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Old 12 Feb 2004, 17:44   #81
El Chewbaccabra
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Y.O.D.A (To the Village People's "Y.M.C.A"

By Steven Cavanaugh

(As sung by master Yoda, on meeting Luke Skywalker).

YOUNG MAN, I saw your ship come down. I said

YOUNG MAN, now it's muddy and brown. I said

YOUNG MAN, put your weapon away, 'cause I

*MEAN* *YOU* *NO* *HARM* *I* *SAY*

YOUNG MAN, There's no need to feel fear. I am

WONDERIN', tell me why are you here? How you

GROWIN', from this food on the plate, I say



You must be here to see Y.O.D.A

You must be here to see Y.O.D.A.

He's 900 years old!

He's so strong in the Force!

Do your Jedi Diploma course!


You must be here to see Y.O.D.A

You must be here to see Y.O.D.A

Come and get yourself clean!

Come and have a good meal!

Pretty soon now, the Force you'll feel!


YOUNG MAN, you fell out of the sky, into

SOMETHIN' brown that smells like a sty, and this

TIN CAN started swimming and then, he got


YOUNG MAN, Welcome to Dagobah. He is

COMIN', master Yoda not far. I'll be

HAVIN' this bright thing that ain't hot. It is



You must be here to see Y.O.D.A

You must be here to see Y.O.D.A.

He's 900 years old!

He's so strong in the Force!

Do your Jedi Diploma course!


You must be here to see Y.O.D.A

You must be here to see Y.O.D.A

Don't just stand in the rain!

You're all covered with mud!

come and sample my homemade crud!


OLD BEN, Are you listenin' to me? I can't

TRAIN HIM, he's so reckless you see! Like his

OLD MAN, he's so angry but brave! Betcha


YOUNG MAN, If you start will you end, or be

GOING, off to save all your friends? To be

TRAINING, needs commitment and work, if you



You gotta stay here with Y.O.D.A

You gotta stay here with Y.O.D.A

You should stay here and train!

You don't have to save Han!

If you do so, you'll lose your hand!


You gotta stay here with Y.O.D.A
Tis better to be brief then tedious.
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Old 12 Feb 2004, 17:53   #82
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ESP este considerat de IMDB (Internet Movie Database www.imdb.com ) filmul cu cel mai bun sfarsit facut vreodata! Si sincer si mie mi se pare tot asa! Faza "Luke, i am your father" a devenit legendara!

In legatura cu continuarile de la Star Wars adica Episode 7 - 8 - 9 este extrem de probabil sa nu le faca George Lucas. El insusi a spus asta! Insa a numit pe cineva care o sa se ocupe in locul lui daca el nu o sa mai faca! Deci tot se va mai face Episode 7 - 8 - 9 ! Asa a spus, asa se va intampla!
apocalypse please
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Old 12 Feb 2004, 21:10   #83
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De asta sa mor daca am auzit. Si daca sar intampla nu ar fi la fel fara Lucas. Parerea mea, asta este cel mai bun film facut vreodata fara discutzi
Si ce dracului vor baga in 7,8,9 ????, ca vader si imparatul, impreuna cu imperiul sau dus
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Old 12 Feb 2004, 21:12   #84
Spirit of the System
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Parerea mea ca 7,8,9 nu se vor mai face... Lucas sigur nu el va face, si dak pica pe mana altcuiva mai mult ca sigur va iesi o porcarie... In schimb lucas a declarat ca i-ar surade niste animeuri, fiind oarecum nemultuimit de prestatia actorilor din 1,2,3... :roll:
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Old 13 Feb 2004, 08:08   #85
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Lucas a declarat de la inceput ca va face 9 episoade si cred ca se va tine de cuvant...
apocalypse please
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Old 13 Feb 2004, 08:11   #86
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Originally Posted by BeNnY:
Lucas a declarat de la inceput ca va face 9 episoade si cred ca se va tine de cuvant...
Pai da si yo am zis mai sus ca dak le va face pun pariu ca le va face animeuri, si nu filme, oricum din ce am citit pe alte forumuri am auzit ca i-a placut animatrixul, care de altfel ne-a placut si noua Si nu vad ce ar fi rau in niste animeuri, in schimb dak o da cu bata in balta cu seria 7,8,9 nu cred ca fanii vor fi prea fericiti!
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Old 13 Feb 2004, 08:22   #87
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Nu cred ca o sa faca animeuri.... nu e stilul lui... :o

Insa el a spus deja ca daca nu mai poate el sa le faca pe 7-8-9 o sa le faca altcineva ...
apocalypse please
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Old 13 Feb 2004, 08:25   #88
Spirit of the System
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Originally Posted by BeNnY:
Nu cred ca o sa faca animeuri.... nu e stilul lui... :o

Insa el a spus deja ca daca nu mai poate el sa le faca pe 7-8-9 o sa le faca altcineva ...
Atunci sigur va iesi o porcarie... Dak nu le face lucas atunci cine? Cameron... Poate vrea sa faca si din star wars episoadele 7,8,9 - un hit ca T2! Eu zi csa asteptam ca nu prea cred ca se va ami face o serie... Sunt prea multe pareri impartite, pro si contra... Eu is ala cu contra! Povestea a fost terminatat odata cu episodul 6!
P.S: Nice avatar BeNny
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Old 13 Feb 2004, 08:26   #89
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Auzisem numele lui pe undeva... dar nu-l mai tin minte! Nu e nimeni cunoscut gen Cameron sau ceva... eu un fel de "apprentice" al lui Lucas.

