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Old 26 Nov 2005, 13:34   #1
Essor Nougier
Essor Nougier
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Something to ponder

From "Nanomedicine, Volume I: Basic Capabilities".

Read, and if it strikes a chord, ponder.

Like ants oblivious to the collective purpose of their colony, the billions of neurons in the human brain are all busily buzzing, wholly ignorant of the emergent plan. This is the physical, mechanical world of our electrochemical hardware. People also have thoughts, feelings, emotions, and volitions, a higher level in the data processing hierarchy which in turn is equally oblivious of the brain cells. We can happily think while being totally unaware of any help from our neurons. But nanomedicine will give us unprecedented systemic multilevel access to our internal physical and mental states, including real-time operating parameters of our own organs, tissues, and cells, and, if desired, the activities of small groups of (or even individual) neurons. Diverse parts of our selves previously closed to our attention may slowly conjoin and enter our conscious awareness.

Will this access promote an integrated identity or lead to hopeless confusion, or worse? Marvin Minsky, in his collection of essays The Society of Mind, persuasively argues that our selves or identities are in fact networks of semi-autonomous neurological "agencies" which sometimes cooperate and sometimes compete with one another. We think of ourselves as singular "persons," but we also experience "conflicting desires" and "differing viewpoints" within our minds that are, in Minsky's view, a direct experience of the multiplicity of our brain's neurostructures. Other models of the human mind suggest that our internal mental states, prospectively transparent via nanomedical augmentation, are diverse and intricate; Julian Jaynes is one of many writers who have drawn attention to profound dichotomies between the two cerebral hemispheres. The component-oriented personality models of Freud (e.g. ego/id/superego), Jung (e.g. archetypes), and Rank (e.g. will/counterwill), and the identification of 4541 distinct personality traits by Allport and Odbert warn us that full access to our brain's architecture could be perilous.

More seriously, most of us suppose that we are endowed with free will. But if choices by free will are simply the resolution of conflicts of neurological subsystems, and we become consciously aware of those subsystems and are able to intervene in their processes, do we run the risk of runaway instabilities at the deepest levels of what we presently call our "minds"? Will we find that these instabilities are profound counterparts to the maladies we currently designate as epilepsy, or psychosomatic illnesses? In any redesigns of our brains which would involve opening doors to, quite literally, the ultrastructure of our thoughts, we could become "naked to ourselves" in ways that we can only vaguely speculate about at present. Along with any other dangers we might encounter, this will raise entirely new issues of the proper role of psychotherapy and the sanctity of personal privacy.
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Old 26 Nov 2005, 17:29   #2
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Foarte misto.Deci, in principiu, poti sa iti tunzi...neuronii.
More seriously, most of us suppose that we are endowed with free will. But if choices by free will are simply the resolution of conflicts of neurological subsystems, and we become consciously aware of those subsystems and are able to intervene in their processes, do we run the risk of runaway instabilities at the deepest levels of what we presently call our "minds"?
Da.Pentru ca orice interventie in echilibrul natural (ca daca adunam, scadem impartim si logaritmam, rezultatele puse in balanta se vor echilibra) aduce cu sine si consecinte...faste si nefaste.Descoperiri de genul asta trebuie folosite cu extreme caution ca altfel nu ii bine.Sau poate pur si simplu am eu acea teama (la un nivel subconstient, adevarat) de necunoscut (de un asemenea necunoscut!).
"No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did he would cease to be an artist." - Oscar Wilde
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Old 27 Nov 2005, 02:29   #3
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aici dai de determinism si de kant
pray NOW!
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Old 27 Nov 2005, 12:46   #4
Essor Nougier
Essor Nougier
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Originally Posted by Bulumulu:
aici dai de determinism si de kant

doar in fragmentul de fata se afla mai multe date decat a avut (din pacate) kant la vremea respectiva.
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Old 28 Nov 2005, 17:36   #5
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n-as zice, progresele tehnologice sunt doar un alt mod de a-l interpreta pe kant.. sigur ca n-a avut acces, saracu, ca doar e multi ani intre, dar actual a ramas.
pe de alta parte, kant is way more than "erkenntnistheorie" only (nu stiu traducerea in romana :huh: , original is best anyway).
de curand s-au efectuat o multime de studii/cercetari apropo de human brain&neurons si efectul lor asupra perceptiei lumii etc expicand cum o multime de senzatii, sentimente etc sunt doar un produs al unor procese chimice intre ze neurons. quite strange, disturbing, revoltator, anti ca sa zic asa...... se pune problema libertatii, is there a free will etc... quite complex and deep i would say. iar asimilarea acestor idei/teorii se izbeste de zidul normativ creat si consolidat de-a lungul timpului... just think (a tribute to esseur: "ponder") about how the world would (evtl will) look like when man realizes his lack of liberty...

