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Old 23 May 2012, 11:35   #681
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Maguire n-are absolut nici o treaba cu rolul. E vorba de un personaj din POV-ul caruia se priveste actiunea si care ar trebui sa fie o oglinda multi-fatetata. Ma rog, nu stiu daca au pastrat structura narativa, dar se vede clar ca nea Baz Luhrmann is aiming for the bling-bling. Psihologia personajelor si atmosfera sunt fie secundare fie deformate. Un film de Oscar si nimic mai mult.

Macar au avut inspiratia sa-l puna pe Jack White pe ST, cu un cover mai infipt decat originalul. Desi originalul e de pe unul din cele mai bune albume ever.

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Old 23 May 2012, 13:13   #682
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Eu n-am citit cartea dar cum a inceput trailerul si am auzit Kanye West si Jay-Z mi-am dat seama ca cel care a ales muzica e complet retardat.
Faptul ca l-au facut in 3D si acting-ul destul de fortat fara implicari emotionale ma fac sa cred ca o sa fie ceva light pentru mase.
I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex.
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Old 23 May 2012, 21:59   #683
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The Great Gatsby arata foarte bine desi prima oara te loveste tare cu imaginea aia foarte saturata. Ce m-a deranjat, sau ce mi-a iesit in fata prima oara, este sentimentul ca totul in jurul lor este fals si realizat cu CG, lucru care nu a existat in Moulin Rouge. Cel mai bun examplu este acel cadru cand ei merg pe pontonul ala si se vede ca apa si tot din jur este doar o compozitie CG. Lucrul ala te poate scoate din atmosfera filmului dar daca povestea este interesanta poate fi trecuta cu vederea. Nu sunt familiar cu tema filmului deci nu am cine stie ce asteptari deocamdata.
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Old 24 May 2012, 12:31   #684
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Ce cinic este tataie la faza cu pianul
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Old 24 May 2012, 19:40   #685
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^Voia sa dea pe Radio Romania Actualitati ca trebuia sa inceapa Radio-Jurnalul de la ora 8.
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Old 25 May 2012, 08:12   #686
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The Master - Cannes Footage description
From Cigarettes & Red Vines

Scene By Scene Breakdown Of 'The Master' Cannes Footage

"If you saw the trailer earlier today, you have some idea of what we saw, but it was a different assembly. While the soundtrack was the same at the beginning, with that unnerving Jonny Greenwood score and the interview between the Army official and Joaquin Phoenix, the images themselves were different. We saw Phoenix standing in a hallway, writing on a piece of paper affixed to a corkboard. As the interview reached its end, the camera pushed forward so we could read the very short and direct note: "Gone to China," and then his signature.

We saw the same footage of the fight on the beach, the footage of him drinking the alcohol that looks like it's coming from a torpedo, and then the close-up of him sitting across from the guy that's interviewing him. "What happened? Sir?"

"Let's just see if we can't help you remember what happened."

Then began new footage. Joaquin Phoenix running across a field, afraid. Him on a boat, walking along a deck at night. And then his first encounter with Philip Seymour Hoffman. He asks Hoffman, "What do you do?"

"I do many many things. I am a doctor, a writer, a nuclear physicist, a theoretical philosopher. But above all, I am a man."

We see Hoffman onstage, addressing a group. "I'd like to talk to you today about cold feet and narrow minds. People who have cold feet cannot move forward. People who have narrow minds cannot move side to side. They both take courage. This is what I'd like to talk about."

Then Amy Adams is introduced, and she's got a crazy intensity, even in these short clips, that practically radiates off the screen. "This exercise will help you with your concentration. Look at my eyes. I want you to place something in the future for yourself that you would like to have. It's there, waiting for you."

Then it's back to Hoffman and Phoenix, sitting across from each other in some intense encounter, Hoffman challenging him. "Say your name."

Phoenix sounds hesitant in his response. "Freddie Crock."

"Say it again."

Louder this time. "Freddie Crock."

"Might as well say it one more time, just to make sure you know who you are."

"Freddie Crock."

We see a group of people shooting on the beach, Phoenix among them, and then we see Adams confronting Hoffman, almost in tears. "And this is where we are at," she says. "At the lowest level. To have to explain ourselves. For what? For what we do, we have to grovel. The only way to defend ourselves is to attack. If we don't do that, we will lose every battle we are engaged in. We will never dominate our environment the way we should unless we attack."

Now we appear to be jumping scene to scene, moment to moment. It's just impressions. Adams laughing, out of control. "It's a grim joke."

Hoffman groans. "I was thoughtless in my remarks."

As the scenes cut from one to the next, we keep returning to a haunting image of Phoenix, framed in a window, punching himself in the head. Fast.

Hoffman accuses him. "You linger in bus stations for pleasure." Another shot of Phoenix, punching faster now. Back to Hoffman. "Is your life a struggle?" Punching faster and faster. "Is your behavior erratic? Are you unpredictable?" Phoenix, sitting across from Hoffman, farts loudly and begins to laugh as Hoffman recoils. "What a horrible young man you are."

It seems like they're picking at him, breaking him down. "You're a dirty animal who eats its own feces when it's hungry."

We see them meeting, talking about Phoenix. Amy Adams in particular doesn't seem to trust him. "I wonder how he got here and what he's after. Is it really all so easy that he just came across us? He's dangerous and he will be our undoing if we continue to have him here."

