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Old 31 Jan 2004, 21:28   #21
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Demona:
Originally Posted by Leonard Pyron:
Si, mai ales,


Asta e cea mai infantila chestia care am vazut-o pe forum ever. Asta mai era scrisa pe garaje in fatza blocului, de cretini care n-au curajul sa spuna ce au de zis shi lasa mesaje de genul asta la cutare shi cutare! Leonard Pyron...te-ai facut de tot kktul! Nu ca nu ai fii fost deja!

She's aaaaaa BAD GIRL! oh yeah! :evil:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 31 Jan 2004, 21:32   #22
Spirit of the System
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Re: IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Demona:
TLD dragule! Hai sa-tzi spun o chestie. Gaandalf a avut dreptate cand a zis ca "slow" shi hai sa-tzi dau un exemplu. Noi acum suntem la faza SINDARINA iar ce ai scris tu mai sus e Quenya! Cam tot ce scrii e Quenya. Nu e bai ca scrii Quenya, dar sunt altzii ca irinna sau Freak_on_a_Leash sau pe cine mai intereseaza, care nu shtiu inca diferentza dintre Quenya shi Sindarina. Asha ca cand scrii ceva, scrie "ASTA E QUENYA STUFF" respectiv, "SINDARIN STUFF". De acord! You will never become a real Vader if you don't follow the Dark side!

:o :o Si care-i diferenta intre una si alta?! :o :o :lol: Cam tot ce o sa scriu eu de aici incolo pe aici o sa fie Quenya! Am si ceva in SINDARINA, dar e alta mancare de peste!...
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Old 31 Jan 2004, 21:34   #23
The White Rider
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Re: IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Demona:
TLD dragule! Hai sa-tzi spun o chestie. Gaandalf a avut dreptate cand a zis ca "slow" shi hai sa-tzi dau un exemplu. Noi acum suntem la faza SINDARINA iar ce ai scris tu mai sus e Quenya! Cam tot ce scrii e Quenya. Nu e bai ca scrii Quenya, dar sunt altzii ca irinna sau Freak_on_a_Leash sau pe cine mai intereseaza, care nu shtiu inca diferentza dintre Quenya shi Sindarina. Asha ca cand scrii ceva, scrie "ASTA E QUENYA STUFF" respectiv, "SINDARIN STUFF". De acord! You will never become a real Vader if you don't follow the Dark side!

Io sa termin cu stresiunea shi o sa ne intrecem pe urma...... vreau shi extemporal k altfel nu apucam sa invatzam ... va promit asta! Trebuie EXTEMPORAL :o
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 31 Jan 2004, 21:36   #24
your Worst Nightmare
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Back to the Lessons...

Sa incepem cu "Fellowship of the Ring", mai precis fix cu inceputul, cand Galadriel ne vorbeshte in Quenya:

"I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae a han noston ne 'wilith.

I amar = the world
prestar aen = is changed, verbul presta- = to affect, to trouble
han = it
mathon = I feel, verbul matha- = to feel, to stroke, to handle
ne, ned = in, of
nen = water
cae = earth
a = and
noston = I smell, verbul nosta- = to smell
'wilith = air

Totul e tradus direct in engleza, pentru ca Sindarina a fost scrisa dupa vocabularul englez nu cel romanesc. Ex: prepozitzia "the" (in Sindarina "I"), nu exista in romaneshte. Ma gandesc ca va descurcatzi!

To be continued...
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 31 Jan 2004, 21:38   #25
your Worst Nightmare
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Re: IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by TLD:
:o :o Si care-i diferenta intre una si alta?! :o :o :lol: Cam tot ce o sa scriu eu de aici incolo pe aici o sa fie Quenya! Am si ceva in SINDARINA, dar e alta mancare de peste!...

Nu e mare diferentza, dar este. Uite aici ceva simplu:
- Sindarina : Navaer
- Quenya : Namarie

Seamana...dar nu rasare!
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 31 Jan 2004, 21:39   #26
your Worst Nightmare
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Re: IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Gaandalf:

Shi o sa corectez lucrarile la Bucureshti pe 26?
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 31 Jan 2004, 21:43   #27
The White Rider
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Re: IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Demona:
Originally Posted by TLD:
:o :o Si care-i diferenta intre una si alta?! :o :o :lol: Cam tot ce o sa scriu eu de aici incolo pe aici o sa fie Quenya! Am si ceva in SINDARINA, dar e alta mancare de peste!...
Nu e mare diferentza, dar este. Uite aici ceva simplu:
- Sindarina : Navaer
- Quenya : Namarie
Seamana...dar nu rasare!

