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Old 25 Mar 2006, 02:31   #21
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Originally Posted by Pitbull:
N-as mânca niciodatä carne de câine, cum n-as mânca nici de om - doar nu-s canibal, iar câinii îmi (si ne) sunt mult prea apropiati. Dar, recunosc, asta e problema mea (da, mä rog, nu numai a mea). Sä zicem, cu multä îngäduintä, cä as putea accepta obiceiul unora de a consuma câine - la fel cum o facem noi cu porcii (care, apropo, ne sunt de asemenea apropiati ca animale de gospodärie, si mai sunt si FOARTE INTELIGENTI). ....
asta-mi aminteºte de Samuel Jackson în Pulp Ficion.
Prepare to evacuate soul
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Old 25 Mar 2006, 02:33   #22
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@PB: cînd vezi filmul lui Kim Ki-Duk sã bagi aici comentarii:
sã nu te prind cã deschizi topic nou!
Prepare to evacuate soul
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Old 25 Mar 2006, 02:49   #23
Unlikely Messiah
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O.K., multumesc.
Intr-adevär, discutia s-a dezvoltat si meritä split pentru topic aparte. Longshot sau Emi, vä rog. De la primul meu post cu linkul respectiv. Väd eu ce titlu de topic îi dau, pe urmä, prin edit.
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Old 25 Mar 2006, 08:23   #24
Unlikely Messiah
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Bun, Longshot sau Emi mi-a îndeplinit rugämintea. Avem si Cafeneaua Animalelor.

Pentru început, propun ca toti CineMagistii care au orice animale de casä (hm, mä rog, nu orice animale; sobolanii din pivnitä, gândacii de sub chiuvetä si päduchii-lati de nu-spun-unde pot fi trecuti sub täcere) - deci: câini, pisici, pesti de acvariu, porumbei, hamsteri, iguane, broaste testoase, papagali, scatii (gata - ati prins ideea, da?), sä iasä cu ele pe interval.
Subsemnatul, cum multi dintre voi stiti (si cum nick-ul dä de înteles), are douä gagicute pitbull, mamä si fiicä:
- Arella Bonnie Wagners (n. 10 august 1997)
- Diva Arella Lolita Wagners (n. 2 iunie 1999)
("Arella" si "Lolita" din numele Divei au fost ideile lui fiu-meu).
Fotografiile lor se pot vedea la mine-n website.
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Old 25 Mar 2006, 10:44   #25
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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f emotionant.
maica-mea tocmai si-a luat al 2-lea ciine (mai are si o pisica), iar eu nici nu i-am spus k, atunci cind am fost in china, am vrut sa maninc friptura de ciine...
sincer, eu prefer pisicile, dar nu le suport in casa k am alergie. (vezi, in ac. sens, si almanahul catavencilor, unde exista o subsectiune 'pisicari vs ciinari'!) in casa as tine un singur animal - girafa -, dar cum nu stau la bloc, ma tem k nu are loc... :lol:
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Old 25 Mar 2006, 18:59   #26
Unlikely Messiah
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Ei, s-ar putea spune cä pisica si câinii doamnei Serban (persupun cä ästa e numele) fac parte din familie, asa cä dacä binevoiesti sä ne spui câte ceva despre ei (rasele, numele), ne-ar încânta.
Pentru mine, pisicile sunt pe primul loc dupä câini - pânä la sase ani, am träit printre ele; bätrâna vecinä de apartament comun (în casä veche) avea permanent între zece si douäzeci. Noroc cä alergii n-am, altfel ar fi mare problemä (pitbullitele mele lasä pär, ceva de speriat).
A, o girafä ar fi cool, e foarte elegantä! Poate când mostenesti o mosie, ceva... Dacä-i s-o däm pe visat la animale exotice si conditii de trai si mai exotice, as alege un elefant (pe bune, acum!), pentru inteligentä, fortä si devotament - si fiindcä-i, asa, mult...
Si sigur o sä vä uitati pätrat, dar îmi plac si serpii - pentru simplitatea lor eficientä, si biologicä, si mintalä. Desi, ca orice reptile, au o "inteligentä" virtualmente nulä, sistemul lor de instincte îi poate face sä devinä foarte atasati de om (nu doar prin încoläcire! ) Si-s cam ca Beethoven: surzi, dar mari melomani... ää, melosnakes.
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Old 25 Mar 2006, 19:20   #27
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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... en plus, un elephant, ca trompe enormement!

