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Old 01 Sep 2010, 08:40   #21
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It's happening !


Pe langa ultimul Kelly Reichardt, asta e filmul pe care il astept cel mai mult de la Venetia 2010:


It's gonna be every bit as fun as Death Proof, adica huge fun. Tot ce ai putea astepta de la un "all star game" de genul asta.

"They just fucked with the wrong mexican"

Last edited by Chambord : 01 Sep 2010 at 09:18.
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Old 01 Sep 2010, 16:51   #22
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decat machete (pe care il vad maine), mai bine the black swan
care cica... http://www.cinemagia.ro/stiri/black-...ur-film-16307/
This is not THE END...
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Old 01 Sep 2010, 17:32   #23
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Vai, e si filmul lui Vincent Gallo, ala cu care se tot screme de nu stiu cati ani. Inclin sa cred ca o sa fie un fiasco.
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Old 01 Sep 2010, 17:47   #24
Long Distance Dreamer
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Te bazezi pe intuitie cand faci aceasta afirmatie?
Tocmai ce am citit un rezumat al filmului si, cel putin ca premisa, mi se pare ciudatel-interesant.
Adica numai bun. Acu-i de vazut si modul in care este executat.
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Old 02 Sep 2010, 00:10   #25
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Mmm, in general n-am o parere foarte buna despre ambitiile lui Gallo (dupa ce a tinut mortis sa dea peste nas cu Brown Bunny). Iar tipul are o atitudine asa kkcioasa, incat merita prezumptia de ineptie mult mai mult decat altii.
Apoi mai zice chestii de genul asta:
"Whether we’ll ever get the chance to see Promises Written in Water is a moot point. Gallo made it for himself, not for the world at large. “I have no intention of expecting anyone to see it. I am so tuned into it that I can’t imagine if it will have the same impact for someone else who doesn’t know all the things I know.”
Atunci de ce e in circuit de festival?
Daca o sa fie de fapt o capodopera, imi retrag cuvintele.
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Old 02 Sep 2010, 00:31   #26
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O fi modestia proverbiala a artistilor. Sau o scuza pentru un eventual esec.
V-am spus eu ca nu o sa-l intelegeti.

Capodopera nu ma astept sa fie.
Macar de nivelul lui Buffalo 66.
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Old 02 Sep 2010, 08:49   #27
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Originally Posted by omudindulap:
O fi modestia proverbiala a artistilor.
Gallo si modestia
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Old 02 Sep 2010, 09:04   #28
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Originally Posted by miercuri:
Apoi mai zice chestii de genul asta:
"Whether we’ll ever get the chance to see Promises Written in Water is a moot point. Gallo made it for himself, not for the world at large. “I have no intention of expecting anyone to see it. I am so tuned into it that I can’t imagine if it will have the same impact for someone else who doesn’t know all the things I know.”
Atunci de ce e in circuit de festival?
Faptul ca a facut filmul "pentru sine" nu cred ca exclude prezentarea sa la festival. Cred ca ai luat exprimarea prea ad literam. Eu vad "facutul asta pentru mine" ca pe un efort artistic cu o puternica tenta personala. Omul e un miserupist atunci cind vine vorba de public. Cinste lui. Asta nu inseamna ca dupa post-production isi ia filmul si il incuie undeva, pentru a-l admira apoi singur, in intimitatea propriei camere. Inseamna ca omul isi urmeaza viziunea si nu da doi bani pe ce cred altii. Vezi si cazul John Cassavetes. Exista artisti si exista businessmen-i...
God ain’t my fucking daddy...

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Old 02 Sep 2010, 10:34   #29
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Citeste restul interviului
Comportamentul lui Vincent Gallo din ultimii multi ani nu sugereaza deloc ca nu da doi bani pe ce cred altii. Ba dimpotriva, mi se pare exemplul cel mai bun de 'artist' troll. He gets off to being obnoxious, chestie care pe mine ma dezgusta. Altfel imi place Buffao 66 si el e un actor destul de bun, but it doesn't make him less of a troll.
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Old 02 Sep 2010, 10:39   #30
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Day fucking One:


Meanwhile in Venice, Anne Thompson caught a screening of Robert Rodriguez’s “Machete” and declared the film to be “the return to form that Rodriguez fans have been waiting for. It’s profane, political, hilarious, sexy, packed with masterfully choreographed action and hugely entertaining.” The film opens wide this Friday. The Shit !

despre Black Swan ... idunno ... McCarthy then adds: “But when the script by Mark Heyman and Andres Heinz, based on the latter’s story, struggles to carve out a real-world parallel to the life-and-death struggle depicted in the dance story, it goes over the top in something approaching grand guignol fashion.”

mai degraba sunt curios de celalalt Gallo: ”Essential Killing” de Jerzy Skolimowski. Faptul ca nu se vorbeste in el ma atrage
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Old 02 Sep 2010, 10:45   #31
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obnoxious e cel mai tzeava (cool, marfa) cuvant din limba engleza. Not for what it means but for how it looks
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Old 06 Sep 2010, 14:49   #32
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It burns !

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Old 06 Sep 2010, 15:49   #33
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Am dat de un blurb/review atat de dubios la Nrowegian Wood

" I'm not being entirely facetious when I say that there is intense 'emo' quality to the film — almost a Twilight for the arthouse set — but it is beautifully made, well acted and offers a swoon of pleasure."

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Old 08 Sep 2010, 22:34   #34
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Originally Posted by miercuri:
Vai, e si filmul lui Vincent Gallo, ala cu care se tot screme de nu stiu cati ani. Inclin sa cred ca o sa fie un fiasco.
Ce ziceam
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