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Old 30 Aug 2003, 17:18   #241
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mai,mai ce v-atzi face fara mine....Poza nr.7 e din TTT Extended,in care se mai explica nishte relatzii Boromir-Faramir,Boromir-Denethor,Faramir-Denethor,osgiliath and stuff...Si eu am facut pana la urma rost de trailerul de Rotk intreg,si partea in care Theoden racneste:'Ride now,ride for ruin,on the world's ending!'(cred ca asta zicea...)ma baga in boala.Sau cand Murazor sau Khamul(nu's sigur care din ei -note to the ones that know!and to the others too)planeaza on his winged beast in Minas Tirith.la treaba cu dictionarul elfesc,eu as zice sa va multumitzi cu appendixu' de la sfarsitul Silmarillionului,plus ce mai e prin LOTR books,caci aia e the real stuff,restu's cam...comletari si presupuneri.Parerea mea.Acu' vreun an jumate aveam ceva promisiuni de la cineva de pe la Rao cum ca 'The Silmarillion' e in traducere si o sa fie lansat in octombrie2002...ei bine,a tot fost lansat...
O sa mai treaca vreo 2-3 saptamani pana cand o sa am banii sa-mi iau TTT DVD ,dar astept....meanwhile...something is at work,a site is being built,the first tower....nothing more to say for now,preciousss...peste o saptamana,caci acum:

Far over the misty mountains gold
To dungeons deep and caverns old,
We must away ere break of day
To win our long forgotten gold.
absolutely, mr president, absolutely

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Old 30 Aug 2003, 21:48   #242
The White Rider
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My man Raptor ...

Appaently he knows his shit so i'm a gonna shut the fuck up ...
Raptor if u hear me brother i want the extended version of the Fellowship of the Rings and when u get the extended version to The Two Towers look me up ok ?

I wish we had a site cuz we are just 2 good ... we have 2 evolve and we must expand ...

"It's my preciouss and i won't give it 2 anyone, we wants it 2 be ours! "
keepin' it Real!
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 31 Aug 2003, 11:39   #243
your Worst Nightmare
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Originally Posted by raptor:
... aveam ceva promisiuni de la cineva de pe la Rao cum ca 'The Silmarillion' e in traducere si o sa fie lansat in octombrie2002...ei bine,a tot fost lansat...

...Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!!!! Mai asta ne lipseshte. Nervi shi de la Rao! Deci "copcki", cum sa va explic? Rao nu a fost in stare sa scrie un nume corect in 5 pagini(ex: Elladan, la ei era pe fiecare pagina altul...Elladon, Elladin, Elldanin...etc). Daca ashtia imi traduc Silmarillion-ul cu ditamai indexu` CORECT, fac chef!!! Din ala ca la Hollywood. Nici nu vreau sa-mi imaginez e traduceri vor fii. Sunt satula pana peste cap de texte de genul "Valceaua Despicata" sau "gnomi" sau dreq mai shtie ce! Cine n-a citit Silmarillion-ul in engleza o sa aiba probleme dupa ce il citeshte in romaneshte. KILL RAO!!!...sau cel putzin traducatorii de la Rao!!!
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 31 Aug 2003, 11:44   #244
your Worst Nightmare
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Originally Posted by Sailor_Ysaluna:
Si mai imi place cand vorbesc ei in Elfa...acuma pe bune,sa ne invete cineva elfa. *looks at Demona* :roll: ...sis....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Te sesizezi?! :lol:

Ce vrei sa insinuezi? Tu potzi sa invetzi singura acasa. Ai material. De unde am invatzat eu potzi shi tu!!!
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 31 Aug 2003, 12:35   #245
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Cam asa e Demona.Treducerile Rao sunt groaznice.Cred ca nu esti prima care a patit-o.Hmmm...cat despre chestia cu elfeasca.Din cate inteleg eu le ai cu asa ceva,deci...? :roll:
http://www.animeglobe.com/ubb/html/a...rls/reki02.jpgThe pressure is building, at the base of my spine, if I gotta sin to see her again then I'm gonna lie and lie and lie!
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Old 31 Aug 2003, 12:47   #246
Spirit of the System
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Cred ca cei mai buni sunt astia. Au si diacritice unele...[/url]
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Old 31 Aug 2003, 13:45   #247
The White Rider
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WHAT ? Demona - de unde shi pana unde shtii tu elfa ? Sunt chiar cuurios ? ... adika - asha ceva nu este corect, vreau shi eu sa am material de invatzat ... ma fascineaza intr-un fel in care nimeni de aicea nu-shi imagineaza ...

