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Old 09 Mar 2008, 20:56   #41
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tot respectul pentru un astfel de film si distributie!
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Old 14 Aug 2008, 12:19   #42
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Mi-a ramas in minte o replica a lui Al Pacino, din filmul asta, care imi place mult: "Imi jignesti inteligenta" ii spune unui mafiot si-l impusca! 8)
"Nihil Sine Deo"
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Old 14 Aug 2008, 15:44   #43
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la diverta trilogia The Godfather remasterizata (5 DVD-uri, cu tot cu documentare, interviuri si alte extra-uri) costa 180 ron. Furtisag pe fata: daca ti-o iei de pe amazon ajungi undeva sub 100 ron.
This is not THE END...
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Old 14 Aug 2008, 15:53   #44
Old School Hollywood
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Da dar nu o iei cu titrare in romana,nu platesti si chiria magazinului etc etc
I had some problems with my screenplay so I bought that book .. "How to Write a Movie in 21 Days".That was a year ago. (Christopher Moltisanti)
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Old 14 Aug 2008, 16:10   #45
Old School Hollywood
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Originally Posted by mafalda:
Mi-a ramas in minte o replica a lui Al Pacino, din filmul asta, care imi place mult: "Imi jignesti inteligenta" ii spune unui mafiot si-l impusca! 8)

Replica asta ii este oferita cumnatului sau,responsabil pentru moartea lui Sonny.Dar nu Michael Corleone il omoara,ci unul dintre oamenii lui.
I had some problems with my screenplay so I bought that book .. "How to Write a Movie in 21 Days".That was a year ago. (Christopher Moltisanti)
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Old 14 Aug 2008, 16:21   #46
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Mai precis Al Neri.
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Old 14 Aug 2008, 16:23   #47
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Originally Posted by redmen:
Da dar nu o iei cu titrare in romana,nu platesti si chiria magazinului etc etc

titrarea in romana costa cat filmul? e jenant
oricum, o titrare in engleza e hiper-de-ajuns
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Old 14 Aug 2008, 16:26   #48
Old School Hollywood
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Si mai precis Clemenza
I had some problems with my screenplay so I bought that book .. "How to Write a Movie in 21 Days".That was a year ago. (Christopher Moltisanti)
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Old 20 Jun 2013, 20:35   #49
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Un articol scris de Mario Puzo despre Godfather, carte si film, cum au fost create, diverse povesti despre cum s-au dat rolurile in film. Un articol scris cu foarte mult talent, din inima. Daca as avea chef as putea pune cel putin 10 citate care mi-au placut in mod deosebit. E destul de lung, dar cred ca merita, nu stiu daca in ziua de azi mai exista genul asta de sinceritate.

Cititi macar creditele pe care le da celor care au participat la realizarea filmului. E foarte amuzant. Apoi cititi si creditele date de critici.

Faceti click pe pagina 22.


Si comentariile lui Robert Evans, producator la Paramount in vremea cind a fost facut Godfather. Mi se pare extrem de charismatic Evans. "Ceea ce filmele, in general, au in comun e ca sint regizate, produse si jucate de evrei nu sicilieni. In 1969 nu era nici macar un singur regizor italian-american, cu credibilitate." Documentarul e facut in 2002. L-a vazut cineva?

"Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity."
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Old 20 Jun 2013, 21:01   #50
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Nu am vazut documentarul ala, n-am citit nici articolul inca, dar -- coincidentele astea -- voiam sa zic ca m-am uitat zilele astea la ultimele 3 filme de Cassavetes pe care nu le vazusem si cu aceasta ocazie am rasfoit o brosura de 60 de pagini inchinata de Ray Carney regizorului american, care zacea printr-un folder imbicsit si impaienjenit de citeva secole. Si contine si urmatoarea vorba de duh cassavetes-iana printre intertilurile cu care sunt piperate eseurile (pentru fiecare film in parte):

Why make The Godfather? It’s an entertainment? Terrific. I consider myself an artist, and whether I’m a good artist or a bad one is beside the point, I address myself to the art of film, and making a best-selling book into a best-selling movie is in no way art for me.

Bine, Adorno i-ar fi taiat-o subito la faza asta: arta este prin definitie reusita; arta nereusita este un oximoron, dar sa trecem peste.
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Old 20 Jun 2013, 22:47   #51
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Originally Posted by Federico:

Why make The Godfather? It’s an entertainment? Terrific. I consider myself an artist, and whether I’m a good artist or a bad one is beside the point, I address myself to the art of film, and making a best-selling book into a best-selling movie is in no way art for me.

Raspunde Mario Puzo si implicit Coppola:

"One interview I have to admit depressed me. Francis Coppola explained he was directing The Godfather so that he could get the capital to make pictures he really wanted to make. What depressed me was that he was smart enough to do this at the age of 32 when it took me 45 years to figure out I have to write The Godfather so that I could do other books I really wanted to do".

Este ceva neartistic in punctul asta de vedere? Normal. Daca artistii ar putea trai fara sa se gindeasca la meschinatatea vietii, ceva gen budistii care nu muncesc si traiesc doar cu ceea ce primesc de la cei care vor sa le dea ceva, lumea in care traim ar fi mult mai frumoasa.

Daca tot am ajuns aici sa mai pun citeva quotes din articol.

"I asked them for an advance to start my new book (which would be a BIG classic). The editors were cool. They were courteous. They were kind. They showed me the door."

"There is no way to explain the terrible feeling of rejection, the damage, the depression and weakening of will such manipulation does to a writer. But this incident also enlightened me. I had been naive enough to believe that publishers care about art. They didn't. They wanted to make money... If some lunatic (aviz lui Cassavettes ) wanted to create a work of art let him do it on his own time"

Vorbeste despre gambling cu copii lui pe coasta de Azur. "We all lost. I was a failure as a father." Ma opresc aici deocamdata, omul e criminal. Pacat ca nu i-am citit nici un roman, in special primele 2 care spune el ca sint foarte bune.
"Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity."
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Old 04 Mar 2014, 21:07   #52
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"the GOdfather "- cred ca este cel mai bun film a lui marlon brando...rol care la si consacrat de altfel...
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Old 04 Mar 2014, 22:11   #53
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Asa-i, la aproape 50 de ani a reusit si el sa se consacre. Te si intrebi din ce trait pana atunci.
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