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Old 30 Jul 2006, 15:57   #281
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pe rotten tomatoes:

o cronica :

"Cristi Puiu doesn't pull his punches in his barbed black comedy on the state of socialized medicine in Hungary."

:hmm: :hmm:

Adica, filmu' oricum e infect da' sa mai greseasca si tara???
Switched On Lotus
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Old 30 Jul 2006, 16:04   #282
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:lol: :lol:

si e si prima cronica
Im Kino gewesen. Geweint.
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Old 31 Jul 2006, 01:27   #283
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Si sä mai zicä vreun careva c-acolo incultura nu face ravagii.
Päi aici, sä confunde cineva Zimbabwe cu Namibia, ar ajunge de râsu' curcilor!
Da' las', cä vine el, 1 ianuarie 2007, si ne vindecä.
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Old 31 Jul 2006, 10:56   #284
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Originally Posted by Pitbull:
sä confunde cineva Zimbabwe cu Namibia

Switched On Lotus
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Old 31 Jul 2006, 20:35   #285
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Bine, sau Rwanda cu Uganda.
Sau Botswana cu Burundi.
Sau Paraguay cu Uruguay.
Sau pe Nighty cu Korben.
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Old 10 Oct 2006, 14:13   #286
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Pai daca il privesti doar ca pe un film despre sistemul sanitar (si am impresia, avand in vedere ce scrie in comentariul asta plus ce zicea Ebert de el, ca asa au incercat sa-l promoveze in SUA, bazandu-se pe nemultumirile americanilor in legatura cu propriul sistem de sanatate) n-o sa fie cine stie ce. La fel, daca il privesti doar ca pe o comedie neagra, n-o sa fie grozav.
Fiindca e nevoie sa treci de suprafata si sa cauti semnificatiile general umane ale filmului, si abia apoi o sa poti sa il discuti serios.
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Old 10 Oct 2006, 14:22   #287
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cu alte cuvinte, nu are nici o sansa... daca nu le baga degetul in ochi, nu-i trage de maneca, nu le da o palma peste ceafa, de ce sa vada altceva in afara de o critica a sistemului sanitar?
If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us.
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Old 10 Oct 2006, 14:34   #288
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Originally Posted by DEX:
AMERICÁN, -Ã, americani, -e, s.m. ºi f., adj. 1. persoana care apartine unui popor ce l-a votat pe Bush. De 2 ori. Si la care cele mai mari audiente le face American Idol – America (n. pr.) + suf. -an. Cf. it. a m e r i c a n o, fr. a m é r i c a i n.
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Old 10 Oct 2006, 14:37   #289
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daca MDL e privit ca o acuza adusa sistemului sanitar atunci e un film politic.
birocratia e cangrena.....peste tot.
<a href="http://www.picoodle.com/view.php?img=/4/5/27/f_ucvro2400m_124add1.png&srv=img33" target=_top><img border=0 src="http://img33.picoodle.com/img/img33/4/5/27/f_ucvro2400m_124add1.png" alt="ucvro, Image Hosting"></a>
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Old 10 Oct 2006, 14:44   #290
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daca MDL e film politic, atunci 15 e teza de doctorat in istorie...
If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us.
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Old 10 Oct 2006, 14:52   #291
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Originally Posted by drudu:
daca MDL e film politic, atunci 15 e teza de doctorat in istorie...
medicii au conceput circuitul mortzii in sistemul sanitar?!

