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Old 03 Jul 2004, 20:47   #81
WitchKing of Angmar
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it just keeps getting better and better
High life inseamna sa stai o viatza high
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Old 03 Jul 2004, 21:26   #82
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Total obiectiv vorbind, nu mi se pare ca are nici un sens chestia asta ce ai scris-o tu mai sus. Parca ati scris asa doar ca sa scrieti... N-are nici un haz, si faza cu HP ce cauta acolo? Chiar n-am inteles. Prima si a 2-a au fost mult mai bune, asta sucks ass big time, fara suparare...

Singura cu haz mi s-a parut ultima parte, aia care incepe cu Frodo: GGGAAANNNDDAAALLLFF!!!! NNOOOOOOOO!!!!!! ... in rest... useless
apocalypse please
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Old 03 Jul 2004, 22:21   #83
The One and Only Gollum
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da....a fost.......interesanta.
unele faze erau kiar mijto, dar in rest it was a bit laim... :?
faza cu saritul a fost faina, dar faza cu porkar.....what's up with that?? esti dragut sa ne explici shi noua?...
sper ca urmatoarea sa fie shi mai buna...keep up the good work. :happy:
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 03 Jul 2004, 22:35   #84
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primele 2 au fost mai bune, clar, dar nici ultima nu a fost asa de rea
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Old 04 Jul 2004, 18:18   #85
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am stat o ora pana am citit tot.acum sincer,parerea mea.e bunicel,se putea mai bine,e destul de deranjant ca e scris in engleza.intradevar unele faze cad mai bine in engleza,dar devine obositor la un moment dat.apoi e faza cu "Bored of the Rings",de care spune emanuel si demona.sincer sper ca sunt creatii proprii ale gaandalf si ladyeowyn or something.adica sidaca nu sunt...in fine.cred ca ati facut curiosi pe multi asa ca ar fi frumos sa continuati.cel putin eu astept si restul...
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Old 05 Jul 2004, 11:33   #86
The White Rider
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1 - HP flashbacks - sunt de la narrator - as in Moi,Je,Me, Eu, Io' :lol:
2 - Pt Riddik: este terminata deja numai k ami trebuie cointurata pe ici pe colo ...
3 - In romana sincer shi fara fitze sau bashini in cap - nu ma pricep la umor... Can't do it. Umoprul in engleza s-a dezvoltat la mine incepand cu Lion King (jocul de cuvinte) : "Make mine a cubb sadwich!", Did we order our dinner TO GO ? No! Why ? CUUUUUZ there it goes...." - follows Lil' Simba & Nala running off.
4- Shtiu ca poate nu va intereseaza toaate astea... dar ptr mine Comicul de limbaj este cel mai inteligent. CA nu am reushit o prea mare perfiormantza asta este partea a2a. Nimeni nu reusheshte din 1a. This is my first shot. I think i'll do even better.

P.S. - Sorry guys! Eu dupa ce am citit-o toata - am ras de m-am rupt. Cred k am facut-o pe gustul meu. That's it!

More parts will be "cuuuming"! :lol:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 05 Jul 2004, 12:29   #87
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
1 - HP flashbacks - sunt de la narrator - as in Moi,Je,Me, Eu, Io' :lol:

Atunci daca tot ai facut chestii doar ca sa te satisfaci asa pe tine ar trebui sa o tii la tine in PC. Eu nu fac poze de familie si le pun pe forum, nu? E ca si cum eu as scrie ceva si asa fara nici un pic de jena scriu ca personajul se gandea "ba bagamias pula-n LOTR ce cacat", nu? Care e rostul. Daca scrii niste chestii fara noima atunci pastreaza-le pentru tine. Evident au o valoare emotionala pentru tine pentru ca tu le-ai scris dar... cam atat! Pentru noi nu.

Originally Posted by Gandalf:
P.S. - Sorry guys! Eu dupa ce am citit-o toata - am ras de m-am rupt. Cred k am facut-o pe gustul meu. That's it!

