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Old 27 Apr 2004, 18:21   #221
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Ai vazut? Daca ai fost cuminte, a venit si la tine iepurashu'... chiar daca mai tirziu.

Erau si inainte cam aceleasi informatii, doar ca erau puse imposibil de confuz.
Passion. No one wants to finance the film of a passionless individual. What most people want is to ride your passion. They want to feel that they're part of something magnificent and exciting. And if you're not passionate - fake it. - R. Avary
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Old 27 Apr 2004, 21:29   #222
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Alice_ mersi pt urare,si tie iti doresc la fel si mult mai mult(fara rautate). ai si tu dreptatea ta,dar...nu are rost sa ma repet pt ca stii prea bine ce parere am despre chestia asta,cu site-ul si restu' lucrurilor.
ideea in mare este ca lucrurile nu stau asa cum mi-as fi dorit,si stau prin alte parti ale lumii,dar asta e...doar traim in romania,nu?
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Old 27 Apr 2004, 21:57   #223
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Originally Posted by grasonnne:
Alice_ mersi pt urare,si tie iti doresc la fel si mult mai mult(fara rautate). ai si tu dreptatea ta,dar...nu are rost sa ma repet pt ca stii prea bine ce parere am despre chestia asta,cu site-ul si restu' lucrurilor.
ideea in mare este ca lucrurile nu stau asa cum mi-as fi dorit,si stau prin alte parti ale lumii,dar asta e...doar traim in romania,nu?

:o Da' ce-am zis, fratele meu? :? Ce urare? :huh: Am incercat sa zic ca site-ul era chiar nasol inainte si ca am observat ca s-a schimbat cam in perioada Pashtelui... da' credeam ca ai vazut, de und' sa stiu eu cind intri tu pe net? Era o gluma inocenta... Do I take it u're upset I was being realistic? Oricum, nu cred ca ne cunoastem...
Passion. No one wants to finance the film of a passionless individual. What most people want is to ride your passion. They want to feel that they're part of something magnificent and exciting. And if you're not passionate - fake it. - R. Avary
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Old 27 Apr 2004, 22:12   #224
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:huh: de ce te-ei enervat? ti-am trimis aceeasi urare...(era tot o gluma) am inteles exact ce vrei sa spui stai linistit.ai inteles total gresit,ce naiba sa am cu tine!!!!!!1:hmm: si nu,nu ne cunoastem...
daca te uiti atene in paranteza.....
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Old 27 Apr 2004, 22:24   #225
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:o Da' ce-am zis, fratele meu? :? Ce urare? :huh: Am incercat sa zic ca site-ul era chiar nasol inainte si ca am observat ca s-a schimbat cam in perioada Pashtelui... da' credeam ca ai vazut, de und' sa stiu eu cind intri tu pe net? Era o gluma inocenta... Do I take it u're upset I was being
realistic? Oricum, nu cred ca ne cunoastem...[/quote]
:o why are u so nervos? nu ma supar asa de usor,daca ar fi asa ar trebui sa fiu la nebuni deja
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Old 27 Apr 2004, 22:26   #226
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Nu m-am enervat, relax. Ai fost tu prea subtil cu urarile alea. De parca ce-as avea eu de impartit cu tine? I had the wierd feeling u had a problem with me...

By the way, I'm a girl. (Say "that explains it" I dare you! )
Passion. No one wants to finance the film of a passionless individual. What most people want is to ride your passion. They want to feel that they're part of something magnificent and exciting. And if you're not passionate - fake it. - R. Avary
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Old 27 Apr 2004, 22:30   #227
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let's say i'll say ''that explains it,what are u going to do????????????/
.......si ,care-i faza daca esti fata,stiam,a fost doar o greseala de ''tipar''
(nu sunt misogin)(imi place de tine,cel putin pe net )
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Old 27 Apr 2004, 22:35   #228
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Yeah, sure, thanks... "nu sint blonda" urma sa zic, but I loooove blondes, so I'll say, si mie imi place de Willis in filmu' lu' Shyamalan.
Passion. No one wants to finance the film of a passionless individual. What most people want is to ride your passion. They want to feel that they're part of something magnificent and exciting. And if you're not passionate - fake it. - R. Avary
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Old 27 Apr 2004, 22:40   #229
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:oops: ...subtil...(intreg msg)
si ce daca ai fi blonda?...am aflat ca nu toate sunt asa cum se spune....
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Old 27 Apr 2004, 22:56   #230
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:happy: Scrisesem gresit numele indianului. Speram sa corectez pina sa raspunzi, da' netu' meu merge infect, asa ca ma culc. Have a beautiful night!
Passion. No one wants to finance the film of a passionless individual. What most people want is to ride your passion. They want to feel that they're part of something magnificent and exciting. And if you're not passionate - fake it. - R. Avary
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Old 27 Apr 2004, 23:15   #231
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am observat..dar ce mai conteaza...
NOAPTE BUNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 28 Apr 2004, 00:14   #232
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Originally Posted by grasonnne:
imi place de tine,cel putin pe net )

