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Old 08 May 2005, 04:50   #2161
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Man of Honor. (*) (*) (*) (*)
Cuba Gooding Jr. si Robert DeNiro intr-un film rasism, nedreptate si vointa de a reusi ceva ce putini pot, indiferent de piedici. Impresionant este faptul ca povestea este inspirata dupa un fapt real.
I play to win
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Old 08 May 2005, 05:29   #2162
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abre los ojos. wow. incurcat film. dar impresionant totusi. impresii, cineva?
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Old 08 May 2005, 10:00   #2163
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Originally Posted by herbert:
Originally Posted by Denis_stelistu:
Bless the Child 7/10 Un film gen Stigmata sau Constantine.Are 4 genuri:thriller,actiune,suspans si putin horror.
Nitica vorbe:Inceputul incepe destul de convingator.Kim Basigner este vizitata de sora ei mai nebuna si ii lasa un copil.Dupa sase ani,sora revine cu unu care crede in satana si nu in Dumnezeu.De aici incepe actiunea.Nu il recomand
multumesc Denis. am sa-l evit...

Cu placere,prin cuprinsul filmului se petrec lucruri mai ciudate si la sfarsit.
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Old 08 May 2005, 11:48   #2164
WitchKing of Angmar
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Originally Posted by BeNnY:
My Little Eye - 8/10 2 tipi erau platiti de niste clienti bogati sa gaseasca cate 5 oameni sa-i bage-n casa si sa-i omoare cumva. Live. Ideea foarte misto, dar actorii sunt slabuti. Merita vazut anyway.

smthg like the cube
pp ca felul in care mor reprezinta atractia...
High life inseamna sa stai o viatza high
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Old 08 May 2005, 11:52   #2165
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Huh? Felul in care mor e total irelevant. Puteau sa moara injunghiati de o vaca pe la spate, valoarea filmului nu se schimba cu nimic.
apocalypse please
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Old 08 May 2005, 12:04   #2166
WitchKing of Angmar
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cum ti s-a parut tie. la cube nu am gasit nimic de vazut decat diferitele capcane ce erau puse la dispoiztia vanatului. de fapt cam toate se repeta shi in cube zero.nu au avut prea multa inspiratie la ultimul mentionat,deshi povestea mi s-a parut ca a fost luata invers
High life inseamna sa stai o viatza high
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Old 08 May 2005, 13:02   #2167
The White Rider
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Kingdom Of Heaven - 8.5/10 surprinzator de bun. Lipseste muzica lu' zimmer dar totul se compenseaza cu niste cadre care te lasa cu gura cascata cu saliva curgand pe alaturi. Orlando less annoying than usual. film bun.

The Ring II - 3/10 - prost si penibil ... amuzant. final de o rafinata materie maronie.

Undercover Brother - 9/10 - delicios. am ras cu lacrimi. some really funny shit to see while "f.u.c.k.e.d up" ... si coloana sonora bestiala.

Honey - 2.3/10 - Jessica Alba :love: filmul = JEG.

Harold & Kumar go to White Castel - 5/10 - sa zicem ca merge. dar nu prea mult k plictiseste prea mult.
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 08 May 2005, 13:20   #2168
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Ultimul film vazut : Orient expres . 2 ore pierdute ... un film patetic . Data viitoare sa ma averizeze cineva ca la pomul laudat nu te duci cu sacu . Un film jalnic din toate punctele de vedere . Cred totusi ca filmul a fost facut pt singura replica cu ceva inteligenta : Maya Morgenstern ( sper ca am scris bine , daca nu sa ma corecteze cineva ... are un nume imposibil ) catre Daniela Nane : "Mata vrei mazare ? "
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Old 08 May 2005, 19:00   #2169
Gandhi's Big Gun
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Star Wars: Phantom Menace Pacat... Prea mult "kiddy stuff" si lameness, prea putin: Natalie Portman, jedi shit.

The hills have eyes (20 min si cateva faze de la sf.) N-am inteles nimic din plot, ia prea mult timp pana cand moare cineva, final sec, in rest nu-mi pasa.

Cam 10 min imprastiate din Asylum Am inteles despre ce e vorba, dar din nou, cam stupid si nu-mi pasa.

Cultura mea in filme horror are un inceput emotionant...
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Old 08 May 2005, 19:13   #2170
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Cannibal Holocaust - yeah well...n-am rezistat tentatiei de a ma uita inca o data la el. Imi place, asta e. Mi se pare un film "frumos" (frumos as in: i like how the people die) si very very sad (mai ales melodia aia de inceput care, daca as mai avea parul lung, m-ar face sa-mi smulg parul in cap). Oh well...i'm a sucker for people eating people

Cannibal Ferox - kinda crappy da' trebuia sa-l vad din nou si p-asta.

