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Old 14 Feb 2013, 10:40   #461
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Sa salutam urcarea cu cateva sute de locuri a Domnului Lazarescu in topul ala 1000, se pare ca Puiu a dat din coate puternic in ultimul an pe la marile festivaluri, uite ca daca te vezi cu cine trebuie se misca lucrurile, nu?

Si sa salutam si intrarea lui Satantango in top 100, in ritmul asta peste 5 ani va fi in top 20. Apropo, pentru cei care nu stiu, a fost tradus de curand romanul dupa care s-a facut filmul, la Curtea Veche.
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Old 21 Feb 2013, 10:27   #462
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Tale of Tales (1979) - Yuriy Norshteyn

O mica bijuterie pe care am decoperit-o datorita topului TSPDT.
Un scurt-metraj animat, de o caldura si o delicatete coplesitoare. Nostalgia - acest lupusor gri din cantecelul de leagan de la sanul mamei - ne urmareste si ne vegheaza prin intuneric, claxoane si zapezi...
Are parca acea cromatica blanda a diapozitivelor rusesti, din copilarie, imbracand un suprarealism inocent, nebunuelian.

10 (esential)

E disponibil integral pe youtube:

"It’s as if Norshteyn sat with these images all his life, drawing them with such lucidity and palpable depth of feeling, that they make even the untold hours of ingenuity and laborious craft behind Pixar films feel relatively disposable. It summons a concept of the fermented image: a vision that has stayed with a person for as long as they’ve been breathing, and perhaps beyond that, like the wolf that lurks throughout the film, a folkloric figure as old as Russian blood. It’s a vision that nurtures, like the suckling breast that satiates the infant who sees the wolf just as its eyes pull into sleep." - Kevin B. Lee, Shooting Down Pictures

Last edited by Chambord : 21 Feb 2013 at 10:30.
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Old 22 Feb 2013, 16:58   #463
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Locul 61 in TSPDT. Proiectie maraton, unica, aproape 9 ore si jumatate, sparta in doua bucati, 9-10 martie la Elvira Popescu, va veni si Claude Lanzmann.
Probabil cel mai important documentar ever.
As vrea sa ma duc.

Last edited by varu : 22 Feb 2013 at 17:05.
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Old 22 Feb 2013, 18:09   #464
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Si eu l-am ochit acum vreo 2 zile si cred ca am sa merg.
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Old 22 Feb 2013, 19:11   #465
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Originally Posted by varu:
Probabil cel mai important documentar ever.
De ce?
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Old 23 Feb 2013, 01:12   #466
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Din punctul de vedere al topului respectiv.
Ma uitasem ca pana la locul 61 nu mai e niciun documentar, dar mai e unul mai sus Man with a Movie Camera. Din punctul asta de vedere, nu stiu daca asa si e. Nu l-am vazut.
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Old 23 Feb 2013, 23:29   #467
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Am incercat si eu Shoah-ul acum cateva saptamani. Citeam despre Razboiul Civil European si incercam sa-mi asezonez experienta cu chestia asta. Am rezistat vreo 90 de minute pana l-am shiftdilitat. adica iau o pauza de cuvinte ca sa dau tot de cuvinte? Thanks but no thnaks. O sa citesc stenograma interviurilor daca ma intereseaza semantica marturisirilor. Economisesc si timp si intelegerea e mai profunda. Locul cuvintelor acolo e - pe hartie. Un colaj monoton de talking heads nu e idealul meu de documentar. Eu cand ma uit la un film vreau sa vad. Aici ce sa vad? Componenta non-verbala a discursurilor - gesticulatie, mimica sau ce? Pentru ce? Ma gandeam acum vreo doua luni uitandu-ma la En Construccion ca filmul documentar e obligat prin definitie la poezie - altfel, ii mai bine pentru toata lumea daca ceea ce are de spus ia calea literaturii (jurnalistice).
“The goddam movies. They can ruin you. I'm not kidding.”
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Old 24 Feb 2013, 01:21   #468
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Btw, inca o aspirina sapientiala furata cu nerusinare de la vecinii de pe Mubi si care aproape ca mi-a salvat viata :

Sometimes you have to stop trying to process everything on the fly and just let it wash over you for a while.

