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Old 13 Feb 2011, 13:28   #1
Film Dissection
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Acum pe ecrane, dar limitat

Topicul asta se vrea a fi mai putin pentru discutii si mai mult pentru anunturi, mai exact anunturi de filme care apar la cinema, dar limitat, putand fi astfel ratate de cei care nu urmaresc insistent programele cinematografelor. Nu e nevoie sa fie postate toate filmele aflate in situatia asta, ci doar cele care credem ca nu trebuie ratate, inclusiv cele rulate la cinemateci sau in cadrul diferitelor festivaluri de film.

Astea fiind spuse, pentru inceput:

Socialism (Jean-Luc Godard) - NCRR, Joi (17.02.2011), 19:00
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Old 22 Feb 2011, 12:32   #2
Film Dissection
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Let the Right One In (Tomas Alfredson) - NCRR, duminică, 27 februarie, ora 20:30
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Old 22 Feb 2011, 12:41   #3
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Liviu-, ai sărit direct la ultima seară a festivalului...
Cred că ar merita amintite şi celelalte filme:

- Involuntar / Involuntary / De Ofrivilliga
de Ruben Östlund. 1h 40 min. Suedia, 2008 Drama
24 februarie, ora 20:30 (rulează şi pe 26 februarie, ora 20:30)

- În ritm brazilian / Brasileirinho
Mika Kaurismaki. Documentar. 1h 30 min. Brazilia-Finlanda-Elveţia, 2005
25 februarie, ora 17:00

- Muzica magică / Sonic Mirror
Mika Kaurismaki. Documentar, 1h 20 min. Finlanda 2008
25 februarie, ora 19:00

- Iubiri încrucişate / The House Of Branching Love / Haarautuvan rakkauden talo
Mika Kaurismaki. Comedie/Dramă, 1h 40 min. Finlanda, 2009 Premieră
25 februarie, ora 21:00

- Magazinul viselor împlinite / Shop of Dreams / Stiilipidu
de Peeter Urbla. Comedie/Dramă. 1h 50 min. Finlanda-Estonia, 2005
26 februarie, ora 18:00 (rulează şi pe 27 februarie, ora 18:00)

Toate filmele sunt programate la NCRR.
"Comedy is tragedy plus time".
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Old 22 Feb 2011, 12:51   #4
Film Dissection
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Am sarit pentru ca nu pot recomanda fara a cunoaste macar putin filmele respective, desi cu siguranta selectia e aleasa in asa fel incat majoritatea filmelor sa merite vizionate
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Old 22 Feb 2011, 14:01   #5
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Eu aş merge, totuşi, pe mâna lui Kaurismaki, adică 3 din cele 5 filme menţionate de mine.
Dar, pentru cei care vor să afle ceva mai multe detalii înainte să dea buzna în sala de spectacol, adaug mai jos trei mici cronici la filmele lui din festival. Sper să fie O.K. Dacă încalc vreun regulament, poţi şterge cu totul.


În ritm brazilian / Brasileirinho
Documentaire musical, de Mika Kaurismäki
[publicat în Le Figaro]

Amoureux de Rio de Janeiro, de ses ciels, de ses rythmes et de ses habitants, le cinéaste finlandais Mika Kaurismäki poursuit son exploration de l’âme musicale brésilienne en remontant a la source. Après Moro no Brasil (2002), Brasileirinho donne a voir et a entendre quelques maîtres actuels du choro. Le rythme national par excellence est né, a la fin du XIX siècle, de la rencontre entre les mesures afro-brésiliennes, les danses européennes et la mélancolie indienne. Il est a l’origine d’une musique de virtuoses qui dit a la fois la tristesse et la joie en laissant les interprètes s’envoler dans leurs improvisations jusqu’a la derrubada, le moment de l’échappée solitaire pour le soliste. Brasileirinho laisse aussi filer en toile de fond de très belles images de Rio. Sa bande originale (MK2 Music) est naturellement une merveille. (S.L.)
*** 3 étoiles (maximum) = excellent


Muzica magică / Sonic Mirror
By Bonnie J. Gordon
Jul 5, 2007
[publicat în Hollywood Reporter]

Bottom Line: A feel-good world music documentary with the potential to be the next "Buena Vista Social Club."
Jazz rhythms are the basis of a universal language in musical documentary.

