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Old 09 Jun 2004, 02:09   #1
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Shrek 2

inca nu e pe ecrane, dar este pe net.....CRIMINAL!!!!
mi se pare mult mai haois decat primul....mai ales Motanul Incaltat(Antonio Banderas) e jale cu el....daca ajunge de-l prind mascatii cu heroina :lol: ...
Deci,sfatul meu, daca aveti cum sa faceti rost de el, uitati-va, daca nu....repede la cinema cand apare!
Skill is successfully walking a tightrope over Niagara Falls. Intelligence is not trying.
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Old 09 Jun 2004, 17:28   #2
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Haios, dar nu se compara cu prima parte. Spre sfarsit are niste scene mai amuzante.
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Old 09 Jun 2004, 20:28   #3
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Pliz, pliz, pliz zi-ne si noua de unde l-ai luat de pe net. Sunt un mare fan al filmului si am toate sansele sa il vad sincronizat si sa nu il aud pe Banderas&Co. Ungurii astia sincronizeaza tot ce se poate. Magarul e la fel de penal ca in prima parte?
Asta e prima zi din restul vietii mele.
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Old 09 Jun 2004, 21:44   #4
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Filmul se gaseste pe dc++(cine stie, stie) de vreo 2 sapt...si se vede si suspect de bine
Magaru' parca nu mai e asa important ca in primu', adica aici apare si Motanu Incaltat.
...e belea si faza cu urmarirea...
Skill is successfully walking a tightrope over Niagara Falls. Intelligence is not trying.

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Old 10 Jun 2004, 00:18   #5
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Loooolll, acum ati vazut shi voi shrek?....

da, cred ca e mai bun ca primul cel putin la partea umoristica...mult mult haz...dar NU se compara cu Finding Nemo, dupa mine se poate compara cu Monsters Inc.
vizionare placuta...
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Old 10 Jun 2004, 13:35   #6
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Eu n-am vazut prima parte dar asta mi s-a parut foarte buna. Si pe mine m-a distrat cel mai mult finalul (mai ales cand il arata pe motan "facand baie :shock: " si dupa aia apare scrisul cu Antonio Banderas) :lol: . Faza aia e cea mai tare.
All is fair in love and war...
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Old 10 Jun 2004, 14:14   #7
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Vazut si eu in sfarsit... Traiasca netul de prin camine.... Pot sa spun ca as baga acest animat la categoria de "filme" care au continuari reusite. Intradevar Banderas e placut foc, dar si Charming: "Dahhh!!"
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Old 11 Jun 2004, 20:54   #8
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Shrek 3 & 4: In a recent sit down with DreamWorks founder Jeffrey Katzenberg, the Sydney Morning Herald got some information out of the producer about the next Shrek films...

"We didn't have the guts to tell anybody when we started out," says one of the most powerful studio bosses in Hollywood. "We have two more chapters to tell. Not unlike Peter Jackson did with The Lord of the Rings. The difference is they did have the guts to make all three of them back-to-back-to-back."

"Thirteen years," says Katzenberg, a small, precise figure with a frantic work ethic. "You think Peter Jackson went at it a long time."
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Old 13 Jun 2004, 14:13   #9
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Mie si Shrek 1 mi s-a parut FOARTE overrated. Nu zic ca e prost, dar sunt atatea alte filme de animatie MULT mai bune decat asta. O sa merg la Shrek 2, dar ma indoisec ca va fi mare chestie. Personal, mi se pare ca plagiaza 'Meet The Parents'... :hmm:
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Old 13 Jun 2004, 21:49   #10
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Originally Posted by ogto:
Mie si Shrek 1 mi s-a parut FOARTE overrated. Nu zic ca e prost, dar sunt atatea alte filme de animatie MULT mai bune decat asta. O sa merg la Shrek 2, dar ma indoisec ca va fi mare chestie. Personal, mi se pare ca plagiaza 'Meet The Parents'... :hmm:

Meet the Fockers, ba!

