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Old 24 Sep 2009, 13:06   #81
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In afara de aia da , dar cum la noi la cinema nimic nu a evoluat tot asa mi se pare .
Poate sa fie 3D ca si My Bloody Valentine tot 3D era si degeaba m-am uitat la el daca nu aveam ochelari speciali.
" It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly 's wing can ultimately cause a thyphoon halfway around the world " - Chaos Theory

" Vanity - definitely my favourite sin. " - Al Pacino [ Devil's Advocate ]
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Old 26 Sep 2009, 21:07   #82
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Final Destination a fost primul film la care am simtit nevoia crunta sa ies din sala. Si eu sunt cea mai rabdatoare persoana din lume. Tot filmul am avut in cap DE CE AM DAT BANII PE ASA CEVA , CE CAUT AICI, DE CE MI SE INTAMPLA ASTA MIE. A fost o trauma de film . Monument de tampenie. Am facut sfortari uriase sa stau pana la sfarsit, am vrut sa vad cat de departe se poate merge. A fost intr-adevar neasteptat.
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Old 26 Sep 2009, 21:14   #83
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The Last house on the left , nu stiu daca am mai scris de el , dar m-a dezamagit .
De ce au scris ca e horror , ca nu e.
" It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly 's wing can ultimately cause a thyphoon halfway around the world " - Chaos Theory

" Vanity - definitely my favourite sin. " - Al Pacino [ Devil's Advocate ]
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Old 02 Oct 2009, 12:34   #84
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Francesca.L-am vazut aseara si mi s-a parut nitel penibil.Altfel actorii sunt foarte buni.Dar e un film tipic romanesc.:
1).Actorii sunt buni dar povestea e complet tampita(Exceptii: Politist Adjectiv,Amintiri Din Epoca De Aur 1,Cea Mai Fericita Fata Din Lume etc.)
2).Glume bune.
3).Nu-i prea lung da nici prea scurt.
Cam atat.Un 8 jumate e ok.Nu?
In the event that you find some certain sequences or ideas confusing,please bare in mind,that this is your fault,not ours.You will need to see the picture again and again,until you understand everything.Turn.

Last edited by Pitbull : 02 Oct 2009 at 22:01.
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Old 05 Oct 2009, 23:26   #85
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1. De ce e atat de multa lume dezamagita de The Wrestler? Doar nu va asteptati sa fie vreun Rocky Reloaded?

Dezamagit de:

1. District 9 (partial)

2. Goya's Ghosts
Bring your ammo...
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Old 06 Oct 2009, 09:15   #86
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public enemies
eu m-am nascut inca de la inceput,nu dupa
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 03:41   #87
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Deception - nu-i nici actiune, nici romantic, nici super-hero desi incearca sa aspire la toate. doar Hugh Jackman il salveaza cit de cit.
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 08:40   #88
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The Hurt Locker... nu ca nu ar fi bun, dar pentru ca aveam alte asteptari.
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 13:37   #89
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Watchmen (2009)

Watchmen (2009) o dezamagire totala ,o adevarata abrambureala filmul asta nu stiu cum de are pe Imdb nota 7.8/10 , nu am rezistat decat 30 de minute sa vizionezi filmul .

Trailer The Book Of Eli (HD)

Last edited by Cortezzzz : 07 Oct 2009 at 13:45.
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 14:59   #90
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Pentru ca nu ai citit cartea si ai vazut doar 30 de minute din el nu ti-a placut.Filmul e foarte bun.
In the event that you find some certain sequences or ideas confusing,please bare in mind,that this is your fault,not ours.You will need to see the picture again and again,until you understand everything.Turn.
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 16:15   #91
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Watchmen (2009)

Da o fi asa ,dar tot la parerea mea raman
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 17:20   #92
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Mirrors , cel mai prost film horror pe care l`am vazut vreodata, si ca mai toate filmele horror a lasat si loc de continuare ( asta pt. cine l`a vazut )
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy!
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 20:20   #93
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De ce e prost?
Ca la mine figureaza intr-un top horror.
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 21:54   #94
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Sa`ti traiasca .
Nustiu ma, mie mi`a lasat un gust amar, m`a convins fratemeu sa`l vad ... acum fiecare cu ale lui, si mie mi s`a intamplat sa`mi placa un film si altu sa zica ca e batjocura!
@Disciple sa nu crezi ca am ceva cu tine, doar am dat un reply
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy!
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Old 08 Oct 2009, 10:07   #95
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Nu mai fiti mai, dezamagiti!
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Old 08 Oct 2009, 12:29   #96
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Originally Posted by Gospin:
Mirrors , cel mai prost film horror pe care l`am vazut vreodata, si ca mai toate filmele horror a lasat si loc de continuare ( asta pt. cine l`a vazut )
E prost da faza cu ruptul falcilor e super tare.
Ah.The Memories.
In the event that you find some certain sequences or ideas confusing,please bare in mind,that this is your fault,not ours.You will need to see the picture again and again,until you understand everything.Turn.
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Old 08 Oct 2009, 14:09   #97
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Post Cel mai nasol ....

Gamer (2009)
Gamer - Jocul supravieţuirii
Gen: Actiune, SF, Thriller
Cu: Gerard Butler
Regizor: Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor
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Old 17 Oct 2009, 21:37   #98
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Year One.Extrem de scarbos si tampit de tot.Partea cu Cain si Abel e cea mai tare si e memorabila.
In the event that you find some certain sequences or ideas confusing,please bare in mind,that this is your fault,not ours.You will need to see the picture again and again,until you understand everything.Turn.
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Old 18 Oct 2009, 00:08   #99
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1.The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
2.Public Enemies
4.Terminator 4:Salvation
5.The Unborn
6.X-Men Origins:Wolverine
7.The Punisher 2:War Zone
10.Thick As Thieves
12.Intalniri Incrucisate
13.The Uninvited
14.Weekend cu Mama
15.Fast&Furious 4
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Old 18 Oct 2009, 10:38   #100
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"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" mi s-a parut foarte bun. Dovada ca "De gustibus non discutandum". In rest, sunt de acord cu lista.
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