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Old 30 Jan 2004, 01:24   #1
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Middle-Earth Languages

In acest loc "virgin" cei cunoscatori de Middle-Earth languages sunt rugati sa posteze replicile din filme sau cartzi sau orice altceva legat de acest subiect,iar noi necunoscatorii,sa facem bine sa cascam ochii,sa invatam si sa luam aminte.Hai TLD ca am vazut ca vrei sa inveti elfa!

Fac apel la ajutorul Demonei(care stiu sigur ca le are cu asa ceva) si la altii,ca Gaandalf,care cred ca se stie si el.

Multumim pentru cooperare!:lol:
http://www.animeglobe.com/ubb/html/a...rls/reki02.jpgThe pressure is building, at the base of my spine, if I gotta sin to see her again then I'm gonna lie and lie and lie!
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Old 30 Jan 2004, 01:32   #2
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la asta chiar ca nu ma asteptam.Si za ziceam ca mai multi useri ar cere lectii de elfa sau alte Middle-Earth languages si cineva ar fii dispus sa le predea,ar fii voie? ne lasi? chiar doream sa deschid un asemenea subiect,dar mi-ai luat-o inainte.
http://www.cvtips.com/show.gif[b]"The light of the Evenstar does not wax and wane. It is mine to give to whom I will. Like my heart."[b]
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Old 30 Jan 2004, 01:58   #3
your Worst Nightmare
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Bey, voi nu suntetzi normali? Pai o sa trebuieasca sa stau non-stop pe Forum!!! E ora 3 dimineatza shi eu in loc sa lucrez ma dau pe net. Sa vedetzi ce o i-au eu in freza de descopera ashtia! Au! Lumea mea shi-ata Marie! Tot elfi va dau eu...

Dar hai treaca de la mine...Acum primu` lucru...Invatzatzi sa salutatzi in elfa...

Mae govennan
Elen sila lumen olmentievo

...shi cand zice-tzi "adio"...Navaer,Navar,Namarie
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 30 Jan 2004, 04:16   #4
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Originally Posted by Demona:

Dar hai treaca de la mine...Acum primu` lucru...Invatzatzi sa salutatzi in elfa...

Mae govennan
Elen sila lumen olmentievo

...shi cand zice-tzi "adio"...Navaer,Navar,Namarie

dar ce inseamna toate alea?pariu ca elen sila ala nu e numai un simplu "buna ziua".Acuma daca ai inceput,continua si fa-o cu stil,doar esti Demona.
Too much it's not enough...
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Old 30 Jan 2004, 08:33   #5
Spirit of the System
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Originally Posted by Demona:
Bey, voi nu suntetzi normali? Pai o sa trebuieasca sa stau non-stop pe Forum!!! E ora 3 dimineatza shi eu in loc sa lucrez ma dau pe net. Sa vedetzi ce o i-au eu in freza de descopera ashtia! Au! Lumea mea shi-ata Marie! Tot elfi va dau eu...

Da vad ca esti din ce in ce mai solicitata cu limba asta a elfilor! Eu o postez ce am pe cd-ul ca am o gramada... Da v-am zis am asa o lene in mine!

Pt inceput:

I (my,mine) - amin
we, us (ours) - lye
he - ro
she - re
it (its) - ta
you (yours) - lle
you(p) (yours-p) - llie

him (his) ho
her (hers) he
they ron
them sen
this sina
that tanya
who ya
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Old 30 Jan 2004, 12:12   #6
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Adrenaline:
Originally Posted by Demona:

Dar hai treaca de la mine...Acum primu` lucru...Invatzatzi sa salutatzi in elfa...

Mae govennan
Elen sila lumen olmentievo

...shi cand zice-tzi "adio"...Navaer,Navar,Namarie

dar ce inseamna toate alea?pariu ca elen sila ala nu e numai un simplu "buna ziua".Acuma daca ai inceput,continua si fa-o cu stil,doar esti Demona.

a scris Demona :
Invatzatzi sa salutatzi in elfa...

Deci alea sunt diferitele modalitatzi de a saluta... :o
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 30 Jan 2004, 12:31   #7
The White Rider
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Annon Edhellen edro hi ammen! Ando Eldarinwa a lasta quettanya, Fenda Casarinwa!

"Gates of The High Elves open now for me, There's Hold of Dwarfs!"

nu am tradus-o io' da merita pusa... este chiar semnatura mea...

Dk continuam asha cu elfa o sa ajungem in cel putzin 6 - 12 luni sa vb pe Forum in elfa (v-atzi gandit cum ar fi chestia asta ?) - and that is so gonna' please me ... 8)
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 30 Jan 2004, 20:52   #8
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Woooow!!! Asta da surpriza!! Multumim!Multumim!
"Cuio i Pheriain anann! Aglar' ni Pheriannath!
Traiasca Piticutii!Slaviti sa fie cu slava mare!Eglerio!"
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Old 30 Jan 2004, 21:34   #9
your Worst Nightmare
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
Annon Edhellen edro hi ammen! Ando Eldarinwa a lasta quettanya, Fenda Casarinwa!

"Gates of The High Elves open now for me, There's Hold of Dwarfs!"

nu am tradus-o io' da merita pusa... este chiar semnatura mea...

Dk continuam asha cu elfa o sa ajungem in cel putzin 6 - 12 luni sa vb pe Forum in elfa (v-atzi gandit cum ar fi chestia asta ?) - and that is so gonna' please me ... 8)

hehe...true! Dar e un lucru bun! Itzi dai seama diperare pentru totzi LOTR Haters! Pacat ca elfa e prea nobila sa potzi injura.
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 30 Jan 2004, 21:36   #10
your Worst Nightmare
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Originally Posted by TLD:
Da vad ca esti din ce in ce mai solicitata cu limba asta a elfilor! Eu o postez ce am pe cd-ul ca am o gramada... Da v-am zis am asa o lene in mine!

