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Old 13 Feb 2008, 11:18   #41
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Se pare ca tot mai multi oameni apreciaza "Falling Slowly" ...tocmai am auzit-o si intr-un alt film lansat de curand, "Feast of Love" (destul de slab, dar melodia conteaza )
Don't trust words.
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Old 13 Feb 2008, 12:28   #42
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Originally Posted by Cazeemeer:
Sunt de acord ca Daniel Day-Lewis joaca excelent in el, dar per total "There Will Be Blood" nu mi se pare o realizare atat de extraordinara

tin sa te contrazic
TWBB e un film naucitor... dpdv al realizarii are ritmul perfect al unei epopei personale - in genul A Man For All Seasons, Barry Lyndon sau Schindler's List, insa in fata tuturor mai are ceva... microbul subversiv - sondarea spre strafundurile raului. filmul m-a cutremurat pur si simplu.
rareori mi s-a intimplat sa am senzatia ca urmaresc un film Mare - la Babel am simtit asta dela un capat la altul, la Odiseea Spatiala 2001, Pulp Fiction.

eu as dori sa ia oscarul - sau macar regia - NCFOM, ar rasplati in sfirsit latura cea mai vie a cinematografiei americane contemporane - postmodernii (pe Lynch l-au sarit cu Blue Velvet, pe Tarantino cu Pulp FIction - doar scenariu), acum e un prilej foarte bun ca Hollywoodul sa isi asume dimensiunea cinematografica intelectuala, casa zic asa - sau de continut, cum ar zice Pitbull. si asta cu atit mai mult cu cit in partea cealalta avem Juno si Atonement!
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Old 13 Feb 2008, 12:52   #43
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Mie Paul Thomas Anderson imi place in general, si n-am zis ca TWBB nu e un film bun. Dar nu mi se pare atat de maret cum il vede toata lumea.
Da, personajul Daniel Plainview e construit si jucat ireprosabil (si aici meritul e indiscutabil si al lui PTA) - si nu cred ca el este ca atare o explorare a raului, cum spui tu - dar mi se pare ca PTA are o viziune foarte clara asupra personajului, dar nu si asupra directiei in care o ia povestea lui, si asta dauneaza spre sfarsit filmului.
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Old 16 Feb 2008, 22:52   #44
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eu sper ca pentru cel mai bun film strain sa ia oscarul Mongol, iar pentru cel mai bun scenariu original cred ca va fi Juno(un film simpatic )
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Old 17 Feb 2008, 11:56   #45
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Originally Posted by Cazeemeer:
n-am zis ca TWBB nu e un film bun. Dar nu mi se pare atat de maret cum il vede toata lumea

mie nu-mi place pta in general,iar filmul asta cu atat mai putin.behaviorism pur,unde poti sa afli cate ceva despre personaje doar din gesturile si actiunile lor.la dracu,prima si singura sondare in personajul principal apare de-abia la 1/2 filmului,cand ne dam seama cam ce gandeste el despre lume in discutia cu "fratele" lui.cum am vazut ca spune si ebert,e un film simplificat pana aproape de scheletic si os sa mi se spuna ca suplineste prin intensitate dar,sincer sa fiu,n-am vazut asa ceva decat(pe alocuri)in jocul lui day-lewis.bun si soundtrackul de care se vb atat(as fi zis ca sunt bucati din bartok acolo,m-a surprins sa aflu ca l-a compus un radiohead).
fireste,as prefera ca asta sau filmu coenilor sa ia oscarul,in conditiile in care in competitie mai sunt juno si atonement(film cu mare succes in randul cucoanelor de la serviciu,care mi-au spus ca de la "englezul rabdator" nu s-a mai pomenit asa film de bun )
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
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Old 17 Feb 2008, 12:51   #46
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Originally Posted by ulrich:
os sa mi se spuna ca suplineste prin intensitate dar,sincer sa fiu,n-am vazut asa ceva decat(pe alocuri)in jocul lui day-lewis
Mie momentul 'intens' din final si modul relativ brusc in care se ajunge la el mi se par unele din cele mai mari probleme ale filmului.
Let's get things clear, filmul asta nu e teribil de subtil niciodata (muzica lui Jonny Greenwood e buna luata separat, dar modul in care pana si momentele aparent optimiste suna tensionat si sumbru e cam la fel de ostentativ ca si a avea pe ecran un semn din neoane cu "He may look successful and happy, but don't be fooled, kids: this is a downward spiral!"), insa secventa finala, incepand cam de cand Plainview se apuca sa urle "I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE!" e incredibil de over-the-top.
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Old 20 Feb 2008, 21:48   #47
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de pe msnbc, dintr-un articol mai lung dedicat nominalizarilos la Oscar. Fiecare sectiune se incheie cu un "ar fi trebuit nominalizat".