pray NOW!
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Old 28 Nov 2005, 18:18   #6
Essor Nougier
Essor Nougier
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Si uite ca a aparut si ocazia unei discutii.

Sunt...tid-bits in mesajul tau care sunt legate de probleme ce-mi dau des de gandit. Sau de vizualizat, pentru ca nu atat simplul raspuns la intrebari ma intereseaza, cat impactul social pe care il au.

S-o iau pe rand:

Kant este intr-o anumita masura actual, insa doar intr-o anumita masura. Still a very interesting read, insa daca vrei doar raspunsuri/informatie compacta, exista surse mult mai interesante.

Neuronii si reactiile chimice nu sunt deloc "strange si disturbing". Te sfatuiesc sa faci rost de cartile lui Howard Bloom, te inchizi in casa, and get ready for a few days of intense mind fukking. Legat tot de, sau pornind de la Howard Bloom:

Free will avem, depinzand de cum il definesti. Evolutia si selectia nu sunt strict individuale, dupa cum se credea pana nu demult, ci au si o dimensiune sociala. In sensul unui organism social. Iar free-will nu ai decat within the social confines.

Pentru precursorii acestei idei vezi "Selfish Gene" al lui Dawkins (daca se afla vreun psiholog traditionally trained pe-aici are sa-mi sara-n cap, but I can handle it of course). Pe scurt, suntem masini construite, de fapt, evoluate, pentru a proteja si raspandi the original genes.

Intr-o mare masura este adevarat.

Ma amuz des punand persoane din varii domenii ale gandirii sa se confrunte cu simplul fapt ca ei se dedau actului creatiei deoarece inteligenta si creativitatea sunt atragatoare sexual. Sau invers, inteligenta si creativitatea au evoluat pe calea violentei si sexualitatii, si nu s-ar putea vreodata desprinde de ele. Unii, putini, zambesc a "stiam eu ceva", majoritatea sunt indignati.

Iubesc oamenii indignati. Nu mai tin minte citatul exact dar era cam asa: "In a few centuries of bloodshed, Italy had the Renaissance; in five hundred years of peace, Switzerland had the cucko-clock".

E greu sa vorbesti, la nivel al psihologiei, sociologiei, antropologiei and so on, de free will. S-a crezut multa vreme ca bacteriile evolueaza absolut random. Mai nou s-a descoperit ca mutatiile sunt ghidate de o inteligenta comuna, sociala. In momentul in care o colonie de bacterii nu mai are mancare (well, food-stuff), in cazul in care nu gaseste o sursa apropiata, incepe un proces de evolutie inteligenta pentru a putea folosi ca food-stuff o alta categorie de resurse.

Mai scurt, la nivelul unei colonii de bacterii pot fi observate toate procesele sociale umane majore.

Free will? La cateva luni dupa nastere ne mor 50% din neuroni, iar restul se specializeaza in functie de mediul social. And what about crazy rebels? Se nasc si se formeaza, ca metoda evolutiva, in momentele de stres social/economic - insa tot in functie de datele momentului. And I could go on forever.

Ce s-ar intampla in societate daca s-ar "afla" ca nu avem liber arbitru? Dar avem. Avem un liber arbitru de tip uman/social, fara de care nu ne putem percepe, si fara de care nu ne putem percepe nici mediul inconjurator. So good luck trying to tell the world they have no free-will.

Dar enough's enough. M-am lungit. Data viitoare demonstrez ca avem de fapt free-will, nu numai uman/social, ci de cel mai interesant tip. Si poate alta data, si mai alta data, povestesc si despre bataile de cap pe care mi le-a dat ideea de iteligenta artificiala.