MUNICH -- From dirt-poor Brazilian kids to autistic adults in Switzerland to in-the-know Finnish jazz aficionados, Mika Kaurismaki's latest music documentary "Sonic Mirror" follows the legendary drummer and composer Billy Cobham as he unites them all through infectious, can't-stop-moving rhythm.

Beautifully photographed by Jacques Cheuiche with an eye to timeless images -- the crashing of waves, floating of snow and gnarled hands on a drumskin -- and spectacularly engineered and edited for sound by Uwe Dresch (also a producer and co-writer) and Oli Weiss, "Sonic Mirror" could become a classic for music lovers of all kinds, a film they will want to own in order to watch it again and again.


Iubiri încrucişate / The House Of Branching Love / Haarautuvan rakkauden talo
By John Anderson
[publicat in Variety]

A hilarious and harrowing exercise in marriage prevention, Mika Kaurismaki's "The House of Branching Love" has been described as a Finnish "War of the Roses," but that's selling it short. Divorce may be at the comedy's chewy center, but there's a catalog's worth of unlikely characters, odd coincidences, venomous exchanges and lustful antics galloping through what is probably Kaurismaki's most polished production -- a departure from the dry, droll, low-tech fare for which he's better known. Stateside distribution will be tough, but adult themes and ribald humor could sell it, as could thesp Anna Easteden, a highly exportable Finnish resource.

"The House of Branching Love" (many branches, not much love) is a rare thing, a domestic comedy/underworld thriller in which there's no end of people following other people: Two blond cops on the trail of Wolffi, and then Juhani, turn out to be a couple who lost a child and came to Juhani for counseling. A related plot bombshell strikes the one off-key note in what is otherwise a broad, loud, comically vulgar but mostly cohesive movie that may be creating its own genre. One question: Was there supposed to be an ad for the Finnish lottery at the beginning of the print?

Production values are first-rate.
"Comedy is tragedy plus time".

Last edited by Dl.cinematic : 22 Feb 2011 at 14:17.
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Old 25 Feb 2011, 09:38   #6
Film Dissection
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Trainspotting (Danny Boyle) - Cinemateca, Sala Efore, sambata, 26 Feb - 19:00

Cache (Michael Haneke) - Cinemateca, Sala Eforie

Vi, 25 Feb 2011 - 15:00
Sa, 26 Feb 2011 - 17:00
Du, 27 Feb 2011 - 19:15

Entre les murs (Laurent Cantet) - Cinemateca, Sala Eforie

Du, 27 Feb 2011 - 15:00
Lu, 28 Feb 2011 - 17:00

Wings of Desire (Wim Wenders) - NCRR, marţi, 1 mar, 19:00

California Dreamin' (nesfârşit) (Cristian Nemescu) - NCRR, luni, 28 feb, 19:00

Last edited by Liviu- : 25 Feb 2011 at 09:40.
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Old 22 Aug 2011, 16:53   #7
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The Tree of Life (Terrence Malick) - NCRR, sambata, 27 august, 22:30 (Proiectie unica in aer liber)

De fapt e retrospectiva Anonimul (http://www.ncrr.ro/program.html). N-am vazut nimic de acolo in afara de un film, care oricum a fost la retrospectiva Ceylan, dar pe care il recomad:

Uzak (Nuri Bilge Ceylan) - NCRR, duminica, 28 august, 16:00
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Old 19 Sep 2011, 10:26   #8
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De vazut

