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View Poll Results: Care va place mai mult? Poate si argumentati...
Reservoir Dogs 13 19.12%
Pulp Fiction 34 50.00%
Jackie Brown 0 0%
Kill Bill: Vol.1 2 2.94%
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 3 4.41%
Death Proof 1 1.47%
Inglorious Bastards 15 22.06%
Voters: 68. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 05 Mar 2010, 11:37   #81
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Inglourious Basterds. Va lua si Oscarul pentru cel mai bun film, o sa vedeti.
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Old 05 Mar 2010, 11:44   #82
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Comparatia este facuta intre prima si a doua jumatate, intre primul si al doilea grup de actrite. Daca ar fi fost ceva premeditat nu ar fi existat diferenta dintre cele doua jumatati si fenomenul nu ar fi fost limitat doar la unele dintre personaje.
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Old 05 Mar 2010, 15:38   #83
Dancer in the Dark
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Originally Posted by dansatorul_polimorf:
Daca ar fi fost ceva premeditat nu ar fi existat diferenta dintre cele doua jumatati si fenomenul nu ar fi fost limitat doar la unele dintre personaje.

Probabil ca asa ai fi procedat tu, dar, din fericire, QT este mult mai subtil.
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 05 Mar 2010, 18:09   #84
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[quote=dansatorul_polimorf]Death Proof nu e genial, mai ales finalul.
Depinde de perceptia fiecaruia, pentru mine finalul a fost genial deoarece m-a luat prin surprindere. Nu ma asteptam ca Kurt Russel din vanator, sa devina vanat, desi reteta asta am vazut-o in multe filme de actiune, horror etc.
De acord cu Corinka, omagiu adus filmelor "cu masini", filme independente care nu au fost apreciate la vremea lor, insa in timp au capatat statul de "filme cult" a fost reusit. Cel putin eu dupa ce am vazut Death Proof, am cautat pe net si am vazut Vanishing Point. Superb, Kowalski si Dodge Challenger -ul sau au intrat in legenda.
fii intotdeauna tu insuti si daca nu este indeajuns pentru cineva atunci acel cineva nu este indeajuns pentru tine
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Old 05 Mar 2010, 18:10   #85
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Da, ai dreptate, eu si Tarantino am avut tot timpul diferendele noastre. Cica in al doilea grup de femele una nici nu era actrita ci cascadoare de profesie. Am citit review-uri de pe imdb si le-am gasit foarte distractive. Postez aici o parte dintre ele fara intentia de a demonstra vreun punct de vedere anume ci doar pentru amuzament, iar la categoria asta s-au evidentiat comenturile impotriva filmului care insa sunt si majoritare. Citatele nu respecta vreo ordine anume.

is another one of Tarantino's look-how-subtle-I-am references/homages/ripoffs to/from himself.

A car chase ensues, mostly consisting of the two cars driving alongside each other at high speed, with the women yelling at Stuntman Mike to cease the hostilities - during the chase, one of the girls lies on the hood and has some difficulties maintaining this condition - and for some reason refusing to, uh, stop their own car and thus prevent their friend from falling off.

I hate this movie. It's an insufferably boring and egomaniacal mess and there is absolutely no reason to see it. It's not funny, not even unintentionally so. It's not scary. It's not interesting, not over-the top surreal, nothing. There is no gore, no monsters, mutants, freaks, demons or at least a cool villain to hold your interest (Kurt Russell wasn't bad as an actor, but to call his character two-dimensional would be an exaggeration), there isn't ANYTHING in here that makes a good B-movie entertaining . Avoid it at all costs.

Tarantino has never been able to write for women. Far and away the worst scenes in terms of dialogue in Pulp Fiction are those involving women. The Uma Thurman scenes with Travolta are ham fisted attempts at fantasy chemistry, how a teenager might practise talking to a high school crush in front of a mirror. In Reservoir Dogs one of the only women characters that doesn't get shot was cut from the final film. In fact all of his original work aside from Kill Bill is male based, but even the Bride is merely an action revenge figure in female form so the scripting here would have worked either way. With that in mind what made him think him he could pull off a two hour movie with 8 women talking incessantly all the way through it?

But from there we have another cameo from Russell who disappears until the end, a clean up of the reel and 4 more women, impossibly more annoying than the last. This again allows Tarantino to put words in their mouth so he can have a conversation with himself about his favourite muscle car movies for another hour. When Russell does pop up again for the final pursuit he's inexplicably turned into a groveling whining bitch. Then it ends.

