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Old 25 Jan 2004, 18:57   #41
Spirit of the System
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Batalia din episodu' 3 se pare ca va fi cea mai lunga din istoria cinematografica. Sursa comingsoon-ul ca de obicei!
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Old 25 Jan 2004, 19:56   #42
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Originally Posted by Lady_Skar:
cica in episodul III o sa mai apara un sith, generalul Grevious, care mai poate sa-si creasca 2 maini si sa se bata cu 4 sabii laser in acelasi timp.
Cata imaginatie au scenaristi astia...ma uimesc :lol:
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Old 25 Jan 2004, 20:07   #43
Spirit of the System
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Care vrea leakedul din spatele scenelor de la episode 3... Sa-mi dea PM! Ca sa nu se considere ca face piraterie pe aici! De fapt nici nu am auzit de cuv asta in viata mea!
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Old 25 Jan 2004, 22:00   #44
Spirit of the System
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Alte date despre ultimul episod din saga SW...

Padmé's Veranda:


Enjoy za pics!

P.S: Cel putin 30 de lupte in film :o Din care una va fi cea ami lunga din istoria cinematografica! Ce film va iesi dak stiu cum sa'l 'lucreze'!
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Old 26 Jan 2004, 11:22   #45
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by TLD:

P.S: Cel putin 30 de lupte in film :o Din care una va fi cea ami lunga din istoria cinematografica! Ce film va iesi dak stiu cum sa'l 'lucreze'!

30 de lupte. wow! deci sper sa fie filmul de 3 ore de data asta sa ma delectez cu batai in stil Jedi Knight 3 ore ... De abea ashtept! Dar mai este pana in vara lu' 2005!

Deja cred k am gasit inca un film fff mult ashteptat! :o :o :o
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 26 Jan 2004, 11:38   #46
The White Rider
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Darth Sidious uses his lightsaber. :o

The Anakin/Obi-Wan fight will be the longest SW fight ever. It is currently edited at 10 minutes! :o

Anakin's fighting style will certainly change as the character goes further towards the dark side. :o

Nick and Hayden have seen the first 1/2 hour of the film and were very excited. :o - what ????????? These guys suck! BIG TIME!
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 26 Jan 2004, 16:07   #47
Spirit of the System
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Sau ce scrie mai exact acolo pt cei ce sunt lenesi!

"I tell you what's very difficult about it is that it's difficult to...know really. I hope, I think what it does nicely is it ties up all the ends, all the loose ends and it meets Episode 4 with Alec Guinness and the crew very nicely I think. I don't think there's anything left unsolved and there's a huge but enormous fight at the end of it Enormous, I've never been more exhausted in my life. We spent weeks and weeks shooting this fight!"
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Old 26 Jan 2004, 17:47   #48
El Chewbaccabra
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Ok, se pare ca aici o sa pun zvonurile star wars care apar pe jedi.ro


Eu doar le postez, nu le citesc!

