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Old 26 Sep 2003, 18:17   #21
El Chewbaccabra
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Originally Posted by bill_the_butcher:
mi-ar placea sa vad toate 3 episoadele relansate, cu cgi la scara la care se foloseste acum, ar fi 'state-of-the-art'. asta-i parerea mea. adica, ar fi extraordinar sa-l revad pe vader, decat pe luke, continuandu-si cariera.
luptele cu sabiile laser ar iesi fantastic cu posibilitatile de-acum.
este si asta o idee, decat sa termine totul odata cu epidoul III.

dar tocmai asta face universul star wars asa special. Totul NU se termina cu filmele. Sigur ca de acolo incepe, dar sunt atatea carti si benzi desenate, aventurile continua la nesfarshit!!!!
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 27 Sep 2003, 00:33   #22
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pt. ca tot ai mentionat desenele, are cineva vreo idee cand vine la noi miniseria 'clone wars'? m-as bucura s-o pot vedea pe cartoon network.
I'll festoon my bed-chamber with your guts!!!
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Old 28 Sep 2003, 13:25   #23
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by bill_the_butcher:
pt. ca tot ai mentionat desenele, are cineva vreo idee cand vine la noi miniseria 'clone wars'? m-as bucura s-o pot vedea pe cartoon network.

Deci am intrat intr-o librarie cu cartzi in Engleza ... shi am ramas prost cand am vazut cate cartzi sunt din Universul Star Wars .. cate alternative shi cate intamplari au loc intre toate episoadele ku kre ne-am obijnuit de la Lucas ... + ce o sa se intample dupa ce se termina Episodu VI...

Desenele la Cartoon Network ... ash vrea io' da' nu cred k va fi posibil asha ceva in viitorul apropiat ... + k a aparut shi versiunea in limba romana a lui Cartoon Network shi ce pot sa zic decat k traducerea este infecta ...

alt exemplu ar fi : Atlantida shi Imperiul pierdut kre a ajuns la HBO dublat de romani ... :evil:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 05 Oct 2003, 23:41   #24
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asa e. chestia cu limba roomana. deja mi-e scarba sa mai privesc dexter.
dar nu cred ca vor dubla ei star wars atat de repede.
I'll festoon my bed-chamber with your guts!!!
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Old 18 Oct 2003, 17:05   #25
El Chewbaccabra
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Stiu ca thread-ul asta intrase in coma demult dar am gasit o chestie foarte amuzanta in leg cu star wars!
Versiunea dude-fied a trilogiei stelare.
Just read it, dude!

Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 19 Oct 2003, 03:27   #26
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Lady_Skar:
Stiu ca thread-ul asta intrase in coma demult dar am gasit o chestie foarte amuzanta in leg cu star wars!
Versiunea dude-fied a trilogiei stelare.
Just read it, dude!


haios rau de tot site-ul tre sa recunosc ... gen : "50 reasons why you should hate Lord of the Rings" sau "50 reasons why you should avoid the Matrix"...

"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 19 Oct 2003, 17:31   #27
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I'll festoon my bed-chamber with your guts!!!
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Old 21 Oct 2003, 14:35   #28
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Originally Posted by bill_the_butcher:

Exact.De astazi va puteti inscrie in club.Sa nu ma mai injurati ca am facut fan club doar pt arnold.ro..acum adevaratii sf-isti pot savura CLUB STAR WARS - WWW.JEDI.RO
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Old 21 Oct 2003, 14:56   #29
The White Rider
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hello guys ... i got nothing but good news for you Star Wars FANatics ...

Star Wars - Clone wars - the cartoons coming soon in November on CARTOON NETWORK!

I am soooo earger to seee that ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 22 Oct 2003, 18:33   #30
El Chewbaccabra
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in leg cu desenele, check this out:



I am speechless! Efectiv nu stiu ce sa cred.
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 28 Oct 2003, 13:51   #31
The White Rider
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who the hell is that long necked freak ?


check it out : ............. :o
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 30 Oct 2003, 19:09   #32
The White Rider
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You know you're a Star Wars geek when...
When you pass out while trying to move a pencil across the desk with the Force.