Pt inceput:

I (my,mine) - amin
we, us (ours) - lye
he - ro
she - re
it (its) - ta
you (yours) - lle
you(p) (yours-p) - llie

him (his) ho
her (hers) he
they ron
them sen
this sina
that tanya
who ya

Deci simtzitzi-l pe "Apostrof-Virgula-Trefla"!!! The young Pedawan has become a Jedi!
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 30 Jan 2004, 21:39   #11
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Originally Posted by irinna:
Woooow!!! Asta da surpriza!! Multumim!Multumim!

multumeste-i Demonei ca exista! Thanks la toti ca ne invatati So...Suilad all! ;D
http://www.animeglobe.com/ubb/html/a...rls/reki02.jpgThe pressure is building, at the base of my spine, if I gotta sin to see her again then I'm gonna lie and lie and lie!
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Old 30 Jan 2004, 21:54   #12
Spirit of the System
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Originally Posted by Demona:
Deci simtzitzi-l pe "Apostrof-Virgula-Trefla"!!! The young Pedawan has become a Jedi!
Mai am pana la Darth Vader! Dar avansam incet si sigur :lol: Altfel tu demona iar simti adrenalina si fentezi sefii de pe net?
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Old 30 Jan 2004, 22:51   #13
Spirit of the System
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Ca sa-mi continui lectia ...

Greetings Elven Translation

A star shall shine on the hour of our meeting Elen sila lumenn omentilmo

Good (day/morning/afternoon/evening) ‘Quel (re/amrun/andune/undome)

Greetings (everyone) Vedui’ (il’er)
Hail Aaye

I am your servant Amin naa tualle

It has been too long Nae saian luume’

My heart sings to see thee Cormamin lindua ele lle

Pleasure meeting you Saesa omentien lle

Well met Mae govannen

You again? Lle au'
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Old 30 Jan 2004, 22:55   #14
Spirit of the System
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Holidays Elven Translation

Winter Solstice Yenearsira
Spring Festival Sheelala
Vernal Equinox Ehtele’mele
Autumnal Equinox Yavieba
Summer Solstace Faradome

Astea dak va intereseaza... stelele? :lol:
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Old 30 Jan 2004, 22:57   #15
Spirit of the System
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Si numerele !!!

Numbers Elven Translation

one er
two atta
three nelde
four kinta
five lempe
six enque
seven otso
eight tolto
nine nerte
ten kainen
eleven minque
twelve ratse

Dak vreti mai mult intrebati-o pe BAZATA!
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Old 31 Jan 2004, 15:02   #16
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by TLD:
Si numerele !!!

Numbers Elven Translation

one er
two atta
three nelde
four kinta
five lempe
six enque
seven otso
eight tolto
nine nerte
ten kainen
eleven minque
twelve ratse

Dak vreti mai mult intrebati-o pe BAZATA!

Bah lasatzi-o mai ushor k nu am timp sa ma apuc decat dupa ce termin cu STRESIUNEA! Ahs k lasa-tzi-o mai incet!

Apropo ... degeaba postam dk nu invatzam ... :o - tre sa fim "ochi shi urechi" la lectziile astea... :lol:

:o :o :o
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 31 Jan 2004, 15:20   #17
Spirit of the System
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
Bah lasatzi-o mai ushor k nu am timp sa ma apuc decat dupa ce termin cu STRESIUNEA! Ahs k lasa-tzi-o mai incet!

Apropo ... degeaba postam dk nu invatzam ... :o - tre sa fim "ochi shi urechi" la lectziile astea... :lol:

:o :o :o

Pai dak nu ai timp iti recomand copy -> paste -> save -> terminat sesiunea -> luat vacanta -> invatat ce se scrie pe forum... Eu asa o sa fac! Pana atunci ciuliti ochii pe aici ca mai vin dastea inopinante! :lol:
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Old 31 Jan 2004, 15:27   #18
Leonard Pyron
Leonard Pyron
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Si, mai ales,

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Old 31 Jan 2004, 21:24   #19
your Worst Nightmare
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Originally Posted by Leonard Pyron:
Si, mai ales,


Asta e cea mai infantila chestia care am vazut-o pe forum ever. Asta mai era scrisa pe garaje in fatza blocului, de cretini care n-au curajul sa spuna ce au de zis shi lasa mesaje de genul asta la cutare shi cutare! Leonard Pyron...te-ai facut de tot kktul! Nu ca nu ai fii fost deja!
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 31 Jan 2004, 21:27   #20
your Worst Nightmare
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Originally Posted by TLD:
Si numerele !!!

Numbers Elven Translation

one er
two atta
three nelde
four kinta
five lempe
six enque
seven otso
eight tolto
nine nerte
ten kainen
eleven minque
twelve ratse

Dak vreti mai mult intrebati-o pe BAZATA!

TLD dragule! Hai sa-tzi spun o chestie. Gaandalf a avut dreptate cand a zis ca "slow" shi hai sa-tzi dau un exemplu. Noi acum suntem la faza SINDARINA iar ce ai scris tu mai sus e Quenya! Cam tot ce scrii e Quenya. Nu e bai ca scrii Quenya, dar sunt altzii ca irinna sau Freak_on_a_Leash sau pe cine mai intereseaza, care nu shtiu inca diferentza dintre Quenya shi Sindarina. Asha ca cand scrii ceva, scrie "ASTA E QUENYA STUFF" respectiv, "SINDARIN STUFF". De acord! You will never become a real Vader if you don't follow the Dark side!
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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