Mr. Haas
Headmaster at the Elkton School. One of the phoniest bastards Holden ever met (13).

Chapter Three

Mr. Thurmer
Pency Prep Headmaster. Phony. When Marsalla let one rip in chapel everyone pretended they didn't hear it. "But you could tell he heard it" (17).

Pency alumnus who made a fortune opening funeral homes. Gave a speech in the Pency chapel. Talked to Jesus, asking Him to send a few more stiffs (17).

Edgar Marsalla
Holden's friend at Pency. Let one rip during Ossenburger's speech that " damn near blew the roof off" (17).

Robert Ackley
Ackley kid. Roomed next to Holden at Pency. No one liked him. Nosey and dirty. Holden took him along into town to be nice. Bad skin and bad teeth that "always looked mossy and awful" (19).

Walt Stradlater
Holden's roomate at Pency. Handsome and shallow. Asks Holden to write his composition for him and goes on a date with Jane Gallagher. Holden and Stradlater have a fist-fight. He was a friendly guy but "it was partly a phony kind of friendly (26).

Chapter Four

Mr. Hartzell
Holden and Stratlader's English teacher. He thinks that Holden's a "hot-shot in English" (28).

Howie Coyle
Pency basketball player. Ackley thinks he has a "perfect build" (29).

Jane Gallagher
Stradlater's date and Holden's childhood friend. His image of frozen perfection. A major character in the book, without ever appearing in it. When she and Holden played checkers she would never move her kings out of the back row (31).

Chapter Five

Mal Brossard
Pency wrestler who goes into town to get a burger and maybe catch a movie with Holden and (relunctantly) Ackly (35).

Allie Caulfield
Holden's younger brother who died three years earlier of leukemia. Bright, sensitive, and exceptional. Wrote poetry on his baseball mitt. "You'd have liked him" (38).

Chapter Six

Ed Banky
The basketball coach at Pency. Stradlater was one of his "pets" so he let Stradlater borrow his car to go on his date with Jane Gallagher (43).

Chapter Seven

Ackley's absent roomate (49).

Frederick Woodruff
Pency student who buys Holden's typewriter for twenty dollars (52).

Chapter Eight

Mrs. Morrow
Ernest Morrow's mother. Attractive woman. Holden meets her on the train from Agerstown to New York City. He lies to her to spare her feelings concerning her son. Holden also tells her that he has a brain tumor (54).

Ernest Morrow
A classmate of Holden at Pency. Although Holden tells his mother that he is popular but sensitive, in actuality he is "doubtless the biggest bastard that ever went to Pency" and "about as sensitive as a goddam toilet seat"(54).

Rudolph Schmidt
The janitor of Holden's dorm. Holden assumes his name during his conversation with Mrs. Morrow (54).

Chapter Nine

Phoebe Caulfield
Holden's ten-year-old sister. Very smart and perceptive girl. Roller-skate skinny with red hair. She likes to write girl books that she never finishes. Affectionate and emotional (59).

Carl Luce
Classmate of Holden's at the Whooton School. He meets Holden at Ernie's for drinks. Very mature. Dates a Chinese woman in her late thirties. Knows a lot about perverts (59).

First Cabbie
Takes Holden to the Edmont Hotel. Holden asks him about where the Central Park ducks go in the winter. (60).

Edmont Bellboy
Depressing, very old guy who combed his hair in a sweep to cover his baldness. (61).

Edmont Hotel Perverts
The transvestite dressing up in front of the mirror (61).
The girl who was getting water squirtted all over her face (62).

Ann Louise Sherman
A girl that Holden once necked with all night even though she was a big phoney (63).

Eddie Birdsell
A Princeton guy that Holden met at a party. He gave Holden Faith Cavindish's number for a "good time" (64).

Faith Cavendish
A former burlesque stripper or something. Holden calls her from the Edmont to try to set up a date. But it's too late. She calls him "Mr. Cawffle" (64).