maaa......ter-mi-na-tzi-va......( :love: :shock: )
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Old 28 Apr 2004, 08:59   #233
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mz zizi,si noi,na....macar pe net,sub contextul unei discutii despre...altele
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Old 28 Apr 2004, 09:11   #234
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( :love: :shock: )[/quote]
you're joking,i supose..... :huh:
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Old 30 Apr 2004, 09:40   #235
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Maaamaaa ce-am spam-uit subiectu'. Astia care-or mai citi or sa creada ca aici se agatza fetele de la coregrafie.
Passion. No one wants to finance the film of a passionless individual. What most people want is to ride your passion. They want to feel that they're part of something magnificent and exciting. And if you're not passionate - fake it. - R. Avary
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Old 30 Apr 2004, 18:46   #236
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alice_ ...se pare ca s-a creat o adevarata idila intre noi...,credeam ca sunt paranoic,dar au vazut si altii(cum ar fi zizi)!!!!!! :love:
din ce in ce aflu mai multe,cum ar fi faptul ca esti la coregrafie...cool!
in seara aia te-am urmarit intr-adevar,dar astazi e o noua zi...cand daca te ''prind''...nu te mai ''las''
scuza-ma dar cred ca m-am tampit...despre ce era forumul asta,aaaaaaaa...despre U.N.A.T.C.,si s-a ajuns la idile.ce intorsatura pot lua lucrurile.nu :huh:
:o :shock: :? 8) :lol: :oops: :sick: :hmm: :sleep: :w00t: :huh: :happy:
ma scuzi,dar m-a luat imaginatia pe dinainte
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Old 01 May 2004, 07:50   #237
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Te-a luat imaginatia rau daca ai postat la "MARIA" o poveste siropoasa si licentioasa despre ce-ti inchipui tu despre avatarul meu. :? NU am afirmat ca sint la coregrafie. Stiu ca asa s-ar intelege, insa era doar o incercare de a readuce discutia pe fagasul UNATC printr-o aluzie la un post anterior al lui ZIZI. Ashadar, ce nelamuriri despre admiterea la aceasta facultate mai ai?
Passion. No one wants to finance the film of a passionless individual. What most people want is to ride your passion. They want to feel that they're part of something magnificent and exciting. And if you're not passionate - fake it. - R. Avary
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Old 01 May 2004, 13:41   #238
Leonard Pyron
Leonard Pyron
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Alice, te bagi la un Gang-bang cu Atefisti ? Prestam si cunilingus de calitate...
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Old 02 May 2004, 15:00   #239
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Originally Posted by Leonard Pyron:
Alice, te bagi la un Gang-bang cu Atefisti ? Prestam si cunilingus de calitate...

Pyroane, depravatule, eu am standarde ridicate. 8) Cu Bruce Willis e just a teaser. Si, oricum, el a inceput... (No offense, kid, but this is where our ways must be parted.)

Totushi, ceva imi spune ca n-ai fost/nu esti la atefe...
Passion. No one wants to finance the film of a passionless individual. What most people want is to ride your passion. They want to feel that they're part of something magnificent and exciting. And if you're not passionate - fake it. - R. Avary
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Old 02 May 2004, 22:19   #240
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in fine..cum zici tu!se vede ca nu tii la gluma.incercam sa fac nota discordanta,dar se pare ca sunt inferior pt standardele tale,sorry... :sick:
have a nice life....
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