pe prima pisica a lu maman (motan angora alb) il kema su-shu, i-am pus kiar eu numele (atunci locuiam impreuna... cu maman, adica) dupa un filozof chinez care apare intr-un poem de ezra pound 8) a trait 16 ani, a cazut de 2 ori de la et. 6, si... cam asta-i; mama il regreta mai ceva k pe-un amant...
a doua e o tarcata, tot motan, tot castrat (a ajuns la 11 kg!!) si il keama... larisa (!).
pe catzea o keama lola si e maidaneza.
pe a doua (tot maidanez) nu stiu cum o keama, sper sa renunte la ea pina s-o boteze...

mie cel mai mult imi plac koala, si pe urma suricatele.
va multumesc pt atentie; in ce ma priveste, animal's cafe se inkeie aici...
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Old 25 Mar 2006, 19:30   #28
Unlikely Messiah
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Originally Posted by Alex Leo Serban:
... en plus, un elephant, ca trompe enormement!
Mais bien Su-shu-r!

Originally Posted by Alex Leo Serban:
mama il regreta mai ceva k pe-un amant...
Oricine are un animal în casä, cunoaste...

Originally Posted by Alex Leo Serban:
a doua e o tarcata, tot motan, tot castrat (a ajuns la 11 kg!!) si il keama... larisa (!).
Odatä, cunosteam o maidanezä foarte prietenoasä si am botezat-o Vasile - nu stiu de ce, pur si simplu i se potrivea!

Originally Posted by Alex Leo Serban:
pe catzea o keama lola si e maidaneza.
pe a doua (tot maidanez) nu stiu cum o keama, sper sa renunte la ea pina s-o boteze...
Nu spera si nu ai teamä! Indoi-m-as! (Oricum, maidanezii sunt cool, numai snobii strâmbä din nas la ei.)

Originally Posted by Alex Leo Serban:
mie cel mai mult imi plac koala, si pe urma suricatele.
Jamais couché avec.

Originally Posted by Alex Leo Serban:
va multumesc pt atentie; in ce ma priveste, animal's cafe se inkeie aici...
Nous vous remercions aussi. Fu frumos.
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Old 27 Mar 2006, 05:05   #29
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Us, the Tyrant King

"Preposterous! Ridiculous! See that: dozens marching and protesting, signing petitions, screaming bitch - for what? For just a few lame beasts, walking on all four! I'd send them walk on all four too, the assholes - they aren't worthy to be called bipedes! And hear - that we forget about the flesh, and eat just herbs and roots! How did we grow so strong and mighty, if not by our complex appetites? How could we raise on two, and proudly hold our head so high? How did we rightly got the Royal title on this world? This world that's round, mind you - now tell me, are those lame mindless crawlers at least aware of that? What do they know, with their primitive brains, what can they feel, in all those beastly souls? And yesterday I also heard a better one: some fools were warning us about the 'gods' - that they would punish all who don't pay due respect to all their progeny! What do you think they showed as proof? Imagine: right that shining light, that lately grew ever brighter on the sky! A 'divine sign', they said - my ass! So dumb and ignorant they are - never to be compared with US, the rightful Kings over this planet! Sublime result of millions of years of evolution, having selected and then developed the best of all! This is the answer, brothers, the one that sets us right to reign - may them just call us 'tyrant kings' as much as well! We are the strongest and the best, if anything happens it’s US who will survive, because we are the chosen ones, while they are here only to serve as food! All is in science and in culture, folks, and not in pussyfooting superstitions, about the 'poor downtrodden's rights' and mystical delusions about 'gods' and 'signs from heaven' - not having ever heard the notion of 'asteroid'! The world is ours, and so will always be, ever forever! Proudly we state our supreme condition, turning into a noble title their poor attempt at sarcasm and at insult: oh, yes, I'm proud to call myself a T-REX!"

