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Old 27 Jan 2004, 23:30   #61
Spirit of the System
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
DA mah shtiu da' io am bagat articolu' kre era original ... l-am gasit la Killer Moviez PUNCT com
Pai si eu l-am gasit pa ala de pe coming soon car educea spre linkul sursa, care probasbil duce spre alt link si tot asa :lol: Chestia e ca numai am stiri pt seara asta! Poate maine dimineatza ceva nou :roll:
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Old 28 Jan 2004, 12:19   #62
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Deci, in final si in final: daca e cineva care sa ma lamureasca: sunetul nevetelor imperiale din ep. 4-6 o sa se regaseasca si in al 3-lea episod? Deh, fiecare cu tzicneala lui, dar -- intrebarea e -- stie careva? M-ar bucura enorm...
Pentru ca in ep. 1+2 e clar, imperiul inca nu se formase... Sper pentru la anul insa... :roll:
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Old 28 Jan 2004, 12:32   #63
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by snatchro:
Deci, in final si in final: daca e cineva care sa ma lamureasca: sunetul nevetelor imperiale din ep. 4-6 o sa se regaseasca si in al 3-lea episod? Deh, fiecare cu tzicneala lui, dar -- intrebarea e -- stie careva? M-ar bucura enorm...
Pentru ca in ep. 1+2 e clar, imperiul inca nu se formase... Sper pentru la anul insa... :roll:

Pai deja in episodeul 2 am observat micro modelele de crucishatoare... iar in cartea Planeta Adormita ... deja intervin X-Wings... Trooperu' n Episodu 3 a fost schimbat spre versiunea originala.

Inca un mic detalie: man luiAnakin nu este "robotic human like" ... e mai mult mashinarie curata - spre deosebire de "proteza" lui Luke de a Finalu' Empire Strikes Back!

More changes will come...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 28 Jan 2004, 16:44   #64
Spirit of the System
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Un alt titlu ce circula pe net zilelel astea este Empire Devided... dupa ce multe luni s-a vorbit despre Revenge of the Sith... :roll: Vom trai si vom vedea - sa speram ca en elucidam intr-un trailer!
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Old 28 Jan 2004, 18:59   #65
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by TLD:
Un alt titlu ce circula pe net zilelel astea este Empire Devided... dupa ce multe luni s-a vorbit despre Revenge of the Sith... :roll: Vom trai si vom vedea - sa speram ca en elucidam intr-un trailer!

Ambele titluri sunt super de kkt ... nici unul nu e pe placu' meu ... iar Empire Divided - nu are cum sa fie ptr k toate sistemele sunt unite intr-o Republica... Imperiu o sa fie dupa ce se termine Episodu' 3
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 28 Jan 2004, 19:03   #66
Spirit of the System
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
Originally Posted by TLD:
Un alt titlu ce circula pe net zilelel astea este Empire Devided... dupa ce multe luni s-a vorbit despre Revenge of the Sith... :roll: Vom trai si vom vedea - sa speram ca en elucidam intr-un trailer!

Ambele titluri sunt super de kkt ... nici unul nu e pe placu' meu ... iar Empire Divided - nu are cum sa fie ptr k toate sistemele sunt unite intr-o Republica... Imperiu o sa fie dupa ce se termine Episodu' 3
Poate ca se refera la Galaxie - ca un imperiu... Ce stiu eu ce e in capul lor... Oricum Revenge of the Sith pare mai misto!
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Old 28 Jan 2004, 19:23   #67
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by TLD:
Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
Ambele titluri sunt super de kkt ... nici unul nu e pe placu' meu ... iar Empire Divided - nu are cum sa fie ptr k toate sistemele sunt unite intr-o Republica... Imperiu o sa fie dupa ce se termine Episodu' 3
Poate ca se refera la Galaxie - ca un imperiu... Ce stiu eu ce e in capul lor... Oricum Revenge of the Sith pare mai misto!

