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Old 04 Jun 2004, 08:16   #21
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Freaak:
Daca va credeti voi chiar asa de tari, de ce nu faceti si ceva original?
De unde shi pana unde ai tras tu concluzia ca eu ma cred tare ? Altceva mai original decat o parodie ar fi o continuare la poveste ceea ce nu voi face... Eu am facut asta pentru ca asta am simtzit ca vreau sa fac, sa scriu shi sa compun.
Daca tot te crezi tu asha de tare de ce nu scrii tu ceva original ? Fraza "I'm bored of these stupid ass rings!" am auzit-o peste tot - shi poate de asta am ales titlul acesta. You don' like it ? Du-te shi posteaza la "Loc de dat cu picioru" - e la Cafenea
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 04 Jun 2004, 08:24   #22
The White Rider
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am realizat un singur lucru akum ... la postarea acestei prime partzi din parodie : daca esti maniac LOTr - nu e bine, exagerezi ... vb despre LOTR toata ziua Ex: a deviat intr-un alt topic discutzia de la Harry Potter la LOtr iar Benny a sarit : "Iar vb despre LOTR ?" ..... dar daca faci mishto' de LOTR (scrii 22 de pagini in care parodiezi tot ce-tzi vine la mana)- ba nu e bine ca nu e destul de funny ... ba' chiar lame ...
DECIDE - ONCE AND FOR ALL! Which one is it ? :huh: Voi shtitzi ce vretzi ?
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 04 Jun 2004, 09:20   #23
Spirit of the System
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
am realizat un singur lucru akum ... la postarea acestei prime partzi din parodie : daca esti maniac LOTr - nu e bine, exagerezi ... vb despre LOTR toata ziua Ex: a deviat intr-un alt topic discutzia de la Harry Potter la LOtr iar Benny a sarit : "Iar vb despre LOTR ?" ..... dar daca faci mishto' de LOTR (scrii 22 de pagini in care parodiezi tot ce-tzi vine la mana)- ba nu e bine ca nu e destul de funny ... ba' chiar lame ...
DECIDE - ONCE AND FOR ALL! Which one is it ? :huh: Voi shtitzi ce vretzi ?

Yo zic sa continuati ca faceti o treaba buna pana acuma... Si stati pe aproape ca m arelansez eu pe aici cu parodia la revolutions... Chestia e sa mai gasesc topicul cu parodia la matrix si matrix reloaded.. pacat ca nu mai e noone ep aici, pacat ca nimeni nu a mai scris nimik pe el... Las ca-l revigorez eu... Doritorii de combinatii la katerink sa-mi dea pm!
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Old 04 Jun 2004, 09:38   #24
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Originally Posted by emanuel:
Originally Posted by Demona:
Bored of the Rings... Ce o sa-tzi spun despre titlul asta o sa citeshti intr-un mail... In fine...oricum e doar parerea mea...
Originally Posted by LadyEowyin:
i like it , honestly ...
Cred ca Demona se refera la faptul ca exista deja o parodie Bored of the Rings, carte iesita de mult timp in SUA, si deci ideea cu titlul nu e chiar atat de originala.
Deci? Cine s-a inspirat de unde? Sau e doar o coincidenta?...
In plus, cred ca ea ar fi trebuit postata in romana, la fel ca si parodia Matrix, cand a fost vremea ei...
Am citit cam 1/4 din ea si m-am plictisit de moarte ... m-a luat somnul. Glumele nu-s bune deloc.
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Old 04 Jun 2004, 17:07   #25
your Worst Nightmare
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Criza numaru` 3 incomin`...`tui...
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 06 Jun 2004, 11:36   #26
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Originally Posted by Demona:
Criza numaru` 3 incomin`...`tui...
nu face bine la sanatate
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Old 06 Jun 2004, 11:38   #27
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Eu vreau sa fiu lasata in pace sa-mi postez parodia. Nu va place ? Bine ... Va place ? Iar Bine. Pentru cei care cauta cearta o mica dedicatie: D12
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Old 11 Jun 2004, 13:01   #28
The White Rider
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Bree, Weathertop, and the Flight to the Ford (3 in 1 very good offer)
(The hobbits reach Bree. They enter the Dancing Donkey. They go over to the bar and ask for Gandalf. Aragorn stands in the corner. The hobbits all order huge glasses of orange juice. Frodo gets knocked over by a guy. The Ring drops from his hand. Lying on the floor Frodo gives that guy the middle finger and without any notice the rings falls on his finger. Everybody disappears. Frodo looks confused. One man remains. Aragorn grabs Frodo and yanks him upstairs. He throws him on the floor).

