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Old 27 May 2012, 20:07   #101
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Ce urat se uita Nanni Moretti la Haneke A iesit bine pentru Mungiu, desi speram sa castige Palme D'or, Haneke are insa un nume prea mare. Ma bucur si pentru fete. Mai ales pentru cea care a fost reporter.

Last edited by JohnnyAddams : 27 May 2012 at 20:11.
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Old 27 May 2012, 20:17   #102
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All in all a fost o editie consistenta.
Raman cu urmatoarele filme de vazut obligatoriu:

Moonrise Kingdom Wes Anderson
Beasts of the southern wild Benh Zeitlin
Beyond the hills Cristian Mungiu
Amour Michael Haneke
You ain't seen nothing yet Alain Resnais
Like someone in love Abbas Kiarostami
In another country Hong Sang-soo
Holy Motors Leos Carax
Post tenebras lux Carlos Reygadas
Cosmopolis David Cronenberg
In the Fog Sergei Loznitsa
Killing Them Softly Andrew Dominik
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Old 27 May 2012, 20:26   #103
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Amour de Michael Haneke
Post Tenebras Lux de Carlos Reygadas
Mud de Jeff Nichols
Moonrise Kingdom de Wes Anderson
Holy Motors de Leos Carax
Like Someone In Love de Abbas Kiarostami
Paradise:Love de Ulrich Seidl

Beasts Of The Southern Wild de Benh Zeitlin
A Perdre La Raison de Joachim LaFosse

Aqui Y Alla de Antonio Mendez Esparza

Ernest Et Celestine de Stephane Aubier si Vincent Patar
No de Pablo Larrain
La Noche De Enfrente de Raoul Ruiz
Room 237 de Rodney Ascher
Sightseers de Ben Wheatley

Io E Te de Bernardo Bertolucci

Polluting Paradise de Fatih Akin
Journal De France de Raymond Depardon si Claudine Nougaret
In the event that you find some certain sequences or ideas confusing,please bare in mind,that this is your fault,not ours.You will need to see the picture again and again,until you understand everything.Turn.
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Old 27 May 2012, 20:27   #104
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Originally Posted by Chambord:
All in all a fost o editie consistenta.
Raman cu urmatoarele filme de vazut obligatoriu:

Moonrise Kingdom Wes Anderson
Beasts of the southern wild Benh Zeitlin
Beyond the hills Cristian Mungiu
Amour Michael Haneke
You ain't seen nothing yet Alain Resnais
Like someone in love Abbas Kiarostami
In another country Hong Sang-soo
Holy Motors Leos Carax
Post tenebras lux Carlos Reygadas
Cosmopolis David Cronenberg
In the Fog Sergei Loznitsa
Killing Them Softly Andrew Dominik

No love for Ken Loach,huh?
I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex.
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Old 27 May 2012, 20:29   #105
Film Dissection
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Originally Posted by JohnnyAddams:
Haneke are insa un nume prea mare

Sunt foarte sigur ca Haneke nu a castigat cu numele si nu cred ca se poate spune despre el ce declara Schnabel in 2007.

O sa le vad 100% cu prima ocazie:

1. Amour
2. Killing Them Softly
3. Cosmopolis
4. Holy Motors
5. In Another Country
6. In the Fog
7. Beyond the Hills

Originally Posted by Kriss_Kringle:
No love for Ken Loach,huh?

Filmul lui era la coada listei prin toate clasamentele. Faptul ca a castigat premiul juriului are probabil si o mica legatura cu persoanele care-l alcatuiau.

Last edited by Liviu- : 27 May 2012 at 20:32.
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Old 27 May 2012, 20:40   #106
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Uitasem ca Payne e grec ortodox. Sunt convins ca e unul din cei care a sustinut Beyond the hills.
De altfel, de numele lui se leaga chiar inceputurile isteriei cu Noul Val Romanesc. Cine era presedintele juriului Un Certain Regard cand sectiunea a fost castigata de MDL ?
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Old 27 May 2012, 20:43   #107
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tweet James Rocchi : Reygadas makes screensavers for people w Semiotics degrees, & BEYOND THE HILLS is a Hammer Horror cheapie played at 1/2 speed.

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Old 27 May 2012, 20:47   #108
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Originally Posted by Kriss_Kringle:
No love for Ken Loach,huh?

