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Old 15 Sep 2003, 18:09   #241
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by TLD:
Very funny gaandalf! Publicitate mascata la mirc! Nice!

Common man don't take it the wrong way .. that's history .. i had 2 show the world ... the world needed that ... Sorry if i ofended you .... :cry:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 22 Sep 2003, 06:40   #242
Spirit of the System
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Pregatiti-va sapt asta de trailerul final! La finalul sapt il vom vedea presupunand ca-l vor arata la entertainment tonight on abc sau cbs
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Old 24 Sep 2003, 06:42   #243
Spirit of the System
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Poze noi din revolutions!
click me!
Joi cica apare trailerul final! Deabia astept!
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Old 24 Sep 2003, 07:44   #244
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Un singur cuvant pentru poze: EXTRAORDINARE!!!!

Can't hardly wait for the movie!

Thanks, TLD!
You're the men!
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Old 24 Sep 2003, 08:39   #245
Spirit of the System
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Citat de pe comingsoon: "Meanwhile, the brand new trailer for the final chapter, opening November 5, is set to debut on Satellite this Thursday. Stay tuned to the Trailers section for when the trailer comes online.


3:00 AM - 3:15 AM (ET)
6:00 AM - 6:15 AM (ET)
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM (ET)

Telstar 6 (C-Band) Transponder 03
Uplink Freq: 5985.000 Horizontal
Downlink Freq: 3760.000 Vertical
Audio: 6.20/ 6.80"

Ei aveti antenele pregatite? :lol:
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Old 25 Sep 2003, 09:11   #246
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Maximu o ora pana il vad
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Old 25 Sep 2003, 09:30   #247
Spirit of the System
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Cateva din cuvintele celor care deabia l-au vazut:
"it is amazing.
more of everything.
i'm speechless. and must go to work. fek, i need it on qt."


"If we have to give our lives, WE'LL GIVE 'EM HELL BEFORE WE DO!!!"

Full description pending. "
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Old 25 Sep 2003, 09:57   #248
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"First part of the description:

It starts off with a long tracking shot, the camera flying along 3 huge powerlines in the desert of the real which seem to go on forever, before finally going over a rise as we see that they extend for many more miles beyond. Cut to the shot of Neo looking at that huge machine overlord orb-thing that we see in the "Control" spot, only we get more of the start of it, which actually shows that Neo is standing on the edge of some huge ledge or something, looking out over one of the "growing field" as the orb rises up infront of him and says "SPEAK!"

Fade to black, voiceover by Neo "The program Smith has grown beyond your control. You cannot stop him, but I can" various shots of Smith are played over the end of this, including the one of Smith stepping into the middle of the long raining street we've seen in the teasers, plus one of him that I'm 99% sure is him sitting at a table with the Oracle (although we don't actually see her), as well as a couple more shots of Smith and Neo standing in the rain that we've seen before.

"And if you fail?" the booming voice asks, which now appears to have a "face" of sorts. Cut to the shot of Smith flying through the wall and Neo jumping over him that we've all seen before, then back to Neo, his eyes covered in bandages, the same angle as he says the "Smith" bit before in the "Control" spot. "I won't" he replies, after which we see a "jack spike" enter his head, indicating that he jacks into the Matrix immediately after making this 'deal' with the machines.

The green WB/Village Roadshow logos appear, then we get the shot of Trinity from "Help" saying "Do you know what happened to Neo?", then we get a shot of Neo against the white wall of the trainstation, followed by the one of that huge war machine (in the real world) from the teasers.

Oracle voiceover: "He is trapped in a place between this world and the machine world." As she says this we get a shot of Neo sitting up on the trainstation with the white wall behind him, the little girl (Rama's daughter from the newly released pictures) standing by his side, followed by the first ever shot of 01, standing like a giant castle in the desert of the real, surrounded by growing fields. It looks as though it's made up of huge cylinders, all blueish-red in tone, and appears to be absolutely massive."