Chapter Ten

Marty, Laverne, and Bernice Crabs or Krebs
Three girls that Holden meets in the Lanender Room. Tourists from Seattle. He dances with Bernice Crabs or Krebs. They spend their time looking for movie stars (like Peter Lorre) and then stick Holden with the check (69).

Chapter Eleven

Mr. Cudahy
Jane Gallagher's mother's husband. A hint of abuse. He was a "booze-hound" (78).

Piano player and owner of Ernie's nightclub. Good player but a big phoney (80).

Chapter Twelve

Horwitz (Second Cabbie)
Drives Holden from the Lavender Room to Ernie's. Holden asks him where the Central Park ducks go in the winter (81).

Lillian Simmons
Former girlfriend of D.B., Holden runs into her at Ernie's. Marvellous! (86)

Commander Blop
Navy guy with Lillion Simmons. He breaks four of your fingers just shaking hands (87).

Chapter Thirteen

Raymond Goldfarb
Holden's friend at the Whooton School. They got drunk together once in chapel. Raymond got very drunk but Holden only got very cool and nonchalant. He did puke, but he forced himself to (90).

Edmont elevator operator/pimp. Sends "a girl" up to Holden's room for "a good time". After agreeing upon a price, Maurice wants more. Holden has a fist-fight with him but he doesn't stand a chance (90).

Young prostitute sent to Holden's room. Shallow, uneducated, and all-business. Holden and Sunny only talk. This is five. It costs ten. Holden assumes the alias of Jim Steele with Sunny. She calls him "crum-bum" (93).

Chapter Fourteen

Bobby Fallon
Holden's friend in Maine when he was younger. One day, Holden refused to take Allie with him to Bobby Fallon's house because Allie was just a child (98).

Arthur Childs
Classmate at the Whooton School. Quaker. He and Holden talked about the Bible. They disagreed (99).

Chapter Fifteen

Sally Hayes
Holden's old girlfiend. Sally is very interested in the theater. Very affected. They go on a date to see a play and then go skating at Radio City. Holden asks her to run away with him and then calls her names. She has a Christmas tree in need of trimming (105).

Dick Slagle
Holden's roomate at Elkton Hills School. They shared a room with their suitcases. Holden's were bourgeois(108).

The Two Nuns
Holden meets them in the sandwich bar. One is an English teacher. They discuss "Romeo and Juliet" over eggs. Holden gives them ten dollars as a contribution (109).

Chapter Sixteen

Mrs. Hayes
Sally Hayes' crazy mother. Holden talks to her on the phone when he's drunk. She likes her ass kissed (114).

Estelle Fletcher
Singer of "Little Shirley Beans" (114).

The Family on Broadway
Poor looking family walking up Broadway. Father, mother and six-year old boy who was skipping from the curb into the street and back again. The boy's parents ignored him. The traffic didn't. He was singing "If a body catch a body coming through the rye" (115).

Phoebe's Schoolmate
Holden finds her sitting by herself. Asks if she knows who and where Phoebe is. She has trouble with her skate key. Holden doesn't (118).

Miss Aigletinger
Holden's grammar school teacher in New York. She often took the class to the Museum of Natural History. "She never got sore" (120).

Gertrude Levine
Holden's partner during excursions to the Museum of Natural History. She liked to hold sweaty hands (120).

Chapter Seventeen

Harris Macklin
Holden roomed with him for two months at Elkton Hills. He was a bore with a very raspy voice. But he could whistle great. Holden never told him he thought he was a great whistler (123).

George "Something"
Phoney Andover snob who Sally Hayes knew. She spotted him during her date with Holden. Thought the Lunts were "Angels". Big soul kisses (127).

Chapter Eighteen

Al Pike
Some guy that Jane Gallagher once dated. Wore white Latex swimming trunks. "Show-off bastard" (135).

