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Old 20 Jun 2012, 01:37   #2181
Old School Hollywood
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I had some problems with my screenplay so I bought that book .. "How to Write a Movie in 21 Days".That was a year ago. (Christopher Moltisanti)
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Old 20 Jun 2012, 21:59   #2182
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Draga Redmen,
Cred ca aspectul de rasism tine mai mult de cei cativa ani petrecuti pe acasa,bine e probabil sa iti schimbi parerea cand intervine autoeducatia dar deja vorbim de ceva mult mai complex.
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Old 22 Jun 2012, 01:27   #2183
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Old 22 Jun 2012, 15:14   #2184
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Util link. Ar trebui mutat la Film in general.
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Old 27 Jun 2012, 16:04   #2185
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The Mpemba Effect
http://hermes2012.org/index.php?opti...1&I temid=173
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Old 30 Jun 2012, 02:10   #2186
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Nu stiu cati dintre voi sunteti familiarizati cu review-urile lui Mr.Plinkett dar din punctul meu de vedere nu poti ignora un om care isi incepe prezentarea episodului unu din Star Wars cu fraza: "Star Wars Episode One was the biggest disappointment since my son":
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Old 01 Jul 2012, 23:55   #2187
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http://www.ted.com/talks/beeban_kidr...l?quote =1677
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Old 02 Jul 2012, 22:17   #2188
Crazy Mama
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Foarte fain program! N-ar strica asa ceva nici la noi.
"Căci nu este alta, mai frumoasă și mai de folos în toată viața omului zăbavă, decât cetitul cărților". Miron Costin
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Old 03 Jul 2012, 05:56   #2189
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am fost aseara la spiderman. nu sariti sa ma acuzati, din obligatie am fost, au vrut ai mei sa-l vada.
de ce se fac in prezent filme asa de lungi? nu e deajuns ca e prost, trebuie sa mai fie si lung.
era si in 3d + imax - cele mai agresive inventii la adresa spectatorului de cand exista cinemaul.
la fel sunetul. ce moda tampita cu zgomotele alea de tobe sau ce dracu or fi, alea care suna ca o usa metalica de hala industriala trantita cu forta de te trezeste din morti. chipurile, acesti prodigiosi autori de filme dupa benzi desenate, vor sa-ti arate ca se intampla ceva grav pe ecran. grav pe naiba, ca daca n-ar introduce hodorogelile respective te-ar apuca somnul.
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Old 03 Jul 2012, 21:20   #2190
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Old 10 Jul 2012, 18:42   #2191
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26 zile / 12 ore /48 minute pana cand Curiosity amartizeaza
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Old 15 Jul 2012, 11:30   #2192
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o persoană de pe un tracker ( nu românesc ) a primit o scrisoare de la ISP cum că e acuzat de piraterie sau ceva de genu' și a întrebat pe forumul trackerului ce ar trebui să facă.

unul din răspunsuri, care e foarte util pentru oricare viitoare chestii de genu'

Just my 2 cents, but Slithis don't listen to any of the preposterous advice in this thread!!!
Don't DENY anything, since that's a sign of cooperation. This is the worst thing You can do!!!

Plead ignorance, but only as a last resort... first there's a whole bunch of tricks You can use.
Burn, or better yet; EAT the letters You get from Your ISP. & for gods sake Don't answer the phone! Ever!

Have all Your "unsafe" material on an external, portable drive that You can easily take out the backdoor & bury in Your backyard.
This is safer than shoving the HDD up Your ass, since You never know if You're going to be subjugated to a full cavity search.

But first things first:

Purchase a security door with a judas-hole & peek into that everytime anyone knocks (You've disassembled the door bell)
Don't open the door, even if it's the Jehovas witnesses who have come to discuss "the lord" over a cup of coffee.
If it is Your relatives, just tell them (via the mailslot) to : "Fuck off for christ's sake!!! just fucking leave!!!"
They could just as well be feds in disguise, You never know... ...either way, if they're not, better be safe than sorry.
You can always tell those fucking bastards at the interrogation later that You hate Your relatives.

But first they have to get in the house...

Make sure to reinstall Your whole system by the time the pigs starts to work on the door with a battering ram.
If it's a well secured door, with all kinds of bolts & latchworks, You will have enough time to install the OS & basics.

If one of Your friends (this is hypothetical. I don't know if You have any friends) takes a leak in a nearby shrubbery
& yells on top of his lungs : - GESTAPO!!! ...this will confuse them a bit & in the general commotion
of trying to chase him down the street, this will also help & give You sufficient time for the reinstallation of Your system.

By the time they come barging in with teargas & knightsticks
You'll be sitting quietly just making some drawings of flowers & kittens in MS-paint.

If they have any questions, just say that You have a tinnitus problem & have to wear earplugs.
The standard respons to ANY question would be: - WHAT???

As for the rest; if they take Your computer to a lab & confirms traces of copyright infringment,
just blame the ISP & explain to those fascist swine in a piercing falsetto that You have had Your internet connection phished
& that those fucking commie bastards @ Your ISP have ignored Your complaints from day one.

Or You could just get another ISP... because the ones You have are fucking cunts anyway
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Old 19 Jul 2012, 13:08   #2193
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e poftim educatie
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Old 31 Jul 2012, 21:23   #2194
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Titlul asta chiar ca te pune pe ganduri : ''How to “unfriend” a Facebook friend without really unfriending them''

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Old 06 Aug 2012, 10:12   #2195
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Curiosity a amartizat cu bine !!! .

Il asteptam si pe Colin Farrell sa ajunga acolo .
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Old 06 Aug 2012, 14:25   #2196
Long Distance Dreamer
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Old 06 Aug 2012, 22:32   #2197
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Doua mari natiuni olimpice ale minunatului sport
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Old 07 Aug 2012, 10:10   #2198
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Asteptam si indieni .
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Old 07 Aug 2012, 11:00   #2199
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cine n-are chinezi sa-si cumpere!
And in the morning of my time
I'll try to understand
I learn by what I find
And love you if I can
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Old 07 Aug 2012, 11:05   #2200
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Originally Posted by victor:
cine n-are chinezi sa-si cumpere!
Cum zice tata :cine n-are batrani sa-i cumpere si cine are sa- i ciomageasca "
O chinezoaica la vremea ei ,face cat zeci negri mititei .
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