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Old 18 Feb 2004, 20:31   #1
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The Seinfeld Chronicals

vroiam sa fac acest topic de cand lumea si pamantul. as dori, pe el, sa discutam liber despre episoadele difuzate zilnic la pro tv (eu vad episoadele doar in reluare de la ora 14:00).

astazi am impresia ca au fost episoadele (celebre, de altfel) despre cursa de abstinenta sexuala si cel cu aeroportul. cel cu aeroportul a fost genial (pe tema asta doar a INCERCAT sa se axeze un episod din 'adevarul gol-golut').

ce ziceti, 'intrati'?
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Old 18 Feb 2004, 21:09   #2
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Eu sunt un FANATIC Seinfeld ... am toate episoadele pe CD-uri ]

Si da, episoadele de ieri au fost geniale si legendare :lol:

Sa vedem ce ne rezerva asta seara la 23:45 ....
apocalypse please
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Old 19 Feb 2004, 00:12   #3
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Hehe...intr-adevar 2 episoade excelente. Imi permit sa va mai stresez putin cu cateva citate.

"What is with all these books?"
"I stopped having sex."
- Elaine and George, in "The Abstinence"

"To a woman, sex is like the garbage man. You just take for granted the fact that any time you put some trash out on the street, a guy in a jumpsuit's gonna come along and pick it up. But now, it's like a garbage strike. The bags are piling up in your head. The sidewalk is blocked. Nothing's getting through. You're stupid."
- Jerry, to Elaine, in "The Abstinence"

"I hate rental cars. Nothing ever works: the window doesn't work, the radio doesn't work... and it smells like a cheap hooker."
- Jerry, in "The Airport"

"Look at you! You run like a girl! Run like a man! Lift your knees!"
- Kramer to George, in "The Airport" :lol:
Viitorul e in oua
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Old 19 Feb 2004, 18:42   #4
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episoadele de azi au fost asa si-asa...

mi-a placut mai mult cel cu cinematograful. dialogul cel mai tare: (george cu elaine')
'-imi datorezi 7.50 dolari.
-ok, am sa-ti dau 20. ai sa-mi dai rest?
-atunci ti-i dau maine.
-nu vrei tu mai bine sa-mi dai 20 de dolari si sa-ti dau eu restul maine?
-e acelasi lucru.
-da, e acelasi lucru...
-dar mai bine sa-ti datorez eu 7.50 $ decat tu sa-mi datorezi 12.50 $.
(mai tarziu, tot george):
-deci, mi-i dai?
-uite cum facem: cumpar eu floricele si suc.
-cum adica?
-adica iti cumpar eu floricelele tale si sucul tau. in felul asta o sa film chit. ok?
-dar mai bine nu-mi dai tu 20$? iti iau eu floricele, suc, si o ciocolata.
-acuma ma secatuiesti de puteri.'
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
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Old 19 Feb 2004, 18:44   #5
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Mie mi-a placut mai mult ala cu Cinematograful :lol:
apocalypse please
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Old 20 Feb 2004, 13:29   #6
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chiar daca serialul e ok
unele faze sunt minunat de amuzante
nu cerd ca se merita discutat
adica ai (total intamplator) discutii gen seinfeld.... sau nu ai
e simplu
da sa scrii dsp asta...
If I was not me, I would hate me too
Just like you do
I don't need to need you
Tell me what to do, tell me what to say
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Old 20 Feb 2004, 13:53   #7
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these pretzels are making me thirsty!
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Old 20 Feb 2004, 14:23   #8
The White Rider
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Cel mai maniac mi se pare George! Este episodul cu cabana tatalui lui Susan shi cred faza cand ardea cabana shi George ishi da seama k nu a primit restul de la plata de pe autostrada de la Susan - a dovedit cat de zgarcit shi de tampit poate fi George.

Salutul : "Hello Jerry ... Hellooo NEwman!" - iar este criminal de fiecare data.

Comentariile lui Jerry de la inceputul fiecarui episod sunt geniale shi incredibile de amuzante.

Kramer : fara intrarea lui in apartamentul lui Jerry tot serialul nu ar fi la fel de comic.

Citatele cele mai reusite : (Kramer) Man's Best Friend... Jerry, I want something like that on my tombstone - episodu cand citeshte pietrele funerare din cimitirul de animale :lol:

(Jerry) - episodul in are vrea sa-si cumpere mashina :
What do you think the Nazis were doing? That was the Heil-five.
Isn't that from your act, like ten years ago?
It was a good bit in the eighties and it's still relatable today.

(Kramer) - : vara lui George
Jerry, you got any Tums?
Stomach ache?
I drank too much water in the shower
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 20 Feb 2004, 14:29   #9
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by KORBEN:
chiar daca serialul e ok
unele faze sunt minunat de amuzante
nu cerd ca se merita discutat
adica ai (total intamplator) discutii gen seinfeld.... sau nu ai
e simplu
da sa scrii dsp asta...

