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Old 21 Jul 2004, 21:21   #21
The Space Cowboy
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Rahan cam ca Superman il bate pe Spiderman si e mai smecher decat Batman....
"I'm gonna kill you untill you die from it"
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Old 21 Jul 2004, 21:36   #22
The One and Only Gollum
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Originally Posted by Jay:
Rahan cam ca Superman il bate pe Spiderman si e mai smecher decat Batman....

ai incercat sa faci vreo rima, cumva? :?
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 21 Jul 2004, 21:39   #23
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"I'm gonna kill you untill you die from it"
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Old 22 Jul 2004, 10:50   #24
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Sméagol-Gollum:
ce e cu rahan asta?? nu am auzit in viata mea de el? spuneti-mi shi mie ce puteri are....
Versiunea mea pe scurt: Fiul lumii salbatice pre-istorice, un magnet pentru toate pericolele shi toate scandalurile de pe vremea aia. A fost martor la moartea clanului sau dupa o eruptzie vulcanica kre i-a cm topit pe ai lui. Precum Aragorn care a primit The Ring Of Barahir , asha shi Rahan primeste un colier cu nishte gheare care simboolizau ceva da nu mai shtiu ce, shi se apuca de pribegit shi de luptat impotriva a tot ceea ce este rau. Your basic hero!

"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 22 Jul 2004, 20:08   #25
El Chewbaccabra
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Un interviu cu Sam Raimi despre Spiderman 2, 3 and Tobey Maguire's butt... or back... whatever!

Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 22 Jul 2004, 22:11   #26
The One and Only Gollum
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wooow!!!!!! this is f***ing weird!! dupa ce mi-ai zis faza cu colieru, mi s-a parut ca imi pare cunoscuta!! asa ca m-am uitat printre benzile desenate pe care le aveam cand eram copil, iar in una intitulata "Pif" (din Pif si Hercule), am gasit o poveste despre Rahan!!!!! deci, se pare ca am auzit de el!! :?
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 23 Jul 2004, 07:31   #27
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Sper sa apara si ea in Spiderman 3.
V-ati plictisit de Stapanul Inelelor ? Dati click sa radem un pic: Bored Of The Rings
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Old 23 Jul 2004, 09:06   #28
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I never really cared for Black Cat. Mi se parea Catwoman a universului Marvel. Nu m-ar supara sa apara Alicia.
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 23 Jul 2004, 09:09   #29
The Space Cowboy
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Originally Posted by Lady_Skar:
I never really cared for Black Cat.

Yeah... I'm a White Cat fan also....
"I'm gonna kill you untill you die from it"
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Old 23 Jul 2004, 10:14   #30
The White Rider
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Am vazut aseara SCHOOL OF ROCK shi pot spune ca de mult timp nu m-am mai amuzat la un film in asemenea hal, de mentzionat ca mi-a placut filmul in sine foarte mult, iar Jack Black este de nota 10. Totushi de la School Of Rock unde clar ca se vede ca are "a weight problem" pana a-l pune sa joace rolul lui Green Lantern este un pas uriash ... un pas de King Kong ash zice - that's where he belongs!
No hard feelings 4 Mr. Black but this is not right!
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 23 Jul 2004, 10:55   #31
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
iar Jack Black este

Mie mi-a placut... in one of my favorites .. High Fidelity...
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Old 24 Jul 2004, 16:45   #32
El Chewbaccabra
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comic based movies headed our way

1. Hellboy - 30 iulie 2004
2. Catwoman - 10 octombrie 2004
3. EleKtra - 29 aprilie 2005
4. Constantine - 1 aprilie (ziua pacalelilor ) 2005

pentru cei care nu stiu prea multe despre Constantine, here's the low down:
Based on the DC/Vertigo comic book Hellblazer and written by Kevin Brodbin, Mark Bomback and Frank Capello, Constantine tells the story of irreverent supernatural detective John Constantine (Keanu Reeves), who has literally been to hell and back. When Constantine teams up with skeptical policewoman Angela Dodson (Rachel Weisz) to solve the mysterious suicide of her twin sister (also played by Weisz), their investigation takes them through the world of demons and angels that exists just beneath the landscape of contemporary Los Angeles. Caught in a catastrophic series of otherworldy events, the two become inextricably involved and seek to find their own peace at whatever cost.
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 24 Jul 2004, 20:36   #33
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Originally Posted by Lady_Skar:
1. Hellboy - 30 iulie 2004
L-am vazut! Mare tampenie!
Skill is successfully walking a tightrope over Niagara Falls. Intelligence is not trying.
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Old 24 Jul 2004, 21:15   #34
El Chewbaccabra
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Originally Posted by iepurilah:
Originally Posted by Lady_Skar:
1. Hellboy - 30 iulie 2004
L-am vazut! Mare tampenie!

