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Old 25 Feb 2011, 10:06   #201
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Originally Posted by buticut:
Acu' or fi cateva mii de participanti la predictii, da' sa nu-mi spuneti ca toti se vor inspira de pe goldderby. Ala care a vazut doar Inception ma indoiesc ca va vota cu vreun alt film. O sa fie si o gramada pe langa, trust me, nu toti urmaresc fenomenul asa ca noi .

Pai din 3000, sa zicem ca 2000 sunt paraleli complet, 950 sunt pana in 20/24. Tot mai raman vreo 50 care sa nimereasca la greu. Chiar si din intamplare. Ca in bancul ala cu chinezii si site-ul Pentagonului
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 11:21   #202
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am baza de date in fata si pot sa va spun ca numarul total de useri inscrisi se ridica acum la 3037 si ca chambord se inseala: cei "pe dinafara complet" sunt mult mai putini

in cursul zilei de duminica o sa publicam o analiza de predictii in care o sa dam informatii si despre ce au votat userii Cinemagia

inca ceva: la rol principal feminin sunt mari sanse sa castige Bening!
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 12:07   #203
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How can I beat 3036 users? Hmmmm

inca ceva: la rol principal feminin sunt mari sanse sa castige Bening!

"En el teatro se hace lo que se debe, en el cine se hace lo que se quiere y en la televisión se hace lo que se puede">>
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 12:11   #204
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Pana sa vadem cum au votat romanashii, iata cum a votat presa americana si userii metacritic (world-wide):


Raspunsuri corecte:

Presa: 18 / 24. Verdict: FAIL !

Useri: 15 / 24. Verdict: EPIC FAIL !

Deci, ca intotdeauna, nu grosul (nici macar al specialistilor) e ingrijorator, ci the few ... Si chinejii
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 12:37   #205
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adica cum raspunsuri corecte? ai calatorit in viitor si-ai intrat pe cinemagia pe 28 dimineata sa vezi cine sunt castigatorii?
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 13:14   #206
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Mama-omida e atotstiutoare .
Apropo guys, facem un forum meeting pe skype cu ocazia Oscarurilor? Daca va uitati si voi in direct, de ce sa nu le si comentam impreuna pe Skype ?
"En el teatro se hace lo que se debe, en el cine se hace lo que se quiere y en la televisión se hace lo que se puede">>

Last edited by buticut : 25 Feb 2011 at 13:25.
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 14:02   #207
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Originally Posted by StefanDo:
adica cum raspunsuri corecte? ai calatorit in viitor si-ai intrat pe cinemagia pe 28 dimineata sa vezi cine sunt castigatorii?

Pe cinemagia pe 28 dimineata n-am reusit sa intru dar in mintea The-Average-Academy-Member DA ! M-am simtit ca in Being John Malkovich Oh, wait, de fapt chiar eram in mintea lui Malkovich. Asa a votat el. Si raspunsurile corecte sunt ce a votat el. Pentru ca aia va iesi. Mai simplu de atat nu stiu cum sa va explic.

Last edited by Chambord : 25 Feb 2011 at 14:06.
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 14:38   #208
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Ricky Gervais’ Fake Monologue For James Franco and Anne Hathaway

(Drum roll)

Ladies and Gentlemen.
Please welcome your hosts for this evening...
James Franco and Anne Hathaway

(Music and applause)
(James and Anne walk out looking absolutely perfect)

Hello and welcome to The 83rd Academy Awards,
Live from Los Angeles.

That's foreign for City of Angels.
And this room is certainly filled will those angels.


Thank you. I'm James Franco.

...and I'm Anne Hathaway.

You probably know me from 127 Hours where I play a man trapped in an enclosed space who decides he would rather cut his own arm off than stay where he was. Now that sounds "way out" but wait till half way through this fucking ceremony and you'll start to identify with him.

And I'm the new Catwoman. The first white woman to play that role since Michelle Pfeiffer. I want it to be an inspiration to all white people everywhere. Your dreams can come true in Hollywood too.

It's a daunting task hosting The Oscars but we're not alone. Presenting awards tonight will be a string of Hollywood legends and some other actors who have a film out in March or April.

Usually they hire comedians to host The Oscars, but tonight, instead, you get us!

No comedians tonight. And do you know why? Because comics are ugly.

Especially that rude obnoxious one who played the Steve Carell part in the English remake of The Office.

But you can all relax because Ricky Gervais is in London...

(Nervous laughter)

He's doing some charity work.
Yeah, he's visiting orphans with cancer.
He's telling them what bald little losers they are...

Yeah, cos he's rude right?


Thank you.
No rudeness tonight.
It's going to be a night of the most privileged people in the world being told how brilliant they are and thanking God for loving them more than ugly poor foreigners.


That's not to say that we don't care. No, apart from all the great movies we made this year we continued our life-saving philanthropy. Mega stars like Angelina Jolie, George Clooney and Ben Stiller brought light to third world poverty and famine and shocked the world with visions of children so hungry they'd been living off dead beetles all their lives.

Yeah and Yoko Ono said. "What's wrong with that?"


Oh Anne you are naughty. In a respectful, wholesome way.

(Nodding and smiling)

That Ricky Gervais should do more for charity.

(Murmurs of agreement)

Ricky Gervais is now worth $80,000,000. The obnoxious Brit confirmed the figure, adding,"Yes and my dentist hasn't seen a penny."

Yeah, why doesn't he get his teeth straightened and bleached like everyone else in Hollywood?

It's a good question Anne. For the same reason he doesn't have botox or suck up to important producers - there's something wrong with him.