Si mie mi s-au parut multe altele peste Shrek... Come to think of it... Nici nu-mi prea imi place asa mult Shrek!
apocalypse please
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Old 13 Jun 2004, 22:50   #11
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Imi dati si mie exemple din multe altele va rog?!!!
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Old 13 Jun 2004, 23:52   #12
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taci asa, ca o sa zica "Finding Nemo" sau "Ice Age"! am i right or not?
La "Ice Age", intr-adevar, am ras la fel de mult ca la Shrek!...dar altele,hmm :hmm:
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Old 14 Jun 2004, 00:16   #13
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Chicken Run, MONSTERS INC. bai mother fuckerilor! "The classics"! Fuck Nemo and fuck the brother bear...
apocalypse please
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Old 14 Jun 2004, 00:20   #14
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the classics? :hmm: buzz off & watch ur language!
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Old 14 Jun 2004, 00:22   #15
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Vezi ca e pus intre ghilimele. Shrek mi s-a parut ca prea e film comercial... :hmm:

Voi stiti numai Ice Age si Finding Nemo? (nu ca Ice Age n-ar fi misto)
apocalypse please
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Old 14 Jun 2004, 00:33   #16
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okay...ma' bad cu ghilimelele...sorry
dar....o animatie tre sa fie haioasa, bine facuta, si cu un story cat de cat, ca pana la urma e o animatie...
Si dupa parerea mea Shrek2(ca mie asta mi-a placut) are de toate....hai sa zicem ca storyu' e cam "mushy", dar oricum, e super haios....
si iti spun eu ca nu am vazut numai Ice Age si Finding Nemo

P.S: Monster Inc. e belea, iar Chicken Run nu l-am vazut, dar o sa fac tot pos sa-l vad cat mai repede,ca m-ai facut curios
Skill is successfully walking a tightrope over Niagara Falls. Intelligence is not trying.
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Old 14 Jun 2004, 07:15   #17
Gandhi's Big Gun
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Originally Posted by BeNnY:
Originally Posted by ogto:
Mie si Shrek 1 mi s-a parut FOARTE overrated. Nu zic ca e prost, dar sunt atatea alte filme de animatie MULT mai bune decat asta. O sa merg la Shrek 2, dar ma indoisec ca va fi mare chestie. Personal, mi se pare ca plagiaza 'Meet The Parents'... :hmm:

Meet the Fockers, ba!

Taci ba. Ca sa fie Meet The Fockers, in primul Shrek trebuia sa vedem parintii printesei si in al doilea sa vedem parintii uratului.

La filme de animatie trebuie adugate: Toy Story 1, The Nightmere Before Christmas, Wallace And Gromit (toate), Chicken Run (de referinta pt. mine), Metropolis si fiti siguri ca sunt multe altele...

Shrek este SUB majoritatea filmelor astea!
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Old 14 Jun 2004, 09:17   #18
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Originally Posted by ogto:
Taci ba. Ca sa fie Meet The Fockers, in primul Shrek trebuia sa vedem parintii printesei si in al doilea sa vedem parintii uratului.

La filme de animatie trebuie adugate: Toy Story 1, The Nightmere Before Christmas, Wallace And Gromit (toate), Chicken Run (de referinta pt. mine), Metropolis si fiti siguri ca sunt multe altele...

Shrek este SUB majoritatea filmelor astea!

Da ma... ai dreptate!
apocalypse please
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Old 15 Jun 2004, 07:31   #19
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Originally Posted by BeNnY:
Si mie mi s-au parut multe altele peste Shrek... Come to think of it... Nici nu-mi prea imi place asa mult Shrek!
Parca asteptai sa vina la cinema ca sa il vezi la caliatate buna? Acum nu iti mai place ? of of benny! Unii ar spune ca este penibil dar eu zic ca este LAME :lol:
V-ati plictisit de Stapanul Inelelor ? Dati click sa radem un pic: Bored Of The Rings
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Old 15 Jun 2004, 09:29   #20
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Originally Posted by LadyEowyin:
Originally Posted by BeNnY:
Si mie mi s-au parut multe altele peste Shrek... Come to think of it... Nici nu-mi prea imi place asa mult Shrek!
Parca asteptai sa vina la cinema ca sa il vezi la caliatate buna? Acum nu iti mai place ? of of benny! Unii ar spune ca este penibil dar eu zic ca este LAME :lol:

Dar eu zic ca esti proasta.
apocalypse please
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