La fel. Total aiurea, trebuia s-o tii pentru tine atunci
apocalypse please
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Old 05 Jul 2004, 12:42   #88
The White Rider
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Benny dk nu shtii - te rog -silence... Nu am pus-o de capul meu. Alte persoane la kre nici nu te gandeshti m-au convins.
bagatzi-ai ... este o parere, poze de familie este personal - nu au nici o treaba cu filmul...this does sooo end of story.
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 05 Jul 2004, 15:23   #89
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Benny, autorul are dreptul sa scrie ce vrea in propria creatie, si nu ar trebui sa isi schimbe lucrurile spuse doar pt k asa vrea unul sau doi. Mie chiar imi place, desi imi raneste putin orgoliul de fan HP.
I amar prestar aen. The world has changed. Han mathon ne nen. I feel it in the water. Han mathon ne chae. I feel it in the Earth. A han noston ne wilith. I smell it in the air. Much that once was lost, for none now live who remember it.
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Old 05 Jul 2004, 19:44   #90
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La fel de mult putea sa fie Spider-man flash-backs ca tot asa reactionam... Nu-si are nici un rost.
apocalypse please
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Old 06 Jul 2004, 21:43   #91
The One and Only Gollum
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Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
1 - HP flashbacks - sunt de la narrator - as in Moi,Je,Me, Eu, Io' :lol:
2 - Pt Riddik: este terminata deja numai k ami trebuie cointurata pe ici pe colo ...
3 - In romana sincer shi fara fitze sau bashini in cap - nu ma pricep la umor... Can't do it. Umoprul in engleza s-a dezvoltat la mine incepand cu Lion King (jocul de cuvinte) : "Make mine a cubb sadwich!", Did we order our dinner TO GO ? No! Why ? CUUUUUZ there it goes...." - follows Lil' Simba & Nala running off.
4- Shtiu ca poate nu va intereseaza toaate astea... dar ptr mine Comicul de limbaj este cel mai inteligent. CA nu am reushit o prea mare perfiormantza asta este partea a2a. Nimeni nu reusheshte din 1a. This is my first shot. I think i'll do even better.

P.S. - Sorry guys! Eu dupa ce am citit-o toata - am ras de m-am rupt. Cred k am facut-o pe gustul meu. That's it!

More parts will be "cuuuming"! :lol:

am dreptate ca unele faze au fost imprumutate, sau nu?
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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Old 07 Jul 2004, 09:10   #92
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by Sméagol-Gollum:
Originally Posted by Gaandalf:
1 - HP flashbacks - sunt de la narrator - as in Moi,Je,Me, Eu, Io' :lol:
2 - Pt Riddik: este terminata deja numai k ami trebuie cointurata pe ici pe colo ...
3 - In romana sincer shi fara fitze sau bashini in cap - nu ma pricep la umor... Can't do it. Umoprul in engleza s-a dezvoltat la mine incepand cu Lion King (jocul de cuvinte) : "Make mine a cubb sadwich!", Did we order our dinner TO GO ? No! Why ? CUUUUUZ there it goes...." - follows Lil' Simba & Nala running off.
4- Shtiu ca poate nu va intereseaza toaate astea... dar ptr mine Comicul de limbaj este cel mai inteligent. CA nu am reushit o prea mare perfiormantza asta este partea a2a. Nimeni nu reusheshte din 1a. This is my first shot. I think i'll do even better.

P.S. - Sorry guys! Eu dupa ce am citit-o toata - am ras de m-am rupt. Cred k am facut-o pe gustul meu. That's it!

More parts will be "cuuuming"! :lol:

am dreptate ca unele faze au fost imprumutate, sau nu?
hell yeah!
dar am shi mentzionat k am avut foarte multa inspiratzie. Demona a fost prezenta mai peste tot. + chestii pe care le apreciez eu in viatza de zi cu zi - in filme that is... vezi primul post k am scris ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 12 Jul 2004, 14:18   #93
The White Rider
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Part 3

Outside Moria... where Legolas still thinks of himself as coolest guy around... ARAGORN and BOROMIR drag FRODO away from making a FOOL of HIMSELF.

Boromir: Well, what do we do now?
Aragorn: We go to Lothlorien.
Frodo: Why?
Aragorn: ...Look, I really like those belly dancers, OK? And
they happen to be touring elven-refuges, and Lorien is their
next stop.
Legolas: Gross dude, my sister is one of them!
Aragorn: Ooh ooh ooh!! Is she Latsoleg?
Legolas: -Yeah.
Aragorn: She is HOT!!
Boromir: Mmm mmm...belly dancers- that’s a switch…
Sam: Oh would you all stop with the drooling? We’ve got an
important mission here and Mr. Frodo can’t take it much
Aragorn: Sam, I don't know about you...but that is the gayest thing you said in this movie...


