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Old 17 Apr 2003, 22:55   #21
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Mdahh...nici pe mine nu m-a impresionat. Dar un lucru e cert...n-am sa mai ascult muzica la maxim...ca cine stie pe cine mai trezesc...in afara de vecini...
Daca totusi fac rost de soundtrack...parca m-as risca. :wink:
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Old 17 Apr 2003, 22:57   #22
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soundtrack-ul il am eu (mp 3); dar cum ti-l dau ? :roll:
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Old 17 Apr 2003, 23:33   #23
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Am sa iti scriu pe mail sa vedem cum facem...10x!
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Old 18 Apr 2003, 15:31   #24
your Worst Nightmare
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..iadrianik...i need that soundtrack too...cat despre faza "ca n-am pierdut nimic"...mai vedem noi asta!
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 20 Apr 2003, 21:35   #25
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Originally Posted by Pilgrim:
...care sunt cristeriile pe baza carora se decide care filme sunt aduse pe ecrane si care nu?
Si eu sunt curios sa aflu cine, ce si cum decide acest lucru. Elocvent exemplu este filmul "Pulp Fiction" care a sosit totusi (spre deosebire de Q.O.T.D.) pe marile ecrane autohtone dupa mult, mult timp. Si cand spun mult timp ma refer la cativa ani... stiti voi povestea.
"Queen of the Damned" nu l-am vazut si mi-as dori mult sa-l vad, date fiind opiniile favorabile (postate anterior) despre acest film. Poate-l gasesc pe divx ca n-am rabdare pana il dau la TV. Si inca un lucru: si mie mi-a placut "Moulin Rouge".
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Old 24 Apr 2003, 16:14   #26
your Worst Nightmare
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L-AM VAZUT!!! Am vazut filmul...shi mi-a placut la nebunie! Va spun eu...vampirii sunt perfectzi...dar vampiri ca Akasha shi Deacon Frost (din Blade)...nu ca nerecunoscatori ca Louis, Marius, Lestat sau Blade!!! Habar n-au sa aprecieze ceea ce au!!!! Suckers!!!! Mi-a placut foarte mult rolul Aalyiei. Felul in care umbla shi vorbea. Super accent :"rili...itz uat ar iu goin` tu du?" ... ...Pacat ca a murit...shi in realiate shi in film...

(*) "Rest in Peace Baby-Girl!" (*)
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 24 Apr 2003, 18:18   #27
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Demona, ce zici de vampirii David, Paul & Dwayne din THE LOST BOYS; cool haircuts, huh? Sau de Lothos & Amylin (remember Pee Wee Herman :lol: ?) din BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER? 8)

"My brother! A scum-sucking, blood-sucking creature of the night! Wait till mom finds out!"
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Old 24 Apr 2003, 21:14   #28
your Worst Nightmare
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....Buffy sux...iar ultima serie e de tot kktu`...ea shi Angel-boy...nu sunt buni de nimic...shi ca tot e forum-ul Queen of the Damned...ce m-a enervat cel mai tare la film e faza ca...dupa cat era ea de puternica...suckerii aia tot au omorat-o...ca duuuuh...nu poate sa cashtige rau niciodata!!! Damn!!! :evil:
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 25 Apr 2003, 10:58   #29
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Bah, DEMONA, eu nu vorbesc de serialul ala de 3 lei, cu jde episoade.
Ma refer la filmu' din '92 cu Rutger Hauer, Donald Sutherland, Luke Perry & cârca multi alti actori cunoscuti. It was fun!
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Old 25 Apr 2003, 18:59   #30
your Worst Nightmare
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..nu ma lua cu BAH :evil: ...in plus, filmul de lung metraj....SUCKS TOO!!! Buffy sux in general!!! Get the picture kiddo?!?!
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 29 Apr 2003, 11:15   #31
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8) Damn, you're bad, kiddo! :lol:
PAREREA MEAAAA!!!!!!! :wink:
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Old 29 Apr 2003, 16:09   #32
your Worst Nightmare
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..daca era vorba de mine... 8) thx dude 8) ...hehe...
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 01 May 2003, 15:31   #33
your Worst Nightmare
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...chestie legata de Queen of the Damned...sper ca fanii au auzit "cine" era vocea lui Lestat... ...daca nu v-atzi dat seama....e Jonathan Davis...solistul vocal de la formatzia KoRn!!! (The voice of a mad genious)...
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 13 May 2003, 20:07   #34
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Queen of the Damned

Cautam acest subiec. L-am cautat si la Film in general, dar nu l-am gasit. Am observat ca Demona e prinsa in filmele cu vampiri. Demona, sper ca ti-a placut filmul. Si personal cred ca distribuitorii au facut o greseala enorma cand nu au lansat filmul si in Romania. Demona, chiar nu stiam ca vocea lui Lestat e de fapt vocea solistului de la Korn. Multam de info!
"By day I sleep in the sand. By night I am on the wing as if I could truly fly. I need no name. I leave no footprints... I will be a Goddess to those I slay."
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Old 14 May 2003, 15:42   #35
your Worst Nightmare
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..uhmm...noua pe Forum, Akasha? Nice nick by the way...damn! Vroiam eu sa fac un user cu nick-ul asta, chiar daca nu il foloseam...daor sa shtiu ca nu il i-a nimeni...dar te-ai mishcat repede. Well...acum shtii cine e "vocea" lui Lestat...shi ai dreptate...mare gresheala ca filmul nu a fost distribuit prin Romania. Fiecare a trebuit sa il vada cum a shtiut shi putut... ...anyway..bye....
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 15 May 2003, 19:49   #36
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Promit sa am grija de el si sa te fac mandra de numele Akasha. Ce as vrea eu sa fiu Akasha.
"By day I sleep in the sand. By night I am on the wing as if I could truly fly. I need no name. I leave no footprints... I will be a Goddess to those I slay."
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Old 16 May 2003, 17:23   #37
your Worst Nightmare
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Sa ma faci mandra? Uhmm...whatever girl! And sure...multzi vor sa fie Akasha..sau cel putzin sa aiba puterea ei...sau frumusetzea...etc...
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 16 May 2003, 17:56   #38
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Eu unu' i-am intzeles pe distribuitori. Total de-acord cu ei.

Vretzi un vampirash dragutz? D e ala. Hmmm... pacat ca D e Vampire Hunter. :oops:
To be number one you need two things: attitude and brains. I can fake them both.
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Old 18 May 2003, 13:08   #39
your Worst Nightmare
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...nu..eu i-ash omora pe distribuitori! cat despre D....uhmm...ma abtzin!
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 31 May 2003, 16:24   #40
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Am vazut si eu filmul. Ca si Demona am fost foarte incantata de prestatia Aaliyaei. NoOne...nu vad de ce "Queen of the Damned" nu iti place. Chiar imi pare rau ca a murit Aaliyah. Acum i-ar fii prins bine sa fie un vampir. Macar era in viata. De ce nu au facut-o sa fie un vampir bun? Gen Angel(din "Buffy") sau Blade!!! Cred personal ca Akashei i-ar sta bine cu Blade! Vorbeam de Akasha din film, nu de tine Akasha - userul. Dar cred ca si tie ti-ar place de Blade! Sa revenim...in plus porecla Aaliyei in viata reala era "Baby-Girl" sau "Angel" , deci...EA TREBUIA SA FIE UN PERSONAJ POZITIV!!! Dar a jucat foarte bine in film un personaj negativ.
Don't call me baby!
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