[credit: Matt Parks]

PS: Si-nca una (un flacon intreg de data asta):

Person A: “I like Air America – it was cool”.
Person B: “Fuck that shit – you should watch some Tarantino. That’s cool”.


Person B: “That Tarantino, man he really knows his stuff”.
Person C: “You’re joking aren’t you? He’s so derivative. If you want to see some really good cinema you should watch foreign movies”.
Person B: (a little intrigued) “Really? Like what”?
Person C: “Like City On Fire, or Bullet In The Head, or maybe Hero”.

Later, on an internet forum…

Person C: “Yes, I thought the action sequences in Woo’s A Better Tomorrow were really impressive. Almost balletic”.
Person D: “Well, I’m not much into action flicks – they’re kinda dumb”.
Person C: “What do you mean dumb? What do you watch”?
Person D: “Me? I like Kurosawa. Ran’s the best thing I’ve seen in years. I also like Fellini, and Godard”.

Later, on theauteurs…

Person D: (feeling quite smug) “Yes, my favourites are Kurosawa, Fellini, and Godard”.
Person E: (auteurs regular) “Oh god – not the same old canon shit. Why can’t people look outside the box once in a while”?
Person D: (slightly annoyed) “What do you mean? All the polls say these guys’ films are the greatest ever made”!
Person E: (snorting derisively) “Yeah, right. Like Sight and Sound’s the only authority on films”.
Person D: “Well, who’s better”?
Person E: “Oh, loads of folk. Like Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Hou Hsiao-Hsien, Hirokazu Koreeda, Andrzej Zulawski”.
Person D: “Oh”.

Later on theauteurs…

Person E: “Apichatpong Weerasethakul has to be my absolute favourite these days”.
Person F: “Jesus. Not him again. Have you never heard of…”

[Bibliografie: http://mubi.com/topics/the-rocky-roa...g-a-cinephile]
“The goddam movies. They can ruin you. I'm not kidding.”

Last edited by Federico : 24 Feb 2013 at 01:24.
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Old 11 Apr 2013, 17:44   #469
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A fost actualizat complet http://www.theyshootpictures.com/21stcentury.htm

Si pe imdb: http://www.imdb.com/list/EZ-LotXH4N4...70071608480066

Exista loc de imbunatatiri, dar arata mai bine decat versiunea anterioara imo.
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Old 11 Apr 2013, 18:13   #470
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The Tree of Life @ #5 , nu e rau. Punk Drunk love mi se pare cam sus, si City of God pe 23? bleah.
Strangers passing in the street
By chance two separate glances meet
And I am you and what I see is me
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Old 14 Apr 2013, 15:39   #471
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Si Umbrele trecutului pe 21???? Cah!
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Old 15 Apr 2013, 18:45   #472
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Silver Linings Playbook? Nici nu-mi vine sa mai merg mai departe, sincer.

Apai m-a pus naiba sa merg mai departe si-am dat si de Argo. Mda...

Last edited by faraimaginatie : 15 Apr 2013 at 18:49.
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Old 15 Apr 2013, 18:54   #473
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Originally Posted by faraimaginatie:
Silver Linings Playbook? Nici nu-mi vine sa mai merg mai departe, sincer.

Apai m-a pus naiba sa merg mai departe si-am dat si de Argo. Mda...
Stai cuminte pentru ca orice top tinde sa supra/subevalueze produsele contemporane . Doar timpul le pune treptat in ordinea lor fireasca .
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Old 15 Apr 2013, 19:10   #474
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Eu stiu...da rprezenta lor si absenta unui film ca Shame, de exemplu, imi ridica niste semne de intrebare.
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Old 15 Apr 2013, 19:47   #475
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Valeu, dar mofturosi mai sunteti. Nici mie nu-mi convin multe de acolo, dar in caz c-ati uitat sau ca n-ati trecut pe RT ori Metacritic ori mai orice top anual de filme, filmele alea au si acolo note gigante. Nu era de asteptat sa apara intr-un top facut dupa acelasi principiu? Lasand la o parte asta, unde mai vedeti voi topuri de astea care sa continta 5x Haneke in top 77, 3x Trier in top 33, 2x Tarr, Wong Kar Wai, un Sokurov atat de sus, Lynch, Apichatpong, Tsai, Zhangke Jia, Kiarostami etc. Parca aveti ochi doar pt alea care nu v-au placut si nu vedeti cate filme excelente sunt in top, sigur vreo 200 din 250 macar. Pe mine topul asta m-a ajutat sa gasesc adevarate bijuterii...