si ideea e ca MDL are doar interfatza in sistemul medical...
<a href="http://www.picoodle.com/view.php?img=/4/5/27/f_ucvro2400m_124add1.png&srv=img33" target=_top><img border=0 src="http://img33.picoodle.com/img/img33/4/5/27/f_ucvro2400m_124add1.png" alt="ucvro, Image Hosting"></a>
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Old 10 Oct 2006, 15:01   #292
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nu mie trebuie sa-mi explici ce are mdl, mr.know-it-all-show-it-off...
If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us.
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Old 10 Oct 2006, 15:16   #293
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Originally Posted by drudu:
nu mie trebuie sa-mi explici ce are mdl, mr.know-it-all-show-it-off...
incerc sa evit asortarea cu emergency room.
<a href="http://www.picoodle.com/view.php?img=/4/5/27/f_ucvro2400m_124add1.png&srv=img33" target=_top><img border=0 src="http://img33.picoodle.com/img/img33/4/5/27/f_ucvro2400m_124add1.png" alt="ucvro, Image Hosting"></a>
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Old 10 Oct 2006, 15:23   #294
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evit-o, ca n-are nici o legatura... nici cu filmul lui puiu, nici cu mine
If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us.
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Old 24 Jan 2007, 13:18   #295
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Am stat ieri cu Cristi Puiu si niste beri într-o cafenea de pe Smârdan, discutând initial despre haloimäsul C.N.C.ist, da' pe parcurs ne-a luat valul si am vorbit de câte-n lunä si în stele - inclusiv, inevitabil, despre "M.D.L.". Cum Cristi tinea minte în amänunt cronica mea (din topicul ästa, pag. 6), a fäcut o serie de observatii, confirmând, contrazicând sau completând unele dintre comentariile mele. Cred cä meritä sä le redau aici pe cele mai interesante, cu atât mai mult cu cât clarificä unele ipoteze ale cronicii asupra cärora nici eu nu eram prea sigur atunci.
Originally Posted by Pitbull:
Se referä la mult mai mult - la conditia umanä în general: la acel urias päcat al nepäsärii fatä de aproape ("Mai cumplit decât päcatul celui ce face räu, e al celui ce nu face bine când ar putea sä-l facä.")
Astfel trebuie sä fie interpretat "Moartea domnului Läzärescu"
Da. Cristi a confirmat întru totul.
Originally Posted by Pitbull:
Pentru a lichida cu observatiile critice, mai mentionez:
Galeria medicilor: prea stereotipä; cu exceptia lui Florin Zamfirescu, toti apartin aceleiasi categorii de vârstä si generatii culturale, toti au aceleasi näravuri, ticuri verbale, ticuri comportamentale, etc. Precizez, FIECARE PORTRET ÎN SINE E EXCELENT COMPUS, dar toate la un loc gliseazä partial spre aplatizare. S-ar fi cerut si alte douä tipologii, vârste, mentalitäti (slavä Domnului, lumea medicalä e mult mai variatä - ca si orice altä lume profesionalä), alese desigur astfel încât sä întregeascä acelasi portret colectiv al egoismului, orgoliului si incompetentei.
Hehe. Initial, si el gândise asa personajele - dar i s-a spus un lucru: TOTI MEDICII CARE FAC GARZI DE NOAPTE LA URGENTA SUNT TINERI!, asa cä a trebuit sä-si revizuiascä tipologiile. Totusi, s-a prevalat de faptul cä, în cazuri exceptionale, unii medici bätrâni obisnuiesc totusi sä facä asemenea gärzi, pentru a-si justifica personajul doctorului Ardelean, la care tinea foarte mult - vezi mai jos.
Originally Posted by Pitbull:
Florin Zamfirescu compune unui dintre cele mai detestabile - si mai frecvent întâlnite în realitate! - portrete de medici. La vârsta mea, m-am izbit de zeci de ori de aceste toape brutale si îngâmfate, pentru care umilirea si demoralizarea pacientilor pare o profesiune de credintä (inclusiv märetul Mircea Cintezä, pe care acu' vreo cinspe ani l-am abordat în Municipal, ca pacient, si m-a tratat ca pe un gândac).
Este tipul de medic paternalist, mult cultivat în perioada lui Ceausescu, si cäzut în desuetudine - doctorul atoatestiutor si stäpân pe soarta (si chiar moralitatea) pacientului - spre deosebire de tipul modern al medicului "friendly", foarte popular acum în S.U.A.
Originally Posted by Pitbull:
În sfârsit, o ultimä remarcä: m-au deranjat câteva täieturi de montaj cam neortodoxe (între cadre compuse astfel încât nu se pot juxtapune cursiv). Totusi, îi acord regisorului creditul de a le fi acceptat cu deliberare, în nota de nonconformism stilistic a întregului film - desi, poate, ar fi trebuit sä fie altfel dozate: sau mai discrete, sau, dimpotrivä, o idee mai explicite, tocmai pentru a nu läsa loc de dubii, pentru a nu pärea stângäcii.
Da, Cristi a folosit anume acele "rupturi" ale frazelor de montaj, ca elemente stilistice ale aceleiasi conceptii generale de reportaj cvasi-live, în care operatorul, si mai apoi monteurul, sunt nevoiti sä se descurce cu ce au.
Originally Posted by Pitbull:
Personal, o anume secventä m-a sfredelit pânä-n adâncul inimii: plecarea de-acasä, si gândul la soarta celor trei pisici.
Si pe Cristi la fel. Personajele (nu interpretele!) sunt pisicile de-acasä, din copiläria lui.
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Old 01 Feb 2007, 23:44   #296
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love this film!!
im from argentina,it was difficult to get inside here!
i want to know the artist and the name of the song of the begining!

thank u all
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Old 02 Feb 2007, 01:40   #297
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Now this is a PLEASANT surprise!
Welcome among us! We certainly can use English, so that you understand.
The singer was Margareta Pâslaru, one of the most popular Romanian artists of the '60s.
BTW, I'm a friend to the director, Cristi Puiu, and I can tell you he uses to read this topic. He will be happy to see your message.
Please, tell us more of your comments, and ask whatever you want to know, we'll be glad to answer.
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Old 02 Feb 2007, 14:37   #298
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thanks a lot for your amability,im really very pleased.
lazarescu i saw it three times,and each one was so special.the real time,the hospitals,the camera,actors,climates! all unique.was the best for me in ages.so im so enthusiastic with the project of Puiu about the bucarest urban stories.one day i will have to travel to your country!

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Old 02 Feb 2007, 15:01   #299
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With absolute honesty, I must admit that I'M IN AWE!!!
So, a lot of "pretentious" Romanian spectators declared themselves "so bored" of this "slow flowing" and "mundane" movie, that they barely bore to see it once to the end - and an ARGENTINIAN one watched it, in fascination, for THREE TIMES! :huh:
Further, Juan, your comments suggest that you really got the movie's FEELING. How really interesting - and significant. It shows once again that "M.D.L." is a very special movie, able to touch only certain patterns of sensitivity. And, of course, it's incomparably better received all over the wide world, than at home, where the snobs and semidoctes are snubbing it all over.
I really hope you will be able to visit Romania. For you, the only problem would be the travel's cost, I suppose - fly all across half the globe! However, our country is really welcoming to all strangers, and offers unique touristic experiences. Also, now that we joined at last the European Union (I'm not by far a fan of it, but I must acknowledge is does have also certain merits), I hope we'll move faster to a normal level of civilisation, and when you finally land here, what you saw in "M.D.L." will be just a sad memory.
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Old 02 Feb 2007, 17:37   #300
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i know that most people in romania would love to see the good side of things instead of these hospitals problems,here in Argentina same happens.but i thinks that MDL shows also the freshness of the actors and that makes that the whole deal of the film creates such an atmosphere that you can be part of it. I care more the way that is showed that the reality.maybe because im a big fan of those views!
Romania is where i want to go,since some years ago.

take care
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