"Description continued:

Fade to white: the shot of Trinity, Morpheus and Seraph decending the stairs into Club Hel that's been shown in many of the teasers plays next and a voiceover by the Merovingian begins. He says "Bring me the eyes of the Oracle and I will give you back your....'saviour'." As he says this we see a new shot of the exiles surrounding Trinity, guns drawn. Then we see Neo standing by a train with Rama and his wife and daughter next to him, the long-haired "Train Man" infront. The Train Man punches Neo in the chest as the family look on, and he goes lfying backwards, smashing into the white wall, which breaks on impact (the voiceover is still going on).

Cut to the Merovingian sitting on a sofa/seat talking (so the voiceover technically ends here as we see him speaking the res of it), holding a glass of wine very casually, then to Neo on his hands looking to his side (still in the trainstation, so obviously looking at the Train Man after having been laid into)."

Sper sa vina si trailerul pe net...


Lots of Matrix code then flies out from the screen, before cutting to, basically, the exact same opening as the "Enemy" TV spot, with Neo having a jack plug pulled from his head, Smith saying "Mr Anderson" (voiceover the shot of Bane waking up that we've seen before instead of the WB/VR logos though like in the TV spot), then Neo saying "Who are you?!" and which a bloodied Bane/Smith replies "Look past the flesh...(cut to 'burning Smith face')...and see your enemy."

Neo - "It's impossible!" then the shot of the dozens of Smith's walking through (we assume) the Oracle's door, before cutting back to Bane with the voice over from him saying "Not impossible - INEVITABLE!" before we once again see the shot of Smith laughing like crazy that we've all seen many times now."

"Next we get the shot of the APU's (Zion mechs) walking across the dock that we saw in the International Trailer, followed by the two shots of that huge drill falling down and smashing into the ground in Zion from a couple of the new TV spots. While this is happening we hear another voiceover from Commander Lock saying "In less than 12 hours the machines will breach the dock walls", after which we get a low-angle shot of the Zion docks, which are absolutely gigantic, far, far, far larger than we ever saw in Reloaded, and from the very top we can make rubble falling down as the machines try to smash their way through.

Cut to a shot of Sentinels swarming through a tunnel towards the camera (one we've seen before in some of the TV spots) and a voiceover from Mifune, who says "If we have to give our lives, WE'LL GIVE 'EM HELL BEFORE WE DO!!!" we cut back to his face as he says the last part and we can see just how determined he is as he definantly shouts to his men, who we cut to next, all assmelbed infront of him in their APU's, all cheering and raising their right gun arms up in the air much like the people did after Morpheus' speech in Reloaded."

"Then we go back to Neo and the shot in which he says "Can Zion be saved?" which, again we've seen recently in the TV spots (can't remember which exactly but you know the shot I mean). Then a shot from behind one of the APU's as it slings it's arms/guns behind it's back, locks in two ammo-belts from its back then brings them round to the front again, followed by a few shots of many other APU's all raising their guns high to the ceiling, ready to open up on whatever is about to break through (the last of which shows Mifune again).

Yet another voice over accompanies this, this one again from the Oracle who say "Tonight the future of both worlds will be in your hands; or in his." After the APU's shots are done we see the one of Link and Zee embracing in a huge cavern in Zion that's been shown before, followed by the ones of Smith and Neo on the raining street both clenching their fists, Neo walking along the rows of Multi-Smiths, and that familiar couple of shots; "Mr Anderson weclome back! We missed you." - "It ends tonight."

"Again the footage we've all seen many times now of the two of them running towards each other at full-force, this time to a new, pounding beat getting faster and faster as they get closer and closer until BOOM! The new trailer music starts. It's sort of like Tarawa in that it's choiral and dramatic, but it's definitely nothing we've heard in any of the teasers of TV spots until now.

It plays over Neo flipping backwards then kicking off the wall which creates a circular "shockwave"-type effect on the wall, the same couple of shots from the ETM teaser, followed by a shot of Neo and Smith hitting each other in mid-air with a huge bubble-like shockwave emminating out around them and going up the skyscrapers around them (the same shot that's in "Future") and then the "door with loads of dead Sentinels getting blown off its hinges" shot."]

