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Old 26 Jan 2010, 22:26   #101
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Merge. Unde sunt studiourile Mosfilm? Chiar in Moscova?
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 01:14   #102
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Dracu' stie.
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 07:38   #103
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Originally Posted by Judex:
Da, esti foarte incapatanata si nu inteleg de fapt care e prblema ta. In cinematografie 'locatie' inseamna exact asta - locatie. Deci n-o sa fie nici o problema cu americanii, stai linistita. E limbaj profesional.
La faza cu Argentina, 'on location' inseamna ca ai filmat acolo si nu in studioul de la Hollywood.
Gaseste un alt exemplu. Spune de cretinii care merg la all-inclusive la Mamaia si spun ca locatia era minunata.

O insemna in cinematografie "locatie", dar e valabil doar pentru profesionistii romani. Chiar nu vrei sa pricepi ca traducatorul (care nu e roman) n-o va putea traduce asa? Nu are cum, in romana, oficial, sensul asta nu exista, ce naiba?! De unde sa stie el ca profesionisul roman din cinema a luat-o inaintea Academiei si i-a largit sensul?
"Cretinii" de la Mamaia sunt extra, dar pe cine intereseaza ce si cum spun ei?!

Hai s-o lasam pe asta cu location-ul. Pentru "Character actor" si "cameo" exista traducere?
We are ready for the next shot, only in this scene instead of doing "nothing", we do "something".
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 07:55   #104
The Ultimate Badass
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"cameo" = aparitie fugitiva
"character actor" = actor specializat pe o anumita tipologie de personaj
God ain’t my fucking daddy...

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Old 27 Jan 2010, 08:25   #105
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Actor pe tipologie, actor de personaj, "amploa".
Cameo - cameo.

Nu te las pana nu recunosti la ;location'. In primul rand nu va veni vreodata americanul cu traducator de romana, in plus nu-l vad eu pe producatorul roman care sa nu inteleaga engleza macar la nivel de termeni tehnici. Si, daca, prin absurd, se intampla asta, are un asistent care stie sau un traducator la randul sau. Si nu, nu sunt de acord sa se foloseasca 'exterior' ca-n franceza si nici ca termenul 'locatie' sa fie folosita ca 'localizare' sau 'amplasare/amplasament'.
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 08:51   #106
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Pai inarmeaza-te cu rabdare (te-am simtit al borde de un ataque de nervios de cateva ori, si nu e deloc constructiv )

@ Windom - eu as fi zis scurta aparitie, dar tot mananca prea mult din cele 37 de caractere ale randului de traducere (si asa, se vorbeste mai repede decat se citeste - condensarea trebuie sa fie cu atat mai mare)... la Character actor Nice!

Revenind la Judex - daca traduc cameo prin cameo la TVR sau HBO, mi se taie, deoarece corectorii lucreaza cu dex-ul, si "cameo" nu exista (doar "camee", care e cu totul altceva) - pentru character actor vezi mai sus care-i problema...

Sa zicem ca un nenea mai in varsta (din generatia cu pregatire lingvistica franco-rusa), se-ntalneste cu producatorul american si traducatorul in Egipt, la Festivalul de la Cairo ... Sunt veniti la festival, n-au asistenti, si e doar amaratul ala de traducator american al americanului
Si producatorul american tare vrea sa puna bazele cooperarii si-si intreaba omologul franco-rusofil... stiti deja ce anume
We are ready for the next shot, only in this scene instead of doing "nothing", we do "something".
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 09:18   #107
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La 'character actor" te ghidezi iar dupa context. Depinde ce-i cu ala - le trebuie?, este? etc. Poate fi 'o anumita tipologie', 'actor specializat', 'actor de personaj'. Plm...
La 'cameo' traduci 'aparitie'. E suficient.

Daca se-ntampla faza aia, franco-rusofonul o suge sau americanul o suge sau amandoi daca se-nteleg ca cucu-n gura.

Hai ca m-ai simtit bine al borde alea alea...
Am aruncat o geana si am descoperit ca n-o suge nici unul:
Traducatorul american de limba romana se va descurca.

Last edited by Judex : 27 Jan 2010 at 09:24.
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 09:23   #108
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LE - I am really, really dissapointed. Pai pseudo dictionare din astea iti gasesc si eu... Ca e plin netul de ele Mai ramane sa-mi argumentezi cu wikipedia. Desolee, mais ça ne se fait pas
We are ready for the next shot, only in this scene instead of doing "nothing", we do "something".

Last edited by Im.Kino : 27 Jan 2010 at 09:30.
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 09:40   #109
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Da-l in ma-sa de producator american, daca nici bani de-un iPhone pentru traducator n-are ca sa intre pe net sa caute 'location', atunci isi merita soarta si pierde sansa de a lucra cu marele producator roman care nu cunoaste engleza de specialitate.

Last edited by Judex : 28 Jan 2010 at 12:16.
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 09:44   #110
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In fine, avem concluzie! Nu e cea ideala, dar merge.

Urmatorul pe ordinea de zi: one-liner
We are ready for the next shot, only in this scene instead of doing "nothing", we do "something".
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 09:56   #111
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Eu nu stiu decat jet airliner.
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 10:07   #112
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Adica avion comercial (sau de linie) cu turboreactor
We are ready for the next shot, only in this scene instead of doing "nothing", we do "something".
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 10:17   #113
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Da, aeronava de linie cu motor turboreactor.

one-liner = poanta.
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 10:23   #114
The Ultimate Badass
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Something like I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.
God ain’t my fucking daddy...

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Old 27 Jan 2010, 10:31   #115
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Da, dar eu ma gandeam la ceva mai simplu, in the line (sic!) of... Hasta la vista, baby! Care nu e poanta.
We are ready for the next shot, only in this scene instead of doing "nothing", we do "something".
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 10:42   #116
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 10:45   #117
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Nu inteleg... dar ofer un bonus pour le connaisseurs - "an Alan Smithee film"
We are ready for the next shot, only in this scene instead of doing "nothing", we do "something".
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 10:48   #118
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"Un film de".
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 10:52   #119
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de cine?
We are ready for the next shot, only in this scene instead of doing "nothing", we do "something".
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Old 27 Jan 2010, 11:11   #120
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Nu recunosc nimic!

Off-topic: am fost sa cumpar ciuperci.
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