Death Proof is supposed to be a spoof on 70's schlock b movies ,but this isn't. The only thing 70's here is Stuntman Mike's(Kurt Russel)car. The story is really nothing. It's pretty much a bunch of really annoying chicks chat and chat about nothing for an eternity and then chat some more.

The Last Word: A Tarantino ego trip. This was dedicated to himself.

"Death Proof" is an insult to human intelligence in a vein similar to George Lucas's awful Star Wars prequels and the lackluster Spider-Man 3, the difference being that those films at least featured engaging action sequences to pad out the banality of the overall product. No such luck with "Death Proof".

Mike has an obsession with using his car to kill people, specifically beautiful but shallow, vapid and, above all else, annoying, obnoxious, unlikable and unsympathetic women.

Cut to 14 months later, we encounter yet another group of beautiful but unlikable and unsympathetic women (including but not limited to Rosario Dawson, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and real life stunt woman Zoe Bell "playing" herself - she doubled for Lucy Lawless on TV's Xena Warrior Princess and Uma Thurman in the Kill Bill films) who happen to be working on a movie in the south. Guess what? They also spend most of their time droning on and on with the most uninspired and un-engaging dialogue this side of the coast, and they're just as annoying, obnoxious and unlikable as the first group of women - if not more so (they actually leave Winstead stranded with a Southern lunatic).

Zoe Bell, who spends most of her screen time smirking, is no actress; a fine stunt performer yes, but she's no actress.

It was inevitable that after all that praise Tarantino would make a mistake, and this is probably it.

I believe that Tarantino has made his most selfish film to date

This is by far the worst piece of self-indulgent pap i've had the displeasure of watching!! First off the dialogue was very wooden, long and boring that actually made you want to be driving Kurt's car!! (And this is not just a man's perspective!)

An hour and a half or more (time begins to lose its meaning when watching this rubbish) and 95% of it is spent watching either group of 4 women "having a laugh" with each other. Basically this involves unrealistic swearing and dialogue which would have been slightly more believable had it been men saying the lines.

This film is reminiscent of a 5 year old's first attempt inexplicably brought to life.

Bored Proof,

I don't recall such an awful and meaningless dialogue among the characters in a film which lasted...er..some 114 minutes. Nonsense gaily talk for most part of the movie.

One last thing, wasn't that car supposed to be deathproof?But not girlsproof? hahaha

and those garbled scenes involving women clearly suffering from Tourette's syndrome.

If this is really the best that you can do for us, I have a suggestion for you: pop down to your local DVD rental shop and ask them if you can get a job. It's where you started and where you deserve to end up after giving the world this abortion of a movie.

I never thought this would happen, but Tarantino has finally lost it. He's become a feminist, we get it OK. Jackie Brown, Kill Bill, and now Death Proof and Planet Terror, women are invincible, and if they work in the movie business they are unstoppable. This movie is Long indeed, and the characters are so 1 dimensional. They expend the first 50 minutes talking talking, and no action what so ever. And when the action starts it last 40 seconds and cut. The actors are so lame and the dialog is suppose to be deep and entertaining. IT'S NOT! And why make a character as cool as stuntman Mike, and then make him a complete pussy. This movie is bad avoid at all costs. Q.T. rest in peace.

a couple of whores yap about meaningless things for an hour

Nobody does anything that resembles acting here

Now I know I've upset his fanboy fan base that foam at the mouth like a rabid dog groupie every time he's mentioned and to that I say I don't give a damn about your feelings! As a matter of fact you have no feelings of your own. You feel like what ever the consensus feels like. Just pathetic! Its lowlife followers like you that keep over-hyped clowns like that tranny toe sucking Quentin Tarantino around when much better directors with actual talent starve to death.

emperor has no clothes. This film isn't much of anything

Basically, this film is watching 3 people you hate having boring conversations for 40 minutes... then, just when you think it's over (because of about 5 minutes of scenes of a car wreck and a hospital visit), 3 MORE people sit around and have boring conversations for another half an hour about nothing.

Death boring, more like. Tarantino won't fool me again

However, this horrid movie takes you inside a multiracial bunch of dirty, ugly, junkie and silly girls whose only goal is to get easy sex, loads of drugs and more alcohol. It's an insult to Tarantino's adult audience to portrait such a teeny and stupid girlie characters.