"More description following on from where I left off:

Cut to a new shot of Neo and Bane grappling over a "lightening gun", swinging it past the camera so that the electricity goes just under the screen followed by the opening shot of "Future" which shows a Club Hel guard flipping upside down in slow-motion onto the ceiling, and after that we see the slo-mo shot of the gun flying up in mid-air over the Merovingian's balcony that's also in "Help", and finally the shot of the Tain Man jumping across infront of the "Loop" train.

Then we see Morpheus in the real world who says "You've never believed in The One", then to Niobe (also in the real world) saying "I still don't; I believe in him" and then to a shot of Neo hugging Morpheus, which almost looks like a "goodbye" sort of moment to me. A couple more shots of Sentinels swarming through pipelines then a shot of a Zion operator (although not inside a ship) frantically saying "THE DOCK IS BREACHED!", then to Morpheus saying "Here they come."
"Cut to a shot of the huge "Maser Cannon" (seen in "Future") blasting away, another shot of Sentinels approaching the camera, then to Trinity in a hovercraft holding Neo's hand (we also see Neo looking at her, without his blindfold or bloodied eyes) saying "If you tell me we'll make it I'll believe you." We then get a shot from outside said hovercraft where we can see it's following the three powerlines towards 01, or what we assume is 01 (it doesn't look like the same citidel we see earlier in the trailer, it's what we all *thought* was 01 in the TV spots).

While that shot is showing Neo is saying "We'll make it; we have to."

The rest of Morpheus' voiceover then begins again, this time over several shots that we've seen before in many of the TV spots of Neo, blindfolded, reaching out his hand and blowing up some of the Sentinel-like flying machines, with lots of explosions around his hovercraft. Morpheus says: "I don't know what he can do to save us, but I do know that as long as there is a single breath in his body he'll never give up; and neither can we."

Something of note in this section is that we can clerly see that it is NOT 01 exploding in a massive fireball as some had speculated, but rather all the machines that were flying towards Neo and Trinity's hovercraft that are blowing up, as Neo reaches out his hand to destroy them. We even see a shot from directly above the craft as it flie through the explosion with lightening or electricity of some sort shooting out from the cockpit and zapping any machines in the way, thus clearing a path through the explosions."

"Then (while Morpheus' voicover is still going on) we get 2 new shots of The SUperbrawl, which show Neo and Smith grappling with each other, twisting and spinning in mid-air against the backdrop of skyscrapers, much like the shot we saw of them grappling in the TV spots but from different angles. After that we see the shot of the Sentinel apparently slamming straight into the cockpit of Neo and Trinity's craft followed by the one of the "orange ghost Sentinel" flying into/through Neo, then a shot of Neo giving the "just bring it" hand motion, the picture for which was released not long ago.

And this point Morpheus has reached "he will never give up" and we cut back to him to finish his voiceover off as he says "and neither can we."

Finally we have a quick montage of various shots, in this order: The shot of something in the real world exploding (not sure what it is though, we've seen in in various teasers before, it's the thing that's blowing up right when "Absurd" starts to play in the ETM teaser), a close-up shot of Trinity hugging Neo, the shot of Smith apparently taking over the Oracle seen as Matrix code, the shot of Smith lifting Neo up inside the crater reaching back to punch him and lastly the infamous "Logos against the blue sky" shot.

The title then decends onto the screen in green code, "The Matrix Revolutions" and the trailer end.