Gimli: Be careful young hobbits! There is a tale of an evil
elf-witch in these parts. She eats man-flesh!
Aragorn: Like someone else we know.
Sam: Whatever!
Gimli: AHEM!! But not to worry...I got an elf-safety merit
badge when I was a wee Dwarf Scout.
(Elves pop out from everywhere)
Haldir: Pick a boo you fucks you!
Haldir: Your friends are so stupid I could have strangled them
with a cordless phone.
Aragorn: Haldir!! Wassssup nigga’?? Are you touring with the belly dancers too?
Haldir: ...I’ve lived here, you idiot. All my life.
Gimli: I wanna go home!!
Haldir: You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Woods!
Wood. You cannot go back you stupid dwarf!
Pippin: Good job, Aragorn. Now we’re stuck here for the REST
Aragorn: But hey that means those belly dancers are stuck
Boromir: Aragorn are you for real? I mean ... who the heck needs to save Middle-Earth ? Let them find themselves other heroes!

Aragorn: And we know that Dwarves are not allowed in this tale-like place,so we are all willing to be blindfolded.
Legolas: What are you talking about Aragorn?
Haldir: Actually we don’t care.
Aragorn: Of course you do! Dwarves haven’t been allowed in
here for like ever!
Haldir: I’m afraid you’re thinking about the books.Let me update you a little bit...You see, this is the movie; all small details from the books are completely disregarded! In fact, we had 217 Dwarves over here the other day for a big Superbowl Party, so there’s no tension here at all! We even have small urinals custom-made for Dwarves!
Aragorn: Whatever! BEEEEELY DANCERS DUDE! Yeah and we have to see Lady Galadriel 1st ...
Haldir: Take you to her i will!
Aragorn (confused – looking around)
Elf captain around there: Too much TV...

Somewhere else in Lorien …

Haldir: Found her I have …
Galadriel: Welcome you to Lothlorien we do and support your
Quest also. Yet extremely pessimistic i am about it and
basically tell everyone they’re gonna die.
Aragorn: sssup with the weird talking ?
Celeborn: Dude! We watched Star Wars last night for 9 hoours straight. Dude it was sooo coool!
Aragorn: Last I checked you had no calble whatsoever.
Celeborn: yeah but we borrowed the Palantir from Saruman and it turns out that it’s cheaper than cable. + the internet is great, Saruman tells me that’s how he found himself a date.
Aragorn: No shit ?
Celeborn: Yeah he tells me he found a brunette called: Grima.
Galadriel: Shut up!! I am talking!! ...We think blah blah blah
blah (while she’s talking she stares everyone down and
basically tells them they’re gonna die) blah blah blah blah
blah! Yada yada yada...Agree do you?
All: Uhh...yes. No??
Celeborn: Show off! It’s always about you.
Galadriel: Guess what Cely ? No “get naked” in the jungle tonight.
Celeborn: Yupiiii! Gonn’ check those belly dancers with the son of Arathorn.

Narrator: Being a very big budget film we have thousands of sets so here we go again … after Aragorn was being forced to shower …

Galadriel: Psst! Frodo!
Frodo: What? (then thinking to himself : „That’s a HUUUGE BITCH!”)
Galadriel: Follow me you will!
Check this thing out! Frodo: Whoa...what is it?
Galadriel: It’s a mirror that you pour water into and it
basically tells you that you’re gonna die!
Frodo: Let me see!
Galadriel: Behold!

(Various shots of things burning and other scenes that make
the audience wonder if that will happen in the future, and it
basically tells Frodo he’s gonna die)
Frodo: Now that was some freaky shit!

And Another Place with lots of trees in Lorien...

Aragorn: Those belly dancers are even better the seventh
Frodo: Fuck! I missed them again because I was taking a
shower! How were they, Sam?
Sam: I made a promise Mr. Frodo, a promise: Don’t you leave him Sam Wise Gamgee! – and i don’t mean to...I was watching you take a shower... uh! ... just to make sure ... is that ok with you?!!
Frodo: My dear Sam – this is why your part in this tale is not over!

Narrator: yeah! Cuz u 2 are gay!

Galadriel: Since you are leaving, I’ll give you presents!
Aragorn: But that’s not in the cinema version! Just the Special Extended Edition!
Galadriel: Yes but I’m giving them to you anyway.
Galadriel: Sam, you take this seed, and plant it
in the Shire.
Sam: Umm Ma’am, I’m not the kind of person who plants the
seeds, if you follow me...
Galadriel: You mean you’re not a gardener?
Sam: Well I suppose you could say that, I enjoy the flowers, I
just don’t plant the seeds the way you think i do.
Galadriel: I don’t understand?(shows him gift)
Sam: Ohhh! Ha ha! Seed, I get it! That’s a good one!
Galadriel: Meriadoc and Peregrin; You get these knives- to hang Frodo if he gets too annoying!
Merry: Meriadoc and Peregrin?
Pippin: Those are our names in the books...
Merry: Oh yeah.
Galadriel: Frodo, I give you this really bright flashlight that seems of no use right now.
Frodo: Flashlight?? ...I may seem like a dork, but that
doesn’t mean I want flashlight and flowers and ponies!! I want
a sword too!