Tocmai citasem o ironie la adresa lui Loach. Nu degeaba.
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Old 27 May 2012, 20:52   #109
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Bute n-a luat nimic ???
A luat bataie .
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Old 27 May 2012, 21:08   #110
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Originally Posted by Liviu-:

Filmul lui era la coada listei prin toate clasamentele. Faptul ca a castigat premiul juriului are probabil si o mica legatura cu persoanele care-l alcatuiau.

Nu m-a interesat sa verific clasamentele dar tot ce-am vazut de Loach mi-a placut,asa ca asta n-am cum sa-l evit.
Cannes nu ma fascineaza,m-am uitat pe RT la review-urile filmelor care au participat si astea mi-au starnit interesul:

Killing them softly
The hunt
Angel's share
Moonrise kingdom
Rust and bone

Mi s-a cam acrit de Wes Anderson dar tot o sa ma uit la Moonrise Kingdom,la Rust and bone ceva imi spune ca nu se ridica la nivelul celorlalte filme ale lui Audiard iar Lawless o sa-l vad doar pentru ca Oldman si Hardy sunt gangsteri.
I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex.
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Old 27 May 2012, 21:09   #111
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Originally Posted by Kriss_Kringle:

No love for Ken Loach,huh?

In the event that you find some certain sequences or ideas confusing,please bare in mind,that this is your fault,not ours.You will need to see the picture again and again,until you understand everything.Turn.
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Old 27 May 2012, 21:17   #112
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Originally Posted by Liviu-:
Sunt foarte sigur ca Haneke nu a castigat cu numele si nu cred ca se poate spune despre el ce declara Schnabel in 2007..

Nu m-am referit neaparat la asta. M-am referit ca e mare in general. Oricum, n-am vazut filmul, n-am cum sa stiu care a fost mai bun, insa cred ca a fost o lupta mare intre jurati

Vreau sa vad:

Beyond the hills
Killing them softly
Moonrise kingdom
In Another Country
Rust & Bone
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Old 27 May 2012, 23:59   #113
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Leos Carax's "Holy Motors," did not win a prize as expected, but it was definitely nominated for one. In the past the competition jury was not allowed to speak about the deliberations, but now, as Nanni Moretti, the Jury's chair, said, that taboo has been broken. Not only can they speak about it, but they can hold an official press conference.

When Moretti was asked why there was no prize given to "Holy Motors" applause broke out in the Press Room. That is very unusual. I thought he would sidestep the question and in the beginning he did. Moretti said there were many films that didn't win a prize. Technically, he was correct. There were 22 films in competition.

But then, he took it straight on. He acknowledged that three films divided the Jury more than any others, the Carax film Holy Motors, Ulrich Seidl's film "Paradise: Love" (about the white Sugar Mamas from Austria who go to Kenya to buy love from the local gigolos), and Carlos Reygadas' "Post Tenebras Lux." He concluded that out of those three there was perhaps the most talk about "Holy Motors," but Reygadas won the prize.

Juror Andrea Arnold (British director of "Fish Tank,") defended Reygadas, saying how much she loved images in that film. Juror Raoul Peck also defended it saying it appealed to both his intellect and his emotions and he thought the director took great risks with a film that perhaps had a fractured structure.

At the beginning of the press conference someone made a statement that some of the films in the festival seemed more concerned with style than their characters. I wonder if that ultimately is what derailed "Holy Motors."

Juror Alexander Payne ("The Descendants") was asked how he felt that none of the seven films from North American had won a prize, and whether he would be able to go back to America. The Jury quickly boo-booed the question. Gaultier pointed out that he and Emmanuelle Devos were French and there were no French awards. And Alexander Payne said you cannot judge a trend in films by country borders, nor one event.

Andrea Arnold sneered, as she did when a journalist asked Gaultier which film had the best costumes. Gaultier said he saw no costumes, meaning the clothes in each film were so well integrated into the movie that none stood out as costumes, they were all appropriate. It seemed like a fair question and a fair answer, but Andrea Arnold jumped in and attacked the journalist for asking a stupid question. She said Gaultier was an intelligent man like the rest of the jury and shouldn't be thought of as only looking at clothes. She continued on the attack until the moderator Henri Behar told her the question had been sufficiently answered, then she apologized and said she was a little drunk, but felt protective of Gaultier.