And that was it. "

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Old 25 Sep 2003, 19:46   #249
Spirit of the System
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Old 26 Sep 2003, 07:29   #250
Spirit of the System
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Linkul de mai sus are o calitate jegoasa. Quick time low res, med res si hi res mai jos:

LOW RES - 14 mb
MED RES - 28 mb
HI RES - 47 mb
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Old 26 Sep 2003, 18:42   #251
El Chewbaccabra
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must...not... read... spoilers!
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 26 Sep 2003, 19:39   #252
Spirit of the System
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Originally Posted by Lady_Skar:
must...not... read... spoilers!
LOOOOOOOL! Erau spoilere din trailer!
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Old 28 Sep 2003, 08:38   #253
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Trailerul ultra! Pt a-l vedea aveti nevoie de a citi linkul asta! ZA LINKU'
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Old 30 Sep 2003, 07:11   #254
Spirit of the System
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CD 1 (57:16)
1. Logos / Main Title 1:19
2. Nothing But Blue Pills 0:37
3. AK, Colt and Mauser 1:18
4. Our Lit Ovens 0:38
5. Oracle Debacle 1:37
6. The Trainman Cometh 2:38
7. The Trainman Goeth 1:48
8. Sin, Toil, Extra Vermouth 3:18
9. The Road To Hell 3:22
10. Time’s Up 1:06
11. The Road To Sourceville 1:23
12. He Is You 1:33
13. The First Goodbye 2:30
14. The All-Knowing Oracle 3:06
15. The Logos Location 4:08
16. It’s Crazy Zee 1:06
17. Das Banegold 4:14
18. The Bane Revelation 4:04
19. The Smith Within Us 6:03
20. Men In Metal 2:16
21. Niobe’s Run 2:13
22. The Breach 1:56
23. Boom Hilda 2:52
24. Die Brünett Walküre 2:11

CD 2 (50:43)
1. Mjolner Mastication 1:13
2. Charra Broiled 1:30
3. Woman Can Drive 2:39
4. Moribund Mifune 3:45
5. Kidfried 4:46
6. To Our Snivel 1:29
7. Neovision 3:19
8. Saw Bi*ch Workhorse 3:59
9. Trinity Definitely 4:16
10. Deus Ex Machina 5:04
11. Neodämmerung 5:57
12. Why, Mr. Anderson? 3:32
13. Spirit of the Universe 3:48
14. Bridge of Immortality 2:28
15. For Neo 2:58

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Old 30 Sep 2003, 07:19   #255
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POSTERELE FINALE. Sa-mi ziceti care v aplac...

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Old 30 Sep 2003, 11:40   #256
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Originally Posted by TLD:
POSTERELE FINALE. Sa-mi ziceti care v aplac...


Sunt nemaipomenite toate 4! Daca as lucra la cinema le-as pune pe toate 4 ca sa ramana toti spectatorii PROSTI si UIMITI :o
V-ati plictisit de Stapanul Inelelor ? Dati click sa radem un pic: Bored Of The Rings
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Old 30 Sep 2003, 13:00   #257
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by TLD:
POSTERELE FINALE. Sa-mi ziceti care v aplac...


bah eshti nebun... daca unu din posterele astea o sa fie oficiale... pai atuncea JOS PALARIA k o sa bata la cur ROTK ... ala cu Aragorn shi cu sabia... da' la ROTK s-ar putea sa se mai schimbe posterul oficial shi final...

Da recunosc astea da' postere fratele meu ... :o

TLD vezi k tzi-am trimis ceva pe mail la yahoo.com s-ar putea sa te atraga ideea ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 30 Sep 2003, 19:05   #258
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Vad ca si pe cinemagia aici s-au adoptat posterele, ceea ce inseamna ca au ajuns si in .ro. Ceea ce e bine...
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Old 01 Oct 2003, 07:48   #259
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Originally Posted by TLD:
Vad ca si pe cinemagia aici s-au adoptat posterele, ceea ce inseamna ca au ajuns si in .ro. Ceea ce e bine...

... Ceea ce inseamna ca in curand le vom vedea la cinema...
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Old 01 Oct 2003, 08:45   #260
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Originally Posted by emanuel:
... Ceea ce inseamna ca in curand le vom vedea la cinema...
Ceea ce inseamna ca cei de l acinema vor ramane fara :lol:
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