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Old 06 Apr 2009, 15:24   #1
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Smile ~Robert Pattinson~

m-am gandit sa fac o pagina care sa se refere doar la Robert Pattinson!am sa pun cateva detalii despre el si alte qestii!~
nu vreau sa imi sariti in cap cu qestii de genu:
'ai inebunit cu el' sau 'ce-ti place la tipu alta' sau 'de parca ne intereseaza despre el"de aveti de zis qestii de atea mai bine taceti!
P.S.-daca mai este inca un folder ca acesta sau apropiat,rog administratorii site-ului sa ma anunte!

Date of Birth
13 May 1986, London, England, UK

Birth Name
Robert Thomas-Pattinson


6' 1" (1.85 m)

Mini Biography

Robert Pattinson was born on May 13, 1986 in London, England. He enjoys music and is an excellent musician, playing both the guitar and piano.

When Robert was 15, he started acting in amateur plays with the Barnes Theatre Company. After, he took screen role like Ring of the Nibelungs (2004) (TV) (Kingdom of Twilight) as Giselher and Vanity Fair (2004) as Rawdy Crawley.

In 2003, Robert took on the role of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005). He got his role a week later after meeting Mike Newell in late 2003.

He has since been cast as Edward Cullen in the highly-anticipated film, Twilight (2008/I). His music will also be heard in the film. Robert has also completed upcoming roles as Salvador Dali in Little Ashes (2008) and Art in How to Be (2008).
IMDb Mini Biography By: Janel

Trade Mark

Messy hair


Is an excellent musician playing guitar and keyboards.

Attended Harrodian private school in London.

He has two older sisters, Lizzy and Victoria.

Remains close friends with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) co-stars, Stanislav Ianevski and Katie Leung.

Was taught how to scuba dive for his role in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005).

Sports: Has said that darts and pool are more his sport, and that he made up that he liked snowboarding and soccer for his Harry Potter audition.

Acting Inspiration: Jack Nicholson.

Was ranked #23 on Moviefone's 'The 25 Hottest Actors Under 25'(2008).

Chosen by the Hollywood Film Festival Award Committee as the recipient of the 2008 New Hollywood Award.

Awarded Best Actor 2008 at the Strasbourg Film festival for his performance as Art in the film How To Be.

One sister, Lizzy, 25, had a top ten hit with the band Aurora. The other, Victoria, 27, works in advertising.

Most of his earnings from his first acting job - a supporting role in the television film the Ring of the Nibelungs - went on paying his own fees at The Harrodian School in Barnes.

He beat 3,000 people to play Edward in the movie 'Twilight'.

Named as Yahoo's Top Movie Heart Throb of 2008.

Named as Rolling Stone Magazine's Hottest Actor of 2008

Named by Entertainment Tonight (ET) as their top hunk of 2008.

Named as one of the LA Times Breakout Stars of 2008.

Named as one of Forbes Breakout Stars of 2008.

His small, but would-have-been-memorable part in Vanity Fair (2004), was cut out in the final production.

Awarded Hello Magazine's Most Attractive Man Award of 2008.

Invited an obsessive fan out for dinner when he was having a bad day.

Personal Quotes

Up until I was 12 my sisters used to dress me up as a girl and introduce me as 'Claudia'! Twelve was a turning point as I moved to a mixed school and then I became cool and discovered hair gel.

It's strange, somebody asked for my autograph the other day. Because I finished school and I'm not really doing anything at the moment, I was just kind of aimlessly wandering around London and these two guys who were about 30 came up and asked for my autograph. I was really quite proud at the time, and they wanted to take photos and stuff. And then they were sort of wandering around and I was kind of wandering around and I bumped into them about three times, and every single time their respect for me kept growing and growing and growing.

They [Barnes Theatre Club] were a very good group, and for some reason when I finished the backstage thing, I just decided to that I should try to act. So I auditioned for Guys and Dolls and got a little tiny part as some Cuban dancer or something and then in the next play I got the lead part, and then I got my agent. So I owe everything to that little club.

I aspire to be Jack Nicholson. I love his every single mannerism. I used to try and be him in virtually everything I did, I don't know why. I watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest when I was about 13, and I dressed like him. I tried to do his accent. I did everything like him. I think it kind of stuck with me.