Relatari spion din scenariul filmului Star Wars Ep. III :
Un spion a descoperit cele de mai jos dupa o barfa cu Nick Gillard, coordonatorul echipei de cascadori:
- O multime de oameni vor fi loviti de sabie precum Obi Wan in Ep. II
- Obi Wan il invinge pe Anakin in Ep,. III, dar castigarea unei lupte nu il face sa fie cel mai bun
- Vor fi facute publice in primavara acestui an cateva scene din duelul Hayden/Ewan.
- Vom vedea si padawanii luptandu-se, incl. fiica lui Rick McCallum, Mousy.
- Darth Sidious va folosi sabia.
- Lupta Anakin/Obi-Wan va fi cea mai lunga din Star Wars – aprox. 10 minute!
- Nick l-a vazut pe Hayden in costumul lui Vader
- Asa cum este prevazut acum, duelul final nu va fi intrerupt cu alte secvente, dar se poate schimba. Duelul intre Obi si Anakin este rapid, similar cu Obi/Darth Maul
- Daca Nick ar dezvalui prea multe informatii inca nefacute publice, ar “suferi serios din punct de vedere fizic” din partea lui Rick
- Vom avea si scene de lupta in spatiu, in care sunt impicate vasele Federatiei Comerciale.
- Sabia lui Nick este galbena; el si-a ales culoarea si a putut s-o pastreze dupa filmare.
- Nick nu a vrut sau nu a putut sa spuna de ce exersa ieri (!) duel cu sabia impreuna cu Hayden.
- Exista numeroase lupte cu sabia in afara de Obi/anakin, dar Nick nu a putut da detalii
- Stilul de lupta al lui Anakin se schimba pe masura ce personajul sau trece de partea intunecata a fortei.
- Cand a fost intrebat daca vom vedea scene de lupta cand un personaj lupta cu 2 sabii contra uneia, Nick a spus ca ne-am fi dorit sa vedem scenele care au fost taiate din duelul din Ep II.
- Nick a mai spus ca o multime de capete se vor rostogoli, facand referire la decapitarea lui Jango din Ep. II
- Nick crede ca Ep. III ar putea fi supus restrictiilor de varsta pentru copii.
- Personajul interpretat de Nick se numeste Cin Drallig”, adica numele sau real de la coada la cap.
- Este posibil pentru cineva sa se lupte cu doua sabii simulta, dar necesita o pregatire speciala deoarece altfel ar fi incomod.
- Nick si Mousy au ranjit amandoi cand au comentat despe posibilitatile de imbunatatire a luptei cu sabia din trilogia clasica.
- Vom mai vedea sabii cu doua lame cum avea Darth Maul in Ep. III

Zvonuri in leg cu aparitia unei noi trilogii

Star Wars ep. 7, 8 si 9 ?
Jon Parton ne-a dat urmatoarele stiri despre eventualele continuari la StarWars:

Ahmed Best, la un interviu dat la un post de radio local a raspuns, cand a fost intrebat de DJ despre o eventuala productie a ep. 7,8,9 ca nu poate face nici o afirmatie certa deoarece se afla sub cotract si nu poate dezvalui nimic, dar nu a negat aceasta posibilitate.

Peter Mayhew neaga afirmatiile aparute pe propriul sau site (!), unde spune urmatoarele: “Nu este adevarat ca voi juca in Ep. 7, 8 si 9 dar voi apare in Ep. III (...)”

AICN dezvaluie anumite zvonuri despre Lucasfilm care a incheiat contracte pana in 2012 cu angajatii de la Skywalker Ranch care lucreaza pentru Pacific Title. Pacific Title ese o companie care produce efecte optice si digitale si care au contractat cu Lucasfilm pentru Ep. II si III.

Obi Shawn Kenobi din canada ne trimit urmatorul raport: “Priveam emisiunea Local Stars Tonight la o televiziune din Toronto, in care la informatii au dat ca stire ca Peter Mayhew a semnat cu Lucasfilm un contract pentru ep. 7, 8 si 9. Acest lucru poate valida ceea ce pana acum parea sa fie doar un zvon.”

In StarWars Insider, Mark Hamill spune, vorbind despre trilogia a 3-a “…Stiam ca exista posibilitatea sa mai apar in al noualea episod”

In fine, am incercat sa contactam Lucasfilm direct, dar Jeanie Cole de la relatiile cu publicul si presa a plecat de curand si inca nu am gasit cu cine sa stam de vorba. Am aflat totusi ca in Ep. III este implicat si Steven Spielberg intr-un fel sau altul, regasindu-se pe lista senior staff-ului

If they screw this up I'll seriously f*ck them up!
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 26 Jan 2004, 18:13   #49
The White Rider
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The Fallen Hero! Episode 7 va aduc sa vedetzi ce a scris Lucas la episodu 7 ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 27 Jan 2004, 06:22   #50
Spirit of the System
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Da am citit si eu despr eo posibila aparitie a unei trilogii sequel... Cica scriptul i-ar apartine tot lui Lucas, dar filmul va fi incerdintat lui Spilberg! Altwe zvonuri ar fi ca ar fi facut integral ca Final; Fantasy, cu actori animeti... Dar se pare ca mult mai reala ar fi o serie de anime-uri televizate, animeuri care va avea loc exact intre episode 3 si episode 4, si va prezenta din viata mai noului Darth Vader! :lol:
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Old 27 Jan 2004, 06:33   #51
Spirit of the System
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Hmm... uitati cum va arata noul trooper O_o Mai multe date [url=http://www.comingsoon.net/news.php?id=3165] sau pt cei lenesi din nou :lol:

"The new clone trooper clearly signifies another step forward to the designs of the original Star Wars trilogy. Inside, Producer Rick McCallum provides the latest update on the prequel's postproduction progression, complete with brand new photos from "Episode III".