ARAGORN: I have the ability to ignore people. But to make them disappear entirely? That is a rare gift! That is a dangerous power you possess.
FRODO: I carry nothing.
ARAGORN: Did I say u carry anything? You gave yourself away. (Sam and Pippin (finishing a muffin) run in. Aragorn jumps, then tries to look like he hadn’t been startled.)
SAM: If you hurt him I will run away and cry like a baby!
ARAGORN: You have plenty of fear, Master Hobbit. That will get you into plenty of trouble, and Nebraska. (Merry rushes in looking very frightened.)
FRODO: There you are!
SAM: Where have you been?
PIPPIN: What’s the matter?
MERRY: I was like, Whoah! And they were like: Whooooah…and then I was like, Whoah… (the other hobbits stare at him)
Pippin: Merry! You got mucus all over my shoulder man!
SAM: What?
ARAGORN: The Black Breath…
Everyone goes to bed. The Nazgul arrive and get a room at the Dancing Donkey. Upon seeing their room – they remain stiff. Only hobbit beds.
Nazgul 7: God damn it! Everything’s goin’ to hell! No ring, no stupid hobbit. Haven’t slept in days!
Nazgul 2: There There! Calm down! Have some candy!
Nazgul 7 : I DON’T WANNAAA!
All of a sudden the nazgul pulls out his sword and starts stabbing the pillows and destroying the room. The other nazgul do the same.
Witchking: What is it that you are doing ?
Nazgul 2: We thought he saw something!
Witchking: Shut up amd sattle up. We’re leaving! After this is all over I’m getting a vacation away from all you fuck-ups!

(Aragorn leads them out of Bree to Weathertop. There, a fight with Nazgûl 2, 5, and 7. Aragorn tosses paper at them. They whine and complain.
Nazgul 7: "Ow! A paper cut! I have pain!" and run off.
The Witch-King pops out and stabs Frodo with a Snickers chocolate bar. Frodo screams in pain. Aragorn chases the Witch-King away. He comes back to Frodo and the other hobbits. He picks up the wrapper and looks around for the rest of the Snickers. Merry licks some icing off his lip, and Pippin licks his fingers clean. Aragorn glares at them.)
Aragorn: That was a Morgul Snickers… finest chocolate in the land. Greedy ass hobbits!


GANDALF:I need your help.
SARUMAN:Blegh. I vant to suck your blood.
GANDALFespite your creepy demeanor, I’m going
to reveal some secrets.
SARUMAN:I work for Sauron.
GANDALF:You are the wisest of the Wise.
SARUMAN:I’m evil.
GANDALF:I trust you implicitly.
SARUMAN:I’ll make you break dance.
GANDALF and SARUMAN have a really silly looking fight.

Narrator: Cut to Arwen Poondomiel …
ARAGORN: Hi Arwen! What’s this? An Elf caught off her guard?
ARWEN: Very funny. – Stinky!
(back to Frodo - Arwen picks up Frodo and, carrying him on her shoulder, runs off. Glorfindel arrives heroically looking like a member from Justice League. Aragorn and the remaining hobbits stare at him.)
ARAGORN: You're late.
GLORFINDEL: What! Fuck noooo!
ARAGORN: She took Frodo.
GLORFINDEL: Not again… I was, like, really looking forward to saving the little Shiring dude. I ain’t gonna be in the theatrical version but now the Special Extended Edition too? (Aragorn pats him on the back sympathetically)

Peter Jackson: Off the set GLORFINDEL – no need for you anymore!

Narrator: Dude! Get off the set!
Narrator: “So passes Glorfindel son of … uh! Whatever!”
Narrator: the 1st chase of the story: Arwen with Frodo -stabbed- and The NINE chasing her!
Next scene : the Bruinen River - The Ringwraiths draw their swords (again soooo predictable). Armed with pieces of paper with swords drawn
on them the Ringwraiths start to cross the “river”)

Bruinen River

NAZGÛL 1: Give up the half-wit She-Elf!
ARWEN: (pauses) What will you give me for him?
NAZGÛL 1: Um...
Nazgul 7: I offer to give you a PHD!
Arwen: A what ?
Arwen: Hold On to that thought. What else ?
(the Ringwraiths all put their heads together and pull out their wallets)
NAZGÛL 2: (to 5) Where's your wallet? (5 feels around his robe, looks in his robe etc...)
NAZGÛL 5: I left it in my other robe. (the other NAZGÛL groan at him, then go through their wallets)
Nazgul 6: Why the hell do I have to pay for nr 7 ?
Nazgul 7: blah blah blah!
NAZGÛL 3: We've got 15... no 18 New Zealand dollars.
ARWEN: What? 18 mizzly little dollars?
NAZGÛL 5: And a paper clip!
NAZGÛL 3: I gotta tootsie roll!
NAZGÛL 1: Shut up nr3 you’re embarrassing us! She doesn't want a paper clip or a tootsie roll!
NAZGÛL 5: Why not? It's one of those pretty multicolored ones...
NAZGÛL 9: Will you take a check?
GLORFINDEL: (calling from off screen) No! Don't take it! Their checks bounce!
Pee Jay: God Damn it Glorfindel! Get off the set! Security – get this asshole outta my sight!
Pee Jay: Now! One more time … with passion.
Narrator: 17 takes later we go on with the movie or story or whatever …
ARWEN: I'm handling this!
NAZGÛL 8: Here's another 3...
NAZGÛL 1: Okay, we've got, um... (counting on his fingers) 18, 19, 20... 21 dollars and 15 cents!
ARWEN: (shakes her head) There are some things money just can't buy.
NAZGÛL 7: And for everything else there's Master Card.
ARWEN: Sorry, I only take Visa.