Wolf Lady and Her Son
Pair that Holden sees in the movie theater. She cries all through the movie but won't let her little boy go to the bathroom. "Kindhearted as a goddam wolf" (139).

Chapter Ninteen

Tina and Janine
Two French babes who performed at the Wicker Bar. One played piano and the other sang in half English and half "Vooly Voo Fransay" (141).

Chapter Twenty

Performer at the Wicker Bar. Opening act for Tina and Janine. Holden gives her the eye and instructs the headwaiter to ask Velencia to join him for a drink. He doesn't (149).

Flitty Guy at the Wicker Bar
Holden mocks him to Carl Luce. Later, in the men's room he advises Holden to go home because Holden is so drunk.

Chapter Twenty One

The Dicksteins
The Caulfield's neighbors. Holden pretends to be their nephew to the new elevator boy in order to sneak into his parent's apartment (157).

Chapter Twenty Two

Veteran's Day Visitor
Old Pency alumnus who knocked on the door of Holden's dorm to ask for directions to the bathroom. Holden and Stradlater walked him there so that he could check for his initials that he carved ninety years ago. The Ghost of Christmas Future (168).

James Castle
Classmate at Elkton Hills. His name was next to Holden's at roll call. He refused to take back something that he said. Jumped out of a window (?) and died. Holden heard him land and saw him dead (170).

Elkton Hills boy who was insulted by James Castle. He and six of his friends tried to force James Castle to take back what he has said (170).

Mr. Antolini
Former English teacher at Elkton Hills. He was the one who finally picked up the body of James Castle. Holden retreats to his house and recieves a long lecture. Plans to stay there until Tuesday, but while Holden is sleeping Mr. Antolini begins to pet him. Flitty. Likes to drink (173).

Chapter Twenty Four

Lillian Antolini
Mr. Antolini's wife. Lots of money. About sixty years older than Mr. Antolini. Likes to kiss in public. Never in the same room as Mr. Antolini (180).

Richard Kinsella
Holden's classmate at Pency They took Oral Expression together. Shy boy. easily flustered. Got a "D" in the class because they kept on yelling "Digression!" at him (183).

Mr. Vinson
Taught Oral Expression at Pency. "Kept telling you to unify and simplify all the time" (185).

Chapter Twenty Five

Two Bruddas
Two boys Holden meets in the Metropolitan Museum. They're skipping school. They ask Holden where the mummies are kept. They go together, sticking close to Holden. One does all of the talking, the other "don't feel like it". They leave Holden in the tomb (202).

Chapter Twenty Six

Psychoanalyst Guy
A Psychoanalyst at the California hospital. Keeps on asking Holden if he's going to apply himself. "It's a stupid question" (213).

English Babe
Actress who comes with D.B. to visit Holden. "She's pretty affected" (213).
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 23:11   #14
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Nu, nu Lars Von Trier, ar trebui un american. Eu i-as lua pe Wes Anderson sau Gus Van Sant.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 23:14   #15
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Dar de Sofia Coppola ce parere aveti?
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 23:16   #16
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e cam superficiala lui Holden nu i-ar fi placut de ea.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 23:17   #17
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Superficiala? De ce? Mie Lost in Translation mi s-a parut o bijuterie de film!
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 23:20   #18
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Lost in Translation si mie mi-a placut, dar alelalte doua sunt total neconvingatoare. Pana nu vine cu inca un Lost in Translation eu am dubii in privinta ei.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 23:22   #19
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Originally Posted by miercuri:
Lost in Translation si mie mi-a placut, dar alelalte doua sunt total neconvingatoare. Pana nu vine cu inca un Lost in Translation eu am dubii in privinta ei.

Poate un Catcher in the Rye?
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 23 Jun 2009, 23:48   #20
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Sofia sa fie. Sa pariem pe ea. Sa avem incredere, tovarasi! (unde nu mai stie, poate il intreaba pe Francis)
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