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Old 24 Oct 2012, 22:52   #461
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A trebuit sa admit intre timp ca filmul are niste imperfectiuni destul de egregioase, dar raman la parerea ca contine unele dintre cele mai intense fragmente de film pe care le-am vazut ever. Scena asta e unul din ele. Imi place mult ca e plan secventa si si mai mult incadratura din unghiul ala reticent, unghiul meu preferat. De fapt unghiul asta e un, nu stiu daca motiv... dar e utilizat sistematic pe parcurs... si de fiecare data functioneaza sclipitor. Ah, referitor tot la secventa in cauza, cei care cred ca mai e nevoie sa zic ceva de jocul lui Michael si Carey - mamele lor sunt, ahem, promiscue.

“The goddam movies. They can ruin you. I'm not kidding.”
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Old 25 Oct 2012, 22:26   #462
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The Assassination Of Jesse James

In the event that you find some certain sequences or ideas confusing,please bare in mind,that this is your fault,not ours.You will need to see the picture again and again,until you understand everything.Turn.
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Old 28 Oct 2012, 04:08   #463
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“The goddam movies. They can ruin you. I'm not kidding.”
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Old 29 Oct 2012, 19:14   #464
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Vreau sa-mi fac un gif de vreo 2mp cu faza asta si sa mi-l postez pe perete. As putea oare?

“The goddam movies. They can ruin you. I'm not kidding.”
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Old 01 Nov 2012, 11:09   #465
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Old 01 Nov 2012, 19:52   #466
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Old 02 Nov 2012, 09:42   #467
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Ce film e?
In the event that you find some certain sequences or ideas confusing,please bare in mind,that this is your fault,not ours.You will need to see the picture again and again,until you understand everything.Turn.
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Old 02 Nov 2012, 09:50   #468
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Les Amants du Pont-Neuf
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Old 04 Nov 2012, 13:00   #469
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Last edited by White1 : 04 Nov 2012 at 13:15.
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Old 04 Nov 2012, 19:03   #470
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Old 05 Nov 2012, 21:01   #471
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My fav K.

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Old 05 Nov 2012, 22:05   #472
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superb momentul cu Brad. una dintre multele secvente devastatoare ale filmului...
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Old 05 Nov 2012, 22:53   #473
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Visconti- Lo Straniero

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Old 07 Nov 2012, 13:18   #474
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Originally Posted by White1:

Dat drip of blood!!!
Ador tusele apasate de naturalism-realism in filmele aparent lighthearted. Cand apar intr-un context discrepant, momentele astea sunt mai puternice decat in filme vadi brutal-realiste ca Gomorra si Un Prophete. Tot in PDL (fara interpretari politice, da?), tot la capitolul asta e faza din restaurant cand Barry devasteaza baia. Un regizor mediocru ar fi oprit lucrurile dupa asta si gata. Dar PTA il trimite pe managerul restaurantului dupa el. Sau: un regizor mediocru poate l-ar fi bagat si el in scena pe manager, dar cre' ca l-ar fi instruit sa-i futa una-n gura direct lui Barry. Dar PTA nu face asta. Ii zice sa-l ia frumos de maneca pe amaratul ala si sa se retraga intr-un colt unde sa-l instiinteze politicos ca: sir, I'm gonna crack your fucking head open. Ceea ce-i de 8 ori mai 'socant' (daca pot sa zic asa, pentru ca pe mine - si pe als - nu ma socheza nimic). Tot asa opereza si Wes A. (e o caracteristica a Andersonilor, se pare - dupa cum zicea Judex ). In Moonrise Kingdom: cand e uciderizat catelusul sau cand fata ii schingiueste spinarea baiatului aluia cu foarfecele. Sau - mai vreti? - in Darjeeling Limited, in episodul in care cei trei frati incearca sa-i salveze de la inec pe alti trei copii-frati dintr-un sat prin care treceau. Cand iese Brody din apa cu copilul in brate, care se izbise de stanci intre timp, plin de sange pe fata si pe camasa. Just saying.

PS: Sau in (500) Days of Summer, la scena din autobuz in care tipul izbucneste deodata cu 'I hate this song'... Intr-un film mediocru aia ar fi fost tot. Dar acolo, soferul opreste vehiculul si il invita sa coboare. Just saying.
“The goddam movies. They can ruin you. I'm not kidding.”

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Old 07 Nov 2012, 20:39   #475
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Rust And Bone

In the event that you find some certain sequences or ideas confusing,please bare in mind,that this is your fault,not ours.You will need to see the picture again and again,until you understand everything.Turn.
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Old 08 Nov 2012, 19:45   #476
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Old 09 Nov 2012, 21:01   #477
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^ RIP Cristi Puiu

Mark, absolut genial si cadrul tau. Macar filmul e bun de ceva?

* * *
“The goddam movies. They can ruin you. I'm not kidding.”
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Old 09 Nov 2012, 21:36   #478
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Originally Posted by Federico:
Mark, absolut genial si cadrul tau. Macar filmul e bun de ceva?

L-am vazut si eu aseara, bun, bun, are o forta aparte. Desi iti da foarte multe pe tava de la inceput, reuseste, fara suspans (putin, pe alocuri) sau artificii sa te tina lipit de scaun fara nici o dificultate pina la capat. Chiar daca finalul e cheesy, tot ce se intimpla pina acolo, chiar si el, sint foarte autentice. Personaje construite foarte meticulos, in fine, the guy si ma refer la Matthias, are votul meu la sexiness.
"Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity."
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Old 09 Nov 2012, 21:53   #479
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Te cred pe cuvant, Ana. Il atac in cel mai scurt timp posibil. Aveam un feeling bun oricum de cand am auzit de el.
Sau, ca sa fiu cinstit, de cand am vazut asta:

“The goddam movies. They can ruin you. I'm not kidding.”
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Old 10 Nov 2012, 16:33   #480
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Nu-i rau,dar nici chiar asa de bun.
In the event that you find some certain sequences or ideas confusing,please bare in mind,that this is your fault,not ours.You will need to see the picture again and again,until you understand everything.Turn.
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