Este un serial despre NIMIC dar de fapt este despre TOT. Adica ei au scos un serial shi au facut bani pe nishte chestii de baza, nishte chetii pe care totzi le gandim zilnic, numai k ei au realizat ceva minunat. Eu cel putzin le vad noaptea la 23:45 shi le vad shi in reluare a doua zi. Nu ma pot abtzine sa nu-i vad pe nebunii aia.

Cel mai reushit episod este THE PORTORICAN DAY! :lol:
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 20 Feb 2004, 17:48   #10
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hmm, se pare ca topic-ul asta nu prea are succes...


am o intrebare: avand in vedere ca mie mi-au placut la nebunie toate episoadele cu joe devola (nu cred ca o sa uit vreodata scena aia in care ridica haltere si asculta 'paiatele', rosu tot la fata si plangand, cupoze cu elaine imprastiate prin jur!!), as intreba ce-i cu personajul asta? pt ca eu stiu ca e producator executiv la 'smallville'. coincidenta de nume?
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
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Old 20 Feb 2004, 19:45   #11
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Apropo de Jerry Seinfeld stiti ca are un film in productie scris si regizat de el? O sa apara in 2005 si se numeste "Bee Movie" unii zic ca e un fel de urmare la "Antz" insa nu prea cred
apocalypse please
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Old 21 Feb 2004, 16:11   #12
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by notorious:
am o intrebare: avand in vedere ca mie mi-au placut la nebunie toate episoadele cu joe devola (nu cred ca o sa uit vreodata scena aia in care ridica haltere si asculta 'paiatele', rosu tot la fata si plangand, cupoze cu elaine imprastiate prin jur!!), as intreba ce-i cu personajul asta? pt ca eu stiu ca e producator executiv la 'smallville'. coincidenta de nume?

Episoadele cu CRAZY JOE DEVOLA :lol: sunt criminale toate.
1 - discutzia cu jerry : You look good! - why wouldn't I ?
2 - knd il loveste pe Kramer shi incee sa vorbeasca aiurea
3 - faza cu halterele kre le ridica shi plange - am ras pana la refuz.

Io tot mai ashtept sa intre ambii parintzi ai lui George in mai multe episoade.

Se poate muta acest subiect la FILM IN GENERAL ptr a se discuta mai mult ? In ultima vreme cam asha se intampla ...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 21 Feb 2004, 22:23   #13
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3 - faza cu halterele kre le ridica shi plange - am ras pana la refuz.

mie mi s-a parut sarita de pe fix rau de tot !... :lol: la fel ca si urmatoarea scena cand se machiaza joe devola. cata ticneala pt o comedie. dar presupun ca tocmai asta-i smenul.

ah, l-as muta pe 'film in general', dar nu stiu cum.
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
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Old 21 Feb 2004, 22:41   #14
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Eu exact episoadele cu Joe Devola nu le-am vazut... :roll:
apocalypse please
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Old 21 Feb 2004, 22:49   #15
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inca mai ai sansa sa-l vezi pe ala in care le distruge episodul pilot, tasnind din public imbracat in clovn, in timpul filmarilor. faza antologica. :wink:
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
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Old 22 Feb 2004, 01:16   #16
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Inainte sa scrieti o chestie d-asta scrieti intai ***SPOILER*** ca sa stie lumea...
apocalypse please
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Old 22 Feb 2004, 14:06   #17
The White Rider
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Originally Posted by BeNnY:
Inainte sa scrieti o chestie d-asta scrieti intai ***SPOILER*** ca sa stie lumea...
"Hollywood is like a 10 story cock f.ucking everything in it's path ... just like Madonna!"
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Old 22 Feb 2004, 20:15   #18
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Inainte sa scrieti o chestie d-asta scrieti intai ***SPOILER*** ca sa stie lumea...

consideram, evident, ca acei ce intra pe acest topic au vzut destule episoade din 'seinfeld'. nimeni nu pune **SPOILERS** pe forum-ul asta. nu mai vorbi si tu ca sa te afli in treaba, beNNy.
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
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Old 22 Feb 2004, 20:42   #19
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Nu vorbesc ca sa ma aflu in treaba!

Vorbesc pentru ca eu nu vroiam sa aflu ce se va intampla pentru ca personal n-am vazut episodul ala sau nu-l mai tin minte si cred ca destui de-aici nu stiau faza aia!
apocalypse please
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Old 22 Feb 2004, 20:55   #20
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scuze ca ti-am stricat surpriza. declarandu-te FANATIC 'seinfeld', am presupus ca stii despre ce vrobesc.

nu ma lamureste chiar nimeni ce-i cu acel joe davola. am dat search pe imdb si... nimic. tot nu m-am lamurit. intr-adevar, exista un joe davola producator la 'smallville', care a mai produs si un serial pt carol liefer, scenarista si producatoare si la 'seinfeld', persoana care a inspirat personajul elaine. deci, exista o legatura. haideti, nimeni ??
"That's one thing about intellectuals: they've proved you can be brilliant and have no idea what's going on."
(Woody Allen)
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