There must be. Why isn't the stocky, fangy, little slob more like us, right?

That ugly dude needs to get a Hollywood makeover, big time.

Quite. And even though most of the actresses here have eating disorders, that's better than being fat right?

You bet it is gorgeous.

You are so handsome.

You know Ricky Gervais used to be bulimic.


Yes. He'd often gorge himself for hours with cheese and cakes.

And then vomit right?

No he left that bit out...

(Mild laughter)

That's because he couldn't get his fat fucking fingers in his stupid mouth.

(Big laugh)

Anyway let's get this show on the road.
There were some great kids' movies this year.
I took a five year old to see Toy Story 3 last week.

Did you enjoy it?

No it was ruined for me because the little brat was screaming and crying all the way through the film saying, "Who are you?" "You're not my daddy." "Take me back to the park where you grabbed me..."


Oh James, you are a card. And your slightly risky jokes are not threatening because you're one of us. And you are so handsome.

So let's get this show on the road.
Our first presenter is a Hollywood legend whose boots Ricky Gervais would not be fit to kiss...
The wonderful...
Mel Gibson...

(Standing ovation)

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Old 25 Feb 2011, 15:54   #209
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Originally Posted by StefanDo:
inca ceva: la rol principal feminin sunt mari sanse sa castige Bening!

Daca castiga Annette Bening jur ca nu o sa mai ma uit in viata mea la Oscaruri si o sa ma comport ca si cum aceste premii nici nu ar exista.
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 17:21   #210
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Originally Posted by Moody:
Originally Posted by StefanDo:
inca ceva: la rol principal feminin sunt mari sanse sa castige Bening!

Daca castiga Annette Bening jur ca nu o sa mai ma uit in viata mea la Oscaruri si o sa ma comport ca si cum aceste premii nici nu ar exista.
Uhm, lol.
Inteleg ca nu ti-a placut filmul, dar poate ca ar fi trebuit sa lasi prejudecatile deoparte si sa casti un pic mai mult ochii la cum a jucat Bening in el.
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 19:02   #211
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Originally Posted by miercuri:
Originally Posted by Moody:
Originally Posted by StefanDo:
inca ceva: la rol principal feminin sunt mari sanse sa castige Bening!

Daca castiga Annette Bening jur ca nu o sa mai ma uit in viata mea la Oscaruri si o sa ma comport ca si cum aceste premii nici nu ar exista.
Uhm, lol.
Inteleg ca nu ti-a placut filmul, dar poate ca ar fi trebuit sa lasi prejudecatile deoparte si sa casti un pic mai mult ochii la cum a jucat Bening in el.

Nu vreau sa spun ca Bening nu a jucat bine, a scos maxim din rolul pe care l-a avut. Dar de la a spune ca a jucat bine la a spune ca merita sa castige in fata rolului facut de Natalie Portman in Black Swan e drum lung. Intradevar filmul "The kids are all right" nu mi-a placut din simplul motiv ca nu a avut nimic deosebit si prin prisma faptului ca a fost denumit comedie.
Am spus ca nu o sa mai ma uit la Oscaruri deoarece nu as vrea ca si Oscarurile sa intre in "trend-ul" de a da premii doar pentru subiecte cu "gay" in defavoarea meritului adevarat. Din nou spun Annette Bening a facut un rol bun, la fel si Julianne Moore, dar nu a fost peste Natalie Portman. A fost peste Nicole Kidman dar nu peste Portman.
Btw: Pe ce posturi putem sa urmarim Oscarurile? Nu neaparat romanesti, ba chiar as prefera ceva in engleza sau orice atata timp cat nu sunt dublate.
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 19:07   #212
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"En el teatro se hace lo que se debe, en el cine se hace lo que se quiere y en la televisión se hace lo que se puede">>
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 19:25   #213
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Pro Sieben, pentru astia cu punga mica.
God ain’t my fucking daddy...

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Old 25 Feb 2011, 20:11   #214
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Eu sunt puțin confuz aici, nu Black Swan a fost filmul cu sexul lesbian?
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 20:20   #215
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ba da, dar de ce esti confuz?
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 21:00   #216
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Că spunea Moody că nu vrea să dea (premiul) unora cu subiecte gay, dar a ales-o pe Portman din filmul cu sexul gay.
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 21:07   #217
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Lesbiencele ruleaza!!!
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 21:53   #218
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Originally Posted by sergiuseling:
Că spunea Moody că nu vrea să dea (premiul) unora cu subiecte gay, dar a ales-o pe Portman din filmul cu sexul gay.

Dar te-ai uitat si la filme, nu? Unul are o scena gay, dar fara niciun fel de conotatie, fara a-si asuma vreo pozitie fata de orientarea sexuala, iar celalalt e centrat tocmai in jurul lucrului asta, cuplul gay, cu punct de vedere clar asupra lui.

Tocmai am venit de la Black Swan si sunt de acord cu Moody, ar fi o crima sa piarda Portman, oricat de batrana, merituoasa pentru intreaga cariera e Benning sau oricat de politic e filmul din care face parte. Pur si simplu diferenta e prea mare.
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 22:25   #219
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Ma alatur si eu celor care spun ca nu se vor mai uita la Oscar / va fi complet ignorat , daca Portman nu ia premiul , la fel ar fi si in cazul lui Bale ca daca e "anul regelui" Geoffrey Rush are sanse maricele sa castige.
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 22:48   #220
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Hai sa ne dam si noi cu parerea.
I wish - discursul
It'll be - feisbucu
It should - Inception
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