This issue's focus is Star Wars fiction, including a spotlight on Star Wars storybooks, with a nostalgic look at the classic young reader fiction that many fans grew up with. "The New Jedi Order in 100 Easy Lessons" breaks down the epic novel series, detailing the characters, most heroic deaths, best fights, and a complete synopsis of each book. This issue's original fiction, "Pearls in the Sand," is a short story by Voronica Whitney-Robison (The Ruins of Dantooine).

See what an all-digital movie meant to the miniature model makers of "Episode II," and find out just who is who in Echo Base on Hoth. The issue is scheduled to ship on February 6 to subscribers, and February 24 to newsstands."
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Old 27 Jan 2004, 06:40   #52
Spirit of the System
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Alte date despre ce au realizat pana acuma baietii cu filmul:
"No - here's a break down of what they've done:

- They've looked through ALL of the principle shooting and have aquired all the relevant scenes.

- They have chosen to follow a PG-13 rating, so the scenes are PG-13 material.

- Last October, they started putting it all together, and ILM have completed 40 minutes of the film, meaning they've dubbed together alot of stuff.

- All they need to do now to that opening 40 minutes is to add voicing, music and foley, and it's completed. They may add new scenes to it, but they certainly won't cut it down to PG-13.

- The Opening Action Sequence is obviously PG-13 material, even if they cut it down. The reason being is that they'll have gone too far for it to be PG (see previous postings for info on opening).

- We see lots of people getting killed, chopped into pieces, and have many deaths to innocent lives.

- We see cruelty to animals (wookies) as well as a suzerain.

- There is the very graphic scene of Anakin dragging his body, which is all burnt to the bone, out of the volcano. The approved conceptial art, available on TFN, is sickening.

- We will see children getting killed with weapons, and as seen on the HS set report pictures, we will see them fighting and dying.

Yes, there is the possibility of Lucas using the PG rated versions of the graphic scenes, but it won't be Lucas's vision, will it? It may be suitable for all audiences, but at the end of the day as Lucas says, he's making these films for himself." :o :o :o
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Old 27 Jan 2004, 06:44   #53
Spirit of the System
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Si cam care ar fi ordinea in film...

- Opening Battle/Sequence (10 minutes)
- Dooku vs. Annie (5 minutes)
- Federation Cruiser Crash (5 minutes)
- The Clone Rebellion (5 minutes)
- Mace vs. Annie and Palpy (3 minutes)
- The Siege of the Jedi Temple (20 minutes)
- The General vs. Obi-wan (3 minutes)
- Bail Organa vs. Troopers (5 minutes)
- Annie vs. Padmé and the Children (5 minutes)
- Yoda's Wookie Calvary (10 minutes)
- Escape from Coruscant (2 minutes)
- Yoda vs. Palpatine (5 minutes)
- Anakin vs. Obi-wan (12 minutes)

Ma rog astea sunt doar principalele batai... Toate astea dau cam 90 de min. Sa speram ca va fi muult mai lung. Cava in genul 2 ore si jumatate.
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Old 27 Jan 2004, 06:47   #54
Spirit of the System
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Alte "zvonuri" de pe net (dak nu doriti sa va stricati placerea de a vedea filmul pe viu numai cititi ceea ce se scrie pe aici! :lol S*P*O*I*L*E*R*S*

BUT, he does strangle Padmé, and then cut her stomach open to get his child (only thought there was one). But when he does this, Yoda and the Wookies break in just in-time before he takes Luke, and Yoda jumps forward and pushes Annie off of Padmé with his force ability and feet. However, Padmé is losing life, and she is dying. Chewbacca is left to look after her, as well as Bail and Bai Ling.

When she dies, Annie feels it, and this is when Obi-wan manages to get him in the volcano.