Well, we got two hours of brainless girlie talking and no more than 15 minutes of middling action because you know from the start that the second chase will end with the bad guy killed. I left the cinema with the feeling of being ripped-off and regretting myself by having let this movie to steal two hours of my life that would have been better even if I was dead.

And, above all, what a bad taste, what a monstrous demonstration of teenage idiocy, what a disgusting portrait of women... Is that all you can think about, Quentin? Is there also a girl like those inside of you, perhaps

Of course, everyone is by now familiar with the Grindhouse story; how Tarantino and best buddy, Robert Rodriguez, decided to assemble a couple of shoddy-looking 'drive-in' movies and put them out together in a double bill; how said double bill failed to lure in audiences; and how the films were then re-edited for individual release in a desperate attempt to claw back some of their budget. (The films may look cheap but they weren't). Now, I've already seen Planet Terror, Rodriguez's contribution to the double bill and I have to say that though it's no masterpiece, it looks like Citizen bloody Kane compared to Tanantino's effort.

I've long been known that Quentin longs to be black, but from the evidence of Death Proof, what he really longs to be is a black woman.

A bunch of females sit around, drinking, smoking and talking… and talking… and talking. About nothing. Presumably we're supposed to find what they're saying hilarious, but it's frankly an ageing white man's idea about what hip young women might have to say to each other and is consequently as convincing as the awkward supporting performances contributed by Mr Tarantino and his other best buddy, Eli Roth, creator of the Hostel torture-porn films, and another 'film-maker' currently wanted for crimes against viewers.

Into this tedium wanders Stuntman Mike (Kurt Russell) a scarred psychopath who likes nothing better than killing young women in car wrecks. No explanation is given for this unsavoury hobby; perhaps he simply finds their endless yapping as irritating as I did.

Look, I don't even know why I'm bothering to give you any plot details, since it's virtually non existent and really all this pile of misogynistic crap exists for is to invite viewers to gloat as a series of attractive, partially-clothed females perform pole dances and then have their bodies torn to shreds in automobile accidents. Tarantino once possessed a smidgen of genuine talent but these days seems to revel in a pool of retarded sexuality that wouldn't disgrace a fourteen year old.

Clunky editing, grainy filming, laughable stories, ultra-violence and exploitation in the guise of feminism and blacksploitation. Not the most appealing of conventions when it comes to the modern cinema audience. Perhaps this explains, to a certain extent, why the old drive-in formula of watching back-to-back trashy hardcore exploitation films was lost on American audiences. Grindhouse took a paltry $4.2 million on its opening weekend and has thus far failed to make back even half the double movie's budget.

Kurt Russell is a great American icon entertainer like Elvis, Evil knievel, john Wayne and Clint Eastwood among others. He is a mans man if you know what I mean. His performance in Death Proof was cool up to the point he got his ass kicked by a bunch of little dirty mouthed girls and his car was also trashed by this girls. It was a damn shame seeing Kurt Russell crying and whimpering like a little sissy in this movie.

It might be death proof but it isn't suck proof

This movie is HORRIBLE, not only is 80% of the movie skanky woman talking about how skanky they are.

Not only does the end completely ruin the film it also brings on the most fictional thing in the universe, woman that can drive, and kills off the only character you EVER felt in any way respect for.

Here we go, The acting is terrible, the scene changes make you want to vomit, the plot probably came about when Quintin mistaked dog crap for weed and smoked it and lets not even start with defining a reason for anything in this film.

If you want a movie that you will not want to burn after watching then don't touch this, ever, don't even look at it you might get Bad-Movie-itis and start smoking anal ejaculate like our director buddy Quinton.

First of all it has to be said that Death Proof was released edited together with Planet Terror (2007) as Grindhouse (2007) which bombed in theatres so Mirimax decided to cut their loses & release both films separately with Death Proof getting the 'director's cut' treatment which adds nearly thirty minutes of extra material & it's this extended director's cut that I am basing my comment on.

You can switch Death Proof on forty odd minutes in & still basically pick up what's going on because almost everything that came before consists of annoying, mundane & very forced dialogue by pompous, unlikable self loving girls.