Galadriel: We ran out of swords, just take what you get and be
happy!... Ahh, dwarf. What do you want from me?
Gimli: You know what I want from you ...
Galadriel: (embarassed)I mean a gift! Yes a gift. What could I
give to you?
Galadriel: How ‘bout some of my hair?
Gimli: That’s gross! – I’ll take it!
Galadriel: And to the entire Fellowship, I give a load of
Sam: Not more Lembas!!
Galadriel: You already have Lembas?
Sam: Yes, from Rivendell.
Galadriel: Oh, well our Lembas is better. Their’s is Lembas
Lite. We have the good fattening Lembas! Plus our flavor is
Sam: Chocolate Lembas!
Aragorn: Sam you’re gay!
Galadriel: Now go! Get the fuck outta hieeeeer!
Celeborn: Elessar! Nice goin’ with those belly dancers last night. Man we were so drunk!
Aragorn(looking behind him): Dude who you talking to ?
Celeborn: You dumb ass!
Aragorn: Me?
Celeborn: Yeah! We got drunk last night and we decided to change your name … into Elessar!
Aragorn: When people get drunk they usually end up with a tatoo. But no I end up with a crappy new nickname. Dumb ass Elves!
Celeborn: Hey! Watch your mouth!
Aragorn: What for?
Celeborn: Cuz …
Aragorn: What kind of name is Celeborn?
Celeborn: Bite my pointy ears elf-wannabe! Now take this dagger and get the fuck off my land! How much of a male elf am I now huh?
Aragorn: Common dude! I like the name… really!
Celeborn: Really? Cool! I didn’t mean what I just said! Naever!
Elessar: Naever – whatever th fuck that means…
Celeborn: Y’all come back you hear! Argy … come check out next season’s bellydancers ok?
Aragorn: It’s ON!


Saruman: Give ‘em hell in the fourth quarter!

more next week ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 12 Jul 2004, 16:17   #94
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Am ras enorm de mult incat sa am nesimtirea sa iti cer si eu toata parodia intr-un fisier word (daca este posibil). Chiar vreau sa o am acasa toata, nu luata de pe forum.
Voi reveni cand voi avea timp.
Multumesc anticipat.
"If we have to give them our lives... we give them HELL before we do it!"
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Old 12 Jul 2004, 16:27   #95
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Ai introdus si cartile sau doar filmele in parodie?
"If we have to give them our lives... we give them HELL before we do it!"
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Old 12 Jul 2004, 18:15   #96
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Really really nice. Imi place. Keep up the good work!
I amar prestar aen. The world has changed. Han mathon ne nen. I feel it in the water. Han mathon ne chae. I feel it in the Earth. A han noston ne wilith. I smell it in the air. Much that once was lost, for none now live who remember it.
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Old 12 Jul 2004, 22:48   #97
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Super! Partea asta mi-a placut cel mai mult pana acum. Chiar trebuie sa asteptam pana saptamana viitoare? I won't be able to see it... tocmai peste 2 sapt si ceva ma intorc
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."
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Old 13 Jul 2004, 07:04   #98
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In 2 saptamani ajung si eu acasa. In sfarsit. Am crezut ca vacantele astea sunt relaxante dar sunt si istovitoare. Am o pofta de citit parodia si de postat pe cinemagia in liniste si pacce de n-aveti idee.

Parodia a mai fost "alterata" din cate observ "in modul bun". Marea provocare se apropie cu The Two Towers.
Multumim ca va place! :w00t:
V-ati plictisit de Stapanul Inelelor ? Dati click sa radem un pic: Bored Of The Rings
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Old 14 Jul 2004, 20:44   #99
WitchKing of Angmar
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abia astept sa vad cum iese la TTT
High life inseamna sa stai o viatza high
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Old 14 Jul 2004, 21:46   #100
The One and Only Gollum
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dupa parerea mea partea asta a fost cea mai buna dintre toate!! am crapat de ras la faza cu "wassssup nigga' "!!!
keep up the f***ing good work!!!!!!
Nice Hobbitses! We's likes them.....yessssssss
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