I'm working this on the currently available material from both HS and TFN, but also of general knowledge. This film plays out like you think it would.
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Old 27 Jan 2004, 11:13   #55
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by TLD:
Si cam care ar fi ordinea in film...

- Opening Battle/Sequence (10 minutes)
- Dooku vs. Annie (5 minutes)
- Federation Cruiser Crash (5 minutes)
- The Clone Rebellion (5 minutes)
- Mace vs. Annie and Palpy (3 minutes)
- The Siege of the Jedi Temple (20 minutes)
- The General vs. Obi-wan (3 minutes)
- Bail Organa vs. Troopers (5 minutes)
- Annie vs. Padmé and the Children (5 minutes)
- Yoda's Wookie Calvary (10 minutes)
- Escape from Coruscant (2 minutes)
- Yoda vs. Palpatine (5 minutes)
- Anakin vs. Obi-wan (12 minutes)

Io deja nu ma mai pot concentra, nu shtiu cum voi rezista pana in 2005 shtiind k voi vedea ceea ce e scris mai sus. Dk o sa iasa klumea ... o sa vedem iar ISTORIE la cinamatograf. Adik asha ceva nu am visat niciodata sa-l vad pe Vader ciutan cum se duce shi da BUZNA in Jedi Temple shi incepe sa macelareasca pe akolo pe totzi kre ii prinde in calea lui ...

io deocamdata o sa ma intorc cu ce a scris Lucas la Episodu' 7 - The Fallen Hero!
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 27 Jan 2004, 11:20   #56
The White Rider
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Hunchback of Tatooine


Return of the Yeti


+ No 3rd triogy after Episode 3:

"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 27 Jan 2004, 16:13   #57
Spirit of the System
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Ramane inca in vigoare varianta cu o serie de animeuri la tv, anime-uri ce vor avea actiunea situata undeva dupa episodul 3 si inainte de episodul 4... Sa vedem mai intai episodul 3 si mai vb... :roll:
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Old 27 Jan 2004, 21:57   #58
The White Rider
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Longest Fight Scene Ever For Star Wars: Episode 3
[Mon January 26, 2004 07:35PM]
Stunt coordinator Nick Gillard is claiming that Star Wars: Episode III will have the longest fight scene in cinema history.

"I got the Jedi style from all the great sword styles," he told The Times. "Only about 12 people on Earth know it and can read the moves off the page. But I invented it, so I can beat them all, though Hayden Christiansen, who plays Darth Vader, is the toughest. The skill is mostly balance and having your feet in the right place."

"In the next film, Ewan has more than 1,000 moves, which are more complicated to learn than dialogue. The climactic fight scene is, at 12 minutes, the longest fight scene in cinema history."
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 27 Jan 2004, 22:01   #59
Spirit of the System
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
Longest Fight Scene Ever For Star Wars: Episode 3
[Mon January 26, 2004 07:35PM]
Stunt coordinator Nick Gillard is claiming that Star Wars: Episode III will have the longest fight scene in cinema history.

"I got the Jedi style from all the great sword styles," he told The Times. "Only about 12 people on Earth know it and can read the moves off the page. But I invented it, so I can beat them all, though Hayden Christiansen, who plays Darth Vader, is the toughest. The skill is mostly balance and having your feet in the right place."

"In the next film, Ewan has more than 1,000 moves, which are more complicated to learn than dialogue. The climactic fight scene is, at 12 minutes, the longest fight scene in cinema history."
Bah asta am mai scris-o si eu! De ce nu esti atent pe aici! :lol: :lol: :lol: L amine a fost informati aascuns aintr-un link! Apropo asteptam trailerul teaser care apare in vara sau toaman! Yummmy!
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Old 27 Jan 2004, 23:26   #60
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by TLD:
Bah asta am mai scris-o si eu! De ce nu esti atent pe aici! :lol: :lol: :lol: L amine a fost informati aascuns aintr-un link! Apropo asteptam trailerul teaser care apare in vara sau toaman! Yummmy!

DA mah shtiu da' io am bagat articolu' kre era original ... l-am gasit la Killer Moviez PUNCT com
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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