Nu este o "mare tampenie"... as you so eloquently put it.
Este o adaptare destul de exagerata a benzilor desenate care erau mai intunecate. Mie mi-a placut, desi personajul negativ mi s-a parut penibil si tot n-am inteles ce voia pana la urma dar ma rog.
I'm no expert...
este intr-un fel opusul lui Punisher, care a pus accentul pe actiunea realista si umor subtil... aici a fost CGI si umor fortat.

mi-a placut sarutul de la sfarshit... you don't see stuff like that very often.
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Old 25 Jul 2004, 00:17   #35
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bai nu stiu...eu unul ma simt intoxicat de cantitatea enorma a ecranizarilor de comics din ultimii ani...si sincer sa fiu sunt de parere ca fara evolutia tehnologica industria filmelor de acest tip s-ar fi inecat in propria minima creatie...fara cateva exceptii nu cred ca ar fi fost producator sa dea unda verde acestor savarine.

p.s: jack black is the funniest mothaf...adica om..pentru ca aici s-ar naste problema. in filmele in care se afla intr-adevar in lumina reflectoarelor...personajul se confunda cu omul jack black...concluzie: calitatea de ACTOR e cam palida. opinia mea.
oricum...asta nu il opreste sa fie unul dintre cei mai misto oameni on za planet...
"u dont always have to f-ck`er hard..." cine stie cunoaste.
Puffin`, dragonul magic
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Old 26 Jul 2004, 06:58   #36
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Lady_Skar:
4. Constantine - 1 aprilie (ziua pacalelilor ) 2005

pentru cei care nu stiu prea multe despre Constantine, here's the low down:
Based on the DC/Vertigo comic book Hellblazer and written by Kevin Brodbin, Mark Bomback and Frank Capello, Constantine tells the story of irreverent supernatural detective John Constantine (Keanu Reeves), who has literally been to hell and back. When Constantine teams up with skeptical policewoman Angela Dodson (Rachel Weisz) to solve the mysterious suicide of her twin sister (also played by Weisz), their investigation takes them through the world of demons and angels that exists just beneath the landscape of contemporary Los Angeles. Caught in a catastrophic series of otherworldy events, the two become inextricably involved and seek to find their own peace at whatever cost.
iata shi trailerul care este destul de reushit: Constantine
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 27 Jul 2004, 08:19   #37
The White Rider
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Stan Lee & Avi Arad talk Spidey 3 - SPOILERS
Warning: if you haven't seen Spider-Man 2 yet, then look away now! The following story contains really horrible spoilers about things in the film, like that bit where Spidey's head just FALLS CLEAN OFF!

If you have seen Spider-Man 2, however (and judging from its cool £8.8 million opening weekend take here in the UK, there can't be many people out there who haven't), then you'll know that the Sam Raimi-directed spider-sequel leaves all manner of plot threads dangling for the third movie, which starts shooting sometime next year for a 2007 release.

That's a long time to wait for any concrete Spidey-news, but luckily we spoke to director Sam Raimi and producer Avi Arad recently and they were more than happy to talk at length – or hint shadily, to be more accurate – at where Spider-Man 3 might take our friendly neighbourhood webslinger, now that pretty much everyone in New York seems to know his secret identity.

"It's all about choices. Big potential, opening a whole other pallet," said Arad, who declined to go into detail. "No, it's way too early to tell you." Spoilsport. Avi, though, did talk about the possibility of James Franco's Harry Osborn donning the jade jodhpurs of his dear, departed, demented dad, Norman Osborn and becoming… The Green Goblin, as 'hinted' at in the movie's finale, when Harry stumbles upon Daddy's Goblin lair.

"It's almost an obvious continuation of movie one," says Arad. Too obvious? "No, I think you want to know, if you like the character, how would Harry get on with life?"

Harry's not the only option, though. Eagle-eyed Spidey fans will have spotted several villainous Easter eggs lurking in the second instalment, notably the presence of Dylan Baker as one-armed scientist Dr. Curt Connors (who later becomes The Lizard) and of course J. Jonah Jameson's son, John Jameson last seen standing at the altar, jilted by Mary-Jane Watson and presumably vowing a bitter revenge on Peter Parker. In the comics, Jameson becomes Man-Wolf, but rumour has it that his astronaut background may be used as a way to introduce alien symbiote nutjob – and Spidey uber-nemesis, Venom – to the series.

"All those are possibilities and I am thinking about that," confirms Raimi. "But who knows if Harry Osborn will actually pick up that green sauce and realise… 'you know, I understand why Spider-Man killed my father, [because] he was a murderer. I can now let my anger float away'. Or does he think 'I now have the means to vanquish my foe. Lemme at him!'"
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 27 Jul 2004, 11:56   #38
El Chewbaccabra
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Un zvon destul de serios:

Rob Bowman (X-files, Star Trek TNG, Reign of Fire, Elektra) ar putea sa fie noul regizor al seriei X-men.
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 28 Jul 2004, 07:18   #39
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pe 29 iulie o sa aflam odata pentru totdeauna daca se face X-men 3 sau nu. Avi Arad va face o declaratie in legatura cu filmele pe care le va scoate Marvel in urmatorii ani.

Deocamdata X-men 3 doesn't look so good.
An Update I am sending about ILM possibily doing the visual
effects for X-Men 3. The offer has been made, but ILM has not received
any offical news from Fox that there is going to be an X-Men 3. Despite
promises here and there. My sources tell me that the actors have not
been approached about doing a thrid movie. There is no sript for the
movie. And Bryan's story idea for the thrid movie seems to have gone
missing. I don't know what to make of it. However, over at Marvel's
offical web-site, Avi Arad is supposed to be giving a Marvel Movie update o
a special web-cast on July 29. This appears to be the only real solid
news I can give you.

In aceste conditii Jessica Simpson nu prea are cum sa o joace pe dazzler corect?

BTW... daca totusi se face si apare Dazzler si tot nu apare Gambit... I.AM.GOING.TO.SHOOTSOMEBODY.
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 28 Jul 2004, 12:42   #40
The White Rider
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Jessica Simpson in X-Men. Cred ca voi :sick:, dar daca stau bine shi ma gandesc ... va juca mai mult ca sigur rolul lui Jubilee nu ? Which is cool. Anyways ... she sux! :sick:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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