When you get jealous of luke because his light saber is double the size of yours

You found this page with intentions of locating the Star Wars "greek" club.

You would love to have Frank Oz stick his hand up your ass so you can be as wise as Yoda

When you get into a fight, you automaticly find yourself reaching for a lightsaber...

If you get your head stuck in a bucket pretending your Darth Vader.

When you spend time watching the Star Wars trilogy because you think there will be a test on it later.

You punch out trekkies who say "Death star my ass, I'd like to see those losers take out DS9".

With a blue-tinted plastic tube, a flashlight, two hours of a saturday night, and 4 rolls of blue electrical tape, you finally complete your own working "Light-saber"

Your room is filthy except for your "Star Wars Area."

You put on a luminous coloured condom and walk around humming, pretending you're a light-saber

You name your right hand 'Leia'

You waste three hours and 8,000 brain cells a day coming up with jokes for this page.

You think you are the life of the party because you imitate Yoda's voice and have him say things a Jedi master wouldn't say.

Whenever you get in trouble, you mutter "I have a bad feeling about this."

When you listen for Obi-Wan while attempting to parralell park.

When your father asks you how fast your car is, you reply,"Fast enough for you, old man."

When you need to go to the toilet, you say "Intensify Foward firepower, I don't want anything to get through"

You ram a model X-Wing up someone else's asshole and congratulate yourself for finding the only weak spot.

Your girlfriend is called "Jabba the Slut."

You don't have any money to buy food or clothes but you have a kick-ass STAR WARS collection.

You swear you saw Obi-Wan in your Cheerios.

You get caught doing your Darth Vader impression in the bathroom. (what are you doing in there son? *heavy breathing*YOUR POWERS ARE WEAK OLD MAN!!!!)

When you wake up screaming, "Luke it's a trap!"

You know you're a Star Wars geek when you unsuccessfully get the last cheerio in the bowl and instinctively mutter, "The Force is strong in this one."

You start to see visions of Ben Kenobi telling you to go to bed.

When you spend eight hours at the library printing this crap out over and over...

When your girlfriend says you have a small dick and you say "You underestimate the power of the force."

You Find yourself Getting Beaten up for saying everyone's lines 2 seconds before they do in the theatre.

When... Your first sentence was "I have a bad feeling about this."

When you find yourself quoting the opening lines of "A New Hope".....and don't stop until 125 minutes later.

You curse out people that go,"Yeah! I know who Obi-Wan Kenobi is! Isn't he that guy with the funky ears that goes,"Live Long and Prosper?"

You punch out people that say,"But I thought Han Solo flew the Enterprise?"

You can't resist to hum when you turn on a flashlight

Before sex, you look at your penis and say "Get in there, you furry oaf, I don't care what you smell!"

You're a Star Wars geek when your teacher hands you your test back and says "commas are your weakness." You shoot back: "And your faith in your friends is yours!"

When someone talks about people getting abducted by little green men you say, "Yoda would never do such a thing!"

38. you actually feel the need to attack Star Wars geeks with a camera to prove that you are not of their kind.

After looking at your tiny dick you remember yoda's saying "size matters not."

When, you're drunker than you've ever been in your life and still know that the possibilitiy of successfully navigating an asteroid field is 3,720 to one.

You buy 2 copies of the trilogy just so you could have the full Darth Vader Helmet.

You've wached the trilogy more times than mark hammil.

When you heard of Titanic getting more money than Star Wars, you immediately reached for your home-made lightsaber and started a hunt for James Cameron.

You respond to your friends taunting of "HA! HA! Titanic beat Star Wars!" by clenching your teeth and grunting "We'll get 'em in the prequels"

You sabotage the Titanic theatre to play Star Wars: A New Hope when the ship starts to sink.