revenge of the Sith e un titlu super banal shi neoriginal... nu intzeleg de ce ma contrazic io cu tine akuma.... mai discutam noi ....... :lol:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 28 Jan 2004, 19:26   #68
Spirit of the System
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
revenge of the Sith e un titlu super banal shi neoriginal... nu intzeleg de ce ma contrazic io cu tine akuma.... mai discutam noi ....... :lol:
In sabii, pistoale sau buzdugane sa ne batem - titlu la star wars sa alegem noi vom face! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Old 02 Feb 2004, 12:07   #69
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Aseara la Protv am vazut Star Wars. De ce zice Obi wan ca daca il loveste cu sabia vader o sa devina mai puternic decat isi imagineaza el?

Si ii mai si dispare corpul. N-am inteles nimic.

gandalf ai promis the fallen hero. vreau si eu.
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Old 04 Feb 2004, 20:03   #70
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Din ce am inteles sa lasat omorat pt. a scapa luke si daca murea era mult mai puternic si putea sal ajute mai mult pe luke. Oricum cand mama dracului apare episode III ????. Abia astept sal vad . Daca ne gandim bine acesta va fi de 2 ori mai bun decat amenintarrea fantomei si inca o data decat razboiul clonelor. Deci ii dau (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)
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Old 04 Feb 2004, 20:15   #71
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Ionutz55:
Din ce am inteles sa lasat omorat pt. a scapa luke si daca murea era mult mai puternic si putea sal ajute mai mult pe luke. Oricum cand mama dracului apare episode III ????. Abia astept sal vad . Daca ne gandim bine acesta va fi de 2 ori mai bun decat amenintarrea fantomei si inca o data decat razboiul clonelor. Deci ii dau (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)

inca un fan care ashteapta cu nerabdare ... Filmul apare in vara lu' 2005 ... luna exacta inca nu o shtiu! dar a aparut un filmuletz cu imagini de pe platourile de filmare shi cu bataia lu' OBi cu Ani kre va tzine 12 minute = cel mai lung duel din storia cinematigrafiei ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 04 Feb 2004, 20:18   #72
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by LadyEowyin:
Aseara la Protv am vazut Star Wars. De ce zice Obi wan ca daca il loveste cu sabia vader o sa devina mai puternic decat isi imagineaza el?

Si ii mai si dispare corpul. N-am inteles nimic.

gandalf ai promis the fallen hero. vreau si eu.

DA am .. promis shi va voi aduce dupa ce termin cu sesiunea ...

+ Obi Wan s-a lasat omorat shi a disparut exact cum a disparut shi Yoda in Empire Strikes Back! Asha l-a putut ajuta mai mult pe LUke shi la- indrumat in tot ceea ce a facut inclusiv dupa ce se termina shi Episodul 6 shi se insoara Luke shi Leia are GEMENI!
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 05 Feb 2004, 06:35   #73
Spirit of the System
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
Originally Posted by Ionutz55:
Din ce am inteles sa lasat omorat pt. a scapa luke si daca murea era mult mai puternic si putea sal ajute mai mult pe luke. Oricum cand mama dracului apare episode III ????. Abia astept sal vad . Daca ne gandim bine acesta va fi de 2 ori mai bun decat amenintarrea fantomei si inca o data decat razboiul clonelor. Deci ii dau (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)

inca un fan care ashteapta cu nerabdare ... Filmul apare in vara lu' 2005 ... luna exacta inca nu o shtiu! dar a aparut un filmuletz cu imagini de pe platourile de filmare shi cu bataia lu' OBi cu Ani kre va tzine 12 minute = cel mai lung duel din storia cinematigrafiei ...
Ma dezamagesti vrajitorule! Tocmai tu sa nu stii ca data de aparitie este 25 mai 2005?! :lol: Si greetings Ionutze, filmuletzul ala despre care tot vorbiti il akm eu! :lol: :twisted:
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Old 05 Feb 2004, 16:44   #74
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
DA am .. promis shi va voi aduce dupa ce termin cu sesiunea ...