Should have been nominated: Anamaria Marinca

IFC Films

In the way that the Academy’s snub of “Hoop Dreams” led to an overhaul of the best documentary nomination process, it seems likely that the absence of Romania’s “4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days” among the best foreign film nominees will bring about a change in how those films are selected for Oscar consideration. But while the film itself was egregiously overlooked this year, so was its star, Anamaria Marinca.

Portraying Otilia, a young college student trying to help a friend secure an illegal abortion during the Ceausescu years, Marinca is the audience’s eyes and ears in a brutal and repressive state where cigarettes and hot showers are a form of currency and every stranger is a potential police informer. Director Cristian Mungiu creates almost unbearable tension with long, static shots, but Marinca’s taciturn exterior in a series of increasingly hostile situations also contributes greatly to the overall sense of dread and danger. Whether she’s negotiating with dismissive hotel clerks, bargaining with the terrifying abortionist, or maintaining a pleasant façade in front of her boyfriend’s family, Marinca expresses volumes with just a facial gesture or a turn of the head. She’s a key player in an exciting new wave of film.
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Old 22 Feb 2008, 03:35   #48
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Ce sa zic, nu-ti nominalizeaza filmul si o sa-ti nominalizeze actrita intr-o categorie care este croita pentru publicitate. Nici nu vad cum ar functiona.
Asteptand Rambo 5 aka Aliens vs Predator vs Rambo
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Old 24 Feb 2008, 11:52   #49
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sigur pe hbo o sa fie ????cu globu deaur si Bafta am luat tzeapa ca nu lo bagat
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Old 24 Feb 2008, 12:41   #50
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Bine (cã) v-am gãsit!

ªtiþi cumva dacã existã vreun canal de televiziune care sã transmitã live ceremonia Oscarurilor 2008?
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Old 24 Feb 2008, 13:58   #51
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Bine (ca) te-am gasit!
La 3 AM pe HBO in noaptea asta.
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Old 24 Feb 2008, 14:18   #52
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Multe mulþumiri, Neuptolem!
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Old 24 Feb 2008, 14:22   #53
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Originally Posted by Iustina:
Multe mulþumiri, Neuptolem!
With pleasure! :oops:
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Old 24 Feb 2008, 14:29   #54
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pe hbo cik o fi fost si globul de aur bafta da am ashtept vreo 4 ore la giecare si nimik
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Old 25 Feb 2008, 00:36   #55
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...ºi http://www.eonline.com/redcarpet/ind...=oscars%202008
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Old 25 Feb 2008, 02:10   #56
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Wake up bitches...it's Oxcar time again :lol:
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Old 25 Feb 2008, 05:12   #57
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And the winners are...

Cel mai bun film:
"Michael Clayton",
"No Country for Old Men",
"There Will Be Blood"

Cel mai bun regizor:
"The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" - Julian Schnabel,
"Juno" - Jason Reitman,
"Michael Clayton" - Tony Gilroy,
"No Country for Old Men" - Joel Coen si Ethan Coen,
"There Will Be Blood" - Paul Thomas Anderson

Cel mai bun actor in rol principal:
George Clooney - "Michael Clayton",
Daniel Day-Lewis - "There Will Be Blood",
Johnny Depp - "Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street",
Tommy Lee Jones - "In the Valley of Elah",
Viggo Mortensen - "Eastern Promises"