I think Death Proof proves that Tarintino has a foot fetish, there are many, many shots of young girls feet throughout the film. There's not much gore or violence here, a severed leg, a couple of crushed faces, a bit of blood & that's it. No nudity either.
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Old 05 Mar 2010, 18:11   #86
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Originally Posted by marius_em:
Inglourious Basterds. Va lua si Oscarul pentru cel mai bun film, o sa vedeti.
Daca Inglorious Basterds va lua Oscaru eu promit sa ma imbat de fericire Ar fi prea frumos sa fie adevarat
fii intotdeauna tu insuti si daca nu este indeajuns pentru cineva atunci acel cineva nu este indeajuns pentru tine
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Old 21 Mar 2010, 00:49   #87
Crazy Mama
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Puteti sa-mi dati una dupa ceafa, am votat inainte de a vedea toate filmele... Saptamana asta am vazut Death Proof si sunt cu constiinta impacata ca am votat Pulp Fiction.

Pentru mine istoria Tarantino incepe cu Desperado si Robert Rodriguez, imi pare rau ca multi dintre voi nu au vorbit de aceasta legatura .. Apoi a urmat Four Rooms, unde Tarantino este executive producer, dar pun pariu ca a avut ceva de-a face si cu Desperado, desi pe imdb.com nu apare implicat...

Anyway, de ce am votat PF: pentru ca a fost un film care din punctul meu de vedere a schimbat o epoca. A fost ZA MUVI care pentru cei care au putut intelege, a marcat punctul de cotitura intre filmele realiste si povestile fantastice si minunate pe care ni le dorim la cinematograf azi.

Repet, am vazut Death Proof sapt. trecuta si am recunoscut citatul din film ca un citat memorabil, il stiu pe de rost de vreo 15 ani, si stiu ca filmul cu Charles Bronson de unde imi ramasese citatul era un fel de Bourne Ultimatum pe vremea cortinei de fier...

Si totusi, eu sunt o cinefila amatoare, habar n-am de chestii tehnice si eu mai stiu ce se studiaza la facultatea de film, insa sunt movie goer si imi place tot ce e entertaining - ca ma face sa rad, sa imi vina sa ma razbun, sa plang, sa analizez niste chestii din propria viata, asta e entertaining. Iar Tarantino e entertaining all the way, doar ca ne si surprinde cu niste chestii.. Inglorious Basterds a fost pentru mine ca un desert de mult asteptat, imposibil, dar minunat in esenta, nu ma mir ca a lucrat la el atatia ani. Totusi. PF a fost cel mai cel, cel mai fresh, cel mai cool, cel mai altfel film, daca vrei... Mie asta mi se pare reprezentativ.

Ce imi pare rau e de Jackie Brown, fiindca a fost un film foarte alert, de actiune, cu un joc actoricesc (scuzati-mi limbajul de lemn) de exceptie, atat din partea lui Pam Grier, dar si al lui Bridget Fonda si de Niro, si cu un final neasteptat.

Nu stiu cum sa-mi argumentez mai bine alegerea, dar Tarantino creaza niste povesti nemuritoare actuale incat nu poti sa nu te lasi prins. Pulp Fiction este his trademark. Daca iti place asta, daca intelegi ca orice asemanare cu realitatea e pur legata de cinematografie, atunci poti avea un regal cinematografic.
"Căci nu este alta, mai frumoasă și mai de folos în toată viața omului zăbavă, decât cetitul cărților". Miron Costin
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Old 22 Mar 2010, 23:03   #88
Dancer in the Dark
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Originally Posted by MariaMona:
dar pun pariu ca a avut ceva de-a face si cu Desperado, desi pe imdb.com nu apare implicat...

They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 23 Mar 2010, 09:15   #89
Crazy Mama
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Mersi, Corinka ! Evident stiam ca a jucat in Desperado, dar nu ma refeream la asta cand spuneam ca s-a implicat. Banuiesc ca de pe-atunci colaboreaza cu Rodriguez si poate l-a si "ajutat" putin la film!
Cand am vazut linkul, ma gandeam ca o fi un interviu revelator.
"Căci nu este alta, mai frumoasă și mai de folos în toată viața omului zăbavă, decât cetitul cărților". Miron Costin
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Old 23 Mar 2010, 19:21   #90
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Originally Posted by illotempore2002:
Numai eu am votat cu Death Proof? De ce nu va place DP?
Are o intriga foarte violenta, un personaj negativ foarte fioros dar fara a-i lipsi nuantele, femei frumoase si rele, masini puternice. Are glam, are adrenalina, are dialoguri savuroase, te prinde in mijlocul lui, te ameteste. Nu e nici lung nici scurt filmul, este facut cu pasiune si un soi de respect ciudat pt filmele de categoria B, respectpe care il poti intelege, e respectul pt filmul ca entertainment pt toata lumea, iar nu ca ceva exclusivist, de Cannes.