The day before [the Harry Potter London premiere] I was just sitting in Leicester Square, happily being ignored by everyone. Then suddenly strangers are screaming your name. Amazing.

I went to one of these signing conventions. [in '06] It was one of the most interesting experiences I've had. It was so strange that people would pay for autographs. You keep thinking you should do a little dance for them as well or something.

I have been playing the piano for my entire life - since I was three or four. And the guitar - I used to play classical guitar from when I was about five to 12 years of age. Then I didn't play guitar for like years. About four or five years ago, I got out the guitar again and just started playing blues and stuff. I am not very good at the guitar, but I am all right. I am in a band in London as well.

My favorite teacher was probably my English teacher because she got me into writing instead of just answering the question. I used to hand in homework with 20 pages of nonsense and she'd still mark it. She was a really amazing teacher.

I didn't want to get stuck in pretty, public school roles, or I knew I'd end up as some sort of caricature. Playing Dali has been a complete turning point for me. It's the first part I've had that has required really serious thought. I became completely obsessed with Dali during the filming, and I read every biography I could get a hold of. He was the most bizarre, complex man, but in the end I felt I could relate to him. He was basically incredibly shy.

I wasn't at all focused on school, and I didn't achieve much. But I've got a sense of urgency now. I feel I can't let any more time waste away.

"Twilight' is a metaphor for the virtues of chastity, but it's had the opposite effect. I get letters that say "I'm going to kill myself if you don't watch 'High School Musical 2' with me. It's a little nuts.

Where Are They Now

(June 2004) Filming "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" (2005).

(January 2008) He was recently named as the lead role in "Twilight." They are starting production.

(May 2008) Just completed filming on 'Twilight' as Edward Cullen.

(February 2008) He is filming the film adaption of 'Twilight'.

(July 2008) Los Angeles, California

(January 2009) Currently spending time in his beloved London, England.

(December 2008) 22nd December 2008 Arrives from Los Angeles at London Heathrow Airport to spend Christmas with his family.

(February 2009) London, UK

(March 2009) In Vancouver, Canada, filming the first part of New Moon.

IN curand o sa pun si cateva poze cu el!
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Old 06 Apr 2009, 15:38   #2
Dancer in the Dark
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Mai bine ai contribui aici:
O poti face.
They say it's the last song.
They don't know us, you see.
It's only the last song if we let it be.
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Old 07 Apr 2009, 00:51   #3
Old School Hollywood
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Ai putea sa scrii in limba romana daca tot esti asa pasionata dupa flacau.Ce ai copiat tu aici poa` sa vada toata lumea pe imdb
I had some problems with my screenplay so I bought that book .. "How to Write a Movie in 21 Days".That was a year ago. (Christopher Moltisanti)
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Old 07 Apr 2009, 15:55   #4
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Sa intelegem ca ai fantezii vampirice cu RPatz?
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Old 07 Apr 2009, 22:30   #5
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UUuu Lestat,bite me!
"En el teatro se hace lo que se debe, en el cine se hace lo que se quiere y en la televisión se hace lo que se puede">>
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Old 30 Apr 2009, 08:49   #6
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Imi place la nebunie acest film, imi place de Robert Pattinson dar ca sa fiu sincera, cred ca este singurul mai uratel din absolut toata distributia filmului, in REALITATE. Arata bine ca vampir dar daca isi da jos stratul de tencuiala... hmmmm nu mai merge pana si James care in film arata yucky stuff, in realitate este Asta e parerea mea. E ok tipul dar frumos.... hmm not really destept... i doubt it Dar ii admir talentul de actor si in special de cantaret si compozitor, daca dupa cum stiti sau nu, el a compus cateva melodii scurte pentru film...
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Old 28 May 2009, 11:00   #7
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Imi amintesc cand am mers sa vad filmul... A fost o initiativa de turma, deci n-am comentat. Pana atunci insa ma distram teribil cu pozele lui Robert Pattison care mi se parea (inca mi se pare ) un ciufulit si-un inchipuit. Deh...