- În ritm brazilian / Brasileirinho
Mika Kaurismaki. Documentar. 1h 30 min. Brazilia-Finlanda-Elveţia, 2005
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Old 19 Sep 2011, 10:45   #9
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La cinema, TV, pe net sau unde? Aici vorbim doar de cinema, mai exact doar de cele din Romania.
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Old 03 Oct 2011, 18:32   #10
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Trecind cu troleul pe linga cinama Corso am vazut niste afise cu festivalul RELOAD sau RELOADED .Stie cineva despre ce este vorba ca pe net n-am gasit nimic (inca) ???????????????????/
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Old 12 Oct 2011, 07:58   #11
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Afisele cu RELOADED se refereau la Festivalul De Film Necenzurat,care s-a terminat pe 9 octombrie.

Pe 21 octombrie,stiu ca se da The Maltese Falcon(1941) la Cinema Eforie,dar nu stiu sigur la ce ora.
In the event that you find some certain sequences or ideas confusing,please bare in mind,that this is your fault,not ours.You will need to see the picture again and again,until you understand everything.Turn.
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Old 18 Oct 2011, 20:55   #12
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E Festivalul Filmului Francez in Bucuresti la Studio 21-28 octombrie

Desi anul trecut l-am boicotat pentru ca singurul film mai de doamne ajuta al festivalului era numai cu invitatii, anul acesta am revenit la sentimente mai bune. Cred.

Printre filme: My Little Princess de Eva Ionesco; Impardonnables al lui Andre Techine si va mai uitati voi peste program daca va place ceva.
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Old 18 Oct 2011, 21:53   #13
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Am citit despre My little princess de Eva Ionesco vreo doua articole interesante. Filmul e autobiografic. Mama realizatoarei, Irina Ionesco, fotograf de origine romana, o folosea ca model pentru fotografiile ei cam deochiate prin anii 80. A fost un adevarat scandal in Franta pe tema asta. Mamei i-a fost interzis legal sa o mai creasca pe fetita.
Interesant e ca Eva a devenit la randul ei fotograf si spune ca a mostenit talentul de la mama ei, interpretata in film de Isabelle Huppert (actrita mea preferata). As vrea sa-l vad, dar nu-l gasesc. Voi pe unde mai gasiti filme dintr-astea made in alta parte decat america?
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Old 19 Oct 2011, 11:30   #14
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Eu le mai iau de pe eMule (dar merge greu). Si mai am o prietena dependenta de filme care stie tot felul de ciudati de pe net de la care obtine filme rare.
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Old 19 Oct 2011, 13:26   #15
The Ultimate Badass
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Ma intreb cit de rar trebuie sa fie un film pentru a te califica in categoria ciudatilor.
God ain’t my fucking daddy...

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Old 19 Oct 2011, 13:56   #16
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Pai nu filmul te califica drept ciudat. Daaaar. Eu cred ca persoanele ciudate au carti si filme bune si rare intr-o masura mai mare decat cei mai apropiati de normalitate si banal.
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Old 19 Oct 2011, 14:31   #17
The Ultimate Badass
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Amin to that!
God ain’t my fucking daddy...

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Old 19 Oct 2011, 15:45   #18
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Inseamna ca eu nu sunt ciudat. Eeee !
whew! That was close
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Old 19 Oct 2011, 22:01   #19
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Originally Posted by aniela07:
Eu le mai iau de pe eMule (dar merge greu). ..
M-am lasat de torrente. In SUA au fost trimisi in judecata zeci de mii de IP-uri care au downlodat Hurt Locker. Recent au ajuns si in Canada avocatii filmului, insa se pare ca doar vreo 30 vor acuza.
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Old 20 Oct 2011, 14:37   #20
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Aici gasesti sfaturi si retete pentru o gustare reusita .Doar meniuri exotice .Mai toate sunt picante .De servit in familie alaturi de soacra ulceroasa.

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