"En el teatro se hace lo que se debe, en el cine se hace lo que se quiere y en la televisión se hace lo que se puede">>
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Old 28 May 2012, 01:03   #114
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"I really wonder who's ever been on a real set. I just KNOW Chambord hasn't . And he's the best informed around. Is he a he - so I won't... you know. haha" "Yes, he's a he and he knows the stuff. Sometimes"
Remarca citind forumul a prietenului AB si raspunsul meu pe Twitter.
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Old 28 May 2012, 09:45   #115
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Originally Posted by Liviu-:
Originally Posted by JohnnyAddams:
Haneke are insa un nume prea mare

Sunt foarte sigur ca Haneke nu a castigat cu numele si nu cred ca se poate spune despre el ce declara Schnabel in 2007.

Nici eu nu cred ca premiul lui Haneke i se datoreaza numelui, oricat de mare o fi, mai ales ca de-abia ce-a mai castigat un Palme d'Or, iar premiile acestea nu se dau asa de usor de doua ori. Daca nu ma insel, Haneke este al saselea dublu laureat cu Palme d'Or.
Probabil ca filmul lui chiar a impresionat in mod deosebit juriul, incat i-au dat al doilea trofeu, dupa numai 3 ani.
Bineinteles ca multi dintre noi ne-am fi dorit sa castige Mungiu, pentru ca este al nostru, dar pana nu vedem filmele, chiar nu cred ca ne putem pronunta cu privire la cine merita sau nu sa castige.

Si oricum, e greu sa spui ca un film merita mai mult decat altul sa castige, mai ales ca la asemenea festivaluri premiile sunt decise de jurii, care sunt subiective, asa cum suntem si noi, spectatorii. Fiecare alege ce-i place, iar gusturile difera. Doar filmele nu se pot evalua punctual, ca problemele de matematica...

Pe mine m-au incantat de-a dreptul premiile de interpretare. E un lucru bun ca actorii romani sunt tot mai mult remarcati, iar asemenea premii deschid multe usi tinerelor laureate...
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 28 May 2012, 15:22   #116
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dup dealu' a avut cel mai bun scenariu si interpretare feminina, dar nu a luat nimic ca film. oare cine a sfeclit regia? tz tz tz
Era ninja. Era Kuji-kiri, si dincolo de Kuji-Kiri, era Kobudera, de care se temea pana si al sau sensei Kan-aku na ninjutsu. Era magie.

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Old 28 May 2012, 15:50   #117
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Nu putea sa ia scenariu + interpretare feminina + regia, la Cannes nu e ca la Oscaruri. Putea sa ia fie Palme d'or, fie Grand Prix, fie numai regie, fie numai un premiu de interpretare, fie o combinatie scenariu + interpretare sau Jury Prize + interpretare. Faptul ca acelasi film a obtinut doua premii e bine si se intampla cam rar situatia asta.

Uite regulamentul:

Article 8

The Jury for the feature films in competition is obliged to award:

The Palme d'Or;
The Grand Prix;
The award for the Best Director;
The Jury Prize;
The award for the Best Screenplay;
The award for the Best Actress;
The award for the Best Actor.

The prize list must not contain more than one joint award. The Palme d'Or can never be awarded jointly. No film can receive more than one award. However, the award for the Best Screenplay and the Jury Prize can be combined with a Best Performance award, on special dispensation of the Festival's President.

Last edited by varu : 28 May 2012 at 15:53.
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Old 28 May 2012, 16:06   #118
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Originally Posted by djinjis:
dup dealu' a avut cel mai bun scenariu si interpretare feminina, dar nu a luat nimic ca film. oare cine a sfeclit regia? tz tz tz
Nu! Cristi a facut ce-a facut exceptional! Eu am mari semne de intrebare vizavi de subiect, in conditiile VatiLeaks. Dar jos palaria, mai ales pentru Mungiu!
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Old 29 May 2012, 03:21   #119
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C regulament tampit.
Era ninja. Era Kuji-kiri, si dincolo de Kuji-Kiri, era Kobudera, de care se temea pana si al sau sensei Kan-aku na ninjutsu. Era magie.

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Old 29 May 2012, 15:50   #120
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Gala Premiilor.

Ce mi-a placut (no order):

- Ludivine Sagnier
- Leila Hatami
- reactia lui Benh Zeitlin
- discursurile romanilor, simple si eficiente

Ce nu mi-a placut :
- rochia lui Diane Kruger (nu ma pricep la moda dar se vedea din avion ca e oribila, ce-o fi zis Gaultier saracu ? Sau o fi opera lui ... )
- umflatura in pene a lui Mungiu
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