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Old 07 Oct 2009, 23:00   #1181
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I rest my case

oricum, mă bucur pentru alegerea lui Paul ca moderator

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Old 07 Oct 2009, 23:04   #1182
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mersi. deja am făcut primul pas: am unit 3 topicuri despre seriale într-unul singur. mă înjuraţi sau nu ... asta e.
"Şi voi porni. Simplu. Toţi indienii mor astfel, în hamacurile lor. Se leagănă uşurel. Când totul se sfârşeşte, înseamnă că au plecat spre o altă viaţă, mai frumoasă."
Fernand Fournier-Aubry
23.11.1901 - 20.12.1972
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 23:06   #1183
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 23:08   #1184
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...ria, Gloria, Gloria,
In excelsis Deo...!!!
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 23:29   #1185
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 23:48   #1186
Dancer in the Dark
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Originally Posted by Pitbull:
aberatia cu "concursul de moderatori".)

Ce-i aia?
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 23:53   #1187
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Nu-i asa ca ma sustii pt Clasic, Coco?
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 23:54   #1188
Old School Hollywood
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@paul_aramis Felicitari si good luck in moderarea sectiunii.
I had some problems with my screenplay so I bought that book .. "How to Write a Movie in 21 Days".That was a year ago. (Christopher Moltisanti)
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 23:54   #1189
Dancer in the Dark
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Originally Posted by Pitbull:
In functie de numärul de papornite, sarsanale, damigene si poloboace pe care ni le aduci spre a i le trimite consumatorului cel prea deprins cu asa ceva, ai fi eligibilä pentru:
- Cafenea
- Premii, festivaluri
- Video, DVD

Cafenea? Nu, multumesc!
Sectiunea cu premii si festivaluri e faina.
Da' cate papornite v-a dat Cinemania de l-ati pus tocmai la Clasic, care e poate cea mai faina sectiune? Si eu care crezusem ca a contat si votul meu atunci... De fapt contasera plocoanele aduse de Cinemania...
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 23:57   #1190
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Originally Posted by corinka:
Originally Posted by Pitbull:
aberatia cu "concursul de moderatori".)

Ce-i aia?
Un MistâmpiJism.
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 23:58   #1191
Dancer in the Dark
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Originally Posted by Judex:
Nu-i asa ca ma sustii pt Clasic, Coco?
De ce? Sustine-ti candidatura.
Nu prea am chef sa sustin pe nimeni la Clasic, nu mi-a raspuns nimeni in topicul Kurosawa...
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 07 Oct 2009, 23:59   #1192
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Sunt poate cel mai bun pe Clasic de aici.
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Old 08 Oct 2009, 00:01   #1193
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Thumbs down Repros pentru admini

Originally Posted by redmen:
@paul_aramis Felicitari si good luck in moderarea sectiunii.

Sa traiasca, la multi ani!

De ce redmen a ramas guru? De ce nu ii apare Old School Hollywood sub nick, asa cum a cerut?
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 08 Oct 2009, 00:02   #1194
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Originally Posted by corinka:
Originally Posted by redmen:
@paul_aramis Felicitari si good luck in moderarea sectiunii.

Sa traiasca, la multi ani!

De ce redmen a ramas guru? De ce nu ii apare Old School Hollywood sub nick, asa cum a cerut?
Chiar! Mie de ce nu imi apare 'bozgor'?
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Old 08 Oct 2009, 00:03   #1195
Dancer in the Dark
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Originally Posted by Judex:
Sunt poate cel mai bun pe Clasic de aici.
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 08 Oct 2009, 07:00   #1196
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Gloria, Stefan, va rog scoateti-ma de la "Filme la TV" ca moderator...un moderator ajunge si paul_aramis se va descurca de minune

la fel si de la Clasic...sunt cativa pe aici care pot sa modereze acolo lejer...Corinka de ex e foarte dornica

pot sa raman cu horror-ul ca acolo ma simt foarte bine, vorba cuiva de pe aici

si cafeneaua, ca acolo nu e nimeni dornic(s) sa se bage
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 08 Oct 2009, 07:02   #1197
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pen'ca nu esti
This is not THE END...
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Old 08 Oct 2009, 07:56   #1198
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Sä le fie rusine celor care, cu comentariile lor invidioase si idioate, l-au fäcut pe Cinemania sä se simtä atât de penibil încât sä cearä revocarea. (Totodatä, cinste lui pentru aceastä atitudine de bun-simt, deloc surprinzätoare.) Personal, sustin insistent mentinerea lui la "Filme TV" - stiu cä e un domeniu pe care-l stäpâneste foarte bine.
Cu Redmen cum rämâne? (Si, apropo, Stef sau Glo - dati-i omului rangul dorit si cuvenit: Old School Hollywood!)

Last edited by Pitbull : 08 Oct 2009 at 16:54.
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Old 08 Oct 2009, 09:07   #1199
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merci Pit, dar nu am nevoie sa fiu leganat in puf

paul_aramis e o alegere excelenta pt "Filme la TV"...pot contribui si fara sa fiu moderator, ca orice alt user de aici

pt Clasic sunt cativa care probabil s-ar descurca mult mai bine...oricum acolo, in afara de a sterge cateva elucubratii si a puncta una alta pe ici pe colo, nu am facut mare lucru (MinRep unde esti?)

cred ca am mai spus asta la un moment dat:
prefer sa nu ma implicati in conflictele voastre medievale...n-am nimic cu nimeni in lumea virtuala si ma doare in cur de scandaluri...iau de la fiecare strict ce-mi foloseste
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 08 Oct 2009, 09:10   #1200
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Dar de ce te aperi?
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