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Old 06 May 2005, 00:27   #1
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filmu european 2005

ma asteptam ca vreun moderator sa se sesizeze
pan atunci
maine, ora 19, sala palatului, deschiderea ae fond kiss (ken loach)
alte lucruri mentionabile
head on
notre musique
agenti secreti
la studio
If I was not me, I would hate me too
Just like you do
I don't need to need you
Tell me what to do, tell me what to say
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Old 06 May 2005, 00:55   #2
Ambra Blu
Ambra Blu
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Old 06 May 2005, 08:47   #3
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*mergeti sa vedeti "gegen die Wand"*
today you listen to jazz, tomorrow you betray your country.
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Old 06 May 2005, 12:50   #4
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Eu abia astept Notre Musique al lui Godard.... e miercuri parca...
We are accidents waiting to happen...
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Old 06 May 2005, 13:11   #5
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Originally Posted by Ambra Blu:
încã un link util, dupã ala cu fotografii. thx
Prepare to evacuate soul
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Old 06 May 2005, 13:12   #6
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Originally Posted by christi:
Eu abia astept Notre Musique al lui Godard.... e miercuri parca...
a mai fost la festivalul filmului francez parcã, dar fãrã titrare. sper ca acum sã fie titrat în romînã
Prepare to evacuate soul
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Old 06 May 2005, 13:14   #7
Ambra Blu
Ambra Blu
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Originally Posted by Leonard:
Originally Posted by Ambra Blu:
încã un link util, dupã ala cu fotografii. thx

N-ai pentru ce. Tu, oricum, vezi filmele pe cd, un bulk de 10 la 10 mii bucata.
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Old 06 May 2005, 13:40   #8
The Space Cowboy
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recomandari careva???
Cand e moartea lui lazarescu ala?
Tre sa vad Marele Jaf comunist... in rest... i\m open to sugestions
"I'm gonna kill you untill you die from it"
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Old 06 May 2005, 15:12   #9
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Originally Posted by Leonard:
ok. moderatori, putei sterge dialogurile intre mine si AB

gee, thanks. :sleep:
unele mesaje erau pe subiect, dar daca ai zis ca v-ati dat pe privat, numai bine.
Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?
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Old 06 May 2005, 15:40   #10
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Originally Posted by Jay:
recomandari careva???
Cand e moartea lui lazarescu ala?
Tre sa vad Marele Jaf comunist... in rest... i\m open to sugestions

Moartea lui Lazarescu nu e decit la Iasi. Bucurestiul mai asteapta
We are accidents waiting to happen...
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Old 06 May 2005, 15:41   #11
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Originally Posted by Leonard:
Originally Posted by christi:
Eu abia astept Notre Musique al lui Godard.... e miercuri parca...
a mai fost la festivalul filmului francez parcã, dar fãrã titrare. sper ca acum sã fie titrat în romînã

Da, toate sint titrate in romana.
We are accidents waiting to happen...
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Old 06 May 2005, 17:28   #12
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Si pe CineMagia
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Old 07 May 2005, 01:12   #13
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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vazut 'moartea dlui lazarescu' la paris, intr-o proiectie privata...
incredibil: nu cred ca seamana cu nici un film romanesc de care-mi amintesc - desi are cam aceeasi 'recuzita' din dotare.
vedeti-l neaparat, la iasi sau pe unde-o fi!
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Old 07 May 2005, 07:56   #14
the mithbuster
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Originally Posted by Alex Leo Serban:
vedeti-l neaparat, la iasi sau pe unde-o fi!
Sigur ca da ! Chiar ma gandeam sa ma sui repede in tren, sa dau o fuga pana-n moldova si sa-l vad pe Lazarescu ucis.

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Old 08 May 2005, 00:07   #15
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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why not?
daca nici moartea altuia nu te adrelinizeaza, atunci ce? :o
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Old 08 May 2005, 00:13   #16
the mithbuster
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Originally Posted by Alex Leo Serban:
atunci ce? :o
Moartea in direct, nejucata.

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Old 08 May 2005, 00:53   #17
Ambra Blu
Ambra Blu
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head on - vazut a doua oara, placut mai mult, insa multe momente sint ridicole, in special in portretizarea junelui la virsta a doua, un rocker forever young.

dunarea - pe unde curge dunarea si ce tiraste ea la mal, tot felul de epave umane, si speranta, moare ultima, peste bord, s-o pescuiasca altii intr-o sticla de genocid; sau, cum ar veni, un film despre ucrainieni, bulgari, unguri, sirbi si romani, in persoana lui fl piersic jr. destul de tripat filmul in anumite momente.

aminteste-ti de mine - filmul in care nu monica belucci e cea mai sexoasa femeie de pe ecran, un fel de 'american beauty' in varianta italieneasca si mult mai proasta.

dragoste tirzie - e atit de penal incit zici ca e facut de atfisti si copro dus de cnc. vorbe in vint, o slovaca roscata si nimfomana si un pianist. gen parea tras pe hd sau dv ceva. am ris copios la discutii gen ' nu ma frec, sint la ciclu' sau (ea, sfatuindu-l pre el): 'da, doamne, sa aiba o erectie'.
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Old 08 May 2005, 02:41   #18
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vazut doar ricordate. bine jucat though.
today you listen to jazz, tomorrow you betray your country.
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Old 08 May 2005, 08:45   #19
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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Originally Posted by nume:
Originally Posted by Alex Leo Serban:
atunci ce? :o
Moartea in direct, nejucata.

yours, or...? :?
smth like: the last kick before the exit?

pun si io o intrebare...

pt ambra

da, 'head on' rocks :love:
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Old 08 May 2005, 09:04   #20
the mithbuster
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Uita-te pe topicu de snuff. Daca as vrea sa fiu rautacios, as zice ca :
nu, yours , sau varianta "cealalta" (stii tu).

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