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Old 24 Jun 2009, 18:20   #41
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Originally Posted by Sihaya:
@Chambord : N.ar fi mai bine sa fii producator? K aia au toata puterea (banului) de decizie (mai nou). Regizorul e cu puterea creatoare.

nu zic ba. mi-ar place sa-i zic regizorului:

pei vez uai ca nu asa si fashi uai ? stai si ti invatz io cum si filmeazi pi minunatili plaiuri ali noastri moldovineshti, io dau banu fashi cum zic io. uai rejizore da tu chiar vrei si ti palesc amu pisti kapatzana ?

Last edited by Chambord : 24 Jun 2009 at 18:23.
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Old 24 Jun 2009, 18:34   #42
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Pot sa joc eu rolul CNC-ului?
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Old 24 Jun 2009, 18:43   #43
Dancer in the Dark
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Originally Posted by Chambord:

pei vez uai ca nu asa si fashi uai ? stai si ti invatz io cum si filmeazi pi minunatili plaiuri ali noastri moldovineshti, io dau banu fashi cum zic io. uai rejizore da tu chiar vrei si ti palesc amu pisti kapatzana ?

Tentativa de traducere:
Pai vezi ca nu asa si faci [uai?]? Stai si ti-i invat eu cum se filmeaza pe minunatele plaiuri ale noastre moldovenesti, eu dau banul, faci cum zic eu. [Uai] regizore, dar tu chiar vrei sa te palesc acum peste capatana?

Uai e un apelativ? Credeam ca va strigati bre.
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 24 Jun 2009, 18:46   #44
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Originally Posted by corinka:
Cum saracie sa joace Christian Bale rolul tatalui lui Joseph Gordon Levitt???
Mai degraba l-as vedea pe Steve Buscemi in rolul lui Mr. Caulfield, ii sta foarte bine in costume elegante. Iar in rolul mamei ar merge Jodie Foster.

Please! Unde are Buscemi fata comerciala! Si oricum nu vrea rolul tatalui, mi.a spus el. Ii place istoria f.f.f. mult, intotdeauna si.a dorit sa fie profesor de istorie (da' viata a hotarat altcv ptr el). Si dc omu' a spus da, d c sa.l contrazicem? Il luam.
Dc. nu ti place Bale ptr rolul tatalui, alege pe altcineva.
Cat despre Jodie Foster, cine n.ar vrea.o intr.un film? Cine n.ar vrea.o oricum? Dar dupa rolurile de femeie dura din ultima vreme, crezi k ar vrea sa joace o alcoolica plangacioasa?
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Old 24 Jun 2009, 18:48   #45
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Originally Posted by corinka:

Uai e un apelativ? Credeam ca va strigati bre.

uai se foloseste la tzara, in loc de bai / fai
bre e deja universal, a trecut granitzele regiunii ... now we have forum users with that name
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Old 24 Jun 2009, 18:52   #46
Dancer in the Dark
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Screen test:


A spus ca vrea sa se implice in proiect daca are legatura cu mine.

Si vroia sa stie daca nu e bagat si Godard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsJGZ4bKHZA
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 24 Jun 2009, 18:56   #47
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Pai, vb cu producatorul. Zi.i k Joseph nu vine, decat dc esti si tu implicata in proiect. Am sa.i explic d.lui Chambord k Joseph in rolul lui D.B. ar fi un MARE plus ptr film.
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Old 24 Jun 2009, 19:10   #48
Dancer in the Dark
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Pai n-am spus ca ma bag? Vreau sa il asist pe Chambord si sa fiu hostess pentru Chris, Joe si Steve.
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 24 Jun 2009, 19:18   #49
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Pai ori asisti producatorul executiv, ori esti hostess?
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Old 24 Jun 2009, 19:25   #50
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No offense, kiddo! Am fost aici inainte. I am the producer's personal assistent.
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Old 24 Jun 2009, 19:28   #51
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Daca n-am spus, repet: producator sau producator executiv?
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Old 24 Jun 2009, 19:32   #52
Dancer in the Dark
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Nu, am intrat inaintea ta pe topicul asta. Dar e loc pentru toata lumea.
Voi fi unul dintre 'executive producerS', printre altele. Vreau sa fiu si asistemnta regizorului.

Oare pana la urma cine regizeaza?

PS Si daca nu ma vreti, ce faceti daca Joe sau Chris (mai ales el) face scandal si tipa ca daca plec eu, pleaca si el? Ramaneti fara vedete...
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 24 Jun 2009, 23:13   #53
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Fine! Esti producator executiv, alaturi de Chambord. Hotarati cine este regizorul, si mai repede, coz taim iz mani, si d.aia nu avem prea multi. Asa k sa nu.i irosim, k.ai criza (mondiala).
Si k tot veni vb de finante, n.am putea obtine niscai parale de la CNC? K proiectul este interesant (desi cam neterminat; de' ne ducem cu asta acum, nu trecem nici de poarta )
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Old 25 Jun 2009, 07:27   #54
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Girls girls, there's no need to argue ! Puteti fi amandoua si PAs si Producatoare. In privinta lui Joseph e clar: he's THE guy 4 what we need ! Mai ramane sa ne decidem si la niste actrite !