The funny thing e ca "Death Proof" chiar e un film de Cannes. Cel putin teoretic.

Mda, deci l-am vazut si pe asta; e la fel de sus ca oricare dintre celelate filme ale lui Q din majoritatea punctelor de vedere. This man can do no wrong.
Nu stiu ce bad acting visati voi, pentru ca mie mi s-a parut in ansamblu, mai mult decat decent, pe alocuri chiar exceland.
Impresionat rau (ca de obicei) de coloana sonora. Cu siguranta nu mai e vreun regizor in viata care sa se ridice macar la jumatate din maiestria lui Q. de a impleti imaginea cu muzica potrivita. Dintre clasici doar cu Kubrick mai poate fi comparat.
Absolut incredibil tupeul de a trece de la alb-negru la color in timpul unei secvente continue.
Nu stiu daca e si cazul lui "Jackie Brown " ,ca nu l-am vazut, dar aici mi s-a luat o piatra de pe inima vazand in sfarsit un film de-al sau cu o curgere naturala a actiunii. Chiar nu inteleg de ce foloseste atat de insistent o derulare a evenimentelor ce sfideaza cronologia in restul filmelor.
Voi? Cum credeti ca vede Tarantino notiunea de timp?
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Old 23 Mar 2010, 19:25   #91
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Originally Posted by Federico:
Cu siguranta nu mai e vreun regizor in viata care sa se ridice macar la jumatate din maiestria lui Q. de a impleti imaginea cu muzica potrivita.
David Lynch iti spune ceva?
God ain’t my fucking daddy...

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Old 23 Mar 2010, 19:38   #92
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Chanwook Park? (era intrebare retorica) L-as mai adauga si pe Kar-wai, doar ca la el abunda atat de mult muzica in film de zici ca e pusa haotic, desi se potriveste foarte bine de fiecare data.

LE: Oricum, Tarantino e intr-adevar un maestru la asa ceva, doar mi se pare ca te-ai grabit putin in afirmatia asta.

Last edited by Liviu- : 23 Mar 2010 at 19:42.
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Old 23 Mar 2010, 20:38   #93
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Am fost hiperbolic. Let me rephrase that: pentru mine Tarantino e cel mai bun constructor de coloane sonore din lume la ora actuala. Ii admir si pe Lynch, Park, Kar-wai, si nu numai, dar Tarantino are ceva special.
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Old 24 Mar 2010, 00:03   #94
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Danny Boyle also has a knack for perfect music.
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Old 24 Mar 2010, 08:42   #95
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Deci tot nu a mai votat nimeni Death Proof?
In ce societate bolnava traim....
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Old 24 Mar 2010, 09:48   #96
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Eu la "Death Proof" m-am distrat de departe cel mai bine.
Dar, dupa ce o sa vad si "J.B. " o sa-l votez pe cel pe care il iubesc cel mai mult. Adica pe cel mai bun. Adica pe "Pulp Fiction" . Probabil.
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Old 24 Mar 2010, 10:02   #97
Crazy Mama
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Incercati sa faceti un top din toate filmele astea, puteti? Eu, nu prea... Asa de mult imi plac toate... Am 2 favorite, iar restul sunt pe picior de egalitate.

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Inglorious Basterds
3. Restul - la egalitate
"Căci nu este alta, mai frumoasă și mai de folos în toată viața omului zăbavă, decât cetitul cărților". Miron Costin
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Old 24 Mar 2010, 18:48   #98
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Reservoir Dogs FTW!
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Old 26 Mar 2010, 11:22   #99
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Sunt de acord!Reservoir Dogs imi place cel mai mult.
Apoi imediat dupa ar fi Pulp Fiction care dupa parerea mea l-a propulsat la rangul de superstar pe Travolta,Inglorious Basterds.
Kill Bill mie nu mi-au placut desi le-am vizionat pe amandoua.
Iar restul nu le-am vazut deci nu am ce spune.
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Old 22 Apr 2010, 03:30   #100
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Pulp Fiction !
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