As for something to ponder: daca nu ai avea free-will, fiind deci o masina de calcul inzestrata nu cu proprietati, ci cu reguli, ai mai percepe dimensiunea temporala?
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Old 30 Nov 2005, 02:20   #7
Prophet GT Series v1.07
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well then, baga mare

faza cu daca nu ai free will esti o masina de calcul inzestrata cu proprietati si intrebarea daca ai percepe temporalitatea devine interesanta cand temporalitatea capata si dimensiunea sfarsitul temporalitatii percepute, la muerte.

avand in vedere ca temporalitatea este un factor natural acceptat si intens folosit si exploatat de societate, raspunsul este obvious DA. free will este individual si de asemenea influentat de mediu (social vorbind).

cat pt remarku cu free will ca o problema de un certain regard, i don't quite agree. desigur, definitia nu e una simpla, data fiind importanta acestei notiuni pt modern people, si modurile in care este folosita. free will e pe un soclu prea inalt pt ca muritorii de rand sa il/o (? ) poata atinge/rasturna. dar tocmai asta face biologia cu descoperirile curente, imparte picioroange gratis. da-ti trebuie si coaye la inaltimea aia...
inapoi la perspectiva. cei din anturajul "exista free will in contextul grupei" nu sunt la locul lor aici, ei au alte probleme. aici se pune intrebarea despre existenta individului per se. si evident, acesta (ca si free will) nu exista in modul in care este commonly used. sa ma explic: free will exista ca (ca urmare a descoperirilor (nano)biologiei) forma specifica evolutiva (evtl different neuron constellations), ca o forma de diferentiere intre subiecte - eventually makes them unique, but not individues.
neuronii sunt pt problematica existentei unui free will cam ce-au fost "die triebe" pt freud. definesc/stapanesc comportamentul, deci trebuie tinute supt control - problema la neuroni este in acest caz clar vizibila. "inamicul" a fost mutat din sfera psihologico-metafizica in cea materiala, ceea ce cere o solutie materiala.....
long live the chip-implants!!! se cere omul nou!!! :lol:

trecut-a momentul comic. one step further - constientizarea: constientizez lumea EU, sau doar procesele dinauntrul compilatiei de neuroni? un mar e verde ca asa e, sau pt ca asta e rezultatul/produsul chimiei inside?
tangente cu kant, dar si one step further.
pray NOW!
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Old 30 Nov 2005, 12:29   #8
Essor Nougier
Essor Nougier
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Nu, raspunsul este NU.

In primul rand, am spus masina de calcul cu reguli, nu proprietati. Vezi tu, regulile sunt maniera restrictiva necesara simularii "fiintei" in cadrul AI, proprietatile sunt maniera open-ended in care functioneaza the real deal.

Iar in cazul in care am fi masini de calcul, nu am percepe timpul. Un NU mare, si cat se poate de evident

Moartea nu este o perceptie datorata temporalului, si nici macar cronologicului. Este datorata strict socialului, culturii.

O s-o iau usor usor, nu prea mai am chef sa scriu mult, asa ca o sa punctez doar anumte lucruri in legatura cu ce-ai spus.

Marul verde. Marul nici macar nu exista material in afara perceptiei.

Let me put it another way. Ideea de "eu ma simt pe mine insumi" suna de fapt asa: "eu ma simt pe mine insumi pentru ca ma simt pe mine insumi pentru ca ma simt pe mine insumi pentru ca ma simt pe mine insumi...". You get the picture. O asemenea perceptie, limitata la nivelul unor procese neurologice, nici macar nu ar avea loc. Nu ar incepe sa aiba loc, deoarece este infinita, deci nu poate incepe.

Se stie deja, in anumite cercuri care le dau cosmaruri biologilor, that our brain is actually something of a quantum computer.

It took me a while, but I found a place that gives a short overview of the various quantum theories, with a conclusion at the end. It's black text on a pink background, but what the fuc.


Cat despre propria mea conclusie, mai tarziu.
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Old 30 Nov 2005, 15:24   #9
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asta cu "ma simt pe mine insumi pt ca ma simt pe mine insumi" e ca "murim pt ca murim pt ca murim pt ca...murim (?)", nu?
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Old 30 Nov 2005, 17:26   #10
Essor Nougier
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Originally Posted by Cinemania:
asta cu "ma simt pe mine insumi pt ca ma simt pe mine insumi" e ca "murim pt ca murim pt ca murim pt ca...murim (?)", nu?