You call in bomb threats every time Titanic starts playing and then start giggling uncontrollably when you watch the people running out.

You finnally figure out that ANH rearanged is Han

You point out to people that given inflation Star Wars kicked Titanic's Ass by nearly 300 million.

When your boss forwards all of your checks to the local Star Wars supplier.

The first thing you think of when you hear the words "hot, wet and horny" is a sweating bantha.

During sex, you're still rearanging the figures on your shelf.

You stand up a date to put jokes on this page.

You go to star wars conventions with the sole purpose of getting laid.

You wake up with a hangover blood on your hands and a ripped t-shirt that says trekkies forever

You have a tan line from your Darth Vader helment.

At the airport, when the clerk asks you if anyone else has handled your bag you say,"No, it's just me, the boy, two droids...and no questions asked.
When your stuck doing fuckin 'yoga' classes because of a misprint on the advertisement

Before sex you say, "This may smell bad, kid, but it will keep you warm".

You know you're a Star Wars geek when...you spend hours thinking up the new catchphrase "the prequels are gonna sink Titanic!

A friend gets a kick ass home audio/video center and you tell him, "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed."

:o :lol:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 30 Oct 2003, 19:30   #33
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Star Wars a fost ok.dar ultimele 2 episoade nu m-au impresionat prea tare.dar Yoda duelandu-se cu Cristopher Lee a fost cea mai tare faza din Episoul 2.
"By day I sleep in the sand. By night I am on the wing as if I could truly fly. I need no name. I leave no footprints... I will be a Goddess to those I slay."
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Old 01 Nov 2003, 15:08   #34
The White Rider
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Asta da' duel Yoda - Dooku ... sa speram k duelul Anakin = Obi Wan Kenobi va fi mai adevarat k acesta mai sus mentzionat ... :o
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 02 Nov 2003, 08:18   #35
El Chewbaccabra
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
Asta da' duel Yoda - Dooku ... sa speram k duelul Anakin = Obi Wan Kenobi va fi mai adevarat k acesta mai sus mentzionat ... :o

cica in episodul III o sa mai apara un sith, generalul Grevious, care mai poate sa-si creasca 2 maini si sa se bata cu 4 sabii laser in acelasi timp.
:o :o :o :o :o

Va dati seama cat da omul asta pe manichiura? :lol:
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 02 Nov 2003, 17:29   #36
The White Rider
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... se pare k shi Lucas vrea sa shocheze shi el k sa nu fie mai prejos de Lord of The RRings shi de Matrix .... chiar sunt curios ce o sa iasa ...

Waiting is what we'll do ... :o :o :o
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 08 Nov 2003, 12:19   #37
The White Rider
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Star Wars - Clone Wars ... Strats Monday the 10th at 5:00 ...

19:00 ... ora Romaniei ... :o
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 13 Nov 2003, 23:52   #38
The White Rider
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Vedeti asta

funny huh ? :lol:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 24 Jan 2004, 20:20   #39
The White Rider
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http://www.dvdgreek.com/images/thumbnails/SWEpIII.jpg - asta a gasit-o TLD ... da dk el nu o posteaza ... o postez ... io ...

The Incredibles. The DVD is in November - and Star Wars RISE OF THE EMPIRE Ep 3's trailer will be attached to The Incredibles.
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 24 Jan 2004, 21:20   #40
Spirit of the System
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
http://www.dvdgreek.com/images/thumbnails/SWEpIII.jpg - asta a gasit-o TLD ... da dk el nu o posteaza ... o postez ... io ...

The Incredibles. The DVD is in November - and Star Wars RISE OF THE EMPIRE Ep 3's trailer will be attached to The Incredibles.
Pai yo zic sa ne apucam tare de promovat seria asta... Ca mai e un an si ceva si apare... Asteptam anul asta teaserul promis dupa cum a scris si gandalf inainte de The incredibles... :roll: - sursa comingsoon pt cien nu stia!
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