Cea mai buna actrita in rol principal:
Cate Blanchett - "Elizabeth: The Golden Age",
Julie Christie - "Away from Her",
Marion Cotillard - "La Vie en Rose",
Laura Linney - "The Savages",
Ellen Page - "Juno"

Cel mai bun actor in rol secundar:
Casey Affleck - "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford",
Javier Bardem - "No Country for Old Men",
Philip Seymour Hoffman - "Charlie Wilson's War",
Hal Holbrook - "Into the Wild",
Tom Wilkinson - "Michael Clayton"

Cea mai buna actrita in rol secundar:
Cate Blanchett - "I'm Not There",
Ruby Dee - "American Gangster",
Saoirse Ronan - "Atonement",
Amy Ryan - "Gone Baby Gone",
Tilda Swinton - "Michael Clayton"

Cel mai bun scenariu adaptatat:
Christopher Hampton - Atonement,
Sarah Polley - Away From Her,
Ronald Harwood - The Diving Bell and the Butterfly,
Joel and Ethan Coen - No Country For Old Men,
Paul Thomas Anderson - There Will Be Blood

Cel mai bun scenariu original:
Diablo Cody - Juno,
Nancy Oliver - Lars and the Real Girl,
Tony Gilroy - Michael Clayton,
Brad Bird, Jim Capobianco, Jan Pinkava - Ratatouille,
Tamara Jenkins - The Savages

Cel mai bun film de animatie:
"Surf's Up"

Cel mai bun scurt-metraj animat:
"Even Pigeons Go To Heaven", Regizor: Samuel Tourneux
"I Met the Walrus", Regizor: Josh Raskin
"Madame Tutli-Putli", Regizor: Chris Lavis, Maciek Szczerbowski
"My Love", Regizor: Aleksandr Petrov
"Peter & the Wolf", Regizori: Suzie Templeton, Hugh Welchman

Cel mai bun film strain:
"Beaufort" – Israel,
"The Counterfeiters" – Austria,
"Katyn" – Polonia,
"Mongol" – Kazakhstan,
"12" - Rusia

Cel mai bun montaj:
"The Bourne Ultimatum”,
"The Diving Bell and the Butterfly",
"Into the Wild",
"No Country for Old Men",
"There Will Be Blood"

Cea mai buna scenografie:
"American Gangster",
"The Golden Compass",
"Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street",
"There Will Be Blood"

Cea mai buna imagine:
"The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford", "Atonement",
"The Diving Bell and the Butterfly",
"No Country for Old Men",
"There Will Be Blood"

Cele mai bune costume:
"Across the Universe",
"Elizabeth: The Golden Age",
"La Vie en Rose",
"Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street"

Cel mai bun documentar:
"No End in Sight",
"Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience",
"Taxi to the Dark Side",

Cel mai bun documentar – scurtmetraj:
"La Corona (The Crown)",
"Salim Baba",
"Sari's Mother"

Cel mai bun machiaj:
"La Vie en Rose",
"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"

Cea mai buna muzica originala de film:
"The Kite Runner",
"Michael Clayton",
"3:10 to Yuma"

Cea mai buna melodie originala:
"Falling Slowly"("Once"),
"Happy Working Song" ("Enchanted"),
"Raise It Up" ("August Rush"),
"So Close" ("Enchanted"),
"That's How You Know" ("Enchanted")

Cel mai bun mixaj de sunet:
The Bourne Ultimatum - Scott Millan, David Parker, Kirk Francis
No Country for Old Man
3:10 to Yuma

Cel mai bun montaj de sunet:
The Bourne Ultimatum - Karen Baker Landers, Per Hallberg
No Country for Old Man
There Will Be Blood

Cele mai bune efecte vizuale:
The Golden Compass - Michael Fink, Bill Westenhofer, Ben Morris, Trevor Wood
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Cel mai bun scurt-metraj
"At Night", SUA, regizor Hyoe Yamamoto
"The Substitute", Italia, regizor Andera Jublin
«Le Mozart of Pickpockets», Franþa, regizor Philippe Polet-Villard
"Tanghi Argentini", Belgia, regizor Guy Thys
"The Tonto Woman", UK, regizor Daniel Barber
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Old 25 Feb 2008, 06:04   #58
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"No Country for Old Men",
Cel mai bun film
Cel mai bun regizor: Ethan si Joel Coen
Cel mai bun scenariu adaptatat: Ethan si Joel Coen
Cel mai bun actor in rol secundar: Javier Bardem

