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Old 07 Oct 2010, 23:31   #361
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Originally Posted by Chambord:
^ mi-a placut aia cu "From the visionary director of Frida, Titus, ..." Mai rar ashea vezeune
Oh common, Julie Taymor e mult mai vizionara decat alte regizoritze cu pile umflate cu pompa pe care le stim. Si e in orice caz mai citita. Dar nu pot sa zic ca am mari asteptari de la The Tempest.
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Old 07 Oct 2010, 23:34   #362
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Ce-ai domnle cu Sofia?
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Old 07 Oct 2010, 23:36   #363
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Ma enerveaza, mi se pare o prezenta daunatoare in planul regizoral feminin ca sa zic asa.
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Old 07 Oct 2010, 23:45   #364
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Nu mi se pare. A dovedit ca stie sa faca film. Si cu pile, si fara, ce conteaza?
Lost in translation, Marie Antoinette, The Virgin Suicides..not bad. Au contraire.
Asa ca, sa-i dea Dumnezeu sanatate si inspiratie. Si juriu..
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Old 08 Oct 2010, 23:07   #365
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Lost in Translation e singurul rasarit, restul mi se par ok, dar nu suficient de ok pentru cat de ridicata in slavi e. Are totosusi o filmografie subtirica pentru pedigree-ul ei. Sunt convinsa ca exista regizoritze mult mai bune out there, care n-au avut resursele de care a dispus ea.

edit: mai voiam sa postez si trailerul la Les Amours imaginaires

Last edited by miercuri : 08 Oct 2010 at 23:28.
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Old 09 Oct 2010, 00:49   #366
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Review - Let me In

"En el teatro se hace lo que se debe, en el cine se hace lo que se quiere y en la televisión se hace lo que se puede">>
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Old 12 Oct 2010, 10:15   #367
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The Way Back !

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Old 14 Oct 2010, 17:19   #368
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Wrecked (2011)
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Old 16 Oct 2010, 01:29   #369
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Al doilea trailer de la 127 Hours
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Old 16 Oct 2010, 02:07   #370
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Eu p-asta vreau sa-l vad.
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Old 18 Oct 2010, 12:06   #371
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Originally Posted by miercuri:
Al doilea trailer de la 127 Hours

2 lucruri (printre altele) care m-au lovit vazand trailerul asta:
- felul in care JF face "oups" (the second one). I do like that myself in certain moments.
- the tune (quite beautiful) e de pe un album pe care am pus mana saptamana trecuta si nu am apucat inca sa-l ascult.

I'm coming up only to show you down for
I'm coming up only to show you wrong
To the outside, the dead leaves, they all blow
Before they died had trees to hang their hope

Cred ca o sa-mi placa la fel de mult ca "Into the wild". And I loved that film.

Last edited by Chambord : 18 Oct 2010 at 13:37.
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Old 18 Oct 2010, 14:14   #372
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Something else.

Cat despre 127 Hours, nu va faceti iluzii, pt a nu suferi deziluzii.
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Old 18 Oct 2010, 15:06   #373
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Originally Posted by omudindulap:

Cat despre 127 Hours, nu va faceti iluzii, pt a nu suferi deziluzii.
Skeptics to the left. No really, filmul a avut numai recenzii pozitive si foarte pozitive pana acum! Plus standing ovation la Toronto.
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Old 18 Oct 2010, 21:41   #374
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Originally Posted by miercuri:
No really, filmul a avut numai recenzii pozitive si foarte pozitive pana acum! Plus standing ovation la Toronto.

Plus cateva lesinuri . James Franco pare sa aiba carisma suficienta pentru a indepplini misiunea de a cara filmul in spate, o misiune deloc usoara, iar pe Danny Boyle il cred capabil sa-i confere filmului un ritm bun, avand in vedere faptul ca toata lumea va astepta that scene si el stie asta. Cred ca e destul de grafica, daca e sa ne luam dupa reactiile a la Phantom of the Opera .

In afara de 127 Hours, astept cu nerabdare The King's Speech, The Social Network, The Way Back,, The Kids Are All Right, Another Year, Blue Valentine, Let me In, Never Let Me Go, True Grit, Biutiful, Made in Dagenham, The Tourist (al doilea teaser care practic e constituit din secventele primului trailer ma face sa cred ca va fi un thriller cu niste momente amuzante pe ici, pe colo si nu invers, adica o comedie care se vrea a fi thriller + Sony i-a schimbat data de lansare ca sa fie la timp pentru Oscar race, deci ceva-ceva trebuie sa fie). Chiar si pentru Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 am un oarecare interes (n-am fost vreodata fan HP, dar trailerul arata chiar bine).

Originally Posted by omudindulap:

Bear Grylls meets Memento?
Brody is whining too much .
"En el teatro se hace lo que se debe, en el cine se hace lo que se quiere y en la televisión se hace lo que se puede">>

Last edited by buticut : 18 Oct 2010 at 21:43.
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Old 04 Nov 2010, 18:51   #375
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Sucker Punch trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgmbdfGbvX0
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Old 04 Nov 2010, 20:19   #376
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Originally Posted by miercuri:
Originally Posted by omudindulap:

Cat despre 127 Hours, nu va faceti iluzii, pt a nu suferi deziluzii.
Skeptics to the left. No really, filmul a avut numai recenzii pozitive si foarte pozitive pana acum! Plus standing ovation la Toronto.

Holy Crap!
"En el teatro se hace lo que se debe, en el cine se hace lo que se quiere y en la televisión se hace lo que se puede">>
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Old 05 Nov 2010, 08:31   #377
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London Boulevard

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Old 05 Nov 2010, 20:07   #378
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Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)

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Old 09 Nov 2010, 05:57   #379
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Nu e trailer dar e o bucata din soundtrackul Tangled care aduce aminte de clasicele melodii din filme ca Alladin sau Beauty and the Beast. Melodia e balada dintre cele doua personaje principale si beneficiaza de vocea exceptionala a lui Mandy Moore.

Tangled Soundtrack - I see the light

Pentru o versiunea clara puteti gasi melodia pe Grooveshark.

Last edited by Redy : 09 Nov 2010 at 06:09.
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Old 17 Nov 2010, 14:36   #380
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In sfarsit a aparut trailerul la un film ce il astept foarte mult...

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