Nu, de murit murim pentru a face loc generatiilor urmatoare. Cand nu vor mai exista restrictii economice si spatiale, nu vom mai muri.

Ma simt pentru ca ma simt este singurul mod de a descrie starea de "consciousness".
Ask not what Essor Nougier can do for you, but what your spouse can do for him.
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Old 30 Nov 2005, 20:31   #11
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Originally Posted by Bulumulu:
un mar e verde ca asa e, sau pt ca asta e rezultatul/produsul chimiei inside?
E rezultatul chimiei inside.Ca atunci cand pui galben langa verde apoi langa rosu.Prima oara, galbenul "pare" mai deschis la culoare, apoi "parca" "se inchide".
Originally Posted by Bulumulu:
constientizez lumea EU, sau doar procesele dinauntrul compilatiei de neuroni?
Doar procesele.Lumea este "constientizata" cu adevarat cand se ajunge la constientizarea faptului ca nu poate fi constientizata asa cum este acum.Filosofia holismului spune ca universul este un intreg, un tot, omul este doar un val al marii, care porneste din mare, se intoarce in mare, dar in esenta ramane acelasi.

Il chema Xenon.Si a lansat niste idei foarte interesante.Pe scurt.Facem un pas, deci ne deplasam.Dar ca sa facem pasul, trebuie intai sa parcurgem jumatate din distanta, dar mai intai jumatate din jumatate, dar mai intai.....si tot asa.Dar.Cate astfel de jumatati sunt?Exact, un infinit.Deci la cea mai mica miscare (ca nu trebuie sa fie neaparat pasul) parcurgem infinitul.Asadar, miscarea e o iluzie, totul este static?Sau e o problema cu matematica si cu modul in care e definit infinitul? Ponder.
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Old 30 Nov 2005, 22:25   #12
Essor Nougier
Essor Nougier
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Originally Posted by st3fan:
Originally Posted by Bulumulu:
un mar e verde ca asa e, sau pt ca asta e rezultatul/produsul chimiei inside?
E rezultatul chimiei inside.Ca atunci cand pui galben langa verde apoi langa rosu.Prima oara, galbenul "pare" mai deschis la culoare, apoi "parca" "se inchide".
Originally Posted by Bulumulu:
constientizez lumea EU, sau doar procesele dinauntrul compilatiei de neuroni?
Doar procesele.Lumea este "constientizata" cu adevarat cand se ajunge la constientizarea faptului ca nu poate fi constientizata asa cum este acum.Filosofia holismului spune ca universul este un intreg, un tot, omul este doar un val al marii, care porneste din mare, se intoarce in mare, dar in esenta ramane acelasi.

Il chema Xenon.Si a lansat niste idei foarte interesante.Pe scurt.Facem un pas, deci ne deplasam.Dar ca sa facem pasul, trebuie intai sa parcurgem jumatate din distanta, dar mai intai jumatate din jumatate, dar mai intai.....si tot asa.Dar.Cate astfel de jumatati sunt?Exact, un infinit.Deci la cea mai mica miscare (ca nu trebuie sa fie neaparat pasul) parcurgem infinitul.Asadar, miscarea e o iluzie, totul este static?Sau e o problema cu matematica si cu modul in care e definit infinitul? Ponder.

Sorry kid, but this is just plain wrong. Un mar exista deoarece il percepem. Un mar este verde datorita perceptiilor cumulative, perceptiilor celor care au fost si celor care sunt acum in jurul nostru.

Jumatate? De ce nu 33%? Uneori prefer 27%. You're really fukking up this whole perception of space and time thing. Really really. Really.

Ask not what Essor Nougier can do for you, but what your spouse can do for him.
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Old 30 Nov 2005, 22:44   #13
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mult prea mult d citit p threadu asta
If I was not me, I would hate me too
Just like you do
I don't need to need you
Tell me what to do, tell me what to say
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Old 01 Dec 2005, 12:29   #14
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Originally Posted by Essor Nougier:
Nu, raspunsul este NU.

Excluse the confusion reguli/proprtis + i somehow must have overseen the AI connotiation :huh: .
Logic, ca robot, nu percepi temporalitatea. Nici macar atunci can diti cunosti expiry date-ul. Lack of culture. BUT: ar putea conglomeratele AI sa creeze o cultura?

