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View Poll Results: Cel mai bun film este...
"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" (New Line) A Wingnut Films Production Barrie M. Osborne, Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh, Producers 20 54.05%
"Lost in Translation" (Focus Features) An American Zoetrope/Elemental Films Production Ross Katz and Sofia Coppola, Producers 11 29.73%
"Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World" (20th Century Fox) A 20th Century Fox and Universal Pictures and Miramax Films Production Samuel Goldwyn, Jr., Peter Weir and Duncan Henderson, Producers 2 5.41%
"Mystic River" (Warner Bros.) A Warner Bros. Pictures Production Robert Lorenz, Judie G. Hoyt and Clint Eastwood, Producers 4 10.81%
"Seabiscuit" (Universal Pictures/DreamWorks Pictures/Spyglass Entertainment) A Universal Pictures/DreamWorks Pictures Production Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall and Gary Ross, Producers 0 0%
Voters: 37. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 01 Mar 2004, 20:08   #81
WitchKing of Angmar
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Da.Corect.Numai ca singura problema este ca aici nu se hotarashte cine sa castige ci doar se spun parerile.Fiecare cum ii convine mai mult :lol:
High life inseamna sa stai o viatza high
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 20:12   #82
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Mi s-a parut ca in cazul asta Academia s-a luat dupa FANI!

Fanii sunt profesionisti? Really? :o
apocalypse please
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 20:59   #83
The One and Only Gollum
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Poate nu or fi profesionisti, dar sunt multi, foarte foarte multi!!!!
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 21:10   #84
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si doar k sunt multi fani trebuia sa ia premiu?
Switched On Lotus
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 21:13   #85
WitchKing of Angmar
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Au avut un cuvant mare,prea mare, de spus in aceasta hotarare.Probabil nu a vrut sa dezamageasca atatia oameni sau cine stie ce manarii au facut ei p'acolo
High life inseamna sa stai o viatza high
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 21:13   #86
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Aveti o judecata de toata jena bai Smeagol si Wraith
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 21:14   #87
The One and Only Gollum
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YES!!!!!! Daca sunt f f f f f f f f multi ar trebui sa castige!!
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 21:16   #88
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Cantitate nu inseamna calitate.
Switched On Lotus
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 21:16   #89
WitchKing of Angmar
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Aici nu mai conteaza ce crezi sau cum o judeci.A castigat.Punct.
High life inseamna sa stai o viatza high
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 21:17   #90
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Era vorba de judecata voastra (adica cum judecati voi) nu de cum judec eu LOTR... E chiar asa de greu de inteles? Prostia voastra aproape incepe sa ma fascineze
apocalypse please
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 21:19   #91
WitchKing of Angmar
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Hai nu mai zi....Shi daca noi acum spunem prostii inseamna ca tu eshti AS.Ti-am spus.Nu incepe
High life inseamna sa stai o viatza high
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 21:20   #92
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Voi sunteti aia care au o viziune deformata asupra cinematografiei si aspura calitatii filmelor.
Switched On Lotus
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 21:22   #93
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Bai ASSule (DIN NOU) eu nu am facut nici o referire la persoana mea! Si nu-mi mai da raspunsuri din-alea de copil de 2 ani "da... si daca eu sunt asa tu cum esti?" ... continui sa cred in ciuda dovezilor care arata diferit ca aveti amandoi peste 12-13 ani ... Si ce sa nu incep? EU aici nu ma cert cu nimeni doar ma contrazic... you could take it as a compliment... ma fascinezi intr-un fel :wink:
apocalypse please
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 21:53   #94
The One and Only Gollum
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Ma benny....tu shi cu nightwane aveti o parere despre lotr iar eu shi wraith avem alta!!! Asha ca lasa tu criticile deoparte, ca nu eshi de la nici o academie!!!
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 22:02   #95
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Ce critici ma? Tu ai ceva in capul ala? Am spus eu ceva de critici? Si de ce eviti sa te contrazici cu noi? Ti-e frica de ceva? Nu-ti face griji, nu muscam! Vreau sa vad cat te duce mintea aia a ta ca pana acum esti sub 0
apocalypse please
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 22:07   #96
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Hahaha!!! Auzi la el!! Ma benny, adica tu atunci cand faci pe cineva prost, tu nu il critici nu???? Daca nu il critici ce naiba faci?? Il lauzi?? :evil: :evil:
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 22:14   #97
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A face pe cineva prost nu inseamna a-l critica, naivul meu Gollum, ci a insulta sau a jigni, cum vrei. Si eu iti repet, daca nu esti in stare sa te contrazici cu mine si/sau cu Nightwane nu mai posta!
apocalypse please
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 22:22   #98
The One and Only Gollum
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Dar a jigni sau a insulta nu inseamna a critica?? :wink:
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 22:27   #99
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A critica, critic, vb. I. Tranz.A dezvalui lipsurile din actiunileunor oameni, a arata defectele unor stari de lucruri (descoperind cauzele si indicand mijloacele de indreptare). A arata cu rautate (sau cu exagerare) partile slabe ale unui lucru; a comenta in chip rautacios

Si unde vezi tu a jigni sau a insulta pe-aici?
apocalypse please
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Old 01 Mar 2004, 22:32   #100
The One and Only Gollum
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H3h3h3!! Da ce faci ma benny? Incepi sa citesti dictionaru??

Da bine..poate ai dreptate......fatza de vb a critica

Vezi........abia acuma incepem sa ne contrazicem!!
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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