Pitbull (Mihnea Columbeanu)
March 27, 2006, h. 01:00-01:22,
Bucharest, Romania
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Old 27 Mar 2006, 18:52   #30
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Eu posed un caine, gen vagabond, pe care l-am salvat de la moarte ca-l abandonase ma-sa. Doar eu si Korben, Benny, Ogto si altii stim cat ne-a plans in cap inainte sa plec in spania.

Acu' e bine mersi, hiperactiv though. Il cheama Gorbaciov ca ai mei nu au vrut sa-i puna numele Hitler. Comunistii dracu'.
Switched On Lotus
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Old 27 Mar 2006, 20:21   #31
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pe langa rottweilerul mentionat, mai am si o pisica neagra, gasita prin preajma casei cand puteai sa o tii intr-o palma.de fapt e motan. acu e mare si gras. cea mai tare chestie e ca oriunde ar fi plecat prin cartier, daca il strig vine imediat. mai ceva ca un caine. rotweilerul si motanul sunt buni prieteni si , cateodata, iarna, dorm in cusca spatioasa a cainelui.
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Old 29 Mar 2006, 13:42   #32
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A quote from Mooie's blog:

Albert Einstein
"The man who regards his own life and that of his fellow creatures as meaningless is not merely unhappy but hardly fit for life."

Albert Schweitzer
"Anyone who has accustomed himself to regard the life of any living creature as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the idea of worthless human lives."

"For as long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace.”

St. Francis of Assisi
"Not to hurt our humble brethren [the animals] is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission: to be of service to them whenever they require it."

Thomas A. Edison
"Until we stop harming ALL other living beings, we are still savages."

Leonardo da Vinci
"Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds theirs."
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Old 04 Apr 2006, 02:57   #33
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Faith, the only two-legs dog in the world.
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Old 04 Apr 2006, 06:13   #34
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Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder
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Old 06 Apr 2006, 15:20   #35
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uhhhhhh ... shit

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder
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Old 06 Apr 2006, 18:32   #36
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Veneam cu linku-ncoace sä-l pun, si väd cä mi-ai luat-o înainte.
N-am rezistat pânä la sfârsit. La prim-planul nurcii complet jupuite care întoarce capul, am închis.
Imi iau spray si scriu pe vitrinele magazinelor cu "blänuri naturale", SI pe hainele de blanä naturalä pe care le voi vedea iarna purtate de curve prin oras. (Pe bune!)
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Old 26 Apr 2006, 18:19   #37
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Am si eu nu mic pitbull,il cheama Spike(si nu,nu mai am si un soarece Jerry si un motan Tom),si e cel mai jucaus catel din lume(oricum,in top 10 intra cu siguranta);nu cred ca cineva care a avut un pitbull mai poate avea alta rasa de caini
black cherry red drapes
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Old 26 Apr 2006, 18:59   #38
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dar are cineva un meercat??? de plus ajunge..ca viu nu prea merge pe aici :lol:
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 26 Apr 2006, 20:15   #39
Mala Portugal
Mala Portugal
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Eu am un caine sau un ursulet ( inca sunt in dubiu) de plus. L-am primit de la Nightwane de Craciun. Il cheama Zanzibar (de 4 zile) si mi-a fost alaturi in aproape toate delegatiile din anu' asta.
"Someone has to kick the Mickey Mouse out of our heads"
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Old 26 Apr 2006, 20:20   #40
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Originally Posted by Mala Portugal:
Eu am un caine sau un ursulet ( inca sunt in dubiu) de plus. L-am primit de la Nightwane de Craciun. Il cheama Zanzibar (de 4 zile) si mi-a fost alaturi in aproape toate delegatiile din anu' asta.

daca nu stii ce e,du l la veterinar
black cherry red drapes
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