Ne-ar mai trebui ceva banuti tho Alo CNCu ? Si ar trebui sa facem ceva sa aburim un om de afaceri iubitor de arta sa finanteze Magnum Opus-ul vietii lui.

Vaz ca Hale ne-a plasat pisika si a plecat in vacanta. Nu mai trece pe aci.
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Old 25 Jun 2009, 07:41   #55
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ba-s aici si ma uit la voi cum va incalciti in treburi.
de ce nu urmati schema de la inceput? alegeti distributia, regizorul, directorul de imagine, etc n-o mai zguduiti atat ca se apropie filmarile.

am zis ca banii sunt nelimitati.
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Old 25 Jun 2009, 11:12   #56
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Ce avem k distributie pana acum, si alte propuneri in atentia prodicatorilor executivi:
Holden Caulfield
Sixteen years old. Six feet two with a shock of gray hair. Very immature but can act older than his age. (But no one notices.) Our narrator. Loves children. Hates phonys. eu zic sa facem casting pentru o fata noua

D.B. Caulfield
Holden's older brother. Served in the army. A writer. Author of "the Secret Goldfish". Now a prostitute for Hollywood (1). Joseph Gordon Levitt

Mr. Spencer
Holden's History teacher at Pency. Holden visits him before leaving school. He flunks Holden and reads his essay on "the Egyptians" aloud as an explanation. He smells like Vicks Nose Drops and is a bad throw. "Life is a game, boy" Steve Buscemi

Mr. Caulfield is a businessman. Sean Penn

Mrs. Caulfield doesn't sleep well. She's still traumatized over Allie. "They're grand people" Julianne Moore

Pency alumnus who made a fortune opening funeral homes. Gave a speech in the Pency chapel. Talked to Jesus, asking Him to send a few more stiffs Robin Williams

Walt Stradlater
Holden's roomate at Pency. Handsome and shallow. Asks Holden to write his composition for him and goes on a date with Jane Gallagher. Holden and Stradlater have a fist-fight. He was a friendly guy but "it was partly a phony kind of friendly. Zach EFfron

Allie Caulfield
Holden's younger brother who died three years earlier of leukemia. Bright, sensitive, and exceptional. Wrote poetry on his baseball mitt. "You'd have liked him" Haley Joel Osment

Mrs. Morrow
Ernest Morrow's mother. Attractive woman. Holden meets her on the train from Agerstown to New York City. He lies to her to spare her feelings concerning her son. Holden also tells her that he has a brain tumor. Debbie Mazar sau Madchen Amick

Ernest Morrow
A classmate of Holden at Pency. Although Holden tells his mother that he is popular but sensitive, in actuality he is "doubtless the biggest bastard that ever went to Pency" and "about as sensitive as a goddam toilet seat". Jamie Waylett

Phoebe Caulfield
Holden's ten-year-old sister. Very smart and perceptive girl. Roller-skate skinny with red hair. She likes to write girl books that she never finishes. Affectionate and emotional. Annalise Basso
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Old 25 Jun 2009, 12:33   #57
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Nuuuuuu, Steve Buscemi nu e bun de prof rigid. Steve Buscemi ar fi de treaba, ca prof rigid l-as pune pe Crhistopher Walken.
Si lui Zac Efrron the Ken Doll nu ar trebui sa-mi dam career options, ce v-a venit
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Old 25 Jun 2009, 13:09   #58
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Originally Posted by miercuri:
Nuuuuuu, Steve Buscemi nu e bun de prof rigid. Steve Buscemi ar fi de treaba, ca prof rigid l-as pune pe Crhistopher Walken.
Si lui Zac Efrron the Ken Doll nu ar trebui sa-mi dam career options, ce v-a venit

Steve Buscemi cauta sa mai schimbe rolurile, si cum am scris mai sus, a acceptat deja. Da' il luam si pe Christopher Walken, in rolul decanului scolii unde invata Holden.
Cat despre Zac... are dreptul sa creasca si sa invete.
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Old 25 Jun 2009, 15:57   #59
Dancer in the Dark
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Steve Buscemi poate juca si rol de prof rigid, si de gagicar.

Chiar ma gandisem si eu la Haley Joel Osment, poate chiar reusim sa ii "reinviem" cariera cu un rol principal. Oare cati ani are acum? Mi-e lene sa caut.
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 25 Jun 2009, 17:15   #60
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Nascut in 88. U do the math.
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