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Old 16 Oct 2008, 14:23   #61
cu v mic
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Filmul din care sunt extrase citatele este unul dintre preferatele mele. A durat mult pânã am reuºit sã aflu numele fimului, Johnny got his gun [1971]. Îl ºtiam din videoclipul "One" Metallica. Anul acesta l-am vãzut ºi într-adevãr unele replici sunt puternice.

"Inside me I'm screaming, nobody pays any attention. If I had arms, I could kill myself. If I had legs, I could run away. If I had a voice, I could talk and be some kind of company for myself. I could yell for help, but nobody would help me."

"Put your arms around me. I need to feel their warmth, to keep the chill of death away."

"I'm like a piece of meat that keeps on living."
E prea clişeic să spui că e clişeic.
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Old 21 Oct 2008, 23:18   #62
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"Nu ai nici cea mai mica idee despre ce vorbesc, nu?
Dar.. nu te ingrijora.. o sa intelegi intr-o zi!"
American Beauty- final
Toata lumea stie ca nu se poate face acel lucru pana in momentul in care vine unu' care nu stie ca nu se poate rezolva acel lucru... si-l rezolva!
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Old 23 Oct 2008, 08:08   #63
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Asta la vista,Baby :lol:
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Old 23 Oct 2008, 08:15   #64
cu v mic
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Originally Posted by blublu:
Asta la vista,Baby :lol:

... totuºi nu era "hasta"??? :?
E prea clişeic să spui că e clişeic.
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Old 23 Oct 2008, 12:39   #65
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Cred cä se referea la una dintre surorile Nielsen: Asta sau Aia.
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Old 29 Oct 2008, 12:32   #66
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Hello, everyone!
"That woman deserves her revenge and we deserve to die" (Kill Bill)
"Your spirit shall forever remain among the humans. You shall age like them, you shall die like them, and all memory of you shall fade in time. And we'll vanish along with it. You will never see us again." (Pan's Labyrinth)
" If we can't make memories, we can't heal." (Memento)
"The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life." (The Last Samurai)
Sper ca de data aceasta nu mai "creez" subiecte - thanks, Pitbull, for the guidance!
"Shadows and dust"
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Old 29 Oct 2008, 14:15   #67
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"We are here to serve." :hmm:
(Cred cä si ästa-i un citat de undeva, da' naiba mai stie de unde...)
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Old 29 Oct 2008, 14:28   #68
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"We are here to serve"...you? sa fie continuarea?- asa ar suna mai degraba a mesaj prezidential decat a replica.....All the President's Men? just tryin' to guess
"Shadows and dust"
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Old 29 Oct 2008, 14:38   #69
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Hmm, posibil... "All the President's Men" e unul dintre filmele mele de suflet - cartea a fost prima pe care m-am încumetat s-o traduc (din purä pasiune). Am reusit un sfert din ea. Aveam doar 18 ani, eram nebun, iubeam si...
...si totusi, nu-mi amintesc dacä e de-acolo.
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Old 30 Oct 2008, 08:26   #70
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Daca tot ai mentionat carti de suflet, uite o replica din ecranizarea uneia din multele mele carti de suflet (nu ma pot hotari la una fiindca le iubesc pe toate
"What I heard then was the melody of children at play. And I knew that the hopelessly poignant thing was not Lolita's absence from my side, but the absence of her voice from that chorus." (Lolita - director: Adrian Lyne)
"Shadows and dust"
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Old 30 Oct 2008, 14:54   #71
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Ce destepti avem pe forum.Sa fie cum vreti voi
Hasta la vista desteptilor....
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Old 30 Oct 2008, 15:56   #72
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Pe cât cä esti off-topic?
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Old 31 Oct 2008, 08:23   #73
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Originally Posted by blublu:
Ce destepti avem pe forum.Sa fie cum vreti voi
Hasta la vista desteptilor....

Ce-i blu, ti-e rusine ca esti pe langa la filmul vietii tale? Asta la vista beibeeeeee!!! :w00t: 8)
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Old 31 Oct 2008, 09:08   #74
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Hey, guys, chiar trebuie sa dam replici asa taioase? Let's cut blu some slack! Si daca el tine la parerea lui, let him have it! Haideti sa revenim la topic:
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. All those moments would be lost in time like tears in rain. Time to die" (Blade Runner)
"But I being poor have only my dreams. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. I suppose you dream, Preston." (Equilibrium)
"Shadows and dust"
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Old 31 Oct 2008, 09:34   #75
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"Are you not entertained?!" (Gladiator)
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Old 31 Oct 2008, 09:55   #76
cu v mic
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The last samurai

" June 17th, 1876. The dead are with me tonight. They return each time I am obliged to tell their story. I can almost see them in the shadows, their bodies whole and beautiful once more. Sometimes it's as if they call to me in a sweet invitation. 'We are dead' they whisper 'and we are happy. Do not be afraid. You have been dead, too.' "

"Here there is neither past, nor future. Only an oblivion of water."

" - What do you want from me?
- What do you want for yourself?"

" - You were something before you were a soldier. You were a boy who was sad to see the leaves fall and the trees die.
- Like those trees, we are all dying. The future is an illusion, our plans are an illusion, our fears an illusion. We live life in every breath. Eat, drink, fuck. Now. Every cup of tea. Every word we write... every blossom we hold."

"I like to think he may have found at last some small measure of the peace we all seek, but few of us ever find."
E prea clişeic să spui că e clişeic.
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Old 31 Oct 2008, 15:18   #77
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"Charlie: Rain Man?
Raymond: Yeah?
Charlie: Let's play some cards.
Raymond: Yeah. " (Rain Man)

And my personal favorite
"Vanity, definitely my favorite sin" (The Devil's Advocate)
"Shadows and dust"
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Old 31 Oct 2008, 16:34   #78
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Let's get married! :happy: :love:
Acu' vreo 3-4 ani, fi-miu si-un prieten träiau din vânzäri de replici din filme pe la festivaluri si ocazii (Sighisoara, Stuffstock, 1 Mai în Vamä, etc.) Mergeau cu cartonasu' prin lume, oferind replici din orice filme la comanda clientului, pe 10.000 ROL bucata, si scoteau bani frumosi! Si odatä, vine unu', zice: "Bäi, as vrea si eu, da' n-am decât 5.000..." :? "OK, vindem si la jumate! Din ce film?" "Päi, din «Pact cu diavolul»." "Bun, scoate banu': 'Vanity... Definitely, my...'."
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Old 03 Nov 2008, 08:15   #79
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Ingeniosi! :lol: Chiar ma intreb daca ar merge chestia asta cu replicile si acum! Eu am primit oarecare critici (a se citi sprancene ridicate :hmm: ) din cauza obiceiului meu de a caracteriza o situatie sau o persoana cu replici din filme. Si un prieten ma intreaba: "De ce nu poti sa scoti si tu bani din toate replicile alea, ca oricum ai o memorie de elefant!" :lol:
Anyway, cred ca este mai mult un hobby dar ma amuza sa asociez scene si replici din filme cu the real thing.

"You can't handle the truth" (A Few Good Men)
"Free will. It's like butterfly wings: once touched, they never get off the ground. No, I only set the stage. You pull your own strings." (The Devil's Advocate)
"Shadows and dust"
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Old 03 Nov 2008, 13:33   #80
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"Look. Don't touch! Touch... Don't taste. Taste... Don't swallow!" (Tot de-acolo)
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