Please HELP!
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 31 Aug 2003, 13:51   #248
The White Rider
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Ma apuca groaza knd ma gandesc k dupa 2 ianuarie ma voi apuca de citit trilogia in limba romana ... carzti de genu asta am acasa shi in romana shi in Engleza asha k nu are rost sa va spun in ce versiune este de 10000 de ori mai marpha ...

Demona, Raptor,TLD,oricine - avetzi vreo idee unde pot gasi trilogia in Engleza sau macar Silmarillion-ul in Engleza ?
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 31 Aug 2003, 14:10   #249
Spirit of the System
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Te referi la carti sau la filme, titrate in engelza(ma rog dvd-urile)?
Cartile le-am eu. Ma rog textul il am pe calc. La toate cele trei carti...
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Old 31 Aug 2003, 14:11   #250
Spirit of the System
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Te referi la carti sau la filme, titrate in engelza(ma rog dvd-urile)?
Cartile le-am eu. Ma rog textul il am pe calc. La toate cele trei carti...
Sau poti sa-l gasesti p edc. Ii dai un simplu search. Pt dvd-uri in engleza, nu stiu dak se poate. Stai sa mai caut (desi nu prea stiu p ecineva care sa le vanda)...
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Old 31 Aug 2003, 14:38   #251
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mda,shi eu le am*si pe cpu si in foi-ma rog,lotr,hobbitul si inca ceva),si ti le-as putea si trimite daca n'as pleca azi de-acasa,dar ia stai putzin...http://www.geocities.com/palmtolkien/arpharazon.htm
incearca link-ul,vezi daca merge,daca nu mai ashteapta cateva zile.Pe mine m-ar fi bucurat sa apara Silmarillionul in romaneshte,ca accesul meu la chestii straine e 0,ce am e luat de prin anticariate(chestii de genu' ROTK-a doua editzie,de prin '64,cu doar 250.000),deci poti sa incerci-in general sunt shutite de prin bibleoteci...dar asta e.
absolutely, mr president, absolutely

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Old 31 Aug 2003, 14:42   #252
Spirit of the System
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Gandalfe, dupa cum ti-am zis. Intri pe dc si le gasesti la mine, in format word. Toate fac vreo 3 mb...
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Old 31 Aug 2003, 15:37   #253
The White Rider
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a venit,a vazut,a facut

TLD is the man!
that's all i have 2 say ... and i'm OUT!
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 31 Aug 2003, 15:39   #254
Spirit of the System
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Re: a venit,a vazut,a facut

Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
TLD is the man!
that's all i have 2 say ... and i'm OUT!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Dak zici tu. :wink:
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Old 01 Sep 2003, 15:15   #255
your Worst Nightmare
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Re: Hello!

Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
WHAT ? Demona - de unde shi pana unde shtii tu elfa ? Sunt chiar cuurios ? ... adika - asha ceva nu este corect, vreau shi eu sa am material de invatzat ... ma fascineaza intr-un fel in care nimeni de aicea nu-shi imagineaza ...

Please HELP!

Hehe...cu rabdare shi grija...e pretty ushoara! Pe net gaseshti destule lectzii de "elfeasca"...I'll teach you some if you want.

Silmarillion-ul il am eu in engleza!
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 02 Sep 2003, 12:20   #256
The White Rider
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Finally - "my preciouss" casette has come 2 me ... i own it .. now it's time for the DVD - yeaah baby!

1 - "Nobody tosses a dwarf"
2 - "oooh! Come on we can take em'! It's a long way ... Toss Me, Toss me - i cannot jump that high - toss me.... aaah! Don't tell the elf " :lol: - that is so funny ...

DEMONA - when doses all the teachin start ? I mean it ... i'll study hard - i just wanna know - u know ?

Hope 2 hear from u teacher! :lol:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 02 Sep 2003, 12:22   #257
The White Rider
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Re: Hello!

Silmarillion-ul il am eu in engleza! [/quote]

yeah gotta have that 2 ... TLD gave the trilogy on the net - in English so ... do u have it on ur PC ?
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 02 Sep 2003, 14:58   #258
your Worst Nightmare
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Re: Hello!

Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
do u have it on ur PC ?

I got it books!
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 02 Sep 2003, 21:50   #259
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everybody loves elvish stuff, eh?

Hei, Dem... pana la urma o sa ajungem sa "conversam" pe subiectu' asta in elfa, nu?!? That will be somethin'!
U know I'm waiting, 2!!!
There's the right to OBEY and there's the right to KILL...
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Old 03 Sep 2003, 11:18   #260
The White Rider
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Our teacher had been skipping school lately ... so please teacher come back ... we have 2 study Elvish hard - so we can become true LOTR FANatics ...

Enjoy the ring of power!
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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