Narrator: Wait and see what happens!

ARWEN: “Nino chitraeglir lastobeth daer, Rimmo nin Bruinen danin Ulaer!”
” Nino chitraeglir lastobeth daer, Rimmo nin Bruinen danin Ulaer!”

ARWEN: I said I was handling this!
Narrator: Super Extra Extended Edition footage … You didn’t get this from me ok? But the scene with the river and the horse waves is CGI…(duuuuh!) and there’s Elrond’s 1st scene where we find him with a FIRE DEPARTEMENT water hose and some sprinklers washing away THE “we got 21 dollars & 15 cents” NINE!
ARWEN: I said I was handling this! I RULLLL!

Narrator: You tell them girl!
ARWEN: Yeah! I’m tough, I kick ass, my dad is soo cool… cuz he’s an ELF MASTER – LEVEL 10, I’m beautiful and I AM WEARING NO LENGERIE (screaming out loud so Viggo could hear her!)

Narrator: We will be back soon after some stupid commercials …
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 11 Jun 2004, 20:42   #29
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it gets better...

ultima faza cu comercials e cam ca nuca-n perete da' las' ca merge.

oh remind me gandalf this: we have to talk
Switched On Lotus
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Old 12 Jun 2004, 22:41   #30
The One and Only Gollum
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partea a 2a a fost cam penala, dar a 3a mi-a placut la nebunie... :lol:
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 13 Jun 2004, 16:03   #31
Gandhi's Big Gun
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wack your head against the keyboard NOW for tomorrow's winning lottery numbers
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Old 13 Jun 2004, 21:56   #32
The One and Only Gollum
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mai sunt shi alte parodii la tolkien : the sobbit
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 14 Jun 2004, 07:22   #33
Gandhi's Big Gun
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Originally Posted by Sméagol-Gollum:
mai sunt shi alte parodii la tolkien : the sobbit

Sunt MII de parodii la LOTR si HP, MII. Nu toate publicate, dar sunt mai multe parodii decat poti tu citi.
wack your head against the keyboard NOW for tomorrow's winning lottery numbers
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Old 14 Jun 2004, 13:24   #34
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Toate cele 3 partzy mi se par super-amuzante. Parodiile (in general) imy plak. Daka vretzy sa va amuzatzy ku o parodie numita la fel, dar diferita akcesatzy site-ul http://amethyst-angel.com/bored_of_the_rings.html

Felicitary autorilor. Atzy reushis sa ne facetzy sa radem
People that say "Life is short" annoy me! Life is the longest damn thing that ever existed. Are they going to invent something longer?
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Old 14 Jun 2004, 14:55   #35
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by EternalDeadlyFever:
Toate cele 3 partzy mi se par super-amuzante. Parodiile (in general) imy plak. Daka vretzy sa va amuzatzy ku o parodie numita la fel, dar diferita akcesatzy site-ul http://amethyst-angel.com/bored_of_the_rings.html

Felicitary autorilor. Atzy reushis sa ne facetzy sa radem
10x! Spre deosebire de tine altzii au zis k e jeg ... again 10x!
More 2 come!
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 14 Jun 2004, 16:09   #36
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Congratulations to Gaandalf and Lady Eowyn. You made me laugh, and you shouldn't care about what other peole think.
I amar prestar aen. The world has changed. Han mathon ne nen. I feel it in the water. Han mathon ne chae. I feel it in the Earth. A han noston ne wilith. I smell it in the air. Much that once was lost, for none now live who remember it.
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Old 15 Jun 2004, 06:53   #37
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Originally Posted by Galadriel_queen:
Congratulations to Gaandalf and Lady Eowyn. You made me laugh, and you shouldn't care about what other peole think.
thank you galadriel! i :love: your signature!
Who cares ? I don't! Ma streseaza ca dau din gura degeaba si ca sa-si ocupe timpul cu ceva. Macar sa nu mai intre daca nu le place. Nu ?
Proiectul la The Two Towers este gata. Am facut cu gandalf un mic draft shi ramane sa termine cu examenul de soferi si mi-a promis ca ne apucam de treaba :w00t:
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Old 15 Jun 2004, 06:56   #38
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Originally Posted by Nightwane:
it gets better...
ultima faza cu comercials e cam ca nuca-n perete da' las' ca merge.
macar esti sincer. apreciez, mult!
V-ati plictisit de Stapanul Inelelor ? Dati click sa radem un pic: Bored Of The Rings
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Old 15 Jun 2004, 15:13   #39
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Vreau sa vad si urmatoarea parte... cand apare?
I amar prestar aen. The world has changed. Han mathon ne nen. I feel it in the water. Han mathon ne chae. I feel it in the Earth. A han noston ne wilith. I smell it in the air. Much that once was lost, for none now live who remember it.
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Old 15 Jun 2004, 15:16   #40
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Galadriel_queen:
Vreau sa vad si urmatoarea parte... cand apare?
Maine sau poimaine! Daca nu baga Lady Eowyin postez eu maine. O sa vb cu ea...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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