Insa filmul mi-a placut pentru simplul motiv ca trateaza cumva, in sens larg, povestea Cenusaresei. Cui nu-i plac povestile? (exceptiile sa se abtina) Probabil ca Robert poza in chip de vampir si pe covorul rosu. In film a dat foarte bine asta, dincolo de ecrane nu-mi place.

Dar clar grupul tinta e undeva mai jos ca varsta. Astept New Moon.

PS: Dupa film am facut o pasiune pentru cartile din seria Twilight. La a treia m-am oprit ca ajunsesem la saturatie.
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Old 28 May 2009, 16:20   #8
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Nu vad asemanarea intre Cenusareasa si Bella, in ce sens e Bella oropsita de soarta?
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Old 29 May 2009, 09:15   #9
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Mai mult legat de ideea dragostei care invinge chiar si diferentele de clasa sociala. Ea se muta intr-un alt oras si e o fiinta oarecum retrasa in universul ei, se adapteaza greu. Si in toata povestea asta apare Edward si aici devine putin basm. Traiesc si apartin unor lumi diferite si cu toate astea dragostea invinge totul. Etc. Am scris ca e “in sens larg”.

Fireste, nimeni din grup n-a fost de acord cu parerea mea. Adica am fost aproape singura care a gustat filmul.
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Old 29 May 2009, 09:23   #10
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Pattinson are trasaturi versatile, care ii permit sa joace o gama larga de personaje; nu e chiar lipsit de talent, dar Twilight a fost mai mult o scrisoare de dragoste adresata carismei lui, decat abilitatilor actoricesti.

Nu e cel mai frumos, nici cel mai urat. E pur si simplu interesant, transmite multe, iar asta e dupa parerea mea cea mai importamta caracteristica fiziza a oricarui actor de succes.

Doar timpul va decide daca Pattnson se va putea vreodata desprinde imaginea de Cullen...
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Old 09 Jul 2009, 12:01   #11
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Mie imi place de Robert , desi e cunoscut mai degraba din Twilight decat Harry Potter in rolul lui Cedric . Oricum , omul frange inimi acum , avand in vedere ca se speculeaza ca el i-ar fi dat papucii lui Kristen si pe deasupra a lasat-o si inarcinata . Sunt doar speculatii deocamdata.
" It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly 's wing can ultimately cause a thyphoon halfway around the world " - Chaos Theory

" Vanity - definitely my favourite sin. " - Al Pacino [ Devil's Advocate ]
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Old 09 Jul 2009, 16:31   #12
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Uhm, nu sunt speculatii sunt inventii. Nu mai citi Bravo Girl.
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Old 09 Jul 2009, 16:39   #13
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De fapt era Bravo dar tot pe acolo .
" It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly 's wing can ultimately cause a thyphoon halfway around the world " - Chaos Theory

" Vanity - definitely my favourite sin. " - Al Pacino [ Devil's Advocate ]
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Old 19 Jul 2009, 18:47   #14
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Robert sucks big time !
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Old 27 Jul 2009, 08:23   #15
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macar in Little Ashes nu "suge"
It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.
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Old 01 Sep 2009, 10:22   #16
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Robert has played well in The Bad Mother's Handbook) !
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Old 01 Sep 2009, 10:44   #17
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te ca contrazic...el defapt este porcos in realitate...dar nici de cum uart
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Old 01 Sep 2009, 14:11   #18
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Nu inteleg dc e innebunita toata lumea dupa el...e dragut...dar in niciun caz frumos...
Si nici cine stie ce talente actoricesti nu are. Dar bine...asta e doar parerea mea.
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Old 17 Sep 2009, 13:44   #19
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Nici eu nu sunt inebunita dupa el . Imi place cum joaca si atat , nimic mai mult.
Urasc cand toata lumea exagereaza despre o persoana . Nimeni nu spune sa nu se critice , dar cand exagerezi e chiar culmea.
" It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly 's wing can ultimately cause a thyphoon halfway around the world " - Chaos Theory

" Vanity - definitely my favourite sin. " - Al Pacino [ Devil's Advocate ]
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Old 21 Sep 2009, 19:37   #20
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am facut o pasiune pentru el din cauza personajului din carte, dar in harry potter nu mi-a atras atentia. ce sa zic, este foarte foarte sexi
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