Din textul black on pink - fuc is this hypnotic - :
“The true pioneer of this field is the biologist Alfred Lotka, who in 1924, when Quantum Theory had barely been born, proposed that the mind controls the brain by modulating the quantum jumps that would otherwise lead to a completely random existence.”

“In 1986 John Eccles, the British neurophysiologist who discovered neurotransmitters, has speculated that synapses in the cortex respond in a probabilistic manner to neural excitation, a probability that could well be governed by quantum uncertainty given the extremely small size of the synapsis' "microsite" that emits the neurotransmitter. If this is true, Eccles speculates that an immaterial mind (in the form of "psychons") controls the quantum "jumps" and turns them into voluntary excitations of the neurons that account for body motion.”

“The American physicist Nick Herbert has been even more specific on the similarities between Quantum Theory and consciousness. Herbert thinks that consciousness is a pervasive process in nature. Mind is as fundamental a component of the universe as elementary particles and forces. Mind can be detected by three features of quantum theory: randomness, thinglessness (objects acquire attributes only once they are observed) and interconnectedness (John Bell's discovery that once two particles have interacted they remain connected). Herbert thinks that these three features of inert matter can account for three basic features of mind: free will, essential ambiguity, and deep psychic connectedness. Scientists may be vastly underestimating the quantity of consciousness in the universe.”

Deci… free will, e ceva gen randomness, sau essence of random existence, cuuuuute. :lol: free will is baaad, spiritul anarhic, not rational, destroy destroy destroy :lol:

“All spacetime events are conscious: they are conscious of other spacetime events. The "experience" of a spacetime event is static, a frozen region of spacetime events. All the subjective features of the "psychospace" of an observer can be completely derived from the objective features of the region of spacetime that the observer is connected to. Special circuits in our brain create the impression of a time flow, of a time travel through the region of spacetime events connected to the brain.“

Somehow n-am avut rabdare sa-l citesc pana la capat… gets somehow overcrowded. Doar “psychospace” m-a dat pe spate … quantum theory nu e de mine, prea e speculatio ad absurdum… scuze pt cei offended.

Originally Posted by Essor Nougier:
Marul verde. Marul nici macar nu exista material in afara perceptiei.
Fiecare cu perceptia lui. Cunosc pozitia. Exista si altii care zic ca da. Ca marul exista, indiferent daca-l percepi tu sau altcineva. Dar hai ca va las…
But i’ll be back, indiferent de perceptia d-voastra :happy:

@st3fan... no offence, dar erau retorice.
pray NOW!
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Old 01 Dec 2005, 12:36   #15
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Originally Posted by KORBEN:
mult prea mult d citit p threadu asta

nothing to ponder here :lol:


pana sa stai sa te intrebi de ce exista marul, mai bine il mananci, nu? si inainte de a-l manca te mai intrebi de ce il mananci? pentru ca e bun, iti place (de fapt stii ca iti place, dar asta pe care-l vei manca poate nu-ti va place acrituri, viermi, kestii...) sau pentru ca ti-e foame (uneori tine si de foame daca esti la cura de slabire ?

forumul asta de ce exista?
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 01 Dec 2005, 12:46   #16
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pai il mananci de foame, de chef, de bun, de nebun, de geaba, etc. fara motiv, senseless, irrational, - you will be terminated :lol:

forumu exista pt k exist io, si voi toti existati fiindca my neuronbrain va inventat/infiintat (ah what ontologic delight) (position 1)
forumu exista pt k exista emanuel etc...
pray NOW!
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Old 01 Dec 2005, 12:56   #17
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si pentru ca are forumisti
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 01 Dec 2005, 13:13   #18
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k altfel n-ar fi forum, :o
pray NOW!
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Old 01 Dec 2005, 13:22   #19
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Originally Posted by Bulumulu:
@st3fan... no offence, dar erau retorice.
Retorice in perceptia ta.

(ptr. topicul abia nascut din topicul mama,puiul numindu-se "De ce exista acest forum?", adaug:ca sa putem pierde vremea intr-un mod aparent constructiv si,chiar ciudat,intr-un mod aproape placut :o )
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Old 02 Dec 2005, 09:33   #20
Alex Leo Serban
Alex Leo Serban
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topicu asta e asha, gen, like there's nothing to ponder on...
why am i not surprised :sleep:
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