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Old 29 May 2011, 13:16   #181
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Lady and the Tramp
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Old 08 Jul 2011, 10:45   #182
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It is only an ass. You must overcome the ass with your mind!
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Old 08 Jul 2011, 11:06   #183
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South Park
music is created by the space between the notes not the notes themselves.
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Old 09 Jul 2011, 10:53   #184
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Filmul de animatie: Cartoonuri

luati si pe asta, caci constat ca n-am postat niciodata pe aici. si cu asta ma retrag definitiv de pe forum (ma rog... o lunga perioada, pana cind el va redeveni cel pe care l-am descoperit acum fix un an - si in care am fost invitat sa scriu - ; daca asta se va mai intampla...!), sperand insa ca aceasta ultima scurta analiza de gen va folosi cuiva, vreodata...

Cu toate ca experimentele pe taramul iluziei vizuale generate de cadrul-multiplu din filmul de animatie s-au desfasurat cu regularitate in perioada secolului 19, era cartoonurilor s-a impus ca (supra)gen la inceputul secolului 20. Primul cartoon, mai mult sau mai putin stiut astazi, a fost Humorous Phases of Funny Faces (1906), realizat de Stuart Blackton, in care scrisori, cuvinte si fete au luat calea animatiei, in scopul stop-motion-ului fotografic. In acelasi timp, Frenchman Emile Cohl (despre care sint mult prea multe de zis pentru a le insera aici, meritand, asadar, o atentie separata) zamislea Fantasmagories, insa artistul vizual Windsor McCay impinge cu adevarat animatia inainte, prin Little Nemo (1911). Ulterior, fiul lui McCay avea sa fie cunoscut ca primul star din lumea cartoonurilor. Filmul sau, Gertie the Dinosaur (1914), ramane reperul pentru urmatorii realizatori, iar The Sinking of Lusitania (1918) a fost primul lungmetraj de animatie care a aparut pe ecrane. Potrivit lui Leonard Maltin, anii 20 au fost era in care cartoonurile au crescut, in care animatia se configureaza ca arta, industrie si ocupatie. Walt Disney avea sa domine intre anii 1930-1940. Este adevarat ca nici un alt studio nu a dezvoltat filmul de animatie ca Disney’s Production Company. Aduce pe ecrane Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), primul lungmetraj fairy-tale, sporind imaginatia spectatorilor, aproape concomitent cu esecul – de casa si de critica - Fantasia (1938), si nenumarate alte clasice. Fred „Tex” Avery si Chuck Jones pornesc vertiginos spre animatie in anii 50, creand marca Warner Bros. si introducand in concept asa-zisul hare-brained (scurtmetrajele de animatie, intitulate Looney Tunes) o noua stilistica, amplificand sectorul marcii. In orice caz, extinderea masiva si intreprinderile indraznete in lungmetrajul de animatie raman domeniul companiei Disney.
Istoria recenta a fost martora seriilor de animatie-TV, in spiritul satiric al umorului negru si al criticii sociale – precum Simpsons, al lui Matt Groening (premiera: 1989) si South Park, realizat de Trey Parker si Matt Stone (premiera: 1997). Pe tarmuri geografic-indepartate, miscarea filmului de animatie japonez castiga viteza inca din 1970, dovedindu-se pentru piata americana de gen un real competitor. Filme ca Akira (1988) si Mononoke-hime (Princess Monoke, 1997) au luat „pe sus” animatia hollywoodiana. Intr-adevar, inovatiile indraznete in acest sector al industriei cinematografice au redefinit impactul si directiile generale in care filmul de animatie se indreapta.
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Old 09 Jul 2011, 10:57   #185
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Se pare ca am mai postat si aiurea - pe alt thread decat as fi vrut... In fine...
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Old 10 Jul 2011, 19:38   #186
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Postez eu...e floare la ureche: "Eva?, Eva?"
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Old 10 Jul 2011, 20:01   #187
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E cumva Eve in loc de Eva?

Wall-e? ( )
"Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity."
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Old 11 Jul 2011, 17:40   #188
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Originally Posted by anaemona:
E cumva Eve in loc de Eva?

Wall-e? ( )

El e...pe ea o chema Eve insa el ii spunea Eva

Last edited by Cmd93 : 28 Nov 2011 at 16:21.
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Old 12 Mar 2012, 21:39   #189
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- I don't wanna die...! I don't wanna DIE! Oh sweet sister mother of mercy... I'm melting...! I'm MEEELTIIING!
- It's just the rain, donk'....
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Old 18 Mar 2012, 13:02   #190
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Originally Posted by catasmile17:
- I don't wanna die...! I don't wanna DIE! Oh sweet sister mother of mercy... I'm melting...! I'm MEEELTIIING!
- It's just the rain, donk'....

Simplu... Shrek

- This is the Pointless Forest, isn't it?
- Pointless? Pointless? Just look at those leaves. Each is more important than the last. I tell you this is the most pointed collection of...
- Then, you're a collector?
- A collector? Are you joking? Whoever heard an grown man going around collecting leaves?
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Old 18 Mar 2012, 13:59   #191
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hehe The Point (1971)

If I touch a burning candle, I can feel no pain. If you cut me with a knife, it's still the same. And I know her heart is beating, and I know that I am dead; yet the pain here that I feel, try and tell me it's not real, and it seems that I still have a tear to shed.
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Old 18 Mar 2012, 14:02   #192
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Corpse bride cumva?
I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex.
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Old 18 Mar 2012, 15:17   #193
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da. maestrul Burton
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Old 18 Mar 2012, 22:57   #194
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“I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food.“
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Old 19 Mar 2012, 13:49   #195
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Finding Nemo.
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Old 19 Mar 2012, 21:51   #196
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Old 22 Mar 2012, 11:34   #197
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Originally Posted by margott:
Finding Nemo.
your turn
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Old 23 Mar 2012, 18:57   #198
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"Prisoners sleep in their cells. Any prisoner caught outside their cell, spends the night in the box. Roll call at dusk and dawn. Any prisoner misses roll call, spends the night in the box. Prisoners do not speak unless spoken to. Any prisoner talks back, spends the night in the box. "
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Old 23 Mar 2012, 23:40   #199
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Toy story 3
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Old 24 Mar 2012, 00:02   #200
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Ah, ai tras cu ochiul cand am cautat replica.
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