P.S. Multumesc :lol:
apocalypse please
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Old 13 Feb 2004, 08:29   #90
Spirit of the System
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Originally Posted by BeNnY:
Auzisem numele lui pe undeva... dar nu-l mai tin minte! Nu e nimeni cunoscut gen Cameron sau ceva... eu un fel de "apprentice" al lui Lucas.

P.S. Multumesc :lol:
Auzisem si eu chestia asta, si acolo se zicea ca Lucas va superviza totul parca, un fel de "Ocupa-te tu de treaba, ca verific eu mai incolo ce-ai facut...". Cu numele regizorului chiar m-am blocat, dar Cameron ar fi o idee destul de nimerita!
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Old 13 Feb 2004, 15:09   #91
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Ionutz55:
De asta sa mor daca am auzit. Si daca sar intampla nu ar fi la fel fara Lucas. Parerea mea, asta este cel mai bun film facut vreodata fara discutzi
Si ce dracului vor baga in 7,8,9 ????, ca vader si imparatul, impreuna cu imperiul sau dus

va aduc ce a scris pana akuma Lucas la ep 7 - The Fallen Hero!

Promit... sunt vreo 2 pagini .... un sumar ... cu ce o sa se intample - MAINE! - PROMIT K VA VOI DELECTA CU EPISODE 7 - THE FALLEN HERO
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 13 Feb 2004, 15:13   #92
The White Rider
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Lady Skar - that was a great laugh! I haven't laughed like dat online for quite a while... :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 13 Feb 2004, 16:56   #93
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Eu cred foarte tare ca o sa se faca Episode 7 -8 - 9 pentru ca oricum George Lucas nu le-a facut el 100% pe toate! Decat pe 4 l-a scris si regizat el. La celelalte au mai scris si altii (nu la toate) ... asa ca nu cred ca n-o sa vina nimeni sa continue seria daca Lucas nu o sa mai poate continua...
apocalypse please
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Old 13 Feb 2004, 17:07   #94
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Eu zic sa nu se lacomeasca, dar parerea lor... Dej aprimele 2 din seria 1,2,3 au iesit mult mai slab decat primele, acuam 7,8,9 ori le fac bien, ori scad nivelul primei trilogii si ele... :roll:
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Old 13 Feb 2004, 17:15   #95
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Episodul 1 este intr-adevar cel mai slab dintre toate episoadele... probabil ca totul va depinde de cum va iesi Episodul 3 sau cum va iesi episodul 7 ... Cel mai probabil Episodul 7 va "iesi" in 2008 pentru ca am observat ca de obicei este o pauza de 3 ani intre episoade cu exceptia dintre The Return of the Jedi (Episodul VI) si The Phantom Menace (Episodul I)

Mentionez ca in ultimele 2 saptamani au fost StarWars Episode 4 si 5 la PRO TV duminica la ora 22:30 iar Duminica asta este The Return of the Jedi si duminica viitoare The Phantom Menace ... (The Attack of the Clones cu siguranta nu l-a cumparat PRO TV-ul...)
apocalypse please
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Old 14 Feb 2004, 13:16   #96
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Duminca pe pro "The return of the Jedi"(tradusa ca atare "intoarcerea lui Jedi - d-oh!!!) .Scena din desert shi lupta lui Luke cu Drak Vader..scuze Darth ..face toti banii!Am mai vazut filmul de cateva ori ..dar ..what the hell it's worth watching....http://www.starwars.com/episode-vi/....
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Old 14 Feb 2004, 20:08   #97
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Hey everyone. A new POST NOTES is up on the official site. I thought I'd fill you in on the basics of it:

The first complete shot Yoda is done, it is a scene where he is walking with Obi wan and Yoda.

In preparing for reshoots, there is a scene in paticular where Palpatine attends a type of show at a coruscant theatre with Mas Amedda and Sly moore. That will be reshot.

So far there are 2,000 VFX shots, 46 have been completed and have been approved by GL. Shots need to be turned over ILM per week is at least 32.

The deadline for all VFX to be done is April 1, 2005

Deabia astept sa vad atatea VFX-uri.. Ce pot sa zic... NU MA DEZAMAGITI BAIETI!
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Old 14 Feb 2004, 20:35   #98
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Episode 1 a fost cam de cacao. Poate asa trebuia sa fie, adica asta e scenariu. In schimb episode 2 a fost belea mai ales bataliile. Orcum nici unul din primele 3 nu se compara cu 4,5,6, bine inca nam vazut episode 3 deci nu pot sa ma pronunt in totalitate
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Old 14 Feb 2004, 22:58   #99
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Am spus... Episode I : The Phantom Menace este considerat cel mai slab dintre toate filmele StarWars... :roll:
apocalypse please
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Old 15 Feb 2004, 16:49   #100
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Ionutz55:
Episode 1 a fost cam de cacao. Poate asa trebuia sa fie, adica asta e scenariu. In schimb episode 2 a fost belea mai ales bataliile. Orcum nici unul din primele 3 nu se compara cu 4,5,6, bine inca nam vazut episode 3 deci nu pot sa ma pronunt in totalitate

A New Hope mi s-a parut EXCELENT. Mai ales secventza knd apare Luke ptr prima oara shi baga melodia specifica Star Wars - mi s-a zbarlit parul. Filmul ala nu are numai efecte. Incercatzi sa vedetzi mai mult de atat.
Intrebatzi fanii adevaratzi shi raspunsurile vor fi urmatoarele : seria noua SUX shi aia veche RULZZZ!

Mie imi plac ambele - io sunt FAN INRAIT - am vazut seria TOATA de 108 ori fiekre in parte ... :o
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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