Mie cel mai mult imi place : Mae Govannen! - as in HELLO! mi se pae ca are o sonoritate minunata cuvantul asta. Shi asha o sa-l folosesc! 8)

Ar fi ceva sa ne corectezi lucrarile la BUC! :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 03 Feb 2004, 15:23   #28
your Worst Nightmare
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Re: IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
Ar fi ceva sa ne corectezi lucrarile la BUC! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Shtii ca sunt in stare! Doar ca e problema e, cum va dau extemporal? Pe mese la Springtime?
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 03 Feb 2004, 15:40   #29
your Worst Nightmare
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Middle-Earth languages...continuare...

Shi sa mergem mai departe cu Elfeasca. Ramasesem la FotR shi am dat un prim "extras" de "elvish". Urmeaza altul. De data asta strigatul de lupta al lui Elrond, dacxa va aduce-tzi aminte...imaginile Razboiului Ultimei Aliantze...Here it is....

"Tangado haid! Hado i philinn!" shi inseamana "Hold(your) positions! Fire the Arrows!"

tangado = make firm, establish, verbul tangada- - to make firm
haid = places, spots, forma a lui said, pluralul lui sad - place, spot.
hado = hurl!, verbul had- - to hurl, aici cu sensul "to fire"
i = the(prepozitzie)
philinn = arrows (in Quenya - pilin = arrow).
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 03 Feb 2004, 15:53   #30
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cum se zice "Shut up!" in Sindarina?
http://www.animeglobe.com/ubb/html/a...rls/reki02.jpgThe pressure is building, at the base of my spine, if I gotta sin to see her again then I'm gonna lie and lie and lie!
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Old 05 Feb 2004, 15:58   #31
your Worst Nightmare
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Originally Posted by Freak_on_a_Leash:
cum se zice "Shut up!" in Sindarina?

e ceva de genu` "Avo bedo!"

Dar nu e "shut up", pentru ca elfii nu se exprima asha. "Avo bedo" e o forma frumoasa de "shut up" shi inseamna "don't speak!"
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 05 Feb 2004, 16:31   #32
your Worst Nightmare
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LOTR Sindarin Quotes

...Continued-ul este un quote de-al domnishoarei Arwen Undomiel, incercand sa-l "resurciteze" pe Frodo, injunghiat de Nazgul. Here it is...

Arwen :"Frodo, im Arwen. Telin le thaed. Lasto beth nin, tolo dan na ngalad!"

shi asta inseamna:"Frodo, I'm Arwen. I come to help you. Listen to my word, come back to (the) light!"


im = I
telin = I come, I have come, verbul tol- - to come
le = you
thaed = to help
lasto = listen
beth = word, voice, forma a lui peth
nin = my
tolo = come
dan = back
na ngalad = to light, forma a lui galad - light

Aici e o mica gresheala din partea celor ce au tradus chestia asta pentru film. Daca tot au tradus tot...puteau traduce in Sindarina shi numele lui Frodo. Las` ca o fac eu acum...

Frodo = Iorhael deci de aici rezulta..."Iorhael, im Arwen. Telin le thaed. Lasto beth nin, tolo dan na ngalad!"
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 10 Feb 2004, 11:31   #33
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Originally Posted by Demona:

e ceva de genu` "Avo bedo!"

Dar nu e "shut up", pentru ca elfii nu se exprima asha. "Avo bedo" e o forma frumoasa de "shut up" shi inseamna "don't speak!"

Raspunzi si la intrebari despre sindarina.Cool!Daca nu cer prea mult cum se spune "I love you" si "I'm with you" in sindarina?shi numele Undomiel ce inseamna?Si de unde stii atatea?Si te rog sa mai postezi replicile din LOTR!sper ca nu cer prea mult.Multumesc.
http://www.cvtips.com/show.gif[b]"The light of the Evenstar does not wax and wane. It is mine to give to whom I will. Like my heart."[b]
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Old 10 Feb 2004, 12:15   #34
your Worst Nightmare
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Originally Posted by Undomiel:
Raspunzi si la intrebari despre sindarina.Cool!Daca nu cer prea mult cum se spune "I love you" si "I'm with you" in sindarina?shi numele Undomiel ce inseamna?Si de unde stii atatea?Si te rog sa mai postezi replicile din LOTR!sper ca nu cer prea mult.Multumesc.