"The Bourne Ultimatum”,
Cel mai bun montaj: Christopher Rouse
Cel mai bun mixaj de sunet: Scott Millan, David Parker, Kirk Francis
Cel mai bun montaj de sunet: Karen Baker Landers, Per Hallberg

"There Will Be Blood",
Cel mai bun actor in rol principal: Daniel Day-Lewis
Cea mai buna imagine: Robert Elswit

"La Vie en Rose",
Cea mai buna actrita in rol principal: Marion Cotillard
Cel mai bun machiaj: Didier Lavergne, Jan Archibald

"Michael Clayton"
Cea mai buna actrita in rol secundar: Tilda Swinton

Cel mai bun scenariu original: Diablo Cody

Cel mai bun film de animatie

"Peter & the Wolf"
Cel mai bun scurt-metraj animat:

"The Counterfeiters" – Austria
Cel mai bun film strain

"Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street"
Cea mai buna scenografie: Dante Ferretti, Francesca Lo Schiavo

"Elizabeth: The Golden Age"
Cele mai bune costume: Alexandra Byrne

"Taxi to the Dark Side"
Cel mai bun documentar

Cel mai bun documentar – scurtmetraj

Cea mai buna muzica originala de film: Dario Marianelli

"Falling Slowly"
Cea mai buna melodie originala: "Once"

The Golden Compass
Cele mai bune efecte vizuale: Michael Fink, Bill Westenhofer, Ben Morris, Trevor Wood

«Le Mozart of Pickpockets», Franþa, regizor Philippe Polet-Villard
Cel mai bun scurt-metraj
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Old 25 Feb 2008, 06:08   #59
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O editie aniversara pe o nota nostalgica - 80 de ani de Oscar, cu multe tribute si montaje , nu toate reusite, dar care pe ansamblu au reusit sa-si faca efectul - practic organizatorii au cautat sa evoce sau macar sa mentinoneze pe oricine a insemnat ceva in cei 80 de ani de cinematografie de cand se acorda premiile academiei. Starurile dornice de atentie dupa pauza din greva scriitorilor, numerele muzicale live sucked - as always in the last years, spiciurile premiatilor destul de decente: Tilda Swindon and the French chick did the best, in my opinion.

Prezentatorul - John Stewart enervant ca de obicei, some stupid jokes --'Gaydolf Titler' :sick: , dar dupa doua pahare de vin devenit acceptabil and even stupidest jokes sound funny - Cate Blanchet in rolul buldogului
si din No Country... si montajul cu binocluri si periscoape; other better
"Oscar at age 80 is now old enough to be the Republican nominee for
"'Atonement.' Finally a story that captured the passion and raw sexuality of Yom Kippur."
"'Michael Clayton.' It's a little over 100 minutes long, but because it's about lawyers you can round that up to two hours."

Ar trebui sa-l incerce pe Steve Carrell next year, caruia i-a iesit bine numarul cu incurcarea prezentarii.

Honorary Oscar pt intreaga cariera Robert Boyle - Production Designer,
un tip care vorbeste despre film cu dedicatie si despre Hitchcock ca his old pal "Hitch";

Pe ansamblu fara o editie Oscar fara mare fast, dar eficienta. Felt sorry for Anderson ca n-a castigat Blood..., harciogii de Coeni nihilisti nu meritau mai mult de un premiu de actor secundar, studio dirty job le era si lor jena, who gives a f*ck about their Oscar anymore :hmm: ;;
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Old 25 Feb 2008, 06:19   #60
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cred ca a fost cea mai plictisitoare editie ever... prezentatorul n-a avut nici sare nici piper... totul a fost foarte monoton. la fel si publicul. toti stateau ca si chiflele
anyway.... ma bucur pt No country for old men. Pt Daniel, care-i superb! Si pt Marion (foarte dragutza de altfel)...

p.s. dario marianelli good for you
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