Astept atunci cu nerabdare. :o
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Old 05 Feb 2004, 19:56   #75
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TLD imi poti spune de unde lai luat . Sincer as vrea sal vad.
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Old 05 Feb 2004, 20:03   #76
Spirit of the System
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Ceva de genu... Oricum acuma se gaseste cam peste tot videoclipul.. :roll: Ce e si cu pirateria asta! :lol: Si acuma ma pregatesc sa mai iau ceva care e hot si nou din star wars...
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Old 05 Feb 2004, 20:06   #77
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Lucas film are fucking fuming! This is NOT a "stealth marketing" tactic - Lucasfilm are REALLY pissed off about it.

Footage from an advance screening of Star Wars Episode 3 has been leaked almost a year in advance of it's official release date! Cease and desist letters are being emailed left right and centre Now aren't you glad you played an active part in this site and have access to the Ratz only section?

There are more *cough* "details" there.

As for everyone else..T.S.
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Old 08 Feb 2004, 08:26   #78
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O alta stire care va poate bulversa, cititi doar datele... De fapt cititi tot:

On top of the big news that an announcement from Lucasfilm is expected next Tuesday saying that the Classic Trilogy will come to DVD on September 21 in a four-disk set, there's also new updates about Star Wars: Episode III today.

First up, at the official Star Wars website, there's a great interview with editor Roger Barton talking about what it takes to work on a massive project such as the final prequel. Here's a clip...

Once Barton returned to Skywalker Ranch after principal photography wrapped on the set in Sydney, he began to work closely with Lucas and Ben Burtt. During production in Sydney, Burtt worked with the Animatics Department to deliver early iterations of some of the most action-packed scenes, while Barton was busily assembling live action footage shot on set.

"While Ben and George are knocking out the first 20 minutes of the movie that opens in a huge space battle, I'm working on the body of the movie and knocking out some Yoda sequences so that [Animation Supervisor] Rob Coleman can start his animation," he says.

That full article is available at the link above. Meanwhile, the official Homing Beacon newsletter shed some light on how many effects shots will be done for the May, 2005 film.

Industrial Light & Magic is still gearing up to take on the bulk of visual effects requirements for Episode III, but here's a numerical snapshot of where they stand as of February 4, 2004.

Total number of shots: 2,000
Client Finals (final shots as approved by George Lucas): 37
Final Omits: 1
Shots Turned over to ILM: 809

Finals needed per week: 32
Weeks to go: 61
Shots left to go: 1,963

Length of the opening shot, from after the crawl to the first cut (in frames): 3,768

Sounds like there's quite a lot of work yet to be done! Stay tuned for more on the latest "Episode III" news.
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Old 10 Feb 2004, 07:57   #79
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De citit si articolul acesta!

The Star Wars Trilogy will be released as a four-disc DVD box set September 21, with a global rollout on DVD expected within days of the domestic release, according to Lucasfilm and 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.

The trilogy featuring the classic franchise films Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi will be released on three DVD discs, with a fourth disc likely to hold a newly made documentary about the "Star Wars" franchise and never-before-seen footage, among several other bonus materials, Jim Ward, Lucasfilm's vp marketing and distribution and the DVD trilogy's executive producer, tells The Hollywood Reporter.

"We are currently in the process of restoring and remastering all three titles for the DVD release, so we're still working on details of the marketing strategy," Ward said. "But I believe that it is safe to say that it will receive tremendous exposure across all media."

Lucasfilm and Fox chose the September release date to maximize on holiday gift buying during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. They are hoping to cash in on DVD sales throughout the holidays and up until the theatrical release of Star Wars: Episode III, which is set for release nationwide May 25, 2005.

Each of the three films in the Star Wars Trilogy has been digitally restored and remastered by THX for sound and picture quality. The films will be sold exclusively as a collection and not seperately.
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Old 10 Feb 2004, 19:25   #80
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