Guts of a virgin - ha ha ha! japanese exploitation movies SOOOOOO rule. It's about sum ppl doin' softcore movies and then something comes and kills them all. Very educational and entertaining.

Godzilla vs. Mothra - I almost cried. Such a lovely movie. Mothra is soooo hot.

Porno Holocaust - ma asteptam la ceva socant dar m-a lasat complet rece. Muzica e demential de amuzanta (the '70s had such cool porn music). Deja cadavrele violate nu ma mai impresioneaza deloc.

City of the living dead - Zombies turn me on. Yeah ok. Pacat ca la a patra vizionare nu mai e atat de fresh ca la primele trei. Eh...
Switched On Lotus
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Old 08 May 2005, 19:38   #2171
keyzer soze
keyzer soze
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Originally Posted by Nightwane:
City of the living dead - Zombies turn me on. Yeah ok. Pacat ca la a patra vizionare nu mai e atat de fresh ca la primele trei. Eh...

S-au imputit zombii?
'To beyond or not to be'
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Old 08 May 2005, 19:40   #2172
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Originally Posted by keyzer soze:
Originally Posted by Nightwane:
City of the living dead - Zombies turn me on. Yeah ok. Pacat ca la a patra vizionare nu mai e atat de fresh ca la primele trei. Eh...

S-au imputit zombii?
nu. matele pe care le vomita una la un moment dat
Switched On Lotus
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Old 08 May 2005, 20:27   #2173
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Hollywood Homicide 7/10Harrison Ford respect.Doi detectivi sunt platiti pentru a gasicriminalii Un film slabut.

Donnie Darko8/10 Un Sf foarte bine reusit.

The Ring 2 6/10.Primul a fost cu siguranta mai bun decat asta.Il recomand ca e mai mult Scary Movie.
The force be with you!
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Old 08 May 2005, 20:57   #2174
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Originally Posted by europe_east:
abre los ojos. wow. incurcat film. dar impresionant totusi. impresii, cineva?

well, eu deja am dat 6 motive pentru care prefer 'abre los ojos' (un film halucinant, facut, zic eu, intocmai dupa sintaxa unui vis) in locul lui 'vanilla sky' , prin care crowe a trecut cu gratie INTOCMAI pe langa acest 'minor' detaliu, transformand visul lui amenabar, un cineast romantic, sentimental, care crede ca viata este un vis - vezi si 'the others' - intr-o fantezie vulgara a lui cameron crowe.
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
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Old 08 May 2005, 20:58   #2175
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Originally Posted by notorious:
well, eu deja am dat 6 motive pentru care prefer 'abre los ojos'

3 dintre ele fiind Penelope Cruz, sper.
apocalypse please
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Old 08 May 2005, 21:04   #2176
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Originally Posted by BeNnY:
Blue Velvet - 6/10 - Rahat cu pretentii, din pacate.

hai, ma, nu fi... :?

sa zici tu asa ceva despre 'blue velvet', prima mea experienta 'lynch-iana' ? 'blue velvet' nu se remarca numai prin amprenta lui lynch (niste imagini socante, filmate inedit - vezi cea in care camera coboara in iarba, descoperind o ureche in putrefactie - so fachin sick, man ! :shock, ci si prin cinismul cu care regizorul zugraveste o societate (a carei existenta, pe cat de probabila, este pe atat de deranjanta) corupta de sex si violenta.

so, i beg to differ, man !

Originally Posted by BeNnY:
3 dintre ele fiind Penelope Cruz, sper.

unul era, totusi... :oops:
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
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Old 08 May 2005, 21:26   #2177
the mithbuster
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Originally Posted by notorious:
vezi cea in care camera coboara in iarba, descoperind o ureche in putrefactie - so fachin sick, man ! :shock
Ce ti se pare asa de "sick" ?

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Old 08 May 2005, 21:32   #2178
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Imaginile 'socante' mi s-au parut gratuite, menite sa mascheze lipsuri. Ne mutam la David Lynch daca vreti.
apocalypse please
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Old 08 May 2005, 21:42   #2179
The One and Only Gollum
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National Treasure 710 un alt rol perfect pt nicolas cage.am vrut sa ii dau nota 8 dar din cauza unui stereotip, si anume, "the good guyallways gets the girl" m-am razgandit. ps:impresionanta comoara...
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 08 May 2005, 21:50   #2180
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Copoi de Hollywood - 7/10 film facut in timpul liber al regizorului si al actorilor...si a restul persoanelor care au facut acest film...a one time movie...
Adevarul nu insulta, ci ofera dusuri reci prostiei calde...

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