PS: Filme ca Argo, Lincoln, Silver Linings nu pot decat sa pice pe viitor.

PS2: Are cineva de zis ceva si despre faptul ca locul 1 e ocupat de In the mood for love sau 2 de Mulholland Drive? Poate de faptul ca Werkmeister Harmonies e pe 5? Cate topuri de astea gasesti? Nu mai zic de topuri care sa-i contina pe Costa, Martel, Mekas, Lav Diaz, Lisandro Alonso, Bing, Guerin etc.

Last edited by Liviu- : 15 Apr 2013 at 19:57.
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Old 15 Apr 2013, 19:59   #476
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Ei, hai. Ca n-a zis nimeni chiar asa de rau de top. Doar ca in momentul in care e asa "elitist" te-ai astepta sa vezi un Shame in locul lui Silver Linings, Argo sau The Descendants. Just sayin`...
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Old 25 May 2013, 00:10   #477
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"Cu totul altfel stau lucrurile în ceea ce priveşte frumosul. Ar fi ridicol – exact invers faţă de situaţia de mai sus – dacă cineva care se consideră om de gust s-ar justifica spunînd că acest obiect (clădirea pe care o vedem, haina pe care o poartă acela, concertul pe care-l auzim, poezia supusă aprecierii) este frumos pentru mine. Căci el nu trebuie să numească frumos ceea ce îi place doar lui. Multe lucruri îl pot atrage şi îi pot oferi o plăcere a simţurilor, dar acest fapt nu interesează pe nimeni. însă, atunci cînd afirmă că ceva este frumos, el atribuie şi celorlalţi aceeaşi plăcere: el nu judecă doar pentru sine, ci pentru oricine şi vorbeşte despre frumuseţe ca şi cum ar fi o proprietate a obiectelor. De aceea, cînd spune: lucrul este frumos, el nu se aşteaptă la acordul celorlalţi cu judecata sa de satisfactie, întrucît ştie că ei au împărtăşit părerea sa de mai multe ori, ci pretinde acest acord. El îi mustră dacă judecă altfel si le tăgăduieşte gustul pe care pretinde totusi ca ei să-l aibă; astfel, nu se poate spune că fiecare are gustul său particular. Aceasta ar însemna că nu există gust, adică o judecată estetică pentru care să se poată pretinde cu îndreptăţire adeziunea fiecăruia. "

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Old 25 May 2013, 00:28   #478
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Ce frumos. Valorile mele sunt absolute, yupiiiiii.
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Old 29 May 2013, 23:14   #479
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150 pages later...

"Now taste is at bottom a faculty for judging of the sensible illustration of moral Ideas (by means of a certain analogy involved in our reflection upon both these); and it is from this faculty also and from the greater susceptibility grounded thereon for the feeling arising from the latter (called moral feeling), that that pleasure is derived which taste regards as valid for mankind in general and not merely for the private feeling of each. Hence it appears plain that the true propaedeutic for the foundation of taste is the development of moral Ideas and the culture of the moral feeling; because it is only when sensibility is brought into agreement with this that genuine taste can assume a definite invariable form."

I'm so fucked.
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Old 06 Jun 2013, 23:53   #480
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Nu stiu exact unde sa postez asta dar am citit ceva interesant dintr-un jurnal de lucru al lui Bergman. Mi s-a parut interesant in paralela cu perceptia mea asupra filmului lui Paradjanov.

My play opens with an actor walking down into the audience, where he strangles a critic, then reads aloud from a little black book all the humiliations he has noted therein. Then he throws up on the audience, after which he exists and puts a bullet through his head. (9 Iulie, 1964)
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