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Old 09 Jun 2005, 00:59   #281
The White Rider
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haha ... ne dam intalnire ? u be there or be square! ... si sa-l scoti in lume si pe nighty... ca "al nostru" frecventeaza numai MANELIX RESORTS a.k.a Costineshti & shit ... :sick:

dk se investesc multi bani si o sa fie la Scandinavia tind sa cred ca voi evita bashinile si fitzele ce vor prinde radacini inca din seara deschiderii ...

question: cum se prezinta o seara obijnuita de Sambata seara la voi in Buc la club Bonsai ? ce fel de clubberi frecventeaza clubul ? cei cautati de INTERPOL ?
"fara mishto" - chiar vreau sa stiu!
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 09 Jun 2005, 06:48   #282
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
si sa-l scoti in lume si pe nighty... ca "al nostru" frecventeaza numai MANELIX RESORTS a.k.a Costineshti & shit ... :sick:

manelist e ma-ta.
Switched On Lotus
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Old 09 Jun 2005, 07:18   #283
the mithbuster
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
question: cum se prezinta o seara obijnuita de Sambata seara la voi in Buc la club Bonsai ? ce fel de clubberi frecventeaza clubul ? cei cautati de INTERPOL ?
"fara mishto" - chiar vreau sa stiu!
Pe rand ... o seara buna se prezinta cam asa : pana la 2 e multa laba, vin astia, se privesc, se adulmeca ... etc bashitii au timp s-o taie. Dupa 2 incepe lumea sa se imbete, pe la 3 se inchide Bamboo ( :lol: :lol: :lol: ) unde e un dj mai slab ca ceaiul si vin toti in Bonsai. Ca sa nu zic ca vin si de prin alte parti. Sunt seri in care ii tin la usa din lipsa de spatiu. Dupa 3 incepe porcaiala mare, trebuie sa fii in ton. Pe la 7 /8 toata lumea e beata manga (&shit).
In ceea ce priveste clientii ... sunt de toate felurile (inclusiv aia de zici tu), insa pe toti ii leaga o "chestie".

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Old 09 Jun 2005, 10:37   #284
The White Rider
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mda ... interesant acest tipar. am sa zic PASS pana la ora 2 sau chiar 3. Apoi ma voi aventura din pura curiozitate sa vad care-i treaba. Sunt iar curios dk o sa se lase cu after hours de ora 12, 13 sau chiar 14 pe malul lacului.

@ nighty - i luv u 2!
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 09 Jun 2005, 10:48   #285
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
@ nighty - i luv u 2!

eh sa fiu al dracu'. las' ca vin io la mare in vara...sa vad unde ma cazezi si cu ce ma hranesti. cracanatule.
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Old 09 Jun 2005, 10:51   #286
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Nightwane:
Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
@ nighty - i luv u 2!

eh sa fiu al dracu'. las' ca vin io la mare in vara...sa vad unde ma cazezi si cu ce ma hranesti. cracanatule.
cracanatà statea ton mamman! :huh:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 09 Jun 2005, 10:55   #287
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
cracanatà statea ton mamman! :huh:

macar ea face bani din asa ceva nu ca ma-ta care nici pt. covrigei nu se poate vinde ca-i urata cu slobozi.
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Old 09 Jun 2005, 10:59   #288
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Nightwane:
Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
cracanatà statea ton mamman! :huh:

macar ea face bani din asa ceva nu ca ma-ta care nici pt. covrigei nu se poate vinde ca-i urata cu slobozi.
still searching ... where's the laughter man? are you losing it ? :sleep:
un pik de muzik haos in club Bonsai te-ar dezmortzii ma-tii! :lol:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 09 Jun 2005, 11:02   #289
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
un pik de muzik haos in club Bonsai te-ar dezmortzii ma-tii! :lol:

she works hard for the money...so hard for the money-ey-ey-ey.

like i said....i die a little deep down inside everytime you talk to me.

las' draga ca nu ma duc in bonsai...nu m-am dus io la Gay PArade daramite sa ma duc in Bonsai ala...
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Old 26 Jun 2005, 23:43   #290
the mithbuster
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"A luat foc" Bamboo, s-a aprins de "la un scurt circuit".

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Old 27 Jun 2005, 01:24   #291
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aku gen ruinele fumagande ale bambooului ne amintesc d tristu viitor knd toti cocalarii cu si fara bani se vor inghesui in cuba
va fi fun
oricum nu ca ra fi vreun dzastru national da se merge in weekend la mare oricum
astept un incedniu si in cuba
If I was not me, I would hate me too
Just like you do
I don't need to need you
Tell me what to do, tell me what to say
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Old 27 Jun 2005, 07:10   #292
the mithbuster
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Originally Posted by KORBEN:
aku gen ruinele fumagande ale bambooului ne amintesc d tristu viitor knd toti cocalarii cu si fara bani se vor inghesui in cuba
va fi fun
oricum nu ca ra fi vreun dzastru national da se merge in weekend la mare oricum
astept un incedniu si in cuba

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Old 27 Jun 2005, 08:01   #293
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Tocmai cand aveam si eu rezervare ! Asta e! Macar a fost un foc de tabara cum nu am mai vazut :lol: . Am vorbit cu o animatoare si mi-a zis ca clubul era asigurat cu 5 mil $. Pe cine sa cred? Mai vrea Botezatu sa spele niste bani?
I play to win
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Old 27 Jun 2005, 16:26   #294
the mithbuster
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http://www.expres.ro/eveniment/?news...c111 6b79dca9

Pacat de el. Am fost acolo si cand se construia si la deschidere.

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Old 28 Jun 2005, 16:38   #295
The Space Cowboy
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LaHoya careva???
"I'm gonna kill you untill you die from it"
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Old 29 Jun 2005, 07:26   #296
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Originally Posted by nume:
Pacat de el. Am fost acolo si cand se construia si la deschidere.
Eu am participat la inchiderea "arzatoare". Felicitari pompierilor!
I play to win
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Old 29 Jun 2005, 08:52   #297
the mithbuster
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Miercuri se redeschide terasa, saptamana viitoare baraca. Deja e reclama pe radio.

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Old 01 Jul 2005, 16:58   #298
the mithbuster
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Terasa Bamboo s-a redeschis
Club Bamboo ramane prezent in activitatea high life-ului autohton. Miercuri seara, acesta si-a redeschis portile pentru impatimitii de distractie. Chiar daca n-au trecut decat cinci zile de cand clubul cu pricina a fost mistuit de flacari, lumea mondena a Capitalei s-a adunat cu mic, cu mare pe terasa Bamboo, singura locatie ce a scapat de flacarile incendiului si nu a suferit grave stricaciuni. Aceasta a fost repede redecorata pentru a putea oferi astfel invitatilor un party cu doua prezentari de moda, semnate Mango si Promote.

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Old 02 Jul 2005, 14:05   #299
The Space Cowboy
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agitatie, muzica parca data prea tare si multa lume... s-a stat pana la sfarsit... gen 07.00
Keoke aseara... party Kent... f ok..
"I'm gonna kill you untill you die from it"
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Old 02 Jul 2005, 14:08   #300
Ambra Blu
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Jay, te bagi
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