Hoffman's not convinced, though. "If we are not helping him, then it is we who have failed him… is it not?"

Adams is the last one to speak as the title comes up. "The Master." Simple white letters on a black background. "Perhaps he's past help. Or insane." And the Greenwood score ends on a lone violin, mournful. It was a dizzying piece of footage, and much of it was just close-ups against stark black backgrounds, these great actors and their faces and nothing else. It certainly made me eager to see what PTA has been up to, and it also pretty much confirms any report that tied the film to the origins of Scientology. While they may not be doing a straight biopic of L. Ron Hubbard, if you're familiar with his life, it would be impossible not to see him and his wife and the early followers in what we saw tonight."

Sounds fucking awesome! Ce sa mai zic de Phoenix care intr-un minut m-a convins ca o sa fie stellar in rol.
"En el teatro se hace lo que se debe, en el cine se hace lo que se quiere y en la televisión se hace lo que se puede">>
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Old 30 May 2012, 13:27   #687
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Les Miz
"En el teatro se hace lo que se debe, en el cine se hace lo que se quiere y en la televisión se hace lo que se puede">>
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Old 31 May 2012, 11:42   #688
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Astia au inceput sa nenoroceasca toate cartile mele preferate
N-arata chiar rau dar faptul ca e musical il face obnoxious.
O sa ia Oscar nom la Best Pic
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Old 31 May 2012, 16:37   #689
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Hehe pai e inspirat dupa musical si ce mi se pare interesant la film e faptul ca toate melodiile au fost inregistrate live on set si nu intr-o cabina, Hooper is going for raw emotions . Deja vad nominalizari pt Jackman si Hathaway.
"En el teatro se hace lo que se debe, en el cine se hace lo que se quiere y en la televisión se hace lo que se puede">>
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Old 01 Jun 2012, 00:57   #690
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Originally Posted by Chambord:
Astia au inceput sa nenoroceasca toate cartile mele preferate
N-arata chiar rau dar faptul ca e musical il face obnoxious.
O sa ia Oscar nom la Best Pic
Uhm... poate pentru ca este o adaptare a piesei musical de pe Broadway?

Nu arata rau. Arata bine. Chiar foarte bine.
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Old 02 Jun 2012, 10:06   #691
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Don`t fuck this up Hooper Nu-mi place in mod special Anne Hathaway dar poate o sa mearga, vedem ce reuseste sa faca si in TDKR.

More Samantha Barks in next trailer please.

Linkul de mai sus nu merge asa ca asta e altul: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk5UStefYmE
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Last edited by Redy : 02 Jun 2012 at 12:24.
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Old 04 Jun 2012, 07:44   #692
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Wow... The Dark Knight Rises MTV Movie Awards Footage


Reactia celor de la Empire la un pre-screening spune multe.

Empire has never before seen filmmaking on this scale. This is indisputably jaw-dropping. Huge. And it's no boast to say that to witness such a spectacle is a precious rarity in the early 21st century. This stadium set-piece is more reminiscent of the genuine cast-of-thousands era of Ben-Hur — and we're thinking as much of the 1925 version as William Wyler's Chuck Heston-fronted '59 one. These days we're more used to scale segments built on studio lots or in cavernous, green-walled soundstages with digitally cloned CG extras in the stalls. It's funny how for years we were all so impressed by Hollywood's new digital, reality-replicating flourishes when, all along, they were nowhere near as extraordinary as, well, reality. Nobody makes movies like this anymore. Or rather, nobody else...
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Old 05 Jun 2012, 20:58   #693
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Saw the footage live , ca am stat pana tarziu sa il prind pe Johnny , pretty awesome shit. Si la 2 h 45 min chiar o sa avem eye-candy cat cuprinde. Can't wait! Parca si Catwoman mi-e mai simpatica.
"En el teatro se hace lo que se debe, en el cine se hace lo que se quiere y en la televisión se hace lo que se puede">>
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Old 07 Jun 2012, 02:51   #694
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Originally Posted by buticut:
Can't wait! Parca si Catwoman mi-e mai simpatica.
Cu siguranta... 2h45min este perfect. S-a vorbit si de 3h + intermission. Se pare ca au fost cerinte parca prea mari pentru zgarcitii de la Warner Bros...
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Old 07 Jun 2012, 09:47   #695
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Django Unchained trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC8VJ...layer_embedded
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Old 11 Jun 2012, 15:01   #696
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Bine ca mai face si un film normal Zemeckis dupa atatea animatii mediocre,mai putin Beowulf,care a fost decent.
Trailerul arata interesant si nu pot sa zic ca m-am saturat vreodata de Denzel.
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Old 19 Jun 2012, 12:32   #697
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The Master - Hopelessly Inquisitive


PTA, Hoffman, Phoenix, Malaimare & Greenwood... Superb.
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Old 19 Jun 2012, 19:49   #698
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It will be grand, i can feel it. Posibil cel mai bun film al lui de la Magnolia incoace.
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Old 19 Jun 2012, 23:03   #699
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The Dark Knight Rises Trailer 4

Last edited by rifa : 20 Jun 2012 at 08:04.
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Old 20 Jun 2012, 12:02   #700
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Monster's University Teaser Trailer

I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex.
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