Okeeeeeeeey...S-o luam de la inceput...

1). Eternul "I love you" = "Annon le veleth nin", care inseamna mai degraba "I give to thee my love". Forma exacta de "I love you" in Sindarina nu exista, pentru ca nu ar iesi conjugarea cum trebuie.
2). "I'm with you" = "Im gwa le"
3). Undomiel = Evenstar
4). Am invatat...shi inca o fac...
5). S-a facut...Continuarea quotes-urilor din LOTR. Urmeaza discursul dintre Arwen shi Aragorn, cand Frodo e pe moarte. Here it is.

Aragorn: Dartho guin Beriain. Rych le ad tolthathon.
Arwen: Hon mabathon. Rochon ellint im.
Aragorn: Andelu i ven.
Arwen: Iorhael fir. Ae athradon i hir, tur gwaith nin beriatha hon.
Aragorn: Be iest lin.
Arwen: Noro lim Asfaloth, noro lim!


Aragorn: Stay with the Hobbits. I will send horses for you.
Arwen: I will take him. I am a swifter rider.
Aragorn: The road is very dagerous.
Arwen: Frodo dies. If I get across the river, (the) power of my people will protect him.
Aragorn: According to your wish!
Arwen: Ride fast Asfaloth, ride fast!


dartho = wait, stay, verbul dartha- = to wait, to stay
guin = with the
Beriain = Hobbits
rych = horses
le = you
ad tolthathon = I will send, summon
hon = he, him
mabathon = I will take
rochon = rider
ellint = swifter
im = I
andelu = more dangerous
i ven = the road
fir = dies, verbul fir- = to die
ae = if
athradon = I cross, verbul athrada- = to cross
i hir = the river
tur = power, mastery
gwaith = people
nin = my
beriatha = will protect, verbul beria-= to protect
be = according to the
iest = wish
lin = your
noro = ride ,verbul nor- = to ride
lim = fast

Nu ceri prea mult...
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 10 Feb 2004, 13:55   #35
Leonard Pyron
Leonard Pyron
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Sokerez !
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Old 11 Feb 2004, 11:54   #36
your Worst Nightmare
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Originally Posted by Leonard Pyron:
Sokerez !

Trebuia sa fie shi pe aici...Citat TLD: "ociu` lu` Sauron, miopia matricei"...
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 11 Feb 2004, 12:39   #37
your Worst Nightmare
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Shi sa sacaim in continuare lumea. Arwen ajunge sa treaca raul urmarita de Nazguli. Ashtia ii striga :"Give us the halfling!" ea..."If you want him, come and claim him!" Ashtia intra in apa shi iata cuvintele domnitzei:

" Nin o Chithaeglir, lasto beth daer;
Rimmo nin Bruinen dan in Ulaer!"

...in traducere: "Waters of the Misty Mountains listen to the great word;
Flow waters of Loudwater agains the Ringwraiths!"

nin(asta e cu i cu "caciulitza", dar nu se accepta caractere romaneshti) = waters
o Chithaeglir = from Misty Mountains (of the)
lasto = listen
beth = word
daer = great
rimmo = flow, verbul rimma- = to flow (like a torent) shi verbul rip- = rush, fly
Bruinen = Loudwater
dan = against
in Ulaer = the Ringwraiths
"People say I'm a freak, dark, weird, sick and twisted person, but I actually have the heart of a young girl - in a jar, on my desk..."
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Old 19 Feb 2004, 21:01   #38
WitchKing of Angmar
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I wonder what it could mean

Hullo!!! Vad ca stiti mai toti p'aici limbile din Middle-Earth.I wonder where?doesn't matter.Vreau sa-mi traduce-ti shi mie aici o chestie daca puteti.Ms
"Gilthoniel A Elbereth! / A Elbereth Gilthoniel / o menel palan-diriel, / le nallon si di'nguruthos! / A tiro nin, Familos!"
Poate in final ma prind shi eu with the ups & downs,but till then pls help me.Thx
High life inseamna sa stai o viatza high
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Old 19 Feb 2004, 21:53   #39
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Demona tu cum de stii atatea despre asta? :o :o

Anyway... cum se spune "Daca nu taci te bat!" ?
apocalypse please
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Old 20 Feb 2004, 06:59   #40
Spirit of the System
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Dak e unul din fanaticii forumului! Si e singura care stie elfeasca! :lol: Elfeasca aia cu apostrof virgula si trefla!
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