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Old 27 Sep 2008, 13:01   #1
Pauline Kael
Pauline Kael
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"Death Race"

Ruleaza in cinema?Cine l-a vazut?
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Old 27 Sep 2008, 13:52   #2
Unlikely Messiah
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Da. E un blockbuster cinstit, bine lucrat în context. Mi-a pläcut. Dacä aveam timp, i-as fi fäcut si analiza, da' n-am apucat... Uite scurtul meu comentariu de pe IMDb:
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Old 27 Sep 2008, 15:16   #3
Pauline Kael
Pauline Kael
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Eu voiam sa ma uit,pt ca Jason Statham a inceput sa aibe roluri in filme bune de actiune.Dar dupa trailer mi se pare un film cu prea multe masini si zgomot de masini, si actiunea cam atat este.Dar daca ziceti ca e bun,ma uit.Si citesc pe urma comentariile...
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Old 27 Sep 2008, 17:00   #4
Pauline Kael
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Pitbull a scris:

7 out of 8 people found the following comment useful :-
Not Bad At All!, 15 September 2008

Author: Mihnea the Pitbull from Romania

Definitely better than the ridiculous "Righteous Kill", that we had the doubtful honor to view today also, at the same press screening, here in Bucharest, Romania.

"Death Race" is a honest to God action movie, without any bigger-than-life pretensions. The script follows correctly an old tested and tried recipe, everything is at its place, and although you can easily plot out the whole course since the beginning, somewhat even this sounds good - you simply have the guilty pleasure of savoring again a story that you know from dozens of other movies.

The influences from the racing video games are explicit, and well mastered - me, I fully felt as while playing "Death Rally". Even certain aerial shots are obvious quotes from the computer game imagery. The narrative is nervous and thrilling, the effects professional, the violence degree precisely balanced. Maybe the main virtue of the movie is the cinematography, with admirable chromatic and plastic values. All in all, what it promises, it delivers: a cheap show, well done.

Adica filmul e un remake? Si n-are defecte? Si actiunea care e,se plimba aia si se ciocnesc cu masinile pana le vine rau?
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Old 27 Sep 2008, 17:05   #5
Unlikely Messiah
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E un remake, si are si defecte.
Ala e doar un comentariu succint, nu o analizä.
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Old 27 Sep 2008, 17:16   #6
Pauline Kael
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Pana ne scrieti mai multe,sa-l vedem sau nu?Jason e bun? :love: Gagica aia buna cine e?
S-a facut la noi acilea cinema (cred ca la Mall,nu'sh,ca uit) ...Intai mergem la ala cu ochelari din aia care nu te lasa sa vezi nimic ,filmu' cu islandeza sexy si cu centru Pamantului..:w00t:
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Old 27 Sep 2008, 17:21   #7
Unlikely Messiah
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Am spus clar: e bun ca film comercial, nu de continut. Vedeti-l, dacä vreti o distractie de-o searä, färä pretentii.
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Old 27 Sep 2008, 17:40   #8
Pauline Kael
Pauline Kael
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Am zis eu ca e film de arte? Nu.
Eu am intrebat de cateva ori,daca are si alta actiune in afar' de plimbatu' masinilor.Ca n-am timp sa m enervez si sa ma uit la ceva nasol si cica de actiune.
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Old 27 Sep 2008, 17:42   #9
Old School Hollywood
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Toys for boys Pauline.Evita filmul.
I had some problems with my screenplay so I bought that book .. "How to Write a Movie in 21 Days".That was a year ago. (Christopher Moltisanti)
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Old 27 Sep 2008, 17:50   #10
Pauline Kael
Pauline Kael
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Originally Posted by redmen:
Toys for boys Pauline.Evita filmul.
Yeah,right.Am vazut o gramad de filme de actiune ,le prefer celor romantice,sau girlish..Cu Statham le-am vazut pe toate.Asa ca ma duc sa-l vad.
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Old 28 Sep 2008, 14:49   #11
Old School Hollywood
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Just do it vorba celor de la Nike.Daca e despre masini,curse normal ca numai cu masini e filmul nu ?
I had some problems with my screenplay so I bought that book .. "How to Write a Movie in 21 Days".That was a year ago. (Christopher Moltisanti)
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Old 17 Oct 2008, 09:42   #12
Pauline Kael
Pauline Kael
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Am vazut "Death Race".Placut f mult.Recomand tuturor.
Excelent divertisment.
Sunt cateva chestii care n-au fost prea logice dar cum n-am cu cine sa le discut,va zic doar sa vedeti filmul.
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Old 17 Oct 2008, 09:44   #13
Old School Hollywood
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Pai de ce n`ai cu cine sa le discuti Pauline ? Crezi ca altii nu au vazut filmul ? Sau crezi ca nimeni nu are chef sa discute ?
I had some problems with my screenplay so I bought that book .. "How to Write a Movie in 21 Days".That was a year ago. (Christopher Moltisanti)
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Old 17 Oct 2008, 09:45   #14
Pauline Kael
Pauline Kael
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Ok(scuze ca te-am suparat pe nu stiu care topic).
Revin diseara.Filmul e beton.Cu ceva lipsuletze.
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Old 17 Oct 2008, 09:50   #15
Old School Hollywood
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N`aveai cu ce sa ma superi.Eu inca nu am vazut filmul dar sunt sigur ca sunt altii care l`au vazut.
I had some problems with my screenplay so I bought that book .. "How to Write a Movie in 21 Days".That was a year ago. (Christopher Moltisanti)
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Old 17 Oct 2008, 16:52   #16
Pauline Kael
Pauline Kael
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Pacat ca nu l-ai vazut.
Asta inseamna ca n-am cu cine vorbi despre,ca altcineva nu se ofera.
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Old 17 Oct 2008, 19:42   #17
Pauline Kael
Pauline Kael
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A vazut cineva "Death Race"?Tu,care citesti aici si l-ai vazut,de ce nu scrii ca da?
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Old 17 Oct 2008, 21:07   #18
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Ca da
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Old 17 Oct 2008, 21:08   #19
Pauline Kael
Pauline Kael
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Nu ti-a placut
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Old 17 Oct 2008, 21:35   #20
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Premisa e cam idioata si imi aminteste de The Condemned, in care insa scenele de actiune sunt filmate atat de penibil incat ajungi sa nu-ti mai dai seama cine loveste si cine e lovit si nici macar nu e entertaining. Dar la Death Race nu mi-a pasat de plot, pentru ca in fond e film de actiune si nu un thriller cu un plot elaborat, twists and stuff. Si ca orice film de actiune ce se respecta, e entertaining. Sunt genul de fata careia ii plac za fast cars si Jason Statham .Deh, hormonii astia! Mi se pare o prezenta carismatica pe marele ecran si aduce prospetime filmelor in care joaca. Filmul si masinile "arata bine", Jason la fel . E clar ca Death Race nu va fi un clasic, insa il pot adauga pe lista mea de Guilty Pleasures. Uitandu-ma la film imi aminteam de vremurile cand nu aveam PC si ma duceam pe la cafe-uri ca sa navighez pe internet si sa joc "ce era la moda". La un moment dat, ma apuc de Carmageddon,jocul acela cu masina care calca pietonii nevinovati . De fapt eu ii calcam...but you know what I mean. Ranjesc diabolic...pana cand PLOP! ma prinde mama,care venise dupa mine sa mergem nu stiu unde.Fata ei era ceva de genu: :shock: WTF is that? Mi-a luat ceva vreme sa o conving ca